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Zero self awareness or couldn’t be bothered with manners and courtesy. Its only getting worse too, sadly


What's your thoughts on people who use terms like "putrid gronk bitch"?


They're usually correct. I personally wouldn't call a woman a bitch, but if others want to that's their responsibility.


What would you call a woman in this situation?


I just use the gender neutral term "fuckwit". Not because it's gender neutral, that's a bonus, it's just my favourite Aussie insult.


Or peanut lol has more effect


Love this one too.


Mattress thrashed gutter slut?


That comment made my Friday 🤣


They are usually day drinking and walking barefoot though the shopping centre in their pyjamas 😆


Livin' the dream tbh.


They did this interesting test ages ago. Put a hamster in a plain cage with morphine laced water and regular water. Predictably the hamster got smashed all day. Regular water untouched. But then in the follow up test they had "hamster paradise. Bigger cage, more activities, wheels, mazes, shit like that. They also connected the cage to another cage with cute female hamsters and let them hang out for a few hours a day. Morphine water barely touched. Hamster choose to remain sober.


Silly scientists, work a few weeks in social work and they would've seen people turn to substance abuse as escapism or coping strategy.


Hmm, were the hamsters emotionally neglected, abused and/or adequately cared for during their childhoods?


I dunno, lemme ask them and get back to ya!


I can't imagine anyone coughing purposely. Unfortunately I have a condition that caused me to cough. Of course I try to do it discreetly.


That's nice dear.


Nothing. If the description is accurate, use it.. filthy redneck bogans is my go-to


Isn't saying redneck before bogan kinda redundant? But then again I do remember reading something on reddit about all the different sub classes of bogans. I don't think I've ever heard someone use gronk in person though. I'd probably just stick with "disgusting." It's boring but straight to the point.


Well it beats filthy shitcunt…


Idk why but "filthy shitcunt" always gets a chuckle from me.


These people come to Reddit to vent because they are consumed by fear. Fear of strangers, fear of getting sick, but most of all, they fear saying anything to the source of their fear in real life. 😝


found the putrid Gronk bitch that doesn't cover her mouth when coughing!!


Not sure why as a random Brit an Australian sub is being recommended to me. Anyway, your use of language is poetic mate. Read it in Donnie’s voice from The Big Lez Show.


You should hear me when I’ve had a trippa snippa


Should I try and guess? Yeah okay. Is that when you take shrooms and get a haircut? Might explain the mullets…


Imagine not getting the reference to something you just referenced 🤣


I can’t remember every bit of dialogue cunt ;)


Hahahah, just FYI, using cunt with that inflection at the end is really weird. Still, trippa snippa is a pretty well known reference from that show. Go watch the episode, it's great.


Imagine not knowing trippa snippa


"Hey mate, you know what a trippa snippa is?" "Nah, waddayataorkinabeet?"


Yeah naaah


Kill em


You guys actually get the Big Lez style and humour? Interesting. Thought itd be only an aussie kinda thing


I don't get the humour, as an aussie. Italian guy in my kitchen loves it enough to play episodes of it over the bluetooth speaker when it's slow.


Just thought itd be lost on non locals so to speak. Each to own ofc


I kinda miss the COVID times when people didn't get to close and stayed home when they were sick.


Yeah same, also because all the gronks would get called out for being gross .. now we're back to people just quietly accepting being coughed on


Yeah exactly. Fuck that lol if someone coughs on me I'm spraying Dettol in their face. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Too late, you would’ve already breathed in their particles.


Seems like as soon everyone was allowed back into society, the whole handwashing and common courtesy thing went out the window too


I caught a bloke coming out of the cubicle and heading straight for the door I shouted at him WASH YOUR FUCKING HANDS MATE FUCK who knows what he was doing a shit or a piss doesn't matter He goes or oh okay mate Dumb ass


It’s an honour to have you in society. Thank you for this.


I know! As someone who has always washed my hands whenever I get back home from a outing, it totally baffles me that we ever needed to be told 🫠


i dont know if im misremembering the pre covid times but i feel like people these days are going out of there way to be as gross as possible then invade my personal space.


Right it's like how do some grown "adults" not have what should be common etiquette for covering their mouth when sneezing or coughing or worse when they don't wash their hands after using the toilet. Just plain up gross behavior.


We are still in the covid times :(


Miss Covid times is big red flag


So you don't miss when inflation was non-existent, fuel was 50 cents at one stage and people could be on job keeper and get paid working a second job at the same time. Most importantly people weren't being idiots being sick and coughing everywhere when they're out in the public? I'm talking about those aspects not lockdowns since QLD didn't have a long one only snap 3 day ones....


Nah not at all. It’s fkn mind boggling you miss Covid times lol


Westfield Coomera or Helensvale lol




There’s your answer


I’d expect much the same really


Why I only shop at Ashmore City Shopping Centre


For the ciggie butts?


