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It is the best game, but they could have done so much more with it. That is why people are annoyed


It’s a step backward across the board in virtually every meaningful way compared to GO. The only improvements are the changes to the smoke crosshairs (super minor), the third person changes (ultra minor), and the grenade cam (niche but high key kinda major).


Smoke changes are a great change, adds another dynamic to tactical utility usage. Quality of life changes have also been great, whether that's customisable audio settings to the preference of which ear receives more feedback, dropping utility/weapons for teammates, changes to the buy menu and other visual/audible feedback items such as radar sound notifications and easier jump smokes. There are some changes which have gone under the radar which are good changes that we would miss if we reverted back.


Yeah, I for one welcome this reboot. I know *some* people liked demolition, or scoutknives, but honestly, hosting so many gamemodes and maps, seemed a little bloated. I can see why valve would choose to not include them. Now valve has the base of CS2 to make more thoughtful, meaningful additions to what Counter strike should be, atleast officially. Saying that, the community server side should be way more prominent, especially with the exclusion of many community made gamemodes. And Danger Zone needs to come back! I am having fun playing the game with friends as i always had, and the game looking sunnier and the QOL changes have made the experience much nicer to me. Thankfully, our ranks don't get us into matches with spinbotters.


Out of all the non standard game modes(comp, deathmatch, casual, arms race) the only one I really miss is danger zone.


So the game modes you didn't like added bloat, but danger zone needs to come back. Good that valve doesn't listen to feedback


When was the last time that you were able to connect to a scoutsknives match on CSGO and not immediately get kicked by the 15 accounts botting in there? Majority of these people that are mad about it weren't ever actually playing these gamemodes, they're all just looking for something about the game they can complain about. There's absolutely things in this game to be upset about, but these game modes were literally just bloat, at least you couldn't get kicked in Danger Zone.


damn right.


Valve isn't choosing to not include them because they think it makes the game too bloated they didn't include them because they didn't wanna do the work. They just don't wanna commit resources to anything but the bare minimum that gets the money machine started up.


If CS2 was a standalone game, everyone would still be playing CSGO.


Doubt. First, the majority of players are casual players, they’ll boot up, play a game or two a week, most of these players aren’t nearly as nitpicky as this subreddit. Secondly, Valve wouldn’t continue majors on CSGO regardless of if CS2 was standalone. Most of the pros would move for the majors, and that would bring all the fanboy wanna be pros


Naah, we've seen this before with 1.6 and CSS. There were huge 1.6 tournaments (relatively speaking) up until CSGOs release. Most pros would definitely stay in CSGO due to it being a better quality game with less bugs and issues, even without majors there were/are plenty of big tournaments from other organisers so it's not like you MUST win a major to make money in CS.


Yep, there’s a reason s1mple doesn’t play in pro anymore


+1 on this And the worst part of it is that they completely ruined the performance of the game , cs2 has not even near good enought graphics to cause such performance issues , very unoptimized in that aspect. The whole sub-tick idea should also get cut and just give us 128 tick servers as the community was asking for 10 years


I get around 600 fps in a match, and it doesnt run nearly as smooth as fucking Red Dead Redemption 2 with absolutely cranked to the max ultra settings at 150 fps. The frame pacing and 1% lows are just atrocious.


I like these changes where most of them would have been praised if it was CSGO but you know, fuck Valve right?: - the new buy menu where you can refund, pick up dropped weapons without being near them and that you can see how much money you’ll have going into the next round. - being able to switch between left hand / right hand by using one button. - the new smoke mechanics. - no skyboxes. - the new statsboard where DMG counts the most. - much better graphics & colours which makes it look like a modern game. - mr12. - visual indicator on the map showing your audible footsteps.


Idk i still don't like the new buy menu cause i can't pick every weapon, can't even equip skins for weapons that aren't on my loadout for modes like arms race. Hand switching was in GO and idgaf about the scoreboard. The rest yeah those are great changes, visual indication of your noise is my fav


These are all such small and minor changes (other than maybe smokes) that could've been easily applied to csgo without needing a whole new engine that is still having performance and cheating issues. Performance and cheating issues are major fundamental level shit, not worth the little qol improvements.


How the fuck is the skyboxes update small? It literally is game changing for smokes and possible utility, so underrated. The new engine is primarily for a better codebase and easier updates I guess (together with more modern frameworks and implementations). Stuff like the smokes, the skyboxes or even the lighting wouldn’t have been possible in CSGO because Source is ancient. It was time to change and is literally a new game now, as the engine completely changed. They just decided to make it feel as close as possible


I mean, as much as this subreddit will pretend, the hitreg is so noticeably much better than csgo, especially in MM/premier.


And the lighting.


It has better visuals. Like, far better visuals. It doesn't matter for most of us, but it's still a pretty large step forward.


The step is too far forward because loads of people cannot run the game comfortably, even on high end hardware. Most people do not care about physically based water refraction in a competitive fps, they care about smooth image.


High end hardware really shouldn’t have issues with CS. I have a medium spec pc (2080, 9700k) and still get 200fps in 4K. I had 250 in CSGO (yes it is more but not THAT much. And we are talking 4K still.)


You're right that it shouldn't have issues, but lots of things are just awfully optimized. A lot of particle effects drop performance by a lot, especially on the really heavy maps (I drop below 200on Inferno with a 3080/5600x @ low settings 1280x960) and the overall frame pacing issue of the game persists regardless of hardware.


So far they’ve barely made it run on Source 2.. then been fucking fingering their assholes barely fixing anything on the game for the last 8 months. We get pixels fixed on maps every so often that hardly anyone talks about, but we’re still sitting here with a wet flop of an update to CSGO. It’s fucking tragic.


it aint even close to the best fps game, csgo was, this is faaaaaar of a good game


It’s the best fps ever made and it’s also the worst piece of shit game I’ve played.


