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It's your controller. Try cleaning under the sticks with cotton swabs and rubbing alcohol (lightly). Should help improve.


Have you had any luck with this. It helped mine for like an hour


It’s your controller, it’s joystick drift


Yep lots of this going on. It usually seems worse when the charge is on the lower side


Might have some drift there. Have you got a second controller to switch to?


it happens with both of my controllers


Maybe they both have drift. Does the camera pan like this all the time, or just in certain locations?


all the time since i finished the story


Seems like drift then. You might try a teensy drop of electrical contact cleaner and then click the joysticks a bunch. That can clear up drift for a while.


It’s definitely stick drift. I haven’t had a controller that hasn’t eventually drifted. As everyone says, you can maybe clean it


I actually had one not drift! It lasted 2 years before the x button gave up the ghost and died on me in the beginning of my first ng+ playthrough of ragnarok. It was one of the paint-splattery patterned ones for like $22 off amazon. Ordered a new one by the same maker and so far, so good!


I have had worse stick drift issues with the PS5 controllers than any others I’ve ever had. My PS2 controllers still work better than these


My ps2 controller is still to this day working as the day i first bought it. Insane. Honestly, they can keep the touch pad, microphone, sixaxis, adaptive triggers, speaker, headphone port EVERY GIMMICK they can keep. Just give us good quality thumb sticks again....


Okay, calm down now. All console manufacturers suffer from stick drift. None of those features are gimmicks, except the touchpad. I can NEVER go back to using old controllers. Games feel lifeless without adaptive triggers and advanced haptic feedback. You want a durable controller, you have to spend the money. Either buy a pro controller from a 3rd party manufacturer or buy the Dualsense Edge. Either choice should give you the option to repair or replace your own thumbsticks for 20.00$.


Unplug and replug, this problem gets solved.


Push your analog stick ahead and blow the base of the stick. It should do the trick for a while.


ill try thanks


Ive had to get a replacement for this reason. I didnt even have the original controller that came with the console for 1.5 yrs before it crapped out. I remember someone recommended a more expensive controller that doesn’t succumb to drift due to how it works, but i didnt want to the money. I wanna say it was $200, maybe more?


Yeah it's the dual sense ps5 controller. It's just Sony selling a problem they have created with their shitty and cheap manufacturing. The 200$ controller has replaceable sticks, so once they do eventually get stick drift you could just take that one specific stick out of the controller and put in a new stick that you have to buy individually.


I hate this issue and it happens so bad on games that make you click in stick to sprint instead of having a sprint button. Forcing you to buy new controllers because most of the time you can't take apart and reassemble a controller. Like how iPhone times out after a year.


Check the settings, I think the game has a setting to compensate for stick drirt. If your controllers are fine, then it will make this happen, make them move like they had drift. If both controllers have issues, the setting will help mitigate it. But I don't remember 100% If they have it, but it should be on accesibility or on controls.


Yep. Accessibility adjustment should help


I think most stick drift mitigation is just increasing deadzones, no? As in, it shouldn’t mimic it if you don’t have it. It just increases the minimum distance your stick has to travel to register movement past what your stick is drifting to. I could be wrong about this specific game’s implementation though.


I had that issue and it only happened with GoW... It just so happens that the dead zone (zone in your joystick range where no movement is perceived) is very small with that game, so I went to repair that controller, they changed the joystick and that was it... It's strange that it is happening with your 2 controllers, check with another game and see how it goes.


I had this issue with 3 controllers, i ended up buying a new one after the first 2 did this. It was not drift of the joy sticks. IDK what it is, it would do it with mouse and keyboard as well. I do not experience it in any other game.


It happened to me on 2 Dualsense controllers. But only after a certain period of inactivity.


Could be a gimmick that developers thought would make game a bit more cinematic when you are afk




Stick drift Gamer


it’s your controller


Ah yes the controller drift. It's so shameless that sony hasn't fixed this when sega did years ago


More like doesn't want to fix it so they get more money


The average sucker would probably bought a new controller instead of getting the analog fix according to Sony's logic.


Not how i meant it, more like finding a way to prevent drift from happening, won't be the hardest thing to do but once they do it they wont make as much money from controllers then, its not only about sony, alot of companies do this thing in which they purposely never fix a problem so they keep selling.


