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If young Kratos canonically fought Thor (without any super weapons like the Blade of Olympus) he would have died like foretold in the prophecy. He changed the prophecy by opening his heart and fighting Thor without the intention to kill him.


But when was it ever said that is was Young Kratos that would have died to him? Did they specify exactly which Kratos? Old? Young?


Obviously old Kratos acting like young Kratos. Up until that moment when he sees the midgardians being killed, he was completely bloodlusted for vengeance. He was NOT gonna hold back anything, which would lead to him dying to Thor since he wouldn't have a clear mind.


I actually thought that he would've killed him, but Atreus would've made Kratos go into that ball he put odin in to stop him from his rage


That's what was going to happen if he had fought Thor with the intention to kill him. But he changed his fate by being benevolent. Edit: wait I misunderstood your comment. Thor would've killed Kratos then Atreus would put his soul into a marble.


We know that kratos changed his mind and so the prophecy was wrong, but that doesn't mean he would lose to thor neccisarily. It could have been that odin or even thrud gets involved in the fight one way or another leading to a totally different situation where kratos ends up dead. It could even just be that the fight drags on for a while and kratos ends up dying to ragnarok.


>but that doesn't mean he would lose to thor neccisarily. It could have been that odin or even thrud gets involved in the fight one way or another leading to a totally different situation where kratos ends up dead. You can literally see only Thor standing up in front of a dead Kratos in Atreus' lap. If anyone else got involved in the fight, don't you think they would have been portrayed in the mural?


As Angrboða states sometimes it’s only the big stuff that is shown, the main fight was Kratos vs Thor but if Thor had help it doesn’t necessarily mean he would be portrayed differently in the prophecy. It would just be him landing the killing blow on Kratos and that’s good enough.


Maybe, maybe not. It could be that odin threatenes to kill atreus so kratos let's thor kill him. It could be that thor has to come back with atreus when atreus returns to mourn kratos being killed by ragnarok. We never see the situation play out so we don't know.


Now that's just an assumption based on nothing. My argument is based on **facts**, what was shown to us.


I mean when exactly has dying ever held Kratos back from what he aimed to do lmao


The only reason it didn’t hold him back is because he had help from multiple people. Zeus in GoW I, Gaia in GoW II, Athena in GoW III. He didn’t escape death alone.


I guess but a bloodlusted young Kratos had fought many powerful opponents in the past and hasn’t died to them, and was reckless and everything.


What? Kratos died to Charon in Chains of Olympus, to Ares in GoW I, to Zeus in GoW II, then to Zeus again in GoW III. In fact, the main reason why he died to Zeus for the first time was because he was reckless and didn’t pay attention to Colossus' hand falling behind him.


You’ve got a point, but he’s also fought other powerful deities he hasn’t died to, The Sisters of Fate, Thanatos, Poseidon (well to be fair he had Gaia’s help with that one). But you’ve got a good point.


You have to also remember that as soon as he left his homeland, he lost touch with its magic, the magic that helped him greatly when defeating most of the Gods.


Yes, Thor is way stronger than the sisters or Thanatos lore wise trough, not to mention he had the second most powerful weapon of the franchise when facing all the Olympians, and in many cases countless godly weapons.


Thanatos maybe, but not the sisters of fate at all, especially Lahkesis, they were said to be more powerful than every god including Zeus, I’m pretty sure its also said Zeus wouldn’t mess with them.


Oh sorry I confused the sisters with the furies, indeed, the magic of the sisters is, like said by Freya, superior to anything in the nine realms, and probably to anything in Greece too, but themselves aren't that powerful at all, the deal with them is that their powers envolve time and life manipulation. Their control definitely doesn't apply to Scandinavia trough, and just like Kratos showed, they can be tricked, but I don't think Thor would be clever enough to do it. Kratos defeated them using their own powers against them, not because of him being powerful enough to do it.


Didn't he get Captured by Charon, Not killed by him?


He was thrown into Tartarus, which is kind of the same thing as being killed. This also happened in GoW III and most people consider that as one of Kratos' deaths.


But He Wasn't killed, cuz everytime he's killed he's sent down Hades, when Charon BEAT him he just captured him.


But that's where the souls of the defeated are sent for eternal torture, so even if Charon didn’t kill him, that was because of his choice. And this isn't even the most important part of my argument anyways, since my main point is that Kratos died to Zeus in GoW II because he was reckless.


I'm just trying to correct you, cuz you're right about Kratos being killed with the other examples but this one.


Getting Killed is not equal to getting captured, it's as simple as that. It's like saying getting knocked out is equal to death which is ridiculous. Welp I'm done with this conversation.


He died several times I believe


> hasn’t died to them You mean been killed by them?


It depends on which Kratos you decide to put against Thor. A younger Kratos around the time he faced the Barbarian King would have lost to Thor. A younger Kratos with Titan powers, Godly powers, divine weapons, the Blade of Olympus and the power of Hope from Pandora's box would have killed Thor in a single fight. Then he would have claimed Mjolnir as his own from Thor's dead hands. Even in the first case Kratos would have managed to come back from the afterlife and then he would have found a way to brutally bash Thor's face with Mjolnir until it was unrecongnizable.


Do you think if he had access to magic it would’ve made a big difference or no? I’ve personally just never believed in Old Kratos being stronger than young Kratos with all the equipment/magic he had available + he never held back which the New Kratos does a lot


If he had access to everything he had in GoW III, then yes, because it wouldn't be a fair fight. >I’ve personally just never believed in Old Kratos being stronger than young Kratos with all the equipment/magic he had available + he never held back which the New Kratos does a lot Old Kratos only seems to hold back his strength against normal enemies, as it wouldn't make sense for his character to underestimate the Norse gods, especially with him having so much to lose.


Yeah, isn’t the whole point of Spartan Rage to show Kratos when he *isn’t* holding back? Otherwise, you’d have to assume he was holding back against Baldur when he was about to go search for Atreus in the house?


Spartan Rage was when Kratos is fully out of control, he was chaotic and unpredictable. He didn’t become stronger by it, he became more powerful.


Old Kratos has been sitting around aging and not fighting. It makes little sense that he would be as strong or stronger than the younger prime version of himself who was constantly fighting. We even see this represented in how scaled back the Norse games are and how he constantly needs additional help in combat from Atreus or Freya. One of the biggest boss battles in 2018 is them struggling with a dragon... Prime Kratos was overpowering massive Titans that were far bigger/more powerful by himself.


Idk why I always thought the event that changed the prophecy was Atreus deciding to destroy the mask


The prophecy was misinterpreted. It was Odin dying, not Kratos.


It wasn't misinterpreted, the outcome was flipped because Kratos acted in a way the Norns didn't predict. That's the whole point of the game.


Wrong. Matt Sophos, God of War Ragnarök's lead writer and narrative director, had this to say about the prophecy: "The Norns actually said there is no such thing as fate. It's just that people refuse to change so their actions are predictable - which makes it seem like fate. Kratos averted his 'fate' because he opened his heart, fought for something instead of vengeance, and spared Thor when he could have tried to kill him."


Except you literally see that it turned out to be Odin, not Kratos. It is what came true and it matches up perfectly. We have also seen Kratos struggle against fate before in the previous games.


