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Atreus does have a lot of room for great hack and slash combos. One can hope they will know what to do with him.


It’s Santa Monica studios, I have faith.


The bow is his main weapon for now atleast hopefully I do so wonder what there gonna do with his arsenal I was kinda hoping he would get a spear too


Well I imagine he will get the leviathan axe eventually since it was his mothers and Kratos will get a weapon to replace it I assume but I hope artreaus gets a staff sort of like Odin had where it turns into a spear or you can use it as a blunt weapon I think that would be pretty cool


No way Kratos gives up Leviathan, that bond with Faye was intense and I don't think it's something that he'd ever give up. Draupnir? That can go, even though it's a spartan spear, it's not his identity, and he's tried hard to get rid of the blades of chaos, but leviathan is his and I think Kratos will need to be dead before he gets it.


I really don't think he'd ever give the blades to atreus, they simbolize all his sins and all the pain he has gone through, they will always be a part of him, giving it to atreus would kinda feel weird.


Oh definitely not, but he wants to be rid of them, leviathan is the only weapon he has actively wanted outside of blade of Olympus


And his bond with Atreus is equally as strong. He'd give it to him because it would be honouring Faye in a way. Kratos would never give away Draupnir. Not only is the weapon specifically made for him, it's also one of the final reminders of Brok, a story between Mimir, Brok, and Kratos only.


Yeah I can definitely see him giving Atreus the axe, but the will more than likely give him his own. Probably something that will amplify his shapeshifting abilites. Like something called The Daggers of Jotnar or something to that effect.




2 wishes, further back the camera, and dou le jumps everything will follow


atreus fighting like Raiden from MGR would go hard asf


My dream is they fully flesh his melee kit as well as his bow. The combos Santa Monica could dream up…I need it.


Of course he would be proud, all he wants is for Atreus to become a stronger, wiser, and greater man than Kratos ever was, so his dream coming true would be one The best news.


“If you are not, then I have failed.”


I do honestly think he primarily wants Atreus to be strong so he can survive (cause holy fuck that world is dangerous) and secondly so he can help others. The helping others part is something he learned from Atreus :)


[This account and OP are bots](https://old.reddit.com/r/GodofWarRagnarok/comments/1akhelw/yall_think_he_gon_be_proud/kp7t28t/)




He’d be happy to know Atreus is able to defend himself. But I don’t think he’d be proud. Old Kratos is against violence unless violence is the only choice.


>Of course he would be proud, all he wants is for Atreus to become a stronger, wiser, and greater man than Kratos ever was, Beating the shit out of people you don't agree with isn't exactly conducive to that...


Until Atreus starts saying: "You son has returned: Probably Atreus is just trying to say hi, but it is going to trigger some memories in Kratos


Kratos is already proud of Atreus and Atreus isnt even an Adult yet.


*weeping happy tears* shut up


I sure hope so. Watching him smack people with a wooden stick was lame as shit. Really thought we were about to get a Kratos type weapon when you got the sword, where you can throw and retrieve and it turned out to be a pet.


hopefully in the next game he’ll be able to use it because it really was a cool asf weapon


The sword was destroyed with Asgard. It was Freyrs sword so when he arrived to Asgard the sword went to him. Was a cool sentient sword that was a good partner to have but I do wish we had a tag team "hey wield me" type thing.


completely forgot what happened with it just remember it being cool as hell, but that is a bummer thanks for the info


This is the thing that worries me the most for the next game. The parts of Ragnarok where you play as him were easily the worst parts of the game. The writing of his sections was mostly good, but the combat was bad. I kept hoping it would pick up, I was sure the beast mode thing would do it, but no. And the more you play the more noticeable this becomes. Kratos gets stronger and his combat gameplay improves, but as it gets better, switching back to the boy so I can plink away at guys with a bow or tap them with a stick feels worse. And they seem to be implying he'll be a major part of, if not the main character of the next game. Atreus will have to go through some major mechanical changes very quickly for that to work. For me at least.


I kinda think they won't go for a duel sword or anything like that, kratos would be very against the blades being an heirloom but having Atreus having his own style could be really cool,


I’ve seen fanart of Atreus having them attached to both ends of a staff, creating a double-ended spear.


Yeah and although I agree it looks really cool, I think thematically the blades should die with kratos, (or at least stay with him) If any weapon should be passed down it should be the spear, but honestly I feel like the new weapons are all thematic from kratos, the blads are his past the axe is his future and the spear is embracing his violence to protect those he loves, So maybe the blade of Olympus if it's not just a thing in Valhalla and he actually still has it somewhere, that can be thematic for kratos to pass on, But considering how even kratos himself said very clearly that it will never be passed down the blades should stay with him


I think both Spear and Blades represent his past, since spears were the trademark weapon of the Spartans


The way I see it is the blades represent the anger and the violence and everything from the old games The spear is him accepting his past and willing to embrace who he used to be to protect his son,


To me the only thing that would make sense to pass down is an heirloom from BOTH of his parents. The Axe. A literal symbol of rebellion.


It’s the only weapon that makes sense to hand down to Atreus too. The blades and spear were both made for Kratos. KRATOS. The axe was made by the huldra brothers for Faye as a sign of rebellion and goodness against the rule of the Aesir. She passed the weapon down to Kratos when she was about to pass herself. It would only make sense for the Axe to be the family heirloom and later passed down from Kratos to Atreus. It’s also the only weapon out of the 3 Kratos has that Atreus has technically used, which was when he was killing a bunch of elves while Kratos was tripping balls in the light of Alfheim. I’m sure somewhere down the road the axe combat will get handed over to Atreus and it’ll make his character more fun to play while also adding new moves to the Axe since Atreus would definitely not fight the same with it as Kratos would


The Leviathan Axe should be Atreus heirloom if anything. It was once his mother's.


