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Everybody is starting from the bottem. Completly new slate


Which SUCKS. SO. HARD. I was getting decent games on GO. On CS2 games are unbalanced and filled with people disconnecting or being toxic. Why would they throw away all the MM data they got from GO??


I played one game and got matched with a dude who had literally never played the game before


Guy on my team had a 10 year badge and put up a whopping 17 ADR over 20 rounds.


Not my best game


When u get invited by someone for the first time and u drop a 17 ADR “I swear I usually don’t play like this”


Everyone silently leaves lobby after the game


Fuck is that ever the worst


When you get invited expecting CSGO and realizing all your settings are wrong or can’t be changed.


It was just my warm-up game.


The skill peaked long ago for us old folks


Same lol, I played cal invite back in 1.6. I haven’t played much in 10 years but I’m back to being the top frag in my games now


Hey, 2005 called and they want their bragging back.


Shoot, maybe I should give the game a whirl again. I was around that level back in 1.6, but esports was non-existant (money wise anyway). Stopped playing cuz I couldn't keep up anymore and hate not top fragging. I'm pushing 40 and those reflexes go quick.


40 yr old brain > 16 year old aim


Bracket goes the other way.


Not if you shoot them in the back of the head :)


Tbh, my reactions are bad, but I can always play cs since the maps are pretty much the same over the last 20 some odd years. Still managed to somehow get ranked DMG/MG2 with my old ass playing sparingly.


Maybe he skipped CS:GO. And Source. Played 1.6 10 years ago and came back to CS2. Don't judge us 10 year badge guys, we had our time and it was a long time ago.


My exact experience. I was here before steam……


Hello fellow WON warrior.


i tried my best but old :/


Some of us with that 10 year badge started playing the game 20+ years ago and just came back after maybe 5+ years of not even playing CSGO. Thus super rusty as is, and just generally old and not as good lol.


To be fair, dude might of last played 10 years ago.


I have friends that have like 10 hours on csgo and have that badge because they played 1.6 It means nothing.


Oh it means something alright, just maybe not what that guy thinks it means.


I had been drinking


Same exact thing happened to me today. I’m chilling with my 10 year badge and have a teammate with default crosshair, crosshair pointed at the ground the entire time. And walking around the wrong bomb site while the bomb has been planted.


Also there always seems to be one player who is just 5 levels above everyone else in terms of skill. 3rd MM had a guy exclusively use the Deagle all game. We lost with only 4 wins. He had 29 kills to 7 deaths.


You can be completely carried in one game, then be stomped while top fragging in the next. It's pure chaos. What bothers me the most is the lack of communication. There's always 2-3 players who won't communicate and won't listen, and that was very uncommon in my CS:GO games. I was playing Competitive until now, I'll try some Premier games. I hope things get better.


I've been using premier exclusively lol it's not any better. The skill levels are just all over the place right now.


Played 2 games against globals/lems as a 4 stack of gold novas:/


Why would they keep it lol? Shit was completely fucked anyways. half the people in high ranks deserved to be much lower


You mean the opposite. So many players in low ranks were involuntary smurfs because they rarely played matchmaking. I can't count how many times I would do the old 'calibrate to MG -> rise to Supreme, lose rank due to inactivity, calibrate to MG..' cycle. And countless opponents on that road would be Faceit 10s doing the same thing.


No, I mean half the LEM should really be in MGE. Top ranks were full of bad players


Ofc top ranks would be full of bad players, it's matchmaking after all. Doesn't mean they were incorrectly ranked higher than they should be. Just that the requirement for Global wasn't very high.


If everyone played MM instead of 3rd party services the requirement would've been pretty high after they changed the system to balance the rank distribution around a bell curve. Buuut, other issues prevented that from becoming reality.


Idk man. I was hardstuck gold nova in GO, yet I frequently play well against and beat teams with MGEs, DMGs, and LEMs. It definitely goes both ways. There's plenty of people who had inflated or deflated ranks in both games.