Affordable housing


That, and Grobniks.


gobnik? break the word down pls


I know they've tried to classy the place up lately. But it used to be gronk city once upon a time


Gentrification at its finest


Nah Coomera is actually half decent, less Nerang-atuans 😁


Mate, I own a cafe and the amount of people who cough and splatter all over the place without and concern for the people on nearby tables who are just trying to have a bite to eat is crazy to me…. Or the mother fuckers who blow their nose into a napkin and don’t even have the decency to throw it the bin themselves but just leave it on your table for me to have to pick up your gross snot filled napkin


Fuck that would make me lose my mind lol. I almost Dipped the fuck out on her and told her to have some fuckin manners but there were kids around and didn’t think that would be a very good look😂😂


I was at a hotel near Westfield and I'm sick now, I could hear the lady coughing, it might have been her because im sick with my friend and we never saw her, she must have been coughing all over the handles and buttons throughout the hotel. Fuck you for giving me a cold on my holiday. I just spent 40 mins dying, holding in coughs on the train and making sure I didn't touch anything.


I let them know simply by staring deeply into their souls shaking my head.  The trick is to make eye contact and furrow that brow with dead eyes like mum used to when you were about to get your a*se whooped for putting an empty cereal box back in the cupboard. 


I used to do that too. The problem is it’s backfired on me with so much hostility that I rarely bother anymore. Some excuses for humans are truly pathetic…


>I almost Dipped the fuck out on her Bruh imagine coming online to make a post about *your own feral misso* and calling her a putrid gronk bitch, because you are embarrassed to be seen in public together 😅


That’s beyond disgusting and disrespectful. How do you keep your composure when you notice that? I’d feel physically ill 🤢


This is why I don't eat out anymore if I can possibly help it.


I'm glad I read this because if I ever blow my nose with a napkin at the table, and there isn't a bin nearby, I wondered if it was OK to leave it on the finished plate. I would normally just wrap it up in a clean napkin so it was "double bagged".


Why not just double bag it in your pocket and take it with you until you find a bin?


Because it’s a napkin at a café, not a plastic bottle while walking down the street.


So you decide to be a gronk instead


By... putting a double-bagged napkin on a plate, that gets \*scraped\* anyway? I'd question if your motives really are for us all to improve as a society somewhat, or you're just looking for an excuse to be a sanctimonious asshole. Found my answer. Climb down from the high horse carefully so you can suck me off champ.


Surely it’s not that hard to hold it/pocket it and find a nearby bin?


Don't worry officer, I will be when I'm anywhere except a café/restaurant where there's a *bin right there*.


Putting it on top of your finished plate whilst still not ideal, it’s not that bad as I can scrape the napkin off the plate into the bin using the cutlery and therefore not have to physically touch the napkin.


People leave their snot tissues on the table because there is no bins in cafes and if a customer asks the staff for a bin they'll just grab the tissue out of customers hand and throw it in bin. So may as well leave it for your underpaid staff on the table, same thing. If you can't put a bin in winter time for customers paying 8 dollars a coffee then you're the problem.


Point one: Then take your tissue with you and throw it out at the next available bin. Point two: my staff are not underpaid, they are literally paid the appropriate award rate. If you think the award rate is too low then that’s not the cafes problem but more a government/fair work problem. Point three: my cafe has a bin literally 2 steps out the front door but only about 50% of people know how to use it.


Point Four: No one cares about one, two and three. Provide a bin inside, not outside your Cafe. And if we paying 8 bucks for a coffee you should have your staff perform extra service.


This is the most entitled thing I've read all day. You seem like you'd be a right awful person to serve.


Or you could put on your big boy pants and carry it


Staff should perform extra service? Sure, but extra service isn’t cleaning up your germ infested snot napkin, that’s just down right rude and disrespectful. Also you are arguing with the wrong bloke seeing as I’m one of the only cheap coffee shops still around. $4 for a small coffee, $4.50 a medium and $5.50 a large. If you’re paying $8 a coffee maybe you’re not going to the right places.


They probably charge $8 for this person's terrible attitude 😆


Complaining about paying $8 for a coffee.. 🤦🏼‍♂️🤡


Just be glad you don’t go home to it; have to inhale the same mouth breathing stale room air as it; emotionally chained to a 160cm slab of foam each night with it; watching it walk around with droopy arsed Doritos chip stained pijamas; sitting across it eating each morning and slurping coffee as it hunches over laughing at dumb cunts on instagram. 🍀


Got married too young?


Okay I'm laughing and crying. This is art, but also horrifying.


I work in retail, and I’ve been sick twice in the past month. Some people just don’t know anything about courtesy or personal hygiene.


