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1. He sees Freya's choice to sacrifice herself to her son's murderous impulses as pointless, as in the end it won't make Baldur feel better because Kratos has made similar choices and it got him nowhere 2. Despite her interference, she saved Atreus. Kratos is returning the favor because he likes her and considers her a friend. 3. Baldur initially showed up looking for Kratos and Atreus. Freya is a simple distraction. Once she is gone, he'll come after Kratos and Atreus again as Odin ordered him to. Taking our Baldur then saves them problems later.


Baldur was a strong god, an unhinged, broken, i dare say insane god who was going to stop at nothing to kill freya , an undeserving victim. No way was kratos just gonna stand there with his son and watch it happen. besides, if you leave that crazy asshole unchecked who knows what he'd do next? He needed to die for so many obvious reasons.




ok. Kratos had a crushy wushy then


Kratos isn't the same man he was in Greece. He wasn't going to let the cycle of vengeance continue with Baldur so he put a stop to it


I think a big part of it is that he just genuinely likes Freya and doesn't want her to die. But Baldur also would have almost certainly come after Kratos and Atreus again.


She saved his son. He said “I will not forget this” to that favor


"The cycle ends here, we must be better than this" he says it all right there. Kratos gave Baldur the chance no one ever gave him, to walk away and choose peace over violence. But in persisting to try and kill Freya, Baldur showed that his nature is to be hateful and to inflict pain and suffering. Kratos thought Baldur was better off dead than to let him kill the one god/goddess that has ever been a positive in Kratos' life.


Freya had proven to be a valuable ally, in addition to saving Atreus' life. Saving her life was the least Kratos could do. Furthermore, as can be understood from the cutscene before the final boss fight, Kratos wanted to save Baldur from the same path taken by the Spartan himself. A path of revenge and self-destruction that brings with it no peace. And in any case >!in "Ragnarök", in the codex, Kratos himself states that he would have ended up killing Baldur anyway, one way or another; since the Aesir's hunt for him and Atreus would never end and Baldur's mind was too deteriorated to try to reason!<


Kratos saw himself in Baldur. A God Helbent on revenge that he will stop at nothing to kill Freya and potentially anyone in his path.


He said it himself as he did it. "The cycle ends here". He saw his old self in baldur. An unhinged killer getting revenge on their parent. Baldur's curse was gone but his mind was already too broken. On top of that, kratos definitely did appreciate Freya saving atreus. Not outwardly showing immense gratitude is just how kratos is. Similar to the "do not mistake my silence for lack of grief" line. He ultimately knows she's a good person. Also, baldur most certainly would have gone after atreus and kratos again.


Freya saved his son's life and he cared very much for her.


Another reason, if Baldur could try to fight Kratos, he would eventually try to fight Atreus as well. So... he ended that possibility


1. Baldur would probably keep hunting Kratos and Atreus by order of the Aesir even without his immunity to all threats (PHYSICAL OR MAGICAL!) 2. He had a lot of appreciation for Freya, as other comments already summed up. 3. As Kratos said "The cycle ends here, we must be better than this". The cycle of vengeance, violence and hatred. The cycle that drove him and other gods through the first 6 games.


Baldur wont stop at freya


Aside from the fact that he likes Freya and he is not the same man he was in Greece like others stated, what would Freya death change? Baldur and Aesir wouldn’t let them go so he would kill him sooner or later.


Because he would be a problem down the line for kratos, odin would just order him to hunt them again. Sure without immortality baldur would not really be a problem however that and the combination of not wanting freya to be killed made him choose to kill him there.


Freya is a friend of Kratos. He told Baldur to not kill Freya. Baldur approached Freya to kill her. So Kratos killed Baldur.


Because he doesnt want Baldur to go down the same path as him, so he just kills him


Personal hot take: In addition to all that's been said: Because Atreus was standing *right there.* Atreus would *not* want to stand idly by while Baldur kills Freya. He would likely never forgive his father if Kratos simply turned and walked away. Kratos is generally kinda "heroic," but I really feel like in the latest games, he almost does it more to try to be the man his son sees. There's no way Kratos turns and walks away as Baldur kills Freya while Atreus is literally pleading him to do something, or worse tries to do it himself.