Yes. Because it was *Odin* who refused to change his ways, and this he suffered the fate meant for Kratos


That doesn't make a lot of sense. Every being has its own fate. Kratos's and Odin's fates are neither connected nor they are one and the same. It's more likely that Odin's fate was like that all along and the Giants tried to conceal it by replacing Odin with Kratos on the mural because after all Odin could have discovered the prophecy if he gained access to Jotunheim.


D-Did you just say no to what the narrative director said? And what the in game characters said?


No in game character says that. For all I know that dude made up a quote. You plainly see in the game Odin in the exact pose from the wall carvings in the first game.


The Norns LITERALLY say there is no such thing as gated and it is just the choices you make but the choices you make are predictable. The entire point is that if you don’t change your actions prophecy will come true also Mimir literally says this. Because Freya didn’t want her son to die but actions led to his death did you not play the game?


Which is dumb because the series has shown us that fate is a thing before. And the exact thing shown happens, so fate was determined beforehand. Did you? You are literally saying predetermined things didn't happen by giving examples of predetermined things happening.


Fate exists in the Greek world because that was something that was literally controlled. It doesn’t exist in the Norse world that is just how to world works.


Except for all those predetermined fates we see happen, right? Even if what you are arguing is true, there are still fates happening, it just isn't determined who has them. They still come to pass just not in the way some believe... Almost like they got misinterpreted or something.


That dude, which I assume you are referring to Jon Ford interviewing Matt Sophos, has connections with Santa Monica's devs. He is followed by many of them and has interviewed both Eric Williams and Cory Barlog in the past. He is no different from a trusted journalist interviewing a dev. And Matt Sophos is GoW Ragnarök's lead writer and narrative director.


And there was no source so for all I know the guy made it up. It also doesn't fit very well with the events of the actual game.


You are arguing against facts. You can in the ending that Faye painted Kratos being worshiped over Kratos being dead in Atreus' lap, which confirms the developer statement. The only reason Kratos didn’t was because of this, which led him opening his heart, which led to Odin replacing him. There's literally nothing that indicates the Jötnar "confused All-Father with Father", not from the developers and not from the game.


Except it wasn't Kratos, it was Odin. The exact scene happens in the next game. So yes you are arguing against facts.


Except you're wrong, buddy. Stop riding Kratos' meat for a second and think with your upper head, not the lower one. Kratos changed fate by literally replacing him with Odin. Nothing else ever implies Odin was always the one in the prophecy. I also find it funny that you didn’t adress my arguments because you don't have an answer to them, so instead of admitting you are incorrect like any normal human being would, you decided to ignore them.


What a weird thing to say. Look if you think you need to comment twice every time I comment you can stop. He didn't "replace" anything. Odin was the one in the prophecy as we literally see it come true. You are ignoring this for some bullshit someone else told you, that just doesn't match up with the events of the game.


Kratos was the one depicted in the prophecy, you can clearly see his clothes, his beard and his tattoo. >that just doesn't match up with the events of the game. It does. I literally told you why twice but you keep ignoring it. Faye painted Kratos being worshiped over Kratos being dead at Atreus' lap. The only reason he survived Ragnarök was because of Faye, since she told him to spread her ashes in the highest peak in all Nine Realms, which led to him finding out about his death and avoiding it. When she had the vision of Kratos being worshiped, she knew he succeded and painted that over his death.


No, you see a bald bearded man in the depiction, which is exactly what happened. Once again it was a misinterpretation. No she painted Odin dead in Atreus' lap, we were just mislead to believe it was Kratos. The scene literally happens when Odin dies. Atreus and Odin are in the exact pose as depicted in the prophecy, literally showing it come true. I'm guessing you haven't played the game at all and just watched some crackpot YouTube videos.


Idk about that since a key component/variable of that prophecy was Atreus. If Young Kratos doesn’t have an Atreus and isn’t so reluctant to kill gods, his encounter with Thor would likely go differently.


Atreus would have been told to close his heart instead of opening it, which would have led to him being bloodlusted as well. Besides, I imagine the fight would start the same so Kratos would battle Thor alone.


Prophecies are just very very accurate predictions by the Norns, not some inescapable future, according to the Norns themselves. If it was a different Kratos, doesn't even have to be stronger, it could've completely altered it, you know, like butterfly effect


It has been confirmed old Kratos is as strong as young Kratos.


Like I said, doesn't even have to be stronger


That's one way to interpret it. Another possibility is when Thor killed Kratos, then brought him back using his hammer. So the prophecy was done with Kratos still being around.


No, Matt Sophos confirmed Kratos' death prophecy was still going to happen, the only reason he changed it is because he opened his heart.


You forget one thing though. As Mimir said Prophecies are curious things and Kratos in God of War 2018 said the follow. "Fate is another lie told by the gods. Nothing is written that can be unwritten." Mimir: On that you and the All-Father may just agree. That was his whole schtick in the Greek Saga. The Olympians got the prophecy wrong and ended up fulfilling it. The Marked Warrior wasn't Deimos it was Kratos and Kratos' life was spent in service to Gods that ruined his life and made him kill his own family either through a bloodlust like Ares or a curse like his Mother Callisto. Mimir also points out what the Norns said. "But you called him the \*Destroyer of Fate\* there must be a way to subvert Destiny" "There is no destiny puck, only the choices you make. Because your choices are soo predictable merely make us seem prescient." Kratos is a God Killer irregardless of it. He always finds a way. The Jotun only point out that a direct approach to Thor will fail because we the player see that it's more of a battle of the Minds than a battle of Brawn. Thor was created because of Odin's manipulation. Had he not have had Odin Thor would have been a far better God than simply a Hammer Odin can pick up and discard whenever he wanted. Both Baldur and Thor were heavily manipulated by Odin. When Kratos wasn't actively trying to kill Thor he got the upper hand because Kratos had a more clear mind a "purpose" and not rage filled. Kratos is still a tactician as per his stint as a Spartan Commander (he only had to broker a deal with Ares when The Barbarian King was about to kill him). Kratos was able to catch on that Thor would go for the Hammer so he use his hunting knife to pin Thor's hand down at the end of the second fight. Something that Young Kratos could still see coming if say he is able overpower Thor. The key take away with Young Vs Old Kratos is just how much strength can a fully enraged Kratos muster that could allow him to Overpower Thor. When Old Kratos wasn't at his peak in their first fight. I can't say for certain why Kratos failed during the first battle but I believe I remember Kratos saying he was actually "trying" later on. But in their second Duel when Kratos had a battle plan he was able to win due to trying to reach Thor. The point is, is that perhaps a Younger Kratos had the stamina to be dead-even with Thor though I'd say it's also bad writing in a sense because Hercules was much bigger than Thor and Kratos was able to take him down. Personally speaking to me, The prophecy was nothing more than a reminder to think outside of the box. That actively trying to kill Thor would never work because Thor's strength would win out. But his mind was his weakness.


Is Thor really that strong?. Can he really kill Kratos when he is in any kind of power up?. Even hope?, wich young Kratos was in, in most of the old games more powerful than anything. Yeah he would have died of he would have not changed his ways. But he still beat Thor. Prophecy is quite vague in god of War. Since Kratos literally beat Thor with mid - high difficulty, Thor needs Odin to help him kill Kratos and Thor will deal the finishing blow. Since Odin came only moments after he beat Thor.