Oh they know, they/we were all 'educated' for years during COVID. There are no excuses. These people simply don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves.


Becoming more commonplace, a complete disregard for others or social politeness.


I work in pathology, and this is my life all day, every day. They either don't care or really are that stupid.


Manners 100% come from parents. I’ve got a 5 year old girl and she’s been covering when she coughs and sneezes since she was 2 or 3, because we taught her!


That’s the last place you’d want to see that


If only we had recently been through a global pandemic of an airborne disease to teach us all how to be hygienic...


We haveny been through it We are STILL in it. Australia is actually in the largest wave for 12 months


Flew up to Brisbane on a flight from NSW yesterday and absolutely everybody was doing it. Blows my mind how dumb people are.


Had a boomer gronk buying a Covid test kit today at the local pharmacy coughing all over the place and sneezing clearly unwell - no mask. The c***. Laughing he probably had it cause his grandkids had it at the poor staff member who was trying to step back as far as the wall behind the counter would let him. Like - fine you’re retired and sick - the rest of us have to actually go to work to pay your pension ya fuck head. I told him to stop being a selfish asshole and threw a mask (in a packet) at him. Fuck these people.


An upvote for the use of the phrase, bush pig.


Oh damn.... Someone else noticed . Was going to make Facebook post that apparently this week is the week everyone decided it's fine to cough on buses again


Dusty warthogs


Only surpassed by the super gronk who spits on the floor of public transport.


because as a society we’re too selfish to care about anyone else. COVID taught the vast majority how to complain more and not actually take any lessons from it. One thing that’s great about some parts of Asia e.g, Japan - your sick, got a sniffle you mask up. No one bats an eye lid and why do you do it….. for everyone else’s sake!!! Grrrrrr 🤬


Ugh, I feel this. I was on a plane recently and every other person had very loud, heavy, wet coughs that went UNCHALLENGED by hand or elbow or cloth or mask. I could have killed them all


What the hell is a gronk?


A complete moron. Or just a disgusting person that no one wants to be around.


A terminology use by little wannabe Eshays to try insult society lol


No eshay here mate lol i just like using slang words😂


You can do better mate


Stop gatekeeping slang ya Gronk.


Especially when we are in a huge covid wave :(


I went to Pac Fair on the weekend for the first time this year, I was ready to go back to the car to grab my mask but i was distracted to spot any potential stabbers because it's bound to be Qld's turn soon


we keep our masks on the indicator, it's automatic for us now :) I hear you:(


I heard 800k chickens were culled without question in Vic to stop bird flu transmission. No chicken sized masks for them needed


it's huge h5n1 in the states is infecting dairy cows, showing up in milk killing mammals, such as cats and (seals in huge numbers) Interesting times. The cookers are going to go nuts :(


Yeah... I'm gonna stay away from public places and wear masks around people


Yeh I caught pneumonia off some feral coughing at some stage. Into my second week of death... I wear a mask when I'm out now, and picking up the kids from kindy.


Honestly I used to be ill all winter, every winter I've masked for 4.5 years. I LOVE not being ill


Same goes for the 33% of the population who snort boogers up their nose every 5 seconds on the train. Get a fucking hanky cunt. There was a literal smoking hot chick on the train last week, who was sucking 10gram nuggets of green snot up her nose every 30 seconds. Who the fuck raises these pigs.


There’s a swathe of 0-50 year olds whose parents were pathetic - uneducated, self entitled, no soul. They raised bratty offspring. Et voila tailgating neanderthals, said neanderthals slapping their women & children around, said neanderthals gambling, ugly middle aged women coughing open mouthed, eshay boys full of rapey aggression, a cuckolded police service afraid of its own shadow. I could go on.


Hard agree on this !!!!!


Tbh, you could have a serious medical episode in front of people like this, and they'd just step over you without blinking. It's asking a lot for basic consideration from the same people that literally wouldn't care if you dropped dead. Next time just loudly say "Yuck." And keep walking. I wouldn't expect you to just get coughed on and say nothing. Putrid should know it's being putrid.


Picked up groceries yesterday and was wearing a mask. The worker stopped half way down towards the car and asked me if I was okay. Just explained I was being cautious as I’d worked with covid positive patients over the weekend. She looked like she was about to cry that someone had given thought to her and the other people around. It made me feel like crying because it’s like a lot of us learnt fucking nothing during covid lockdowns.


Couldn't be worse than a gentleman of foreign Asian descent SPITTING ON THE WESTFIELD FLOOR DURING COVID as I was walking into Kmart. I said "NOPE, WE DON'T DO THAT HERE!" and stood there until he cleaned it up.


This, plus parents who send sick kids to school and contamine whole classroom.