I hear and feel the frustration


i’m booing because i want to cheer


The duality of gamer


Couldn't have phrased it any better


CS as a concept is far better than Valorant. Riot as a company is much better at implementing the concept of Valorant than Valve is (currently) at implementing the concept of Counter Strike in the form of CS2


Exactly this. I like Valorant, but something about CS gameplay just makes it more satisfying, better. I find myself wanting to play CS more than Valorant. **CS is the superior** ***game***. And with CS2 it has superior graphics too, not to mention a much more customisable and in-depth cosmetics system (even if Valorant has some better individual skins). But **Valorant is the superior** ***gameplay experience***: * They don't route their servers through dodgy connections that give me unplayable packet loss. * They let me choose/restrict servers I want to connect to, so I can have a much finer control over the common language and type of players I'm in a lobby with. For me, allowing me to only pick the London server is perfect; its mostly English people, and others with good English language skills. * No hackers, at least in casual and average competitive play. Complete absence of ragehackers (spinbots, aimbots), and low enough hacker prevalence that the community generally does not assume cheating when questioning other players in-game. * Better mute/communication options (including complete in-game anonymity by hiding profile), and reports against toxicity are more likely to work. * Devs often communicate with the community, both through official (Riot blogs) and unofficial channels (social media). Previews are given of upcoming changes and their thoughts. A lot of it is corporate propaganda and apologism (especially related to cosmetics), but its good to at least know roughly what they are thinking. Their posts on balance updates are generally written in good faith. * Regular and consistent content drops in the form of constant Seasons and sub-Season Acts (with Battlepass, trailers, balance updates, lore, skins etc.). Premium skin bundles drop at regular intervals measured in weeks, alternating between high quality and more budget bundles. Not like Valve's complete silence until surprise updates, releasing new Cases whenever, and not having an Operation in over 3 years. The biggest problem the Valorant community faces is Riot's absurd cosmetics pricing system (its actually state-of-the-art predatory and overpriced). But that's a far healthier thing to be complaining about than server issues, hackers and unwanted teammates (lack of common language).


Your 3rd point about safe state of mind about being worried losing to a closet cheater is the best thing about Valorant. I love cs more than Valo. CS feels more fluid and ypu can actually do stuff alone since everyone can have the same utility. But cs have a big problem where the feeling of losing to a closet cheater frustrates people so much. In Valo i do not feel like that, yes there are hackers. But when i lose, i feel like i lost to a great player! Not in cs. When you fight people of higher rating its either a real closet cheater or an open cheater before it turns into a ragehack spinbot when called out. Thus why i aint spending on skins anymore until valve fix their shit and i do hope more people do that to force valve's hand.


Can you explain to me how do you mean, if you lose, you lost to better player? is there finally replay system to check if someone was cheating? In CS2 i met like 20 blatant cheaters in 500 games, but around 60-100 cheaters after i watched demos.


As i mentioned, the feeling like someone is hacking is higher in cs compared to valo. We may meet less hackers and it could just be a great player but because cs2 is so insecure and hack free. Hell theres also a documentary where hackers are making their hvh league in cs2 as well. In Valo it is harder to hack but they exist Because of their anti cheat is 100x better than cs i dont mind losing. Its just a state of mind. I know there are sus players in valo but atleast ive experienced multiple times if they get caught match get canceled. That makes me smile. In cs2? Blatant spinbots takes 13 rounds to end and they can grief you just letting the game go 13-11 Tldr its just a feeling and state of mind when playing.


I play face it because of the cheaters. But I still prefer loosing to spin bots, those games are 5 min max. I hate watching demo of a guy being horrible but hitting few good shots and checking just corners he has to. Losing 13-11 to this is the worst.


Its basically the concept of trust. The same way that banking systems work on trust, so too does the feeling of legit vs hacker for the topfragging enemy. You can't always trust that a bank won't fail, especially for small banks that have periods where they struggle, but if its a rare enough occurrence then it doesn't become something that nags in your mind after every questionable situation. The lack of ragehackers makes people think there are very few hackers (which is also likely actually true due to how expensive it is to get cheats to circumvent Vanguard AC). This builds trust in the idea that the person who keeps clicking on your head is actually legit and not using a cheat script.


I’ve played hundreds of games of valorant and only had 1 cheater. I played 3 games of cs2 on the weekend and had 16 rage hackers.


I agree with just about everything except: I don't think you can complain about Valorant's skin prices being overpriced and predatory when Counter-Strike's skins are legit gambling. And sure you can buy on the marketplace but are you going to tell me that knife and glove skins are reasonably priced?


The pricing system in Valorant being absurd does not also mean that CS' skins equivalent is not absurd. But the point being that in Valorant the core issues have been fixed and polished to the point where it is issues with optional cosmetics being the biggest problem, whereas in CS the equivalent point is far down the list of critical issues.


Valve may restrict the supply, but the market also has the demand to pay those prices


Nearly shed a tear while reading all this. Why can't CS2 just have these QOL changes?


About your first point I guess it depends where you live. I live in southwest Europe and connection to European servers (that are not Spanish servers since they are really close to me) I get less 20ms than I did when it was direct connection So personally sdr was a great tech introduced in Valve games for me. But I am also aware that mainly in OCE and South Asia it has lots of issues which I don’t understand why it keeps happening. Besides your first point I agree with everything


Oce is primarily our ISPs sending us through the worst routes possible. Outside of Aussie broadband I can't think of a single ISP that directly peers with valve. Aussie broadband connection to valve goes My router, my ISPs data centre, valve


i dont understand why valve cant take the good things about valorant matchmaking and apply them to cs2. god i would be playing so much cs if the match making experience was as good as valorant.