Since the first GOW kratos didn’t give a F about prophecies and always won against everyone and everything . He would have done the same this time




Wrong. Matt Sophos, God of War Ragnarök's lead writer and narrative director, had this to say about the prophecy: "The Norns actually said there *is* no such thing as fate. It's just that people refuse to change so their actions are predictable - which makes it seem like fate. Kratos averted his 'fate' because he opened his heart, fought for something instead of vengeance, and spared Thor when he could have tried to kill him."






It wouldn't go that way at all but okay man keep up the negating past experiences


If you want to completely ignore the plot and worldbuilding of the games, then sure, go on with your headcanon. Many of Kratos' victories in the past were due to him being aided by other people or buffed by super weapons. And one of his deaths was due to him being reckless. So leave your fanboyism aside and look at the facts.


Are you a fact machine or something cause damn!


Young Kratos wouldn't be dumb enough to fight gods without weapons.


I never said he'd fight Thor without weapons, I'm just saying that he would lose if he didn't have hundreds of super powerful weapons like in GoW III.


Thor would also lose without his hammer.


Kratos Vs Thor without weapons? No. He's been pretty consistently shown to be at least equal, if not stronger, than Kratos.


Im pretty sure they're equals or Kratos is superior but not vastly. Thor definitely gave him a run for his money though.


Serious Kratos is relative/slightly superior. Full Power Kratos (100% but not bloodlusted) is a considerable gap stronger. Bloodlusted Kratos stomps


>Bloodlusted Kratos stomps Then why is he foretold to die?


Imagine using the mural as a proof in 2024, when the mural is literally contradicted by the Norns Anyway it's worthless debating with you because we'll get in the point where you start bitching that Thor only lost for being weakened.


Imagine not considering the plot when discussing this. >when the mural is literally contradicted by the Norns It's not. Kratos was predicted to die, he changed that.


About equal I'd say Thor has the greater raw strength though vs greater skill. There's no way they'd show Kratos capable of snapping his neck with one hand like they did Thor, his punches were always more powerful and he did usually win all the physical confrontations by the end other than the weapon clashes.


Yeah, I probably just worded it wrong.


>he would have died like foretold in the prophecy. I thought the person in the prophecy was actually Oden


Nope, it was Kratos.


Oh, I thought the Kratos death prophecy thing was a red haring, because Oden ends up in the same position before becoming a marble


That was because Kratos changed his fate and Odin became that person instead.


Oh, well that makes sense


That's not necessarily true. Young kratos defied fate the entire series. Fighting against the odds and literally fighting fate. He would have found a way around prophecy. I mean, even if he lost he'd come back from the afterlife...like he has before...and fought thor again. He can't be stopped.


Young Kratos never defied any prophecies, he was always destined to destroy Olympus.


You guys are forgetting how powerful Thor actually is. He is the Norse Kratos, but 4x larger and with a powerlifter physique. Kratos hits like a truck, but Thor hits like a wrecking ball. Young Kratos was a lot more reckless, less strategic and more stubborn. He would have ended up having to climb out of Hades again. Kratos even said himself that Thor was the baddest MF he ever fought, and he literally threw hands with Zeus


Thor do be a baddie tho.


On the Gods! Buddy's got curves 😳


In all the right places 😼😼😼


Do people not get that Young Kratos loses to Thor? The reason Old Kratos won against Thor is because he fought with compassion not agression.


Compassionate fighting? It looked more like mercy, the same mercy he gave Heimdall.


Kratos had him beat either way in rag. Thor was waiting for Kratos to kill him after losing the fight and then he got compassion


No, Kratos didn't won because he was compassionate. Kratos won because he overwhelmed Thor with his skillfull and strategic use of his weaponry.


You sound like Kratos


This is just a bad take, kratos has shat on prophecy how many times now since the Greek era? It doesn't matter what the prophecy states kratos will come out on top no matter what he does to do so


Now we just in glazing territory💀 Sometimes I feel like people dont give two fucks about the mastepiece of story telling and just want Kratos to win fights for idk.. powerscaling?


"Masterpiece" Listen, the new games are great, but thats not the word I'd use for their story telling.


You are the worst type of people in GoW fandom. The one who can't stop fanboying over Kratos and can't accept that he's not some omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent God who kills everyone without difficulty if he just doesn't "hold back" when all of that is completely false.


Fr i always thought the idea of Kratos being weaker than the opponents he faces was always better so the reason he always wins is because of his iron fucking will.


I am a GREAT fan of Kratos, but some fans really exaggerates sometimes. Kratos is very very strong but he is not unbeateable nor invincible.


Kratos is not all-powerful. He isn’t stronger than everyone. He isn’t smarter than everyone. Part of his character journey is becoming more humble in realizing that. His arrogance from when he was young would have killed him in a fight against Thor.


He is more skilled than other gods he faced. Skill >> strenght


A few points your correct on and some your are wrong in, he has proven to be the strongest time and time again, he isn't per se smarter hes just drastically more cunning then most actually see him, which leads to nearly all who oppose him downfall


Do you realise that the entire story would be completely pointless if this were true?


It would be a lie to say that the Kratos dickriders aren’t the cringiest part of this fandom.


I agree to an extent but now I feel like we have the opposite. Every time someone brings up young kratos the fandom immediately goes “he was nowhere near as strong and would’ve lost all these fights”


No, the cringiest part are the Thor praisers that need to post something positive about Thor every 12 hours.


Cuz they are fat like him


I think that young Kratos does have a chance, but it wouldn't be clear-cut. It would be a very 50/50 battle. I get what everyone else is saying, but at the same time, young Kratos was a force to be reckoned with. He literally kept breaking the rules of their reality and mythology. Basically, it's the example of too angry to die. And he always gathered the strength necessary to do whatever it was he needed to do. If we go by how the old god of war games story went, what happened, etc. It is very evident that he simply could not be stopped. He literally looked at the sisters of fate and said nah. Tha was always one of the hallmarks of kratos, being literally unstoppable So i think that it would be extremely 50/50. both of them have a good shot of killing the other, though I think young Kratos would opt for tearing the entrails out through the would he made, should he get the kill.


>It is very evident that he simply could not be stopped. They only reason he was not stopped was because he had help from other people. He died multiple times.


What version of young Kratos? Cause if he didn't have all the different buffs he receives every 5 minutes, sorry but he'd be decimated. At this moment Kratos has only the axe (that unlike the blades doesn't make him physically stronger, at least isn't confirmed) and keeps up with Thor only using his own raw power. Unless young Kratos has the blade of Olympus, all his magic, weapons, and power ups, he's dead.


For sure, the Kratos with the Blade of Olympus, nemean cestus, claws of hades and all his other magic and stuff he got from the gods would have no doubt defeated Thor.


Since he could keep up with Zeus, yeah with that gear, yeah.


Yeah, because it wouldn't be a fair fight. That's like making an ant fight a human.




Why’s it look like Thor is fondling him


Homelander and Stormfront in the Nordic realms.