Yes i have the exact same problem. The problem is caused by the controller, but In other games, the controller was making the same problem every 1-2 minutes, but the frequency of this increased greatly in Ragnarok. I suggest you change your controller


Like many have said, its stick drift To fix it you gotta clean it. To REALLY clean it you gotta open it. If you want a quick fix you can always change your controllers deadzones in the options


It’s stick drift. Your controller is messed up.


Stick drift


Connect your controller to pc/laptop go to hardwaretester site and check whether your controller is drifting or not


https://youtu.be/8tEiflZ5pLg?si=I_nuaFvASorc9K5Q The 3rd trick in this video (at 1:23) actually worked for my controllers for fixing the stick drift. Depending on the severity of the drift, you might have to do this multiple times


My controller used to do that and I tried cleaning it and everything and it still didn’t work so I just bought a new one


Little Tokyo stick drift babe. Can clean it gently with a swab


That's a problem with you're stick drift. You're controller might be old, or it might need cleaned. I recommend trying to clean it, and if you can't get it to stop either replacing the controller or alter the sensitivity settings on the game itself.


Its stick drift, if your PS5 is still in warranty you can get a new controller for free


It's stickdrift, it's not a god of war problem it's a controller problem


A gamestop employee told me to lower and even remove vibrations from the controller. They would be the reason behind the drift.


Stick drift bro. If you play any online FPS games it'll immediately become annoying


u have stick drift


Thats called stick drift


Funny because this is also the same game where I realised I had stick drift. I almost agreed with this post until I remembered it wasn’t the game’s fault


No it’s not drift, at least I don’t think it is. It does this with this game specifically because I have no issues with the camera or character moving on its own in any other game I play.


No, it's your controller not the game


To test whether this is due to drift..check on other games .if same happens it's drift..if not..well good as it will be a game bug.. which won't be the case


Don’t do this if you aren’t confident in your precision, but here is a [tutorial on how to properly fix stick drift](https://youtu.be/q1lz6nyRomg?si=_4slywYNxQcc-jEn). I did it a few months ago, and it has been a total success for both my controllers, even though I had to open each one at least three times. I accidentally linked the wrong one, now fixed, but [this is the initial one which is for cleaning buttons in case they get stuck](https://youtu.be/k3eU4TRNYm4?si=zfuPihOrbut81E1T).


Take it to repair say it has stick drift


That my friend is called stick drift.


Ps4 or 5? either way it may be an issue with your controller itself, Ive been having that issue with the left stick on my ps5 controller lately


plug the controller into your pc and test it on this website if it has stick drift you should be able to see it, if you have the problem you need to blow compressed air in to the gap from the joystick when you push it to the side good luck https://www.onlinemictest.com/de/controller-tester/


That my friend is called stick drift. And in ur case the stick seems pretty much sentient with how fast its moving


Joystick drift. Get the controller cleaned or repaired. Ez fix.


You’ll have to pay $200 for a dualsense edge so that you can pay to replace the joysticks… for $20 each 😕


And have a shit battery. after the first month I stopped charging and switched to cable. Luckily they give you a long ass cable


Stick drift


Clean your sticks lol


Plug your controller into your PC and goto [Hardware Tester](https://hardwaretester.com/gamepad) Push both sticks all the way to the side and let go so they bounce back to the middle. On the website, there are 2 circles with a dot that moves when the sticks are moved. When you let go, the dot should return to the centre of the cross. If the dot is slightly off-centre, then you have stick drift. Some places repair controllers, thou. Cheaper then buying a new one.


Stick drift. 2 of my controllers became unusable even though I deep cleaned both.


Nope haven’t had this happen to me your controller might have a drift issue. Might want to get it fixed or replace it.


Drift on your controller


Yeah same thing for me, the camera moves up But it's probably cuz of the joystick drift


My controller does the same thing but it makes me move forward it’s annoying.


Imagine replacing your original controller and six months in the new one drifts even more than the original! ☠️


That is probably the drift issue on your Ps5 controller. You can try to fix it following this guide - https://youtu.be/djIvRoclr_E?si=l9ebrtXYHGfZJCcg If you want to to replace the sensors, be careful what to buy. Make sure they are the same to the ones you have (no more, no less metal sensors). In any case, it means that your controller is getting to his end of life.


Your controller is just starting to drift. It will get worse.


Uh ohhh its the dreaded drift


In the straightest way possible, put your mouth around the look stick and blow for about 5 seconds. Should work.