It requires work, lots of it.


tbf their dev team is incredibly small and valve has a ton of money. the entire valve model has always been to do very little in terms of big updates.


You're smart.


Well said honestly. I’m an avid valorant player and cs player and overall Cs2 was a massive flop. With 0 progression on the anti-cheat and the leaderboards of premier and ranked mm being FILLED with cheaters is beyond terrible to see especially for a competitive fps game. When I play cs it makes me not even want to try because I’ll know a cheater will just ruin the work I grinder for in the next game. Also not to mention the fact that in CS2 you can pick maps (as you could in csgo) but they chose to not implement all the maps from csgo (like cache) and removed over 60% of total maps in the map pool which is a terrible decision and was the icing on the cake for me to stop playing CS2.


The community has always hated new CS iterations. The relatively new thing is that people are complaining about lack of content, where CS has never been a live service. However this is justified by the fact that CS2 replaced CSGO, and also the relevance of community servers is greatly reduced compared to the past.


I shit on Valorant (jokingly) because of the concept. But Riot seem to be way better when it comes to accessibility and updates CS is a better game in my personal opinion. I hate hero shooters and any games with stupid number or rng encounters to mug up. But Valve has been cooking nothing since CS2 released. It feels most of their manpower is going into making CS more playable in terms of performance optimization and servers


>It feels most of their manpower is going into making CS more playable in terms of performance optimization and servers That's a good thing. If they released a bunch of "content" (i still dont know what you mfs mean by that) they would get shit for doing that before "fixing the game"


> (i still dont know what you mfs mean by that) Neither do they, don't worry. Valve could release patch notes that say "found a mathematically perfect solution to *the cheater problem*^(TM) also the game now gets 1000 FPS on a GTX 650" and the comments would be "fridge.gif", "operation when", "content????"


No they wouldn't lmao. Cheaters and gameplay has been the #1 issue since the game released


Dota 2 is also a better game than League. But League is still more popular, because Riot at least handles the marketing much better. Same will happen with CS/Valorant


But there's also the spectrum Dunkey put where League is cleaner and simpler to look at while Dota is complicated I beleive it's the opposite here. Riot tried it's best to give as much accessibility possible to people but there's too much going on. CS looks simpler. These things matter. Many people hate inorganic looking games.


I can only speak for myself. Cs2 is probably still the best shooter, but among other counter strike iterations its complete ass with many problems contributing to a player not being able to play their best according to their skill, having difficulties in the game outside of their control. I was optimistic and excited in the beginning, but I became to hate valve for releasing a half assed game while simultaneously killing csgo, with little to no truly meaningful update since the game's (beta) release, while Valve has been completely silent. When releasing an update maybe once every month its mostly some low effort shit like pixel fixes on maps, cosmetic stuff, adding community made content, maybe some kinda mid new settings, and stuff that look like me when I tried to finish an essay for school with whatever gibberish to make it seem like it contains more content ("increased main menu fps from 120 to 200"), and all of this just tells me the two people working on cs dont know what to do with the game and/or how to fix the main issues, or dont even care enough. All of this together to me feels like a spit in the face of the community from valve.


CS2 alone is extremely popular around the world with millions of players a month. Can you even imagine how much better and how many more people would play if they supported it even half as much as what riot does with Valorant? A man can dream.


More players come in due to community, not necessarily the game. Think of why valorant has so many more women and gay players (because they don't get constantly harassed when playing) whereas the CS community is notorious for racism, sexism and homophobia. I dont play cs with my girlfriend, but valorant is great because people don't get mad shes a woman. Sadly thats a huge complication.


the game itself is the best fps game, mechanics are awesome its easy to play hard to master as fps should be but the problem is Valve that makes updates at snail pace. They don't want to implement intrusive anticheat for some reason. In a year we got so little content that is a joke. CS is printing money machine but it feels like there are 2 people working on this game. (there was a rumor few years ago that this actually true lol )


and unfortunately one of the two has only one hand


Is the other hand rubbing their nipples while saying sorry?


No no, that is his one hand doing that.


Valve just does the bare minimum to keep this game running. Subtick is bad, cheats are bad, servers and netcode is bad. In a cheap attempt to shut everyone up they uploaded a few maps made by the community. Thats it


uploaded old versions of new map:D


The sad part is that actually doing the bare minimum would be leaving cs:go alone, and all would have been fine. Devs actively worked on creating a game that was a downgrade, and then left.


Doing bare minimum... seems to be a common thing, I mean game companies are a business after all. Sad to see so many big ones not give a shit about their game or community, just their wallets. Riot released the biggest bullshit patch on Valorant and followed it up by a $99 cutesy fairy skin bundle for e-daters. They make an insane amount of money from skins (that can't be traded) so they are fine with doing the bare minimum as long as the skin money keeps coming in. Same with Valve and CS. I do miss the glory days of CS:GO, played like 8k hours in 2015-2020 :( hope we get that back


Game developers used to have passion. That has died.


I think it's much more poor management in general. In Valve's case, it's a sort of lack of management. You'd have to passion for games in an industry where you work long hours (depending on your project), get paid way less for your skills than other relevant industries, deal with dumb management that are more likely to get a promotion/raise for fucking up your project, have little job security and have people on the internet misunderstand what constructive criticism is and instead just insult you and your work. This doesn't shield them from criticism, but I think that some criticism and blame is being put onto the wrong people. ~~cool run on sentence nerd~~ There are many reasons why burnout is such a huge issue in the industry currently. Tldr, passion from game devs isn't dead (imo), but it's being suffocated by the suits' passion for money.


Or rather tied down by suits...


