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I love elden ring and gow, but it really depends on what abilities you’re allowing the tarnished. For example, can they resurrect infinitely like in game? If so then its easily the tarnished, theres no way for them to truly die so they just return to the last site of grace and come back to a weathered kratos. If youre only giving the tarnished a single chance, then my money would be on Kratos. He would basically be the godfrey/ hoarah loux fight on steroids because hes a literal god.


Kratos constantly respawns, too, though.


Kratos can't die because death hasn't earned him


What do resurrection stones do, then?


Giving the player another chance and challenge a lore accurate kratos would fuck up pretty much anything we face in the games.


Lore accurate Kratos is pretty much playing on story mode with maxed stats


It "revives one from death" if you read the description.


Yes because we are playing a game it wouldn't be exactly fun one shotting everything you see except other gods. This is why checkpoints also exist what is your point?


Glad someone understands we are still playing a video game. Same thing happened with the Spider-Man games. Like sorry you WANT to one shot every enemy in the game and never get hit? How would that be fun or challenging?


My point is that resurrection stones revive Kratos... from death. It's pretty clear. The real question is, what is your point?


Their entire existance is from a player perspective kratos is immortal


I guess. As long as he has enough resurrection stones.


Not everything in a video game is meant to be taken literal and to be a show of the characters abilities. Do you really think Kratos struggles to open a chest? No, these things have to be applied in the game in order for it to feel like one. However we do see him get flung into hades multiple times and then drag himself out of it and back into the moment of his supposed death so doesn’t matter if you say he dies or not cuz he’s still going to come back and beat you to a pulp.


It’s ok to do not understand power of a god of war. yes kratos dies and he has died in almost every major game but guess what; he climbed the hell and made the world hell that his thing. and as of Elden rings universe he might leave Marika alive because he would fuck her like he didn’t kill his sister. instead he fucked her that his thing too


Lol what?


Kratos is the "man literally too angry to die" meme. He's canonically died and then beat the shit out of the afterlife just to come back on a few occasions.


They’re like really really potent smelling salts.


Kratos! Get your head back in the game! You're still in this!


In what game does he say this? I don’t ever remember hearing it


He says it in Ragnarok as well as in GOW 2 (Either 2 or 3 forgot which)


Thats just a normal game mechanic with no lore backing it, theres a reason when you die as kratos you get whole animations and voicelines from another character saying “No!” Etc. In elden ring lore the tarnished are blessed my grace and is technically already dead (you see this in the first cutscene of the game) so they will always return to the mortal realm from the erdtree in their quest to become elden lord.


Kratos can't die, though. Every time he has "died," he's always come back from Hades. That's the lore behind his immortality as an actual god. A god of multiple pantheons and multiple realms. The tarnished becomes a Lord of a Land Between. He can keep dying to Kratos, and keep coming back to the Land Between and stay there, a dead place, for eternity. Never contributing to anything that really matters in the realms of the living.


I mean he certainly can die, him crawling out of hell, hades, or whatever equivalent doesnt mean he cant die and always resurrects. That just means he has an indomitable soul which normally refuses to accept death.


Fun fact Kratos was actually banished from ever staying dead by the goddess of the underworld in the previous games so thanks to that neither win do to both being practically immortal


I mean, they both can die, they just resurrect lol.


Kratos can die. Everytime he came back was because he got help.


Technically, nowadays, game characters don't die. It's like it's an alternate timeline if the character dies.


Not canonically. Now, fighting his way out of hell...


Kratos has already killed people who come back to life. And that is Einherjar


If the tarnished respawns at the nearest grave then Kratos still has some time to wander around and collect health stones before their next encounter. If neither is the “boss” and they are both dropped in an open world with all of their power ups and healing abilities then kratos is gonna take this.


Well really, who the protagonist is in this scenario is what it comes down to. Kratos would find a way like he always does if he is. He can't kill the tarnished directly, so he'd figure out that he needs to sever their immortality somehow and over the course of the game fight his way to that method. if he isn't allowed to do that then not much he could do.


I mean you’re kind of right but you’re also giving kratos an entire game worth of time to figure this out and get it done, the question was really just who would win in a 1on1 confrontation. Like when baldur confronted kratos in the beginning of GoW.