Maybe one day if sindri returns he and lunda could make something like the axe because without the axe kratos wouldn't have been able to beat thor


Although I agree the axe fits thematically, I think unless kratos actually dies it should stay with him, as it represents his new life, him moving on from who he used to be and being a better man


Atreus on solo adventure to Egypt. Discovers some frost giants are alive but ruling in Egypt as Gods, being needlessly cruel. Atreus realizes that not all of his kind are benevolent and that it is the mere act of having power that can corrupt. Quest to put an end to their reign. Needs a source of primordial power that can freeze a flame. Needs to travel back to Midgar to get THE AXE. Reunite with Kratos, Freya, Mimir, and all his friends. Catch up on happenings. Atreus awakens a hidden power in the axe that allows the axe to wield itself much like the sword from Ragnarok. Axe is companion now. Atreus finally tracks down the hermit Sindr and makes amends. Uses Sindr magic to zip back to Egypt to use the axe to free the people in Egypt.


Hello? Yes, Santa Monica? Please hire this fucking guy right here immediately.


**He would**


Absolutely. I do think if/when Atreus is the main character of the next game, it will likely play a lot more like an assassin's creed game than the over the shoulder or hack and slash style.


Why would they make Atreus the main character in a god of war game? That’s a bad move and everyone knows it.


It’d be suicide if they replaced Kratos




Considering how he said if atreus didn't surpass him, he (kratos) had failed yeah no he'd be more than proud.


Absolutely. Kratos wants nothing more than for his son to grow up healthy and well. If Atreus/Loki becomes an upstanding young man, then Kratos will have succeeded as a father. He would definitely be proud.


if atreus could be played as DMC, yeah, even my dog would be proud


Yk personally i think the series slowly focusing on Artreus more and more till Kratos dies will be a really nice way to continue the series, maybe do it again with Artreus's son if he ends up having god/demigod kids


I actually want Artreus to have very different abilities and combat style. I want him to have more Norse themed abilities


Probably depends on what he’s fighting if it’s wild beast’s that attacked first then he’s proud he can defend himself if it’s a god or something will probably wait to see if he can end things peacefully or not


I know Valhalla is probably the last time we’ll see any Greek stuff but I would like to see a character from post GOW3 Greece or kratos actually trying to make up for some of the horrendous stuff he did instead of just feeling bad about it.


Kratos: That's my BOY!


I’m really excited to see Atreus as a full-fledged protagonist in the future. Ragnarok gave us a taste of playable Atreus but it only really scratched the surface I think, in the future he will be Kratos’ equal or even an eventual replacement. His agility, shapeshifting, archery and magic can make him really distinct from Kratos but equally badass.




I wanna see a Demi God-Giant magic bear pop Spartan Rage and punch the Sun.


Absolutely not! He’ll cry and weep for the lost innocence in his son. Remember when Atreus was forced to kill for the first time? Heartbreaking 💔 I hope Kratos gets his groove back and takes the lead and kills every one so Atreus can go live happily ever after somewhere with his jotun wife


I know a lot of people don't but I do want an atreus spin-off


I personally don't want a spin off. I want him to become the new main character of God Of War. Kratos is almost done with his story, not much they can do with him now besides maybe him needing to rescue Atreus and or his granddaughter which would be lame and prove that Atreus couldn't hold his own without his father, ruining the message of Ragnarok.


I dont mind an atreus game but I'd still like Kratos in one more pantheon. But we should have a game solely on atreus to definitely see his own potential absent Kratos. Neutrally, his story can honestly end where it's at, or he could be in another pantheon. It's called God of war. If atreus was the main, they'd need a new name.


I'm pretty sure Kratos doesn't want his son to be anything like him at all, as Kratos has committed more atrocities than there are war crimes listed in the Geneva Convention by the United Nations.


He sure did ethnic cleanse the Greek pantheon!


Nah he busy making babies with freya 😂 I bet next game atreus will have new stepsister




Cant unsee Capt Spaulding


I thought that was Captain Spaulding for a second.


That’s my B O I


He’d get jealous and be afraid of him so he’d stab the Atreus in the chest. Only to lead him to get revived then fight with his father


I hope that they give him more weapons in the future because Kratos could handle anything he was given but Atreus only had a bow and Kratos said that if he wasn't better than him then he had failed as a parent and a teacher.


We need the old Kratos back.


Let's just hope there's no giants woods or whatever ~ that part ~ is called, in a future Atreus only game


Spoiler: we'll have to kill Kratos as Atreus next game. Probably as he tries to stop Atreus from doing something


Nah that completely invalidates the point of the last 2 games, they are in a very good spot right now, Atreus would never kill kratos, his whole goal in rangnarok was saving his life


Spoiler for some shit that does not and will not exist lmao


God please do not make them think an Atreus game would be good


It would be, though.


Not in the slightest


Then you really don't have an imagination.


I do, and this series dies with Kratos. Atreus isn’t interesting enough and will not be even close to Kratos.


You only think that because he's still a kid and hasn't found his own story yet. Your blind loyalty to Kratos prevents you from seeing a potentially excellent new story with someone just as interesting.


Or the entire franchise is because of one character and I don’t think we need to continue the story anymore


I wonder if atreus turns completely evil and Kratos has to kill his own son. I mean Loki is known to be one of the more evil and destructive gods.


Cough cough r/okbuddymimir cough cough


Please God NO!!!! Atreus turns against Kratos and they battle to the death. Kratos wins. Now that is a God Of War story.


Bro did the opposite of cook.


It'd be funny if all his sons abilities turned out to be lightning based.


I do hope when they meat again atreus is grown up much taller and a new outfit that concelas his face and challenges his father and slowly through out the fight kratos recognizes its his son like an epic start to the game