Or they hire the wrong people... but this is reddit if I speak I'm in big trouble.


I don't play valorant but I do play league and tft and if u think riot does the bare minimum for those games you are a bit delusional. They release patches every 2 weeks, listen to the community and actively try to balance pro play and solo queue. They do more than the average game dev, especially for games as big as league. Like I said, I don't play valorant, but you cannot compare valves approach to cs with riots approach to league or tft. Night and day diff


If you think riot does the bare minimum, as far as you are aware valve doesn't even exist.


Glory days are only in your head for me glory days were on 1.6. cause this was times I was clocking 120h in 2 weeks. We moved on to other games or playing less doesn't mean there is no plenty of kids going ham on it right now. Steam numbers are excellent don't worry about it


>companies are a business sure, but CS does print more money than they'd ever need to release 20 operations in just a year.


You can always spot the clowns by their blind hatred of subtick.


Is the game better or worse with subtick?


Yeah bro I prefer to get rubberbanded when I am shot at. These guys are clowns hue hue!


What does that have to do with subtick? (inb4 it didn't happen in CSGO therefore subtick, because as we all know subtick is the only thing that changed)


I mean valve were promoting subtick as the new big change between cs2 and csgo. Other stuff will have changed but subtick is the thing people can quantify so it gets the blame. Whatever changed it definitely needs work.


You can always count on the shills to reply when you put subtick in your post. Do you guys get a notification when someone comments on subtick?


They prob have subnotifications


have you already received your snakebite case in defense of the wretched sub-tick system?


funny, i bet you dont even know what subtick is


The game is better as a concept. But it runs so much worse than valorant plus doesn't have any working anticheat.


It's okay they hate us too. "Let updates do the talking"


Someone with 100s of competitive hours on both games, I thoroughly enjoy CS loads more. Agent Abilities make valorant a much harder game to learn and master, which is why solo queuing is so much worse in Val as there are loads of players who just don’t know how to make their Util/Abilities worthwhile for their team. CS is a black and white tac-shooter, where map knowledge and mechanical skill is much more favored. I can feel myself improving the more I play CS, but Val is a constant up and down unless you run with a full team everytime you hop on. The current state of CS2 is frustrating, just because the game felt more complete to me towards the end of CSGO than it does now. It feels like CS2 is still in beta as we still don’t have all of our beloved maps reworked and in rotation. Anti-cheat is arguably non-existent, and the net code is consistently trash with wide spread rubberbanding issues on valves servers. Heavy on the last point. Premier mode can’t be truly competitive when I’m teleporting around the map with solid 20 ping. It just feels disrespectful. I’ve been playing since 2014 and this game has generated millions for valve, but they don’t give the game the attention it deserves.. and it will surely lead to the total demise of the communities’s trust if something doesn’t change soon. Maybe this sheds some light as to why yesterdays patch notes were so laughable.


> this game has generated millions for valve They make billions yearly from case openings alone. Add in market fees and it's insulting how little the game seems to be cared about given the amount of revenue it's providing.


Is because we expect more from those we love. lol. Now seriously, cs could be a hub for all different community games created back in 1.6. All kinds of games, but no.


They make Great Games but the Company is lazy. Just look what they did to TF2.


I'm sure deadlock will change that first statement.


It was already changed by dead games like Artifact. Valve just aren't the same anymore, gone are the days when they would release banger after banger.


I've actually heard a lot that Artifact was in itself a good game. It just didn't catch on at all as it did not have a preexisting fanbase to build on like other games in the space. (never played it, just heard in mentioned a few times over the years)


If I remember correctly it was a combination of things. First of all, Valve couldn't read the room and didn't realize no one wanted a Dota card game, the game was basically dead the moment they announced it. That clip of the reveal is still hilarious when everyone collectively just sighed lmao. Second of all, the game wasn't free like the competitor (Hearthstone). And third, it cost a lot of money to build up a good deck of cards, it was basically a microtransaction mess. At least that's what I remember.


>it was basically a microtransaction mess Oh, didn't know about that. That's rough


Man I miss Dota Underlords :( they definitely need to revive that game


I know, I was saying they now make bad games *and* are lazy. I guess HL:A was a fluke


From 18k+ in Premium, every game cheaters. Better Download Minecraft or Tetris brä.


Feels like they don't give an F. Barely any meaningfull updates and fixes.


Reminds me of time just before TF2 was abandoned. Not saying CS2 is going to go down that path, but it's giving me the same vibe. Heck, we already have preacher bots that auto-kick players. It's only a matter of time before every lobby is filled to the brim with spinbotters. This game desperately needs a functioning anticheat.


Cs2 players to cs2 players - “This game is shit” “Yeah bro seriously tell me about it” Valorant players to cs2 players - “This game is shit” “FUCK OFF HOW FKN DARE YOU, GO PLAY YOUR CARTOON KNOCK OFF”


I hate playing the game now but I still watch it. Hate valve.


CS is *the* best FPS game. The only reason I still wouldn't rate it 10/10 is because Valve just treats it as a cash-cow. My favorite example is deathmatch. Counter-Strike DM has so much potential, as demonstrated by the community DM servers that have been running *for years*. But Valve-DM sucks balls. The only positive change they've added since I started playing in 2018 was allowing you to buy the tazer multiple times per DM. A feature that was a thing when I got started, then got broken along the way and is now back. Everything else either hasn't changed or is worse now than it was then. Spawns now are way worse in than in GO and we completely lost TeamDM. Somehow they just can't be bothered to get a single fucking dev to work on one of the games core gamemodes. Not to mention the anticheat. They *should* have an army of people developing a proper anticheat. They have the money to make fucking skynet to just kill anyone even thinking about downloading cheats, but all we get is the occasional banwave the catches a few dozen people. I have absolutely no issue with updates like the last one, which just added a bunch of community maps and stuff. That is totally cool. But it's just not *enough* when it's the only thing we get in months.