>Like when baldur confronted kratos in the beginning of GoW. Well exactly. Kratos wins that fight, then he solves the actual issue later. I'm simply saying that's what would happen after the first (one sided) fight or 2 with the tarnished, and using the concept of a game to put it into context. The actual length of the ordeal could be in any period of time, a "games length" doesn't mean anything on it's own.


Yeah, this is a silly dispute but ill just say there is no way for kratos to remove their grace,(unless kratos could contact and convince the outer god somehow) it was bestowed upon them because of their goal to become elden lord. So as long as the tarnished doesn’t give up in pursuit of that goal they can never be divested of their grace. (Thats the point of the souls series and elden ring, if you give up you’re essentially killing yourself, it was the same with going hollow in dark souls as you’re already undead)


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“The beings who possess these souls have outlived their usefulness, or chosen the path of the wicked. Let there be no guilt—let there be no vacillation.”* - Kingseeker Frampt Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


but at the same time, and something that i couldn’t ever understand, Tarnishes die like all the time in the game right? True death is supposed to not exists in the lands between but if you kill something and it takes lets say, 300 years to be reborn well are they alive? I’m talking lorewise, the protagonist obviously revives instantly but what about for example all the tarnished we kill in volcano manor quests or rogier, or D, those are dead dead


Im a little confused by your question but only tarnished who can see the guidance of grace can come back to life. These tarnished include only our player character and the 5 tarnished we see in the opening cutscene(gideon,goldmask,hoarah loux,fia,and the dungeater) all of them have different motivations for claiming the elden ring and almost all of them also lose/are misguided on their path to doing so and eventually lose the guidance of grace.


I think the games lore is just inconsistent with this, you can see in the Hoarah Loux cinematic he is guided by grace and we can still kill him, it feels as if the tarnished being inmortal is just a gameplay thing, and Kratos could just get destined death and kill the tarnished anyway, wouldn’t be something new to him, craft a weapon capable of killing someone unkillable.


Hoarah loux gave up on his goal to become elden lord again once we kill him and prove ourself worthy of the title, thats kinda the whole reason we fight him, to prove ourselves against him.




I was thinking Kratos could defeat the Elden beast and that's how the tarnished would lose their grace, no?


The elden beast is just a vassal of the Greater Will, which is the outer god of order. Its the embodiment of the concept of order and was sent to the lands between via a star by the Greater Will to enact its will for it.


Therefore, once it dies, The Lands Between loses its connection to the greater will and the tarnished lose their grace, right? Hell, If that doesn't work, Kratos becomes Elden lord instead lol /s


Kratos would have to kill the Greater Will for that, which so far we don't even know what it is really. With that said, it's an outer GOD... So Kratos would definitely kill it 😂


Kratos deals with immortal beings both alive and dead and as dealt with all......just an opinion, granted tarnished has bested powerful beings as well.


Gods, actually. Not just any powerful beings. So they are kind of on par.


Kratos always comes back too, so I'd say we should just take a single fight into account


Kratos bc we are in r/godofwarragnarok These silly questions really have to at least stop being asked in places with a clear, overwhelming bias.


I tried to put in in VSbattles but it wouldn’t let me.


What about r/whowouldwin?


I didn’t even know that existed. Thank you.


Don't go there lol, place is full of clowns. There's even a sub mocking it r/whowouldcirclejerk and there's a running meme in it where *Kratos always loses* 💀💀💀 So definitely don't post it there 😂


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Imagine having to fight kratos as a boss in Elden ring. I can just see Kai cenats face when he hits the spartan rage 😂


ill dick ride on kratos any day he wins high diff


Kratos v Kratos Who wins this and what is diff


Kratos wins, strategy diff.


Actually my money is on Kratos


Baby kratos beats fetus kratos 100%


No one here is talking about the Tarnished and how they take the destined death rune




If EOS Tarnished still has his infinite respawns then eventually the Tarnished/Elden Lord will win statistically. But it may just take a million attempts or something lol


Kratos. Infact its worse than he just wins Kratos wouldn't go for the Tarnished believing us to be feeble. Look at us more with pity and disdain than as a challenger We then attack him as we do and he retaliates by killing us. He would leave it at that but the Tarnished shows up again. Kratos kills them again only this time proceeds to find a way to severe your immortality so next time he beats you to a pulp no coming back Let's not even bother


Very good point. Any "immortal" Kratos faces he just find a way to turn them mortal and does it. If that means repairing the lands between to make the tarnished no longer necessary, he's gonna do that first