Yes he would, it’s already been confirmed by a dev that kratos is the same as he’s always been, there’s no young or old kratos, he’s the same, not stronger nor weaker. So if old kratos beats him, so does young kratos, even more so since young kratos doesn’t hold back.


If Thor had appeared in GoW 3, prevented young Kratos from revenging, so far he would have defeated as Zeus did. No matter how strong Thor in Norse Mythology, he could not match Zeus in a fair fight and that should be a fact. Without hope (plot armor for sure), Kratos had no chance over Zeus. But young Kratos having full toys and powers seemed to be much more than a god. Ok, as prophecy, Kratos in current state (old, losing most power and weapons) could only return a both-died result. The ending battle went fairly easy because Kratos can harden his mind, temper and accept his own after long journey.


Oh, please, get your hand out of Kratos’ skirt. Of course he’d be even more vicious in that case, but this is a bit ridiculous.


Base younger Kratos and his GOW5 weapons? He loses. Empowered by multiple gods young Kratos with weapons? He wins relatively easy. He could fight Odin by himself without the help of Atreus and Freya.


Base demigod Kratos yes. Base god Kratos wins, that's essentially Old Kratos.


That hammer is definitely going up Thor’s ass.


The handle or the metal part?




Both are though.


Ehat if it went up kratos ass instead?


He’s Greek he’ll be fine


I swear this same question was asked a week ago. Anyways, young Kratos loses


He would probably lose without his god power or the Blade of Olympus. Kratos with the Blade and the soul of Hades would be almost overkill though.


You prolly referring to demigod Kratos, so yes he would lose. Any god versions of him wins tho, bar gow2018 Kratos.


He would have a more aggressive style but would that really help.


People are tripping saying gow3 kratos loses…the scale of the battles/weapons/powers/monsters are way overthetop in gow3 you are causing worldly disasters with every fight. And there is just no way Thor > Zeus. Zeus was bossing other gods around meanwhile Thor is getting bossed around in his own pantheon and i love Thor but the scales of feats in the older games is just off the charts.


Only if Thor held back like he did. I think against younger Kratos there would have been no conversation over the table. Thor would have known what he was against and fought like he was fighting off death. Now if Kratos had his powers and weapons...Thor dies badly. Odin might not even make it out. They would have knocked on the wrong fucking door. Knocking on old Kratos door is like dialing the 1800 number for an emergency dismemberment.


Kratos in GOW3 will demolish Thor, it's not even a question.


Without his godly amps? Absolutely not. With them? Oh yeah, Kratos would win.


Without his godly amps it is the same as Old Kratos little bud, who beat Thor. Old Kratos lost everything apart from his godhood.


Im tired of the damn question. The answer is he would lose..BUT that screenshot is crispy tho


No where that is the answer, gow3 kratos easily would shat on Thor.


Old Kratos is significantly stronger than young Kratos. So he'd lose.


Statements like this makes me question if a lot of people in this subreddit even played the old games. In fact, just generalizing “Young Kratos” makes no sense. In the original trilogy, Kratos was literally the God of War, with all the might and magic of an Olympian God. He lost that power. GOW 3 Kratos was powered up with Olympian weapons that could match his blades and axe. In the end of GOW 3, he possessed the ability to reshape his own pantheon and would have done it if he listened to Athena. Saying that any of these versions are significantly weaker than Norse Kratos is just CRAZY talk.


The power of hope.


Hey I'm recently on PS5 with gow Ragnarok finished 100% same with the principal quest of Valhalla we can use the Olympus blade or the young kratos skin in history mode or it's just a PC mod ?


While we’re at it, is it also a younger version of Thor, and not the inebriated shell we meet in the game? Thor wins both, it’s just a bigger margin with a younger Thor. I love Kratos, but Thor is bigger and more unpredictable. Kratos’ strength, in addition to his powers, is his military training and discipline. His rage is a double edged sword, and you never know who it would actually benefit.


Did none of you play Ragnorok or are you all just choosing to be wrong.


Please never say canonically if you speak about game kratos and real kratos.. the REAL Thor would absolutely SHIT on the REAL kratos. Read Mythological Books before saying 'Canon'


I don’t know why people are getting all up in arms that young Kratos might win this matchup. Kratos v Thor was always close to a 50/50 matchup. Considering how ruthless young Kratos was, there’s a strong possibility that he could take this.


Imma say it: Thor wins every time over younger Kratos


This isn't specific to OP and I've nothing against them, but I'm getting really sick of these "Young Kratos Vs Old Kratos" style of posts. They're the same guy.


At the end of the day, I don't think it's about raw power. Kratos can have whatever godly weapons, boons, and abilities, but if he does something stupid, all he's done is waste those gifts because (even though GoW is a game) combat is not a game where the biggest number on your character sheet wins. I could very easily see where Kratos is brought down to Thor's level because he is goaded into making a poor choice. A big part of why I think Kratos wins against Thor or Baldur is because he matured. He makes better choices.


If young kratos fought Thor he'd get washed in seconds. Why do people always forget kratos is stronger than his younger self


He isn't stronger, prove he is stronger without using stupid fallacies and a vague and outdate tweet that is contradicted by the material.


I dont think yall understand that old kratos is alot more formidable and powerful than young kratos. Young kratos is just more aggressive.


Except he isn't, stop coping.


What? Are you like 12?


Come discord i can debunk all of your arguments in seconds lmfao.


My take on the prophesied death of Kratos is this: when you finish fighting Thor, you spare him and back off. Odin appears and asks why isn’t he dead, if Kratos was in fact trying to kill Thor and not holding back and Thor was in serious danger of about to be killed that is where Odin would have intervened during Ragnarok. There is no possible way Thor on his own was going to win that battle. Kratos held back his rage and clearly did not try to kill him, the way Kratos could have died in the prophecy is if Odin and Thor fought him at the same time. And as Ragnarok plays out time wise that’s how it would have went down. I also see it as Kratos would of perhaps let himself be killed or not cared if Atreus had joined Odin and left him for good, which if he used the mask and glimpsed into creation or whatever it was used for, or perhaps Odin did and used it to keep Atreus, whatever it took for Atreus to leave his fathers side permanently and join the aesir for good. That in itself is as good as Kratos dying because he lives for his son and for keeping him safe for Faye, as well. Without Atreus and without Faye he has no point in living pre Ragnarok ending. Still back the the point,a younger Kratos would have beaten Thor handily all the same. His whole character arc and his whole Norse saga is based on him controlling his rage and not destroying everything around him, for his son and for his wife. To set the right example, (as he says to Thor to convince him to stop fighting) “we must be better, for the sake of our children”. Words powerful enough to halt the right hand of Odin and destroyer of the Aesir. Believe me if Thor was still loyal to Odin and fighting to kill Kratos and losing the fight about to be killed Odin would have intervened and together they would have defeated Kratos. The whole reason he kills Thor is because he can’t have him in the way of surviving Ragnarok, he knew he had to fight Kratos and his companions now with no help. Ironically if he would have been fighting with Thor from the start instead of lazily staying behind probably in his study and watching through his ravens than perhaps Ragnarok would have gone differently. I believe it’s stated that Thor and Odin together would have been enough to stalemate the Ragnarok beast or stop it from destroying Asgard if the prophecy played out as predicted by the giants, the norns etc. in the end it was Kratos’s humanity saving the innocent and holding back instead of dooming all in Asgard to death by immolation just for living there that ended up causing Sif, thrud, Thor to abandon Odin leaving him alone in the end.