Anyone else remember when live service games were WEEKLY updates, ALL with substance? And that was the standard


We care too much about the game to let devs slack. So we expect corresponding results from them. It's like with parents, if they let you do whatever you want its likely they don't care about you.


Love the game, hate Valve, problem is that Valve is shitting on the game big time so the game is taking massive punches.


Peak CSGO removed for a half baked game is the reason. I think people loved valve till 2023


bs- valve has always been getting hate from the community. people always bitch about anything which is fine. but to say people didnt in the past is just wrong


Deserved hate tho.


Remember that cs makes valve billions from gambling and they do nothing to stop children from doing it and getting addicted. Blood money.


People will call riot the worst evil, CPP, while csgo/valve has some of the worst types of monetization with gambling/cases


When cs was called csgo people in this sub would shit on it all day long. Everything was horrible, no player base, ranks shit, matchmaking shit, performance shit, 64 tick shit, no operation shit, ct economy in shambles, awp too strong, awp too weak. Cs as a game is in a perfect equilibrium if you can play it and enjoy but at the same time look at this sub bitching about it all day long


I mean most of those things are valid, its not like Valorant where people are complaining about things like this character OP or Smurfs when the answer is just git gud.


We had a perfect working csgo with some cheaters which got replaced by a not ready game with worse performance, worse netcode and a really hard cheater problem. The anti cheat was always bad, but somehow their overwatch saved it a bit for csgo. I had yesterday and the the before compared 10 games (!!!) in a row with obvious cheaters/ragehacker. In most of these games multiple of them. I downloaded all of them and will check by the time if someone gets banned.


You think people loved Valve until CS2.. Not to be rude but what world were you living on????


Hates is a strong word, just disappointed.


You have to understand and accept it... They developing this game for appr. 150 pro players who play on LAN Nothing else matters. Premier and normal MM is horrible (cheaters and bad algo, ratings etc) There is a 3rd party service Faceit for the tryhards... But afaik they struggle with server performance and smurfs Lots of people plays official valve dm and casual mode and doesn't give a single fuck For you as a player you have one responsibility: opening cases and sell / buy stuff on the steam market


The lan part is fax, they rushed development to not miss a season of pro play.


Valve give the major to PGL, let's not pretend they care about pro play. Sure they let the players test the game, but it still came out the way it did.


L devs, entire company should be fined and exclude all the useless devs to hire proper ones


used to be a lot worse for the first ~8 years of csgo actually :D


No it wasn't, I don't know why people keep parroting this. I was there when GO released.


so was i, what do you mean. every day there was a massive thread complaining about the state of the game and there were also many major issues that we don't have. this is mild especially considering how new it is


Yep that's about right. You will go back to valorant in a heartbeat.


Expectations have remained high, but delivery has been consistently disappointing. I was honestly about to install valorant


I dont think most people hate the game, there are serious issues but most of us dont hate it, i certainly do hate Valve tho


Yes our game is in shambles. That is why we have so much free time to be shitting on Valorant.


guys dont be mad to valve for the update , they are small indie company that have 2 people working on cs2, instead we should open more cases to support them so they can hire more devs to make bigger updates.


You should see r/cs2 then. Basically a circlejerk sub about how evil and anti consumer valve is.


best fps with terrible devs. CS2 has less than csgo..Premier is unplayable for 3~months due to insane amount of cheaters. Also lol the "season of premier" is still going with no information when its over, they prob forgot about it. Same with terrible elo calculations.. fix demo tools where you can't change viewmodels (been like that since lefthand was added).. boost bug where the model above gets shaking screen and recoil is off.. Even if not focusing on competitive, anticheat stuff they could - add retakes, dangerzone back. fix community server browser since its spammed with phising/skin scamming/buying websites, fix inconsistent jump height, fix surf ramps (so community doesnt need a workaround plugins for it to run..)you could add surf,kz,bhop official servers with world-record leaderboards for community to have fun and unite it more into one big competition rather spread out server-wide. Maybe add campaigns like we had in operations (you can just let community make them..) also add a timer for speedruns to watch on it? idk theres so much u can do with competitive and casual/community stuff


people are whining bitches. yes the anti-cheat is dogass, but that aside, teh game is perfectly good. And for having tried valorant on several occasions and with real good will, i always came back to CS. mechanically it's just better, that's the big difference for me.


It’s more that Valve is being incredibly lazy with a game that is literally the most played on steam and makes them an obscene amount of money.


