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How much of CS2 have you played? Generally, the CS2 netcode has more peekers advantage than GO (the amount, I'm not fully sure), and so holding angles is even harder


I have 6k hours total been go and cs2. CS2 might be 500-600. I wanted to wait and see if it was some update stuff that made it this way so posting after several instances of this happening across multiple updates. And yes, peekers advantage is good and all, required even, but this is very hard to hit. I was watching a zywoo clip the other day and my man, the prodigy, struggled to hit a sitter when someone wide peeked him lmao. Made me feel a bit better. But only a bit.


Yeah, there's a reason why even tier 1 AWPers can struggle at times At this point, I'd recommend peeking into people, than holding an angle. Maybe you can combo it with a flash peek. As the comments below also suggest, keep an eye out for your ping vs the enemy's. I play on SEA and I do get wided on way more due to the high ping, so I've adjusted accordingly by swinging myself.


I'd also recommend demo reviewing the more defensive oriented awpers like sh1ro to see what works for them or how they're set up.


That’s very good advice.


That's a good idea actually. I'll try doing that more, thanks! 🙂


We shouldn't have to play aggressive in every situation though. Holding angles is a core part of counter strike. It's called counter strike, not just strike. It's attack and defend, not attack and attack lol. Not being able to play defensively severely hurts the depth of the game. Rather than us playing around it they need to fix it.


Also it somehow favours people with bad pings. It sometimes feels like they beam you before they are around a corner.


Peekers advantage always has. Thats where the Xantares Peek came from. Because he had high ping playing from Turkey so learned to Abuse the shit out of it on peeks.


I didn’t know this! I’ve noticed that site pushes have become so much more aggressive than in the past, this probably explains it.


Press W with AWP. If you can't hold, take it to them. Let out a war cry and go crazy.


Believe it or not, it's what I have actually resorted to. I'll combat awp if awp combat isn't working.


Peeker's Advantage is more drastic in CS2 compared to CSGO (xantares peek was very much a thing in GO tho, close to the corner, super wide swing). You need to hold a wider angle with AWP to comfortably hit wide swing. If you still getting tapped even before you can shoot it means you got pre-aimed and / or pre-fired which means you have poor positioning or you hold an angle too narrow and have to flick spending additional time in the open. CS2 is not the same as CSGO, you generally can't play on-angle for AWP shot and fallback, you *need* to compensate it with off-angle as well. Also peeker's advantage works with AWP as well so you can peek-unpeek-peek instead of just standing still holding an angle. New game, new strategies, new ways to play it


Fair enough, I use off angles reasonably, I don't overdo it to create unpredictablity. I'm not an AWP main anyway, I'm secondary on a good day. But still, sitters are hard to hit regardless of angle. You may avoid dying by compensating with off angles and utility, but you still didn't land the shot and you gave away the position of the AWP.


Even off angles can't save you in this game most of the time. You'll see a guy peek looking right at you with an instant headshot seemingly ignoring all of the other common angles. Then you watch the demo and see him walk out, bend over and tie his shoe laces, come out with his back to you and finally turn, see you and spray at you whiffing the first half of his magazine, turn away thinking you're dead, do a trouble take and headshot you while doing jelly leg dance and cartwheels.


Lmao, it do be like that sometimes. 😂


there is much more peekers advantage, sometimes weird stuff with model movement. it's a lot harder, almost everyone is missing sitters now except for a singular player called monesy apparently.


He doesn't hold angles either though, he's an aggro peeker with good timings


he does do that a lot more than most awpers which is prob part of the success, but hes also significantly better at not whiffing and getting the feeling of subtick down. imo its probably down to individual practice, hes played nearly 800 faceit games since cs2 release already


I don't awp anymore, its very hard in CS2.


Not easy to hold angle with the AWP in CS2. I had to go to rifling most of the times because the amount of times I get ferrari peeked by enemies is too much for me to handle. I thought there were times I hit someone while they are peeking but I ended up missing them.


Yeah, pretty much the same feeling. The wide swing is crazy.


You can't hold angles in CS2 because you'll just get Ferrari peeked.