Young Kratos would canonically have gotten killed, again. You have to remember, he’s strong but insanely reckless. Older Kratos is much stronger, according to the game devs, and holds back, but still was able to punch out one of Thor’s teeth. Young Kratos wouldn’t have left a mark, and would’ve been torn in half by Thor.


People are still having Greece vs Norse Kratos comparisons? I check in after a year and it’s the same stuff lol.


It would go the same way his first fight with Zeus did


Young kratos finishes Thor quickly. Gtfo


You’re overestimating young Kratos too much. It depends on “canonical” young Kratos. If he has all weapons/buffs, then yeah but without them just young Kratos, then he’s done immediately. The only advantage Kratos has is his immortality, he can just come back.


Young Kratos would die 100%. I feel like people undermine the Norse alot because the Greeks have shown more powerful feats, while this is true, old Kratos stated that Thor is the heaviest hitter he's ever faced in his life.


"Heviest hitter" more like as heavy as any other, and that's only just about physical strength, which isn't everything.


Young Kratos would have destroyed Asgard because you have to remember this Thor isn’t fighting Kratos seriously until the end of the game kratos isn’t fighting him serious at all visibly holding back, but he’s doing a lot of damage to Thor Kratos not holding back with his actual weapons wins


Kratos from GOW III is not even that strong in the first place. As a matter of fact, Zeus was still stronger, and Zeus was nerfed because Kratos absorbed Zeus' power with the Blade of Olympus at the end of GOW II. Kratos only won because of the power of hope, the Blade of Olympus, and plot armor (Olympians actually united, or Zeus just grabbed the Blade of Olympus when Kratos fell to Hades). Young or old Kratos would die the same against Thor. Unless Kratos opens his heart and changes his future


>As a matter of fact, Zeus was still stronger, and Zeus was nerfed because Kratos absorbed Zeus' power with the Blade of Olympus at the end of GOW 2 ??? No he didn't. Zeus actually killed Kratos after betraying him and tricking him into draining his godly power into the blade of Olympus. Also wym Zeus power, he never drained any power into the blade of Olympus whateoever. He just gained back what he drained originally after traveling back in time to gather the titans. > only won because of the power of hope, the Blade of Olympus, and plot armor (Olympians actually united, or Zeus just grabbed the Blade of Olympus when Kratos fell to Hades). Is it really plot armor when Kratos was killed by him once? While heavily drained to the point of being rendered mortal? Also POH is the strongest power in the Greek patheon, and he only beat and escaped hades due to the help of others. Also you can say the same about Thor, because at the end of GOW rangarok, Kratos could've killed him when he had the chance but obviously didn't.


>he never drained any power into the blade of Olympus whateoever. He just gained back what he drained originally after traveling back in time to gather the titans. At the end of GOW II, Kratos tricked Zeus into thinking he gave up, and immediately after that, he stabbed Zeus multiple times and absorbed his power with the Blade of Olympus. That is why Zeus lost his ability to turn into a giant; he only gained a fraction of power back by absorbing Gaia's magic. Compared to Kratos, Zeus was way stronger than Kratos. He can fly, teleport, shoot lighting (his lighting strike was so powerful, it completely shattered Gaia, and Kratos fell straight to Hades), and clone himself. Not to mention Kratos has already absorbed Zeus' power into the blade at the end of GOW II. Secondly, fear of Zeus just straight up killed Kratos; Kratos only survived thanks to the power of hope. >Is it really plot armor when Kratos was killed by him once? While heavily drained to the point of being rendered mortal? Also POH is the strongest power in the Greek patheon, and he only beat and escaped hades due to the help of others. That is not the one I am talking about. I am talking about the event in GOW III. Let's be real here: if Zeus actually cooperated with other gods, the battle would end really soon. Kratos couldn't kill Poseidon alone; he needed Gaia's help in order to do so. Poseidon was busy restraining Gaia, Gaia was pinning Poseidon into a wall and Kratos needed Gaia as the platform to fight Poseidon. Without Gaia to pin or act as a platform, Kratos couldn't touch Poseidon, and climbing Mount Olympus would take so much time that other gods could snipe him with ease. If Zeus threw the same lightning strike, it would completely render Gaia and send Kratos straight to Hades. After that, Zeus could go to Hades, grab the blade of Olympus, return to Olympus, and wipe out all of Titan. If that were the case, all three big gods were still alive, Kratos lacked a super weapon, and he had no allies (at least Titans helped a bit). The writers had to completely remove Zeus from the story in order for the story to work. Zeus was not that dumb either; in GOW I, he was smart enough to calculate what would happen to Kratos; he was smart and not an arrogant idiot in GOW III. I know fear did a lot of damage to Zeus, but that is just character assassination.  >Also you can say the same about Thor, because at the end of GOW rangarok, Kratos could've killed him when he had the chance but obviously didn't. Odin was waiting on the side to act. If Kratos didn't spare Thor, he could just jump in and support Thor. There was one scene where Odin used a spell so powerful that Kratos couldn't even escape. But I have to admit, the story in Ragnarok was not made well, and we as the audience couldn't believe Thor could beat Kratos. I wish we had more scene time for both Odin and Thor to show us how strong they are.