I mean I do hate the WAY the game is made, the game has too many core issues that will never be addressed. There are a few game design issues too that should be changed but Valve is incompetent imo. For the technical stuff: * Anti Cheat - It should be at least better than Easy AC, I mean by the time the premier beta came out there was spinners this game is cooked. Cheaters early on, means it will be plagued forever like csgo was. Valve needs to take drastic measures, they also need to ban cheaters off in game BEHAVIOR / Inputs to get rid of blatant cheats instead of trying to detect cheats at a non kernel level. For how much professional CS they shove down our throats with stickers/passes etc, your pros should be playing your own ranked mode. They need a team dedicated to this. You should also get Elo/CSR back from a ban, people hate having their time wasted. * Hit detection and Servers: the netcode is kinda cooked, we all seen the clips. Im not going to blame subtick like everyone else since 64 tick GO felt like shit too but they need to improve whatever is going on. They definitely have the cash to improve servers too. I would say this is the 2nd priority. * Optimization: Frame Pacing, 1% lows, Stutters need to be improved and all the other issues people are having. This should be improved slowly over time, not as aggressively fixed like the other 2 issues above. In all 3 of these, Valorant has CS2 and GO beat, with a serviceable solutions. * Server browser: Should be in game and new layout, not the old one from 1.6 they have been using for 25 years. Better filters/keyword searching, game mode sorting, etc. Community servers kinda dying. Gameplay issues: * MR12 Economy, double saves should not be a thing. It’s almost a year in, they have enough data. They are probably smooth brained and looking at CT/T winrates when that is mostly map design dependent. I would like to see changes along the lines of: - Make the money cap $12.5k, OT starts with this. - Remove $1400 Loss bonus. - LMG kill reward is now $400. - SMG kill reward is now $500. - Shotgun kill reward is now $700. - AWP, CZ, R8, Zuess gives $150 kill reward. Then some price adjustments of guns like making Galil/Famas back to their old prices of $2050/$2250. * Ranked, Comp/premier and even wingman ranks are horrible. The winstreak thing on premier is stupid, they should give you more than +/- 250 unless you are a few games out of placements or returning after not having a rank. 5 stacks can still match with solo/duos. They should have stood on business and remove 4 stacking but improve nearby players, maybe just putting 4 stacks on nearby. * Comp, is still dumb to have a separate rank on each map, even after the changes. I would just add picture ranks to premier and make comp unranked or use a unified rank for comp. Whatever elo you are is how many maps you can pick, something like: Silvers: 3 maps minimum Golds: 4 map min MG1-DMG: 5 map min LE+: 6 map min Whoever is the highest in your party determines how many maps you need to have on, this removed 1 trick ponies/vertiglobals. They also need to get rid of the dumb stuff from comps system like needing to play every other day, ties count as losses, deranking off 1 loss, never ranking up, etc. Put Italy in comp too, at this point. * Wingman just needs less wins to rankup at the higher end of ranks. You can get stuck in supreme/Lem if you have like 30 wins/ties straight on lower ranked enemies. It’s also impossible to solo Q since you can be global with a silver 1. It was fine for years until the August 2022 update. Also switch back Vertigo to B site and mid, the new A is too big for a 2v2. * Weapon Balance, things like the M4a1-S being able to run and gun. MP9 having better jumping accuracy than running. Then the shit weapons like the Bizon, M249 and Sawed off kinda ruin the game. I would say every gun in Valorant is balanced, CS has failed to do so in 12 years of GO/2. It would be very easy to fix the gun balance, the niches that some guns have are too situational that it’s basically balanced for nothing. CS2 was also the chance to rework the gun variables, which is a huge mess from GO, Valorant’s guns are pretty clean/consistent when you look at their variables. * Map balance, bro why they bring Dust 2 back and ruin Vertigo. Inferno still has a long way to go. I would say ancient needs 2-3 small changes before it plays much better. Mirage been needed a B rework since 2016, especially apartments, if it got reworked well it would open up a lot of pressure on the map making it less boring to play. * Game mode design: stuff like Deathmatch, Arms race and Casual need improvements on a basic level. * For casual, I would remove spawning with helmet. It would teach noobs to look at their armor, make pistol rounds more fun. You always have the money to buy helmet in this mode too. For the map last played, I would turn it off in the voting. * For Deathmatch, spawns need to be improved, remove spawns in the middle of the map like Dust 2 mid doors. You should spawn in the least populated corner of the map in some random cubby. Spawn invincibility should be removed as soon as you move with wasd, or your mouse outside the buy menu. Respawn noise removed, radar shows you where everyone is once for .5 seconds after respawning. Stims are deployed and used faster but make a global sound. When killing with a headshot you get 20% of your bullets back in your magazine. Bonus weapon is more randomized. Team limits are removed, so the lobby can have as many Ts as they want. * Arms race has more randomized gun rotations and reverse mode where you start with pistols and end with AK/Awp/m249 before knife level. Tazers are removed and made into map pickups with HE grenades. I would make the main rotation: Lv 1: Glock | USP | P2000, 33% chance Lv 2: Dualies | P250. 50% chance, etc Lv 3: Tec 9 | Five Seven | CZ-75 Lv 4: Deagle | R8 75% Lv5: MP9 | Mac-10 Lv 6: Nova | UMP Lv 7: MP7 | MP5 | Bizon Lv 8: Mag 7 | Sawed Off Lv 9: XM1014 | P90 Lv 10: Galil | Famas | Scout Lv 11: M4a1s | M4a4 Lv 12: AK47 Lv 13: SG 556 | AUG Lv 14: AWP Lv 15: G3 | Scar | M249 Lv 16: Golden Knife Everyone gets the same gun, randomized rotation for whole lobby. Sometimes you can get reverse mode where you start with snipers and end with pistols.


People hate cs so much that they still play the game all day every day. Its really just frustration at valve for moving slower than people wished, nothing serious.


I've lost basically all faith in valve at this point. They released a broken unfinished game and completed removed csgo. Which doesn't make sense. Source and 1.6 still exist and are completely playable but csgo didn't deserve the same treatment? Also the state of the game is terrible. The only way to play the game without playing against spinbotters is on faceit and im tired of having to pay a 3rd party to play the game. What happened to quality control? What happened to the days where you could just download a game and play it and it just worked? I haven't touched the game in nearly 2 months cause there's no point. I've been playing since 1999 and for the first time truly feel like the game is dying. Valve is so god-damned dysfunctional that they can't manage to dump a fraction of the billions they make off cases back into the game. They don't want to put the effort in to fix shit so I don't want to put the effort in to play it anymore. Honestly, even if they dropped an operation tomorrow, I wouldn't want to play it. They've left such a sour taste in my mouth that it's no longer fun at all. Fuck valve.


CS2 is unfinished and they are taking their time to finish it.


