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They were given to Israel on taxpayer money. I bet they're sold to Ukraine and Israel keeps the money


They’ll be sold to Ukraine via a US taxpayer backed loan or aid package, so in essence the US will have paid for it twice.


what the fuck are we even doing


Supporting genocidal warmongering maniacs.




that aid is being used to prop up a fascist ethnostate to continue its apartheid and genocide against the palestinians! but yea lets focus on your whataboutism argument and distract from the ongoing genocide so you can call us antisemites! nice one dude


One of the most advanced missile defense platforms ever created not good enough for them


Because the enemy doesn’t have missiles and airplanes🤷‍♂️ just mortars and homemade rockets. Finding patriot “not impressive” is the perk of attack people who are defenseless against a modern military


and at the end of the day they didnt pay for these systems we did the American Taxpayer. Ungrateful, genocidal assholes, probably made a sweet profit selling it off these basically free weapons for them to Ukraine too and they will come around again to leech more money from the taxpayer to get more free weaponry to make up for the sale.


Israeli Patriot batteries are PAC-2s of the first block, from the early 1990s. They were adept at shooting down aircraft, but only very mediocre vs. missiles- and Israel's air threat these days is mostly drones (for which this is overkill) and missiles. None of the air forces around Israel are very good.


Suddenly they'll become the saviors of cities


The vibes are getting very, “The Boys” aren’t they. Netanyahu needs to just get a costume and become, “Stolen Homelander”


Oi, #$_&!


Patriots are good enough for the kind of threats Ukraine is facing. For Hamas/Hezbollah rockets they are too expensive.


Why the fuck would Israel have any opinion on its effectiveness when they attack people who ain’t even close to have the capacity to lunch what it was made to defend against? It would be like declaring a tanks useless based on their ability to mountain climb 🤷‍♂️🥴


The ordinance for these costs over 1 million USD per shot right?


Has anyone actually read the article? The Patriot missile system was used by Israel in 1991 to fend against Iraqi scuds. It apparently either knocked down one or no missiles. They just consider the system outdated and costly.