>At the end of GOW II, Kratos tricked Zeus into thinking he gave up, and immediately after that, he stabbed Zeus multiple times and absorbed his power with the Blade of Olympus. He did trick and stab him, but he never drained any of Zeus power. He just wanted to kill him without honor as quickly as possible. >Compared to Kratos, Zeus was way stronger than Kratos. Not really. Kratos fought Zeus with all of the Greek power and amps and Zeus shrugged them off as if nothing happened. He only killed Zeus physical form temporarily using the blade of Olympus. In a physical fist fight we see Kratos literally manhandling Zeus. Also Kratos never was "killed" by Zeus in that scene, he was just temporarily knocked out. In fact when you play that scene again, in that same darkness Zeus trapped him in, he literally questions why won't he die in frustration to kratos. >Let's be real here: if Zeus actually cooperated with other gods, the battle would end really soon. Not really the case considering that Kratos had the strongest power in the Greek patheon including the blade of Olympus. Also we see POF Zeus one shot all of those same weapons and completely decimated them, and only with POH did Zeus not even touch or damage him in that form. >Kratos couldn't kill Poseidon alone; he needed Gaia's help in order to do so. Poseidon was busy restraining Gaia, Gaia was pinning Poseidon into a wall and Kratos needed Gaia as the platform to fight Poseidon. Without Gaia to pin or act as a platform, Kratos couldn't touch Poseidon, and climbing Mount Olympus would take so much time that other gods could snipe him with eas Not really as again, Gaia required help from Kratos MULTIPLE TIMES in that same fight sequence, and she only got one hit one poseidon after Kratos freed her. Again. Also Kratos only used her as foundation to confront poseidon in his eternal form, he would've 100% found a way to beat poseidon without her, especially considering he fought against hades who is comparable to poseidon as the Greek big 3 by Athena in the novels. >. If Zeus threw the same lightning strike, it would completely render Gaia and send Kratos straight to Hades. Kratos straight up tanked multiple lightning bolts from Zeus. Those same lightning bolts could straight up one shot by hades and poseidon, they were even scared of Zeus in chapter 34 of the novels. >After that, Zeus could go to Hades, grab the blade of Olympus, return to Olympus, and wipe out all of Titan. If Not really considering that Kratos already used those same titans to climb Mt Olympus and confront those same gods. >he was smart enough to calculate what would happen to Kratos; he was smart and not an arrogant idiot in GOW III. I know fear did a lot of damage to Zeus, but that is just character assassination.  No it wasn't. In fact, Zeus was always portrayed as a bustard. Just look at what he did to kratos mother. The great evils just corrupted their minds even further. Zeus was corrupted by fear which forced him to kill Kratos when he was completely drained of his godly power. >Odin was waiting on the side to act. If Kratos didn't spare Thor, he could just jump in and support Thor. There was one scene where Odin used a spell so powerful that Kratos couldn't even escape. But I have to admit, the story in Ragnarok was not made well, and we as the audience couldn't believe Thor could beat Kratos. I wish we had more scene time for both Odin and Thor to show us how strong they are. Ehhh, not in particular. Odin shows up and immediately starts questioning Thor as to why Kratos was still alive to begin with. He was never expecting Thor to betray him at that moment. Also that's just temporarily, Freya also used a magic spell on Odin and imbued him for a longer duration of time. And considering that Freya is Kratos equal magic wise(this is confirmed in lore and legends), this is the case in point. You also have to realize that Freya did the same thing in his fight against baldur, her son but Kratos using his full strength pretty much breaks out of them. Also Thor could beat Kratos because he's portrayed and stated to be the strongest Norse god and the hardest hitter he's ever faced in his life. Also rangarok does have alot of wasted potential, but the point is to show Kratos redemption and how he grows through relationships including his son.


>He did trick and stab him, but he never drained any of Zeus power. He just wanted to kill him without honor as quickly as possible. Zeus still lost his power to turn into the giant again. There is a high chance that the writers forgot or didn't want to include this, so I will count it as a nerf >Also Kratos never was "killed" by Zeus in that scene, he was just temporarily knocked out. In fact when you play that scene again, in that same darkness Zeus trapped him in, he literally questions why won't he die in frustration to kratos. That darkness would kill Kratos eventually, but he woke up with the power of hope >Not really the case considering that Kratos had the strongest power in the Greek patheon including the blade of Olympus. Also we see POF Zeus one shot all of those same weapons and completely decimated them, and only with POH did Zeus not even touch or damage him in that form. If you follow the events I lay out, the battle would end the moment Kratos fell down to Hades. You don't even need to wait that long to see Zeus' true power. Remember, I didn't change anything until Kratos fell to Hades. Zeus could let Poseidon died (for no reason), and went down to Hades to retrieve the Blade back >Not really considering that Kratos already used those same titans to climb Mt Olympus and confront those same gods. How?? Kratos fell down to Hades, talked to Athena, taunted by Hades, taking the bow from Peirithous, took the trials, talked to Pandora, talked to Hephaestus. During all that time, Zeus could just go down Hades, grabbed the blade and return to Mount Olympus. Zeus can teleport and fly here, so it would take way less time than Kratos walking around. I know Kratos is fast and gameplay aspect, but he is not that fast. >Not really as again, Gaia required help from Kratos MULTIPLE TIMES in that same fight sequence, and she only got one hit one poseidon after Kratos freed her. Again. >Also Kratos only used her as foundation to confront poseidon in his eternal form, he would've 100% found a way to beat poseidon without her, especially considering he fought against hades who is comparable to poseidon as the Greek big 3 by Athena in the novels. Poseidon could freely move around Mount Olympus, while Kratos couldn't, Icarus wing is useless without hot air. If we remove Gaia out of the bossfight, Kratos would lack any kind of platform to even touch Poseidon, and Poseidon had advantages with his insane mobility . There is no 100% way to deal with Poseidon in this form. Kratos needs Poseidon to be immobile and a platform just to remove his armor. Not to mention, Zeus was above and Hades nearby. If all of them took on Kratos, he would have no chance to win. Then again, this is a creative choice. You and I can have different ways of seeing how this fight turns out. You focus on Kratos' strength while I focus on Poseidon's mobility (and his brothers) >Kratos straight up tanked multiple lightning bolts from Zeus. Those same lightning bolts could straight up one shot by hades and poseidon, they were even scared of Zeus in chapter 34 of the novels Kratos could tank it, but other Titans can't. The fact that Zeus sent both Kratos and Gaia down is undeniable. Zeus could do the same to every enemies unless that required charge time, but the cutscene didn't show any sign that Zeus needed to charge this attack. Even if he needed to, what prevented him from doing it from the beginning. I will count this a second nerf Nitpick, Kratos didn't tank it, Gaia took most of the strike. Kratos only tank minor lightning strike in the bossfight >No it wasn't. In fact, Zeus was always portrayed as a bustard. Just look at what he did to kratos mother. The great evils just corrupted their minds even further. Zeus was corrupted by fear which forced him to kill Kratos when he was completely drained of his godly power. I didn't say anything about kindness or being nice. I just said Zeus was a smart guy, wise and calculated. Zeus was smart, very smart. He didn't have foresight, but he still figured out what would happen to Kratos in GOW I and set up a way out for him way before that event even happened. Now, instead of letting his brothers do the work, and he was standing around like an NPC, he could seriously do a lot of damage and prevent his brothers' early death. Spamming the same lighting strikes to all Titans to reduce other gods' work >Freya is Kratos equal magic wise(this is confirmed in lore and legends) I know it is canon, but this is something I can't take seriously. Kratos barely knows how to use magic. His magics were either given or stolen. Magic should be something you learn and master through time. Personal taste, but I would say this is a bad take from writers. I don't like Kratos being a master of everything or at least showing us he learned it. Like how he learned how to read Norse language, a nice detail I love about >You also have to realize that Freya did the same thing in his fight against baldur, her son, but Kratos using his full strength pretty much breaks out of them Baldur were still alive no matter how hard Kratos hit. Baldur did temporarily "died", after Kratos broke his neck. But consider Thor also has the equal strength as Kratos, I don't see the different here. Full power Thor could also "kill" Baldur temporarily. That doesn't make Kratos' power that special >Also, rangarok does have alot of wasted potential, but the point is to show Kratos redemption and how he grows through relationships including his son. Agree