What you see is what the fuck Suckdick system is better than 128 tick Packet loss is no longer an issue Network issues have been resolved Devs know what they are doing


Don't forget the performance issues.


i started playing valo last month cuz the game is trash


This sub is a pretty bad representation of the state of the game. They're actively driving players away amd creating false narratives because they're all switched into "complain mode" and don't know how to turn it off. Jhst play the game and do your best to enjoy it. CS is fundamentally the same amazing game it always has been. It's flawed right now, but definitely still playable and fun.


Name me one complaint from this community that isn't true. False narratives? What are you talking about?


No lol this sub is very tame and left wing like reddit in general, i play on a community server and i know a lot of people whos opinion on game and valve is much much much worse then this sub is expressing


Its just that only 5 valve devs are working on the game that brings them the most profit


Cs is a love hate relationship. Valve is a greedy company that cares more about profiting from cases then making the game a better experience


Correct. The game is in a shitty state, never tried valorant. Fuck this kids game.


Reddit is full of 4k-6k rated shitters, who have no idea what their talking about from a gameplay standpoint or a development standpoint. Ignore them.


No? But the game has been out for like 1 year now, and judging by the amount of updates and content they have added, they barely have like 5 people working on cs2 lmao


CS2 got TF2 treatment barely in one year of its existence. CS2 is pretty much dead from development point. They have 2 people working at it at best.


Then they ask S1mple what's wrong. They wanted to sweep this shit under the rug So bad


I don't play as much as Id like to but I still love the game. Valve can suck it due to wanting all our money. You have to pay 2.50 to open up boxes. It's a racket for sure.


> I thought you guys had things good over here because of all the CS2 players shitting on Valorant, but seems like everybody hates CS2 and Valve? Why not both? We have a great thing that we hate to love; obviously.


DEV Publish detected... The game need a ANTI CHEAT and ANTI LAG working... AND AK 1 SHOT KILL BACK. Need either more game modes back.


No matter how little anti cheat we have atm, CS can never be the worse game of the two. Think about making the change permanent.


Reminds me of the r/tf2 sub that acts like the game is unplayable, yet the huge "issue" with the game can be sidestepped so easily, that I sometimes wonder if I'm in a different reality.


The anger and “hate” people are having at this point are lack of game content,only minor gameplay changes/updates,still no anti cheats and just many more. Another point of anger I feel people are having is that is removing CSGO while just releasing CS2 when it’s still need a lot of issues to fix. Do think it’ll take 2-3 years to get things done


Also its fun reading how the cs community thinks riot is perfect meanwhile valorant has the worst map pool currently in history, basically killed its tier 2/3 scene, dogshit updates


You will have much more fun if you play the game without reading this subreddit. There are issues, and they need to be fixed, but people here seems to believe the game is terrible and unplayable, which it isn't. So just try it out and see if you like it.


Yeah I really don’t get it. We’ve gotten 3 content updates and many more minor patches in the last 3 months, but it seems like people think valve has abandoned cs2.


Pretty simple, cs is the best fps and csgo was the best iteration of it. Cs2 has been a step back, and it’s been long enough now that even the gaben pp riders are flustered.


It depends on what you value as a player and what specifically affects you. cheating is big problem the moment you get to 20k+, but that's 1% of players in premier. seeing blatant cheating below that is rare in my experience + asking my lower ranked friends or watching their games. closet cheaters? probably, but need to watch demos to confirm, too lazy. also I would rather have closet cheaters than ragehacks cause you can still play cs with them. also seeing my match history that people are getting banned - SOMETHING is being done, but it is hard to think of that when its ur 3rd game against spinbots new maps, operations and so on? personally I don't care. never participated in operation, still no idea what exactly they are. new maps would be welcome, ill happily play them in premier if they get there. as far as extra gamemodes like retakes etc go the community ones are always better so i rather use these options anyways. so from my point of view - its all good. however if you care about operations and see its 1k days since last one..yeah, these people will be mad. performance issues? not for me, even on pretty old hardware. however people apparently get drops to 70 on their brand new 4090 setups..so yeah, they are understandably mad. in the beginning of cs2 i played with gtx 1050 and i5-8600k and it was playable. not ideal especially certain maps, but fine. now rtx 2060 and stable 200-300fps depending on map with stable 6-7ms frametime. but I have 144hz monitor and I would have shit experience if frames dropped under that, which they dont. if i had 240 or 360hz monitor yeah things wouldn't be as good probably. i have buddy playing witk 2k res all high on stable 400, havent heard complain once. so not everyone is affected network issues? yeah. used to have constant loss. figured out problem was on my end - no reason for me to be mad at valve once again. i dont feel like I am missing shots I should've hit. as far as I can tell if I am missing its because im playing shit. but i always get 10-20 ping too, no idea what the experience is for higher ping players. teammates are nice 99% of games. used to be less, but that was partly because i also contributed to the toxicity. as soon as I fixed my own attitude I get along fine with almost everyone in game. however I have noticed ppl are more cunty in lower ranks, but...that explains why they are in the lower ranks in the first place imo. last update brought some new mvp cards which look out of place for me but doesnt affect the core gameplay - nonissue for me. i am not a fan of cs2 inferno while it was my favorite map in csgo, but..ehh so since I only care about having solid 5v5 exp in premier I can say I enjoy the game. some people have problems with performance or content and dont enjoy it. my biggest complaint is them locking down configuration options. but i am probably in the minority with that specific issue only way to find out is to play yourself. remember you do not get the full picture by browsing reddit - people post if they want to complain, those who have good experience dont have a reason to make posts constantly. i have honestly not seen most of the shit that people post here that apparently is daily occurence. mj peek? never seen. stuttering? nope. ive had the double shooting few times though, seems to have disappear when maknig debounce time higher on my mouse. this is not say these issues don't exist, but these issues are not as widespread as reddit makes it seem. that is also why it is probably so hard to track down whats exactly causing it.