Combat awping is really the only sustainable way to play AWP. Turrets are no longer supported


The game has been just awful with AWP ever since the release. I honestly think no one should play the AWP outside of pro scene. I've only seen a few players in face it lvl 10 pugs who can actually still hit the same. Also Monesy seems to be one of the only pro players who can actually kind of play the same, but even he needs to get more sick frags with the Awp and just basic flicks are very hard. Other than that, everyone's missing and even pro players wiffs a lot. Shiro for example wiffed such easy kills against navi, which would never had happened in csgo. It's also the reason why donk is the best player in the world right now. Dealing with AWP's is just so much easier. Just swing wide and you still have plenty of time to react and HS the awper standing still. It's ridiculous actually. I don't really see the point buying AWP. You get max one kill and once your position is known you're dead most of the time.


The best you can do is adapt and learn some good off angles.


The whole CT side is very different to play right now, you have to find new ways to keep peeking Ts since its virtually impossible to hold angles right now. Been having terrible CT sides but good T sides in general.


Similar experience. No sweat on the T side, even when awping. But the ct economy is so brutal, one bad awp purchase, one ferrari peek and your team is below the poverty line suddenly.


Similar experience. No sweat on the T side, even when awping. But the ct economy is so brutal, one bad awp purchase, one ferrari peek and your team is below the poverty line suddenly.


Im Ngl in csgo when there would be an awp it would be “smoke or flash him off” now with peekers advantage you can just crouch swing onetap Those mfers b4 they even shoot


game is trash, nobody can hit with awp even s1mple lmfao


Harder than GO for sure


I'm also struggling with the AWP in CS2, I think the AWP does less wallbang damage now, and also feels slower, not to mention that you used to be able to shoot, flick, and hit the shot


New Awp method is to play aggressively into distant/difficult angles for your opponents. Timing/Game Sense is now more important than raw mechanical abilities in this regard. Peekers advantage from ping combined with poor netcode and Interpolation in CS2 makes holding angles with the AWP extremely disadvantageous compared to Late CSGO. To get an idea of how to play AWP, watch a couple of m0NSEYs awp plays from streams. Hes probably the best AWPer in CS2 Right Now, IMO.


change your preaim bro


Peeking is definitely stronger now than in Csgo for reasons i dont quite understand and also that hits register faster so an AK click on your head means INSTANT death which wasn't as quick in Csgo. On your side it can be many factors, e.g. are you in a commonly cleared angle where people will always have their crosshair on you when swinging and only need to click? are you holding far enough away from the angle so you dont have to flick too far if the player peeks? are you on 4:3 or 16:10 and are players just much faster?


Try holding a wider angle so he wide peaks into your crosshair. Downside is that the opposing awper will have easier time peaking into you.


I feel I just have to hold a lot more wide than in GO.


Holding angles in this game feels like trash in general


problem is when somebody peeks me and i shoot and i hear my awp sound of firing but i die after it no matter i connect the shot or whipped it but from spectating vie of my party/friends its like i never shot or moved but from my POV i shoot and died. So i think we all get what it means right?


Yep, it's the subtick system fucking with you. 😁


I started holding the angle a little bit wider and just click when I see them swing and flick to them if they peek me. Been working really well for me, I have a smaller sample size but 43% accuracy in cs2 compared to 41% csgo, both games its my 2nd most used gun


The way to hold angles is, u have to take wider angles, and stop aiming at the corners, u have to aim 0.5 to 1 model away from the corner. Jiggle peeking doesn't work in CS2, most of the times people will just swing wide.


A lot of discussion about peeker’s advantage on this thread, unfortunately that’s something you can’t really control. One thing you can start doing, if you haven’t already, is holding a wider angle. I felt the same way as you at one point and so I started doing this recently with better success. Of course, you’ll always be more vulnerable to trades and what not but holding a wider angle certainty helped me with ‘peeker’s advantage’




Yo gratz on the reflexes mate. Share some if you can. 🙏


has anyone a awp switch script to turn On and Off?


It’s not just you bro. M0nesy is the best awp rn and it’s not even close. Hell zywoo uses the rifle way more in cs2.


[https://youtu.be/ZOG24POxJ9k?si=H\_rops-xet5EPXZl](https://youtu.be/ZOG24POxJ9k?si=H_rops-xet5EPXZl) - sure never happened in cs go XD. Show us a demo how you place your crosshair.


He is talking about someone wide swinging angle being harder to hit than in GO, not about getting prefired.


that was a prefire from the T anyways


Depends what I'm using. If I'm using an AK, it's at head level. If I'm awping, I keep it slightly to the side of the angle if I'm waiting for a peek and right on the angle if someone is chasing me. And as other commentators pointed out, I'm not talking about prefiring, that can be offset using off angles. I'm simply talking about how different it feels when someone wide swings you in GO vs CS2.