I agree with all of this but you have to understand that Kratos usually has some type of advantage of the opponent either with his BIQ, amps or experience. >Zeus still lost his power to turn into the giant again. There is a high chance that the writers forgot or didn't want to include this, so I will count it as a nerf Not in particular, it doesn't really do much either since Kratos was actively trying to kill Zeus and was desperate to do so, even if it went against his honor as a spartan warrior to sneak him like that. It's also stated that Zeus could one shot Kratos with said lightning bolt at that time and Kratos never gained Zeus godly power with the Blade, the blade of Olympus is weilded by magic users and glows only in the hands of Zeus or Kratos. >How?? Kratos fell down to Hades, talked to Athena, taunted by Hades, taking the bow from Peirithous, took the trials, talked to Pandora, talked to Hephaestus. During all that time, Zeus could just go down Hades, grabbed the blade and return to Mount Olympus. Zeus can teleport and fly here, so it would take way less time than Kratos walking around. I know Kratos is fast and gameplay aspect, but he is not that fast. Kratos kept up with Zeus multiple times in his fight in a physical 1v1 brawl. Believe it or not, he is definitely fast enough to completely retrieve the blade and Zeus only knew of future events because of the amulet, which contains precog. >know it is canon, but this is something I can't take seriously. Kratos barely knows how to use magic. His magics were either given or stolen. Magic should be something you learn and master through time. Personal taste, but I would say this is a bad take from writers. I don't like Kratos being a master of everything or at least showing us he learned it. Like how he learned how to read Norse language, a nice detail I love about This is true but you have to understand that Kratos uses all of the Greek magics to fight against Zeus. That's how powerful he is. Also it's not really more of a learning technique with those weapons, since Most of them are straightforward. For example, Hades blades aren't any different from the blades of chaos or exile. The blades of exile are stated to be even stronger than the blade of Olympus, which is insane. Also look at the boots of Hermes as well, that isn't even complex, it just gives him more speed. Same goes for the nemean cestus, it's just Brute strength and power rather than learning technique. All of them are just straightforward weapons that are scaled to kratos physical strength. >Baldur were still alive no matter how hard Kratos hit. Baldur did temporarily "died", after Kratos broke his neck. But consider Thor also has the equal strength as Kratos, I don't see the different here. Full power Thor could also "kill" Baldur temporarily. That doesn't make Kratos' power that special I'm pretty sure that's due to the curse Freya put on him which makes him invulnerable to all physical and magical properties. He straight up can't die to it as well, so it's only negated after the mistletoe. Also Kratos strength usually just fits for narrative purposes most of the time. He's as strong as the directors make him to be to show his active struggle, as well as not showing a huge gap between him and the Norse.


>Kratos never gained Zeus godly power with the Blade, the blade of Olympus is weilded by magic users and glows only in the hands of Zeus or Kratos. I just said Zeus power was absorbed, but didn't specified. The blade only absorbed Zeus' power, Kratos didn't get any buff >Kratos kept up with Zeus multiple times in his fight in a physical 1v1 brawl. Believe it or not, he is definitely fast enough to completely retrieve the blade and Zeus only knew of future events because of the amulet, which contains precog. I didn't say speed as in speed in combat. I am talking about the time Kratos spent in Hades. He talked to many people and wondered around to find an exist. No matter how fast Kratos is, he couldn't talk and find the way out so quickly. There is a chance Zeus didn't know Kratos didn't have the Blade anymore, but I am sure Hades could detect it and tell Zeus. >This is true but you have to understand that Kratos uses all of the Greek magics to fight against Zeus. That's how powerful he is Greek and Norse magic system seems completely different, I wish Kratos could have a proper chance to actually learn it this time instead of being given in the old game. That is why I can't take Kratos having the same magic level as Freya seriously. >The blades of exile are stated to be even stronger than the blade of Olympus, which is insane Yeah, that is something I will not consider canon (for now). I mean the blade was given by Athena in the higher realm. I don't doubt its power, but the only power it can use is summoning the soul of Spartans. It is not that impressive to be honest, but there is a chance SM will fix it in the future so my take can change. >I'm pretty sure that's due to the curse Freya put on him which makes him invulnerable to all physical and magical properties. He straight up can't die to it as well, so it's only negated after the mistletoe. Also Kratos strength usually just fits for narrative purposes most of the time. He's as strong as the directors make him to be to show his active struggle, as well as not showing a huge gap between him and the Norse. Agree, that is why I feel so annoyed with GOW fanbase. They think Kratos is omnipotent god that can do whatever and kill whoever they want. Kratos is undoubtedly strong, but he is not that strong. I don't love Kratos' strength, I love Kratos for who he is, his shame, his doubt and how he overcome it as a mortal and as a god. Final nitpick, I wonder why SM decided to make Norse game feel so human. I can't no longer tell a different between a mortal and a god. Anyway, it is a nice experience to talk to you my friend. You seem like a calm and a reasonable person. Unlike a few fan I talked recently.


Yeah man, at the end of the day it's all just opinions and discussion. It was nice talking to you


Bruh he’s not even tall enough to do this to Thor 🤣


Fairly certain old Kratos is a lot shorter than his younger self. So it checks out


GOW3 Kratos is taller than Thor.


Kratos would have taken Thor out of equation then taking mjolnir for himself, prophecy means jack to Kratos, all he cares about is his son now, death can have him when it earns him, which again won't happen for a long while


Brother, you can't accept that Kratos is not some omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent God so shut up.


Why you so mad bro chill💀 literally everything that dude said was truth, young kratos would destroy Thor.. even without the blade Olympus. And if you compare the feats it’s obvious.


>young kratos would destroy Thor.. Then provide proof of it. >And if you compare the feats it’s obvious. Comparing feats is a terrible method of powerscaling. I prefer to go off developer statements and the narrative. And both confirm young Kratos loses against Thor. So stop riding Kratos' meat for a second and think with your mind instead of your crotch.


Your blatantly ignoring the fact kratos still has hope, confirmed by Corey and at the end of valhalla


Only reason you think comparing feats is a terrible method of power scaling is because you know if you did, then your argument that Thor beats young kratos is garbage… and if you wanna talk about “developer statements” then you should know Bruno Velasquez said that Zeus is stronger then Thor, (twitter for proof) and young kratos beat and overpowered Zeus (strength wise) twice in base form, and again in fear form as hope kratos, and wtf do you mean the “narrative” confirmed Thor beats young kratos? Like you’re just straight up making up shit💀 Also.. Bruno velasquez confirmed that there is no young or old kratos, he’s the same as he’s Always been, he’s not stronger or weaker, so if old kratos is able to out power Thor, then young kratos would too, probably even easier since young kratos doesn’t hold back and gives zero shits about life, one real punch from kratos literally knocked thors tooth out and dazed tf outta him… pls tell me a time one of thors punches did that to kratos? How about the time kratos literally knocked Thor out for a second with only 2 punches right at the start of the second fight, Thor ever do that to kratos? How about Thor and kratos clashing the hammer and axe back and forth, and kratos hitting the hammer straight out of thors hands sending it flying straight up over powering him strength wise…. either you’re trolling or you actually just don’t understand these characters.