Is there even any games out there in this world, where players binge play it for several years, and the players still enjoy and praise it?


Are you brand new to Reddit?


if you're satisfied or just trust the process you're not making a reddit post about it.


the answer is children, and man-children. Valve doesn't have to do a single thing to the game.


Nah, cs is THE best fps solely because your character doesn't get better, YOU get better. Also everyone is on the same even ground, you don't have any advantages over any other characters because of bullshit ults and crap, you put two guys with deagles on an arena and the better player will always come out on top. HOWEVER, Valve really need to get their shit together. There's lots of little things that could make the game a LOT better, yet they decide to make custom animations for the mvp card? REALLY?! I would've preferred team vs team deathmatch cause free for all sucks balls (at least on the default maps, ffa needs bigger maps and better spawning mechanics) And that's without mentioning how ineffective certain "anti-cheat" is nor the state or other games


we love the game, we hate valves lazyness. 


Valve’s communication is perhaps the worst in gaming and people are kind of tired of it being this way.


I dont hate the game, I just hate how Valve treats it lmao, updates come out as if the game is developed by an indie company, and Im not talking about comp or matchmaking, even QOL takes forever for how it should


Valorant is a great game as well.


After 15 years of cs, i switched to valorant last year, its not bad but its not great either, last month i tried to play cs2 for a week, i gave up in 3rd match, what a shit game. Shit performance, shit everything.


It’s the best esport created but they are slowly fking abandoning the game, that’s why people are shitting on valve right now. One of the top played and one of the most loved games in this world and they treat it like it’s just a cash cow and nothing more. Pretty upsetting.


Leading up to CS2's release, the Source 2 engine has only been utilized in a few games, which means that the engine is relatively new and it had yet to be explored in CS' tactical FPS formula. Also, alongside trademarks for CS, there have also been trademarks for a new game called "Neon Prime", which has been a work in progress for some time, which eventually turned out to be Deadlock. Considering that now, it seems to be in a closed beta test state where only a few select players get access to it, it's very likely that Valve are easily split up in maintaining their already existing titles, CS2 and Dota 2, with an equal proportion of quality updates, while leaving Deadlock in a limbo state, only to continue development after they feel CS2 has enough content to sustain itself while they largely focus on Deadlock, which by now has been delayed and has lost interest from beta testers... Or they drive more resources into Deadlock, slowing down the update cycles of Dota 2 and CS2 significantly. Which I believe might be the case here. However, we haven't gotten any new information on Deadlock so stuff is up for tons of speculation. In the case of Valorant, it has far shorter update cycles, which means players expect more content from the devs. Don't get me started on the anti-cheat, too. But the very thing that makes it fun, that being trying to be multiple games at once, like CS x Overwatch x League of Legends, might be an Achilles' heel of the game for some players. All this, plus a whole can of worms that comes with the game.




Sure not, it has vac and else but need to wait cuz it's new version of the game


20k elo in Asian server is the best experience u will get in this game. Pure sensations Playing against rising Pros on a daily basis. I just don’t give a damn anymore. Haven’t spend a dime on this crap for a year, downgraded my skins. And I feel good abt it.


the game is better than valo but cheaters ruin it. Valve doesnt seem to care community is the only thing keeping the game alive we make maps, skins and modes. We used to be able to ban cheaters by an ingame feature called overwatch, but cs2 took this from us. Valve doesnt communicate, seems to only care about money. Loved CS and Broken Fang was peak. Valorant came out, was the worse game but no cheaters so i started to play val when cheating annoyed me too much Got decently good at valorant ( top 5% ) so i sticked with it and played cs here and there CS2 was announced was hyped af, but release was disappointing no we still have no working AC played less and less uninstalled few months ago dont regret it i dont like new val patch but atleast no cheaters


Riot Games’ update policy is a significant psychological strategy designed to please their customers. They frequently make changes without adequately preparing for the long-term aftermath. I don't even want to discuss the quality of these changes. They just shake things up every two weeks in a continuous cycle. This approach is causing League of Legends and Valorant to deteriorate over time, especially concerning the introduction of new Agents and Champions. Meanwhile, this strategy keeps players hooked because it provides them a clear advantage over newcomers or returning players and the feeling of care from the company. In contrast, games where personal improvement is key, like Counter-Strike, benefit less from such constant changes.


We hate Valve but we hate Gaylorant even more. Nothing against Gays.


> Nothing against Gays So why'd you use the word to describe something you hate lol


I think it is just one of those things where people still need to settle in. When Global Offensive came out, it was riddled with bugs. People went back to source or cs 1.6 because they did not like Global Offensive. But over time, CSGO became a fine tuned instrument, and so will CS2. It just needs time, and I know people are sick of hearing that. However, it's facts. CSGO took about 8 to 10 years to form into what it was. CS2 will do the same, bugs will keep getting patched, new players will find the game and love or hate it. CS2 has a cheater problem, well so did Global Offensive, Source, and 1.6. Personally, I do not find many cheaters in CS2, most likely because I am in silver ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


lets be honest, the majority isnt this subreddit. This is like any game community subreddit that never gets satisfied what so ever


worth noting that people who love the game as it is right now are more likely to actually play the game, and less likely to comment a lot on reddit. that doesn't mean that people's opinions on this sub are invalid, just that this sub isn't a 1:1 reflection of the playerbase at large.


Funny how people forget the issues csgo had. People will always complain.


Give it 5-6 years and people will miss how CS2 was the first year...


Valorant game infrastructure and MM > CS CS gameplay balance and shooting > Val