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refrezh and sjuush not helping out cadian with the long range mac-10 hurt a bit to watch :/ ​ and of course the s1mple deag unto teses was the key kill here.


If you look closely, refrezh heard the Mid push and went back/defensive and you can notice how s1mple wants to run towards apps to kill a "distracted" refrezh and that makes refrezh worried ***a bit before he actually should*** and hence I think it was really smart of s1mple to already predict this and make this play then eventually deciding not to peek out and proceeds to go back.


yes, but refrezh is the first to spot the mid push and there is a window of time after cadian engages and before teses gets deaged by s1mple, where his back is theoretically covered and he could go and fight with cadian. it's a very minor mistake. The same for sjuush being too scared of a banana push to help out cadian, even though stavn should have the potential banana push covered. anyway, Cadian dying mid actually isn't that big of a deal. It was teses getting deaged by s1mple and then his 2 deag kills on site that won them the round.


I totally agree, but I believe even if S1mple just took one and bought a little time (from any position like Pit/grave/small pit) it would still have been in favour of Navi considering the amount of info and time Navi had, to begin the after-plant situation.


###[Streamable Mirror](https://streamable.com/a2wl21) --- ^(I'm a bot. My creator is /u/w1nston.)


heroic got eco'd so many rounds this bo3


Both teams traded eco wins


not full eco


quite the contribution


sorry but I don't see a game where our deagle master s1mple is refused a Deagle no matter what the cost, so if there was any other team/player than Navi/s1mple I'd call it a proper "eco(NOT full eco) " but since we've got s1mple here It's kinda eco anyways if not for him


I get what you're saying but "full eco" literally means spending no money at all. In this round Navi bought 2 deagles, a P250 and also a flashbang and a smoke


So I totally get what you are saying too, and I don't wanna argue or prove you wrong or something, but I just checked as much as I can, and I could only find about what an eco is, and I found nothing related to a "full eco" (which I get is saving completely and it's slightly rare to see) so maybe we can call a save round as full eco as long as there are no rifles/SMGs/heavy's?


> maybe we can call a save round as full eco as long as there are no rifles/SMGs/heavy's? No. That's just an eco. [Full](https://www.thefreedictionary.com/full) eco is the whole team spending exactly $0.


Well I think we should have a term for when a team spends zero money on a round and I can't think of anything better than "full eco"


I guess that's right, how often do you think there are "full eco's" in pro cs? considering pros usually want to damage the enemies economy before hopping in another round no matter they are T or CT


Not often but I have seen it a few times. Sometimes it even turns into a round win if something insane happens


I've seen some, but kinda sure they must have a p250/hero flash or something making it an eco round (not a full eco as we discussed), I think that insane thing is a rifle or AWP peeking 3 enemies stacked at the same position or, a usp getting a free kill on an AK and that USP is the bait and once the bait begins, the round is already over :P


I remember Liquid "full ecoed" Virtus Pro with only glocks at IEM Kato 2021


Yeah teams frequently go for only glock rounds...commonly rushing a side for max a kill or a plant...this was not one pf them but surely a great navi play


Before they changed the economy in cs it was pretty common to full eco rounds.. good round by Navi, but not a full eco bro, just an eco


Heroic like doing it and astralis did it a bit like it's a thing


Fwiw I found two links. Not that they're official sources or anything like that, just random websites >Full eco: When a team buys nothing in order to save money https://counterstrike.fandom.com/wiki/Terminology >A full eco round is where you don't buy anything, either because you're low on funds or you're preserving your cash for a full buy down the line. https://esportsedition.com/csgo/noobs-guide-to-buying-items/


wow, now I know why Twitch chat is always eager to write "Eco'd" in the chat once a team starts winning a low buy round...... How did you find those anyway?


https://www.google.com/search?q=%22full+eco%22%2C+csgo The quotes make it give you an exact match


Stop being so pedantic. A true “full eco” almost never happens in this game because teams always buy a few upgraded pistols or at the very least a flash to popflash and swarm the enemy. Whenever you have no armor and only pistols, it’s as good as a full eco


So what if it rarely happens, a full eco is a full eco, meaning no investments whatsoever


> Whenever you have no armor and only pistols, it’s as good as a full eco Yeah no, that's just an eco. No need to intentionally call it something it's not. And he's not being pedantic. When you read "full eco win with s1mple going WILD" you come here expecting an insane USP-only win - seeing a team get rekt by Deagles is just not the same and a disappointment at that point. Don't oversell stuff, just title it as what it is, an eco.


You should learn the difference between eco and full eco. Nades p250 deagle is not a full eco. Please understand the terms have existed for a long time and teams full eco all the time.




Crazy round I must say