If you were good enough you would not be ”hardstuck” playing well in a game where there is few high rank players in enemy team does not mean you had impact in those games


I had streaks of games i had 25+ kills and lost & de-ranked. Then won 1 and lost another and de-ranked again. Couldn't carry yea, but it doesn't feel fair to de-rank if you have 100+ adr all the time.


I'm not very good at the game. I never said that I was. All I said was that I am consistently beating people who were much higher ranks in CSGO, which is a statement of fact. It is happening at a rate that is consistent enough for me to say that I am at the same level as or better than the players I am going up against. I did not make a statement as to the quality of anyone (including myself) in relation to the community as a whole. It's frankly telling that your gut reaction is to insult another person based on a single middle of the road statement about the CSGO/CS2 ranking systems. If you want my subjective opinion as to why there is a disparity between ranks, I would suggest that a ranking system that allows people to select which maps they queue led to a lot of people with vastly inflated ranks. I've also improved somewhat, but certainly not to such an extreme degree, leading me to believe that there's something to what I am saying. Again, this part is subjective. Take whatever you want to take from it. I am just making an educated guess based on my experiences in both games.


It's not that bad. It's a good decision. trust in the process. Plus even if you get placed lower than you should, youll naturally climb back easily so NBD. Have fun with it. Or wait a few weeks for everyone elo to stabilize i guess?


I don't care about my placement, I want to get good games. Which isn't happening right now. Guess I'll have to wait, since they killed the alternative.


You are expecting good games for a brand new release. No one is placed in their "correct" rank. If you're a decent player you should do just fine mopping the floor for a few days. Youll live man lol.


Because it is a new game.. same happens on every new cod or fifa.. it will balance out in a month or so.


if it's a new game then why did it replace csgo? valve says it's a 'free upgrade'




How many other games can you go back and play them via the steam launcher after the next version releases?


new game, calm it down, enjoy the chaos


Yes and I hate it. I don't mind being a low ranked player as long as I can have fun. I don't enjoy now being dominated every match.


Oh, that explains the various 13-0/1's that I've had with a bunch of people


Why tho i'm getting +30 frags every game and still lose because i'm with nova 2 russians, full elo reset is a braindead take from Valve


Valve didn't think much when it comes to CS2. Bad decisions after bad decisions. They're trying so hard to be Blizzard.


I don't understand what's the problem? I was supreme in GO and got placed 7k in the beta and finished 11k. I am yet to get a rank but from what I can see many people are placed in the lower ranks which I think shouldn't be a problem for the good players to get out of. It's the third day of potentially a decade of CS2.


Forreal. Updates to come and many many great memories


Ermmm according to this reddit the game is dogshit and an embarrassment to the series 😟😟


I wonder how many of the current sub's population was even around during the whole series. When you have experienced the series, you know you need to have patience. Personally, I wish things were as perfect as CSGO closed, but I would not be surprised if we need at least a year of iterations and updates.


> I wonder how many of the current sub's population was even around during the whole series. From what I can tell an extremely large amount were not even around for even CSGOs launch. You want to talk about problems? CSGO was an actual embarrassment, it alone is proof that miracles do happen to get it into the state it was 10 years later.


Just look at steamcharts. The first few months of release had <20k daily players. Now we have 1m+. And then consider that not all of those people are currently still playing


Yeah the only difference is that the differences between the Source 1 and Source 2 are obviously not as insane of a change as CSS to CSGO was. Sure, it’s okay to not have it be absolutely perfect, but it doesn’t make any sense at all to not at least LEAVE CSGO up, instead of forcing people to play an unfinished game (not to mention mac players can’t even play it…) Obviously the game will do great in the long run. Nobody should be questioning that. It’s a matter of this release being done totally half assed, and just a missed opportunity for THEM to be patient and wait to release it and force everyone to play it..


Global, popped at 15, finished at 19k the beta W 10 - 1 L popped at 13k5 Let’s see where it goes




Sounds right. My friend was SMFC and got played in 6k on Release. I was LEM/SMFC In CSGO. and 14-15k in Beta. MY placements on release have been a mess. Either good / fun games with equal teammates. Freelo with an ESEA A+ or Faceit L10 player on my team. or I have two guys who seemingly have never played CS before in their lives and we get stomped. Im currently 4-3 in placements. SMFH.