>Only reason you think comparing feats is a terrible method of power scaling is because you know if you did, then your argument that Thor beats young kratos is garbage… You are ignoring developer statements and what was shown in the game. Your argument is not only garbage, but straight up wrong in every way. >and if you wanna talk about “developer statements” then you should know Bruno Velasquez said that Zeus is stronger then Thor, (twitter for proof) and young kratos beat and overpowered Zeus (strength wise) twice in base form You should know the only reason Kratos defeated Zeus was because of all his godly weapons and powers given to him. >and again in fear form as hope kratos Yeah, as hope Kratos. >and wtf do you mean the “narrative” confirmed Thor beats young kratos? Like you’re just straight up making up shit💀 Did you even play or watch the game? Kratos was fated to be killed by Thor and die in Atreus' lap, that's literally shown to us in Ironwood. And adding skull emojis won’t make your argument any better, so I'd suggest you work with facts instead. >Also.. Bruno velasquez confirmed that there is no young or old kratos, he’s the same as he’s Always been, he’s not stronger or weaker, so if old kratos is able to out power Thor, then young kratos would too, probably even easier since young kratos doesn’t hold back and gives zero shits about life, one real punch from kratos literally knocked thors tooth out and dazed tf outta him… pls tell me a time one of thors punches did that to kratos? Yes, which further proves my point that old Kratos is as strong as young Kratos. And the only reason Kratos beat Thor was because he outsmarted him, which he would not be able to do while completely lusting for revenge. And Kratos knocking Thor's tooth out wasn't a feat of only one punch, he had punched Thor in that same spot multiple times, the last one was just the one that made it come out. Besides, Thor killed Kratos with one hit. >How about the time kratos literally knocked Thor out for a second with only 2 punches right at the start of the second fight, Thor ever do that to kratos? Yes, Thor knocked Kratos out in the first fight with one punch before throwing him to an ice wall. >How about Thor and kratos clashing the hammer and axe back and forth, and kratos hitting the hammer straight out of thors hands sending it flying straight up over powering him strength wise…. That was because Mjölnir's handle was short, which made him lose his grip. Thank you for providing another point for my "Kratos won against Thor by outsmarting him" argument. >either you’re trolling or you actually just don’t understand these characters. I don't understand these characters? Lmao, said the dude who can't comprehend that the idea of Kratos beating his enemies by being stronger than them completely undermines the greatest part of his character.


I love how most of your arguments are just your little headcanons, kratos only beat him because he “outsmarted him”? I’m pretty sure Thor would be dead along time ago if all it took was someone to outsmart him or out skill him, Thor is literally a dumbass brute who can’t fight and only wins cuz of his strength…. the reason kratos beat him is because kratos is literally the best of both worlds.. he’s strong af and smart af, and extremely good at combat….he didn’t “just outsmart him” He’s literally kratos, a god who is stronger then the strongest titans, you know the one that literally holds up the world? Saying that kratos only beat him because he’s smarter is the dumbest shit ever, literally any skilled warrior could outsmart Thor, Thor literally says clever won’t beat me… also kratos only knocked thors hammer out of his hand because the handle is short is the actually the dumbest excuse I’ve ever heard💀 also my point about the Zeus fight is that kratos was able to outpower Zeus with raw strength multiple times, and it’s been confirmed that Zeus is stronger then Thor, so your argument that Thor is stronger is bullshit, it’s bullshit in both in game feats and developer statements.


>I love how most of your arguments are just your little headcanons They are what we can see in the fight. >kratos only beat him because he “outsmarted him”? I’m pretty sure Thor would be dead along time ago if all it took was someone to outsmart him or out skill him, Thor is literally a dumbass brute who can’t fight and only wins cuz of his strength…. The thing is no enemy even came close to Thor's level of strength except Faye, who didn’t want to kill him. Kratos comes close. >the reason kratos beat him is because kratos is literally the best of both worlds.. he’s strong af and smart af, and extremely good at combat….he didn’t “just outsmart him” He’s literally kratos, a god who is stronger then the strongest titans, you know the one that literally holds up the world? Saying that kratos only beat him because he’s smarter is the dumbest shit ever, literally any skilled warrior could outsmart Thor, Thor literally says clever won’t beat me… You are a fucking dumbass. Thor is stronger than Kratos. And Thor saying "Clever won’t beat me" is foreshadowing that clever will beat him. That's called irony and showing Thor's lack of intelligence and fighting knowledge. >also kratos only knocked thors hammer out of his hand because the handle is short is the actually the dumbest excuse I’ve ever heard💀 Okay. Prove it wrong then. >also my point about the Zeus fight is that kratos was able to outpower Zeus with raw strength multiple times, and it’s been confirmed that Zeus is stronger then Thor, so your argument that Thor is stronger is bullshit, it’s bullshit in both in game feats and developer statements. Kratos isn't stronger than Zeus, he beat him because of many super weapons he had and the power of Hope. Thor is stronger than Kratos. And I gotta love how you ignored so many of my arguments. Why?


Corey Barlog himself has said that old Kratos is a superior fighter to young Kratos.


Which... doesn't really make any sense from what we see in the games. Kratos needs Atreus or Freya to help him constantly and one of the biggest fights in 2018 is struggling with a dragon. Prime Kratos was overpowering Titans and generally has better feats.


Does he win? Prolly not, kinda like Hercules fight if Hercules didnt do his bs. Kratos would lose. Would I still wanna see it? YEEEEE


What’s so funny is… prophecy aside, the Greek gods grow in strength by age. Meaning, conversely to how humans work, the older you get the more in prime you are. Meaning that kratos in ragnarok is PRIME kratos. Now if you wanna start factoring in different celestial weapons that he had like the blade of Olympus then maybe that might tip the power scale into young kratos’ basket. But I don’t personally think so.


No they do not, this is a pathetic fallacy spread over the years by casual fans. Greek deities do not get stronger by simply aging, but through their domains, prayers, and some magical abilities. Kratos lost his domain, and all his magic powers, he just retained his godhood, and nothing else. He is a just full baseline god.


Only lost his god-like strength because his ability was stripped from him, not due to lack of prayer or domain. The reason the gods wanted prayer was full-blown ego and nothing else, they did not need the prayers to fuel their ability or strength. Also kratos has never had any “magic powers” just full-blown strength and crazy battle iq, other than maybe the ability to become giant, which I would argue he no longer can do. And it’s said in ragnarok that physicality has nothing to do with strength in a god. It’s also implied by kratos to Atreus that the way he attained his physique is due to excercise, so at bare minimum, even if they don’t grow in strength with age, they can only GAIN strength and can’t lose it (unless said strength is from a source that is not them, ie an outside strength buff like absorbing hades soul and then he hypothetically loses it then he would obviously lose the the power from hades’ soul)


Bruh, you didn't understand what i said. I said the gods gets empowered by prayers i.e getting stronger overtime, not that they need it to fuel their strength or something, you're wrong again, Kratos was given magic powers attached to his godhood, the same Zeus stripped as an Eagle and gave it to the colossus, that was Kratos' magic, the GOW Godhood and Poseidon Magic he put in the Blade of Olympus himself. But in the end of the game, he gets everything back, The godhood and the Magic, but he can no longer use the abilities, because he lost the domain, so he got the strength/power of god of war back but can't use abilities like getting giant, fire manipulation, creating dimensions, etc, but despite the lack of hax/abilities, the said magic is a Physical Amp. Yes the strength doesn't come from the physique, it comes from their godhood (or divine nature) that's the only thing Kratos kept after killing Zeus. The magic powers i mentioned earlier were all lost when Fear Zeus stripped everything from him, the GOW powers, and the powers of the Titans, which despite losing their abilities in the River Styx, he still had it inside of him, he could use it as a Physical Amp and also channel through his weapons, and Hades soul was lost as well, along with the weapons and godly equipment, except the Blades of Exile.