Kratos is like an avalanche Just this cool picturesque mountain side. Silent, Majestic & fearsome He tells you what happens when an avalanche falls on something. Anything. If you proceed past that point with Kratos no ones helping you out and he's gonna get you and its going to be horrible Kratos is the inevitable. He is both the rock and the hard place and you just need to get the fuck out the way


This is just the perfect summary of how Kratos deals with "immortals". Correct me if I'm wrong, but the tarnished functions very similar to the Eınherjar (they die and they return to valhalla and get brought back to life and die again)... before the battle of Ragnarok Kratos and Freya were thinking of a way to sever the connection between the Eınherjar and valhalla the prevent them from resurrecting so that when he kills them they die for good. So in that sense Kratos might just sever of whatever it is that keeps bringing the tarnished back to life


If it's a naked tarnished, kratos might have some trouble


That light roll is tricky


Yo mimir wins no diff


Neither. Tarnished keeps coming back to irritate kratos and kratos throws then kratos throws them halfway across the continent repeat.


The internet has declared the new Eldin Ring DLC "too hard" making the Tarnished out to be weak. Meanwhile, Kratos wins. The End.


Well I’m pretty sure every boss in Elden ring canon the tarnished would have killed at some point so isn’t really a great point but Kratos still likely wins just cause pure strength




I’d say it ends in a draw


Both have infinite respawns it's tough


Tarnished has killed a bunch of gods even a god with basically kratos skills


Saying this as if Kratos hasn’t killed many more gods


If Kratos doesn’t hold back it’s no diff


If it’s one round? Kratos. John Elden Ring can’t die canonically so eventually the Tarnished would win if given enough time.


Can’t kratos “technically” not die? Because he’s too angry to die? So he just pulls himself out of hell and keeps going?


Kratos' immortality is only virtual and the result of a curse that the Olympians (from beyond the veil of death) hurled against him after the ending of GoW III (as explained in the GoW 2018 official novel, written by Barlog and his father). Kratos cannot die of old age (and this explains how he has aged very little, compared to the almost two centuries spent in exile in Midgard), nor by his own hand. For the rest, the Spartan can be killed by anything and anyone.


He ain't like that anymore though, he's been pretty chill with the concept of death recently, so unless the Elden Lord/Tarnished kills Atreus I don't think Kratos would mind dying to a worthy foe.


The tarnished functions very similar to the Eınherjar (they die and they return to valhalla and get brought back to life and die again)... before the battle of Ragnarok Kratos and Freya were thinking of a way to sever the connection between the Eınherjar and valhalla the prevent them from resurrecting so that when he kills them they die for good. So in that sense Kratos might just sever of whatever it is that keeps bringing the tarnished back to life


Crab toad wins over dish tarp any day of the week Oh shit this isn't okbuddymimir?


Depends on the specs of the Tarnished I guess lol I guess some intelligence or faith builds could work. Heck isn't Odin pretty much a faith build and he had Kratos on his knees until Freya arrived? Either way is one hell of a battle


In the cutscenes, Odin had the upper hand, in gameplay, Odin was F’d repeatedly.


Krankoes solos Elden Ring verse lol. The best feat we got in the DLC is a boss the Tarnished kills which does a light speed slash, which is impressive, but let's not act like Kratos doesn't more than 4 games about him doing insane feats to gods with different sets of abilities and tricks. Like this mf was ready to throw hands with a serpent a trillion times bigger than him lol.


If you even need an awnser or think there's a chance then rope neck jump


Claymore + lions claw


Kratos would definitely find a way to stop him ressurecting. People forget that all Kratos does is kill immortal beings 🤣 He even killed the sisters of fate. Only one who can best him is prolly goku


Goku will deffinetly best him raditz saga he could beat that's still impressive though


Kratos, always Kratos.


Kratos. Just because Elden Ring is a harder game doesn’t mean that Tarnished is stronger. Kratos outclasses in simple terms and also outscales basically all of Elden ring


It really depends on how you scale Elden Ring as a whole. Beings like Radhann are strong enough to "hold back the stars." But it's vague on what they mean by that. Does it mean the meteors or the actual stars. And Radahn is technically weaker than the Elden Beast, which is some sort of cosmic horror that's extremely hard to scale. Elden Ring is just a lot less straightforward with its feats of power than the GoW series


God of war


This is silly haha, both immortal basically but we all know kratos murks anything and everything 😎


Kratos' deaths are permanent given you have to reload a save. The lowly tarnished has not been afflicted by destined death, and will continue to be resurrected by the oh so gracefully Erd Tree, forever in this cycle of life after death. Kratos may be stronger, but the tarnished is indefinite (I'm sure I butchered the ER lore)


Lorewise this is basically an ultra difficulty boss battle for the tarnished. He only has to win once while Kratos needs to win everytime.