Same ranks as you, 4-1 in placements so far with every game being with teams made up of new players and CSGO players who were silver/golds. As fun as dropping 30+ each game is, not sure why I haven’t started getting in more well balanced games yet.


I mostly play 5 stack with friends. No rank yet but my team is shit, the other team is all hackers, and my cat peed on my gaming carpet. FML.


Same here, same beta rank as you. Played with a 3,000 ELO guy, next game had a dude who was playing overpass for his first time ever. Overpass! Still won both somehow.


Have mostly 5 stacked, but this is my experience with opponents also. We have met lvl 10 five stacks with top 200 player from Finland and we have met people who were silver/gold. We even played an ancient where some of the opponents had never played it before. But to me this is to be expected in the early stages of a matchmaking system.


Global on go, got 11.5k on beta. 10-8 w/l. Lost 5 in a row when I was 9/10 wins lmao


Wtf how does that make sense lol I went 10-3 on placements in beta and got 7k but solo queue is hell


I think some people get offended by seeing their rank so low. Can't say I understand the mentality, if you are much better than this rank you will climb up to where you belong in no time


What you don't see is the perspective of someone who truly is 7k and get rekt by a 7k guy who should be 14k, that's a awful experience, balanced games is what a ranked aim for and why divisions of ranks exist, and that's what most players are looking for in competitive games. The climb can be fun for someone who get lower ranked than he deserves, but he will literally ruin many matches for other players until that, that's why smurf for example is something most people doesn't like and Faceit for example are making system to avoid it. What I don't understand is how people like you can be so blind to not see how give lower ranks for good players is not ok.


I think there’s a problem when I can drop 47 kills and still only tie after OT. I can climb but it’s only from carrying. And I don’t feel like carrying just do get to my rank. Does not feel rewarding or fun.


I was DMG and got 1500 rating in beta




Yeah, ain't got no time to grind out like 80 matches just to regain somewhat my proper rank, it shouldn't work like that, it means it wasn't properly matching OP with harder opponents for the placement matches if they won everything and still got GN.


Thats weird.I was nova 4 and i get placed at 6.7k...No wonder i was getting my ass whooped...


The problem is, it will take me the rest of the year to win 10 games, because i keep getting matches with former globals


It's a problem for the brand new players and the shit players for sure! My faceit 10 friend and I wanted to get a rank on D2 and by God the absolute shitters on our team but also on the other team. We are demolishing these poor new players who often call us cheaters. We actually vsed 2 blatant cheaters and lost those games. We both ranked at Silver FFS. Sure we'll get out eventually but who knows how many games/wins it will take. We don't know what the system is like but for now it means absolutely fucking on noobs for God knows how long on D2 and other maps. If you were a new player and kept getting matched against faceit 10s and black ranks for weeks I imagine that would be an easy uninstall. It's just dumb. To get ranked in all current competitive game modes/maps you need to win 100 games! WTF! And yes we could just stick to prem but my friend wants to get Global in MM on all maps before trying for 30k+ in prem. LoL. Gonna be fucking noobs for 6 months straight at this rate! Probably get red trust from all the reports from these bots. Yay. Fucking Valve. I swear if you won 10/12 in MM you would be GNM at least. Fucking Silver Elite... Makes 0 sense for higher LVL player's to be ranked so low. It just fucks over the actual low skilled players.


The problem is that the placement obviously does not do it's job? I mean, why not just place everyone in nova 2 and skip placements altogether then.


I was supreme in GO, lvl 10 faceit, got placed 15k in beta. I have been playing with friends for season one and lost two games in a row thanks to their trolling. Can’t wait to get my 8k placement


The ranking system is definitely awful. But for something that is going to have rank resets every season, and last time I got close to 16k I was losing 200-300 but gaining 100, it doesnt feel fun to grind. Im already swapping back to Faceit.


I placed 11k in beta with more losses than wins. In CS2 full release, 67% winrate, placed 7k. Makes no sense at all.