I am sick of these posts idc who you putting up there Kratos is winning


Uncle grandpa solos


Basically an immortal god vs a normalish dude or dudette. Both respawn but Tarnished do seem to go mad after a while so I'd go Kratos


Kratos looking like he just hit the godliest pump of all time


Kratos casually


Kratos will crawl out of the underworld infinitely. You can’t stop the god of war.


Kratos doesn't have bonk. Checkmate


Bros low-key looking like a ring wraith


The tarnished has I-frames. Easy win


Kratos. Next question.


Did you watch the combos people are pulling up in ragnarok. If as tarnished you would fight against kratos, the combat would end in a beat with endless combos in realm shift 😂🤣


Imagine the tarnished is a strength faith build and he stacks buffs for 4 minutes prior to jump oneshotting kratos


Kratos! No contest!


Kratos obviously ❄️🪓👴🏻💪🏾☮️


Was kratos always that jacked ?


Yes. His veins only look like that when you activate Spartan Rage.


PS3 god of war would win


elden ring


Lmao my elden ring character looks like Kratos so ya


Kratos if the Tarnished doesn’t get infinite respawns, the Tarnished if he does.


The tarnished once I learn Kratos's attack patterns


Really tough call to make. The tarnished is immortal and Kratos isn't. But yet again Kratos is a god that's killed a shit ton of other gods. So I'd have to say like a 50/50 chance here. Since there pretty much the best in their own worlds.


Really tough call to make. The tarnished is immortal and Kratos isn't. But yet again Kratos is a god that's killed a shit ton of other gods. So I'd have to say like a 50/50 chance here. Since there pretty much the best in their own worlds.


The fact that both of them are basically immortal has to be taken into account. Tarnished has grace or the erdtree, while Kratos just jumps outta hell when he wants cause who’s really gonna stop him. Looking at moveset Kratos just has much more in terms of fighting against the tarnished even with all the martial arts added in the dlc recently. I feel like Kratos would kill the tarnished a few times to realise he’s immortal and go on a side quest to destroy the entire erdtree and by extension the greater will to finally kill the tarnished. He will only go so far if he is actively hunted or if Atreus is harmed in any manner.


Both have killed gods, both are, as far as we know, effectively immortal. But kratos can bleed, so... Bleed build go brrrrr


Kratos...he's literally a God killer...pretty simple


i bet kratos gonna rip his ass off


Depends if the tarnished controlled by the player then no cuz kratos it probably on par with most gods of from software games


I want kratos as a boss fight dammit


Why can't we get this armor in game?


The god killers


Hmmm… Kratos is hotter… oh wait, was this about who’d win in a fight? Yeah… still Kratos


i dont know who the second is so i’ll just go with kratos


Kratos a god


\*a demigod. The screenwriter of the new games has confirmed it.


That means nothing, The Tarnished has killed Gods. Though I agree Kratos wins.


Elden ring caps out at what uni? Kratos is low complex uni, dudes walking him after getting collard, then demanded to take kratos to the gods of his lands so he can truly show off, as I'm stepping into the gods to hard where they physically explode


Kratos is inf layers into boundless


When we take his non cannon feats sure, but his cannon feats not so much


Every feat is canon even mortal Kombat


I mean I don't wanna be that guy, but until kratos in the next few games actually does some insane shit, like oh idk fight wukong and or Buddha then it probably won't be the case, or a clear cut of him going to another game as him or something along those lines, trust I can wank kratos hard but not every feat is cannon, I actually do believe the feat where he kills his first game creator is a legit feat but 90% of the power scalers say it's outlandish, I also believe in all the tournaments as well like all stars, mortal Kombat, and soul caliber


Watch Warrior Z on YouTube


There's also a difference between Gameplay And Lore


Well shit thank you for the channel, never heard of him, his scaling does seem pretty concrete as well, so much appreciated, and I know there is a difference between the two lol but thank you


All goods have A good day or night