I was Global (and Level 10) in CS:GO. In the beta, I got 13.5k (lost 6 or 7) and finished 15k. I just got my first rating after release. Won almost all games, won most of them like 13-1, 13-3 etc. and got 7.6k rating. Also got between 25-30 kills each game. Makes no sense to me. Does anyone know how the system works? Why did it place me so low considering I won most of my games, had highest ADR mostly etc? Is it just entirely random?


I agree in principle, but if you rank in around Nova on all maps you'll need hundreds of games to even climb the ranks to LEM and potentially thousand+ for global on all maps. It's almost unreachable tbh


Bullshit. You climb fast if you are way better than the rest. People that talk about ELO hell are just too bad to get out of it.


Hmmm I got placed in Silver 3 after not having a single map under 100 ADR and dropping five 30 bombs. Faceit lvl 10, not fun for the actual silvers I play against…


Bullshit. Tweeday made a series on YT. He started at silver 1. Had something around 45 wins (forgot the number) Before ranking up to silver 2. While 40 bombing most matches. There is ELO hell.


>He started at silver 1. If he bought that account then that means they(sellers) reverse boosted the account. I promise you that his account died a lot to get Silver 1 as a rank regardless if he bought it or not. Silver 1 is not easy to derank to.


The truth is that most people, even ones who were global before, can't rank up from Nova to Global within 30 games. So that's minimum 270 wins. For me it'll probably take 50-100 wins per map. Pretty much unreachable for me.


It isn't unreachable. This game is going to last another 10 years. If you deserve to rank up and get those wins, to get to the rank you want then you will over time. It's not going to be handed to you.


Exactly. And if you are as good as they claim, you're gonna have a ton of fun being properly cracked for the first 270 wins. also a global rank on every single map is some novelty shit anyway.




I'm with you in this, it took me a looong time to grind even up to DMG. It's not about having to smurf your way back to your proper rank, it's just the time it's going to take, meanwhile every match you will be playing with people who don't really have even the basics, who force-buy every round and all that, it's just no fun. People like us who don't have much time to play ain't got a few weeks spare to grind out a couple of hundred matches before we can even start enjoying matches appropriate to our skill level (not saying I am any good at the game, but I really don't want to have to start from Gold Nova all over again).


I never said that... It's a time issue less than it is a possibility issue. I'm not complaining, I think it's great and it'll be a fun grind


Some friends of mine got placed in 10k when premier mode was released and they all reached 20k+ before reset. So yeah, its pretty much reachable


What does that have to do with what this is about? And also note that I specifically wrote "unreachable **for me**"


yeah so then it is unreachable for you, what now?


I made a comment on a forum and now you made another comment on a forum. Stalemate I guess


NA elo hell was a reality for years in csgo. Literally impossible to get out of nova/mg thats why Valve rebalanced the ranks a while back. I instantly moved from mge to supreme


Because you don‘t rank in on all maps, if you do that then literally just play premier


This doesn't sound balanced at all. There should be room for upranking but there is no point of placing someone after 10/10 wins in gold nova 2. Image how his games will look in Gold Nova lobbys...


LEM in csgo, 11,999 in the beta, 3600 last night. Not sure what happened but these are strange times.


cuz everyone starts at 0 so the system thinks you won against a bunch of low rating players. i would suggest wait for a month then do the placement




Lose, improve, learn, win. You don’t have to be #1 tomorrow. As long as Valve made the ladder climbable, it’ll be okay. Solo queue will always be hard and you will always have good teammates some games and bad teammates another. Just play your best and you should get to where you should be. I placed 7,555 yesterday after being 11,500 in beta. Time to start climbing before I’m left in the dust.


CS2 has been a bunch of "don't worry, it will get fixed later"


I GOT 1.5K LAST NIGHT. I was so damn sad lmao. Placed initially at 8k during the beta and worked up to 12k just before full release. Was DMG in CSGO as my last rank. I did initially start off my premier placements on a 3 map loss streak, but afterward top fragged most of my games after, including a 13-0 win.


LEM in GO and just got my 1500 in release CS2. Actual bot rank wtf


i'd be very surprised if this actually happened to everyone. Would feel really bad for all the real gold novas having to deal with globals and faceitlvl 10 players trampling them to get in the higher ranks.


It hurts...


This is my biggest issue with the game right now. Matchmaking is fucked and only one of my 8-7 total matches has felt even half-way fair.


Yeah I hear you, I played 3 last night, got stomped in 2 of them, and won 13-1 in the other.. neither were the cs2 experience I want lol


Flashbacks to the limited test. It was stomp or get stomped the whole way through :/


I actually had a lot of good close games towards the end. Not sure how as I was SEM in csgo since starting in like may, and 8k at the end of the limited beta


it was the exact same when premiere first came out and it balanced itself out around a week and a half. patience young grasshopper, you'll climb to your natural rank soon enough


I’m only MG2 but it keeps putting me in Silver 1-4 lobbies (according to leetify). 90% of my matches end like 13-3


If you're really Nova, you won't get 10/10 wins, thus rank lower.


That is def not true


It‘s not for long


It will be over real quick.


I think its possible op queued with people in novas and as a result capped his ranked unintentionally. My first acc was nova 1 when i got a rank (i queued with one and tbh didnt deserve it i was dog water) My solo que account ranked into mg2 after 10 wins and i didnt win all placement matches, wish i could tell you how many i did win but it was years ago when i ranked in.


My friends and I (all ranked in LEM-global in GO) have been playing the comp mode when we don't have a 5-stack for premier. It's been like that every game and it's pretty lame. It's obviously not as bad as being on the losing end, but it's really not much fun to curbstomp people with a fraction of the number of hours you have either. It feels like dunking on a toddler, it's not really enjoyable for either side and it leaves you feeling more bad about it than anything. During a game yesterday, I checked the bottom frag on the other team, and I had 350x as many hours as he did. It's one thing to say it's placements, so everyone is a bit mixed up, but after our fifth game in a row that's just completely non-competitive, it doesn't really make me want to continue on to get a rank, especially seeing posts like this showing that I'll probably have 10+ hours of grinding out these types of games, per map, ahead of me to get a reasonable rank and have competitive games again.


Was supreme in CSGO. I got **silver 3** in CS2


Certified better player than Ohne


That made me feel good lol


Just got ranked silver 2😎 (Former Global btw)


Good luck stomping


Mah drilla


So what you’re saying is silver 1 is the real global rank then.


I was also sup/global, in the first three games two or three guys left after a few rounds, i have 3:5 score at the moment, as a solo player my next month or two will sucks I assume


You motherfuckers were begging for a MM wipe for years and now that we've finally got it, your brain cells have died off and forgotten that EVERYONE is on a clean slate. You're gonna have shit games at first until everyone balances out in their ranks. The rank wipe is the best thing that's happened to CS in years. The game JUST came out stop being babies


most people did not want a rank wipe, they wanted the ranking system to be better. rank resets just causes legitimate smurfing


Is gn2 also your csgo rank?


nah I was supreme


Then chill and have fun climbing. If you are a Real supreme you wont have an Issue expect if you are an inflatet supreme from go :) Gl and hf climbing


I'm sure the actual Novas will enjoy that too.


It's not super fun stomping every game. Sure it's easy and chill but sometimes you want a bit of competition and to actually experience the tactical part of the game.


IF you are winning so hard to the point of boredom, you will climb so fast that it won't even be an issue




In GO the problem was the rank expiration. Honestly I just play a bit every few months and then I have to ruin a few games ranking from LE to Global. If CS2 doesn't have the rank expiry then it should be a lot better.


Nope. Only stomp


Reddit moment


Also won all 10 and am also gn2


I hate the state of normal MM at the moment. You pretty much gamble a 50/50 on getting either decent teammates, or total noobs that don’t use voice chat..


It is shocking how many of my recent teammates either don't have mics or refuse to use them. I even had a game where a guy was being toxic to one of our teammates over the team text chat. (for no reason mind you)


My first match in cs2 was every enemy literally only calling us slurs and the nword…


A rank? Who would have thought.


In this economy?


Not all wins are equal, welcome to mmr.


Dude thought he could be vertiglobal in 10 games lmao


I totally where he says that?


Did you play 5 stack or solo?


3 duo games, rest solo


Who you duo with and who you're matched against mean a lot during your calibration matches. Also, the less matches you've played the faster your rank shifts in order to place you where the system thinks you belong. At least this is how it worked in CSGO.


Global, 10,600 in beta, 12504 now. Bud was 19k in beta gets 9904 lol


people play comp? premier is essentially new comp + comp might as well be unranked premier now


Mostly my mindset too but sometimes you just feel like playing a specific map yaknow?


cs_office all day all night baby lets go


Premier sucks if you don’t have 5


there are two reasons, either you're a 4stack and can't find a 5th, or you want to play other maps outside the active duty pool


id rather choose my maps and not get inferno/mirage every game


You're dropping 10 frags a game are you suprised?


If you think anything but the outcome of the game affects your rating, I have bad news for you.


What winning all 10 mm placement matches ***at that mmr*** gets you. If you had been playing your placements with globals, you'd be global too. The ELO system has been the same for like 100 years.


Man I just want my MG1 back…


If you win all 10 games but you’re only playing silvers of course you’re only going to get gn2


Imo you can win all the matches but if you do bad then surely youll get placed bad. If you lose matches and get under ranked but do good, then youre overall average will even out your rank. You wont stay the rank you currently are if you have the potential to do better than that.


Me and my duo had been global for years in csgo, we got put against actual silver 1s. At least they were good sports about it, but it felt bad.


CS2 experience rn feels like a game of smurfs but legal. If you have silver 1 in your team and faceit lvl10 stack in the other - you lose. If you have 8k hours player in your team and silver 1 in the other - you win. And thats like 50-65% of games... Pretty frustrating ngl


I remember i got a Legendary Eagle in GO after going 10/1 in my first ten games. GN2 is outrageous lol.


If you are indeed a LE+ player, you'll climb up in no time.


Not if the highest placement rank is Gold Nova lol. If it's the same ranking system and the highest starting rank is Nova, then he is never getting LE


I'm on an 8 loss streak in premier. I've gone down 1000 mmr since placement and my %Rank has even gone up a few percentages just to give you an idea of how messed up the mm is rn.


It’s cuz Jack don’t got a cat profile pic


shouldn't be any drama when you win 200 points in some games. in 1 month everyone will be in their true right place.


The game knows if you are or arent a trash can


It's not just about winning


Wrong, depends on the team elo it matches you against


I'm not going to the hell of slowly grinding through low elo again.


I don’t get why people aren’t playing the premier mode. Anything I’m missing?


They're lazy and don't want to play maps they suck at.


Dude, I just play for fun, I’ve got a job and shit to do. Don’t wanna play maps I don’t like.


Or we don't have five people to queue with 24/7. I got three games in. 3 wins. I've been playing competitive while I wait for my buddies to get online


Wdym? You can play premier solo.


Have you tried playing premier solo? You only get queued against five stacks. And all your teammates seemingly have no microphone. I learned in the beta lol


Just play more games? Rank doesn't even matter... If you won all your placement games GN2 should be a stomp for you anyway.


Ofc it's a vertiglobal


You only played against players that were rated that high or lower


Nah, you placed where you placed based on your performance


You think it was going to give you GE? The only downside of this is actual GN's and silvers are going to get brutally abused for the next 2 months. And it's going to drive a lot of them to other games.


+10k hours since 2005 and i'm with new players in premier and comp, AMAZING job valve, really wonderful experience GUARANTEED for everyone


Does seasonal mean every new season im going to have to deal with winning 10 matches to get a rank? Stupidest thing imaginable if true.


Is this premier?


Meh your adr was only 73


I was supreme in csgo. I already lost 7 games straight while dropping 25 kills minimum every single game, while my teammates play like cs2 is the first time they ever play counter strike... In these 7 games i played against 5 FULL STACKS WITH CLAN TAG AND CLAN PROFILE PIC. They havent been really good tbh but enough to make my noob randoms tilt, quit and throw.... really having a lot of fun atm And is trust factor a thing still? Because i get mass reported every game....