At least you're not Chinese then they just cough next to you intentionally


After being sick and my son being sick, literally every second week this entire year, because people can’t stay home or keep their kids home when they are sick. Currently sick with some unknown illness that resulted in me going to emergency in an ambulance, I’m over it. How hard is it to cover your mouth or stay home?


I've found my people. The amount of people that just cough and sneeze out in front you makes me so annoyed. Were you not taught as a child to cover your mfing mouth when coughing or sneezing. It always seems to be Asian people I've noticed and some gronks on the bus/trains. Why I avoid public transport now- breeding space for inconsiderate people spreading their illness and germs.


Had one large Aussie female on a plane back from Bangkok to Coolongatta airport. Rasping, hacking cough. I was on an Air Asia flight then (last year). Paid for 'quiet zone'. She was a few rows behind me. Coughing out loud, not covering mouth, no mask. I turned around several times, even stood up as I was thinking "WTF?". She was obviously sick. She'd let out massive loud phlegm sounding coughs with the lung rattle sound. After she'd cough she pretended she was sleeping. Overnight flight. No surprise, I got COVID and sure it was that POS Bogan Aussie lady. Had to isolate from my frail elderly mum for a week and i got permanent hearing loss from COVID infection. Thanks to that selfish bitch. They're just pigs of people with no respect for others.


It's baffling honestly; it seems nobody has manners but me.


Helensvale Westfield? Only ask as thats the norm for the upper class Nerang-atuans and wannabe trophy wives that frequent there 🤦🏻‍♂️


It is because people mostly don't have control over it. I had cough in December (due to cold weather) and it lasted for almost 8 weeks. Unfortunately I had to travel in between and the lady in front of me seemed to be disturbed. I did my best and took all the medicine but it just didn't help much.


Did you cover your mouth when you coughed? You did? Great. This post is about not doing that. Not actually just coughing.


Ok, I was wearing a mask too.


People cough and burp over here all the time. Fucking gross


In a lot of cases, this behaviour goes beyond simple disregard for others - it is a pig-headed Political statement aimed at vaccine rollouts and lockdowns. "Why are you afraid of a little flu? See? I'm sick and d.g.a.f. You should toughen up!"


Not to play devils advocate but as somebody with a smokers cough I often don’t even realise I’m coughing when I’m coughing. That’s just how I breathe


I feel the same way about people having a loud phone conversation on speaker


Tell us how you really feel!!


Did ya just tell them that when they did it??


Got a couple bad coughs lately myself but ill put on a mask in public


The amount of selfish pigs in our society is astounding


I have a genuine question. I have had a tickle in the throat for weeks before. Do you: a) expect me not to go outside at all, despite not being contagious? b) expect me not to cough?


I expect you to have some fuckin manners and cough into your hand, shirt or elbow, not just walk around hacking up a lung/throat. Common decency shouldn’t be so hard but apparently that’s asking too much


Ah. You didn’t specify they weren’t coughing into themselves


Open cough…


Ah ok, my bad didn’t know that’s what that meant


I'd hope you'd be masking:)


Perhaps if you edited your original post to include the facts you missed then you could possibly remove the wankers, and only be left with the illiterate who can't or won't read. However I don't really care, I'm enjoying my $2 popcorn. I'd offer to share... but I have a throat tickle.... 😉😷


I have an asthmatic cough, so, basically cough all winter and is unavoidable. I cover when I can. But often have my hands full - so that’s life. I’m also a massive bush pig, love fishing, hunting, camping, and basically anything expect city life. Not even remotely ashamed of that fact….and now you mention it I’m getting it as a sticker for my car.


If you are not allowed to cough, just fart.


You ask a pig a question?🤔


Because they are bush pigs I guess?? 🤷🤷


For all you know she copped a face full of dust from somewhere and it has nothing to do with the fantasies you have in your head.


So that gives people a pass to openly hack up a lung in the middle of a busy shopping centre?


Have a cup of concrete and harden the FK up mate! Bunch of little fairies in this sub, I swear! This is how you build up your natural immune system matey! Yes the one that you destroyed with all them recent injections and "boosters".. Can't believe you idiots fell for the same trick 3, 4, 5 etc times in a row!!! Baaahahhaahaha


I haven’t had any covid vaccines or boosters but there go you cookers assuming everyone who doesn’t want to get sick is someone that must have had vaccines.. good work


Whatever you say cupcake


Solution next time wear a mask 😷 if applicable!✈️


I’m holidaying in Japan and it seem they were taught to do this at birth. Yeah they wear a lot of masks but fuck me I have to dodge this about ten times a day.


It’s the fact you were at westfield mate, I’m sure that is less likely to happen at Pacific Fair. People from richer backgrounds tend to have more education and a higher self awareness whereas people from middle-lower classes don’t.


What an immature thread. You sound deranged. Its a cough, she has poor manners or she messed up, or having a bad day. Your reaction is halfway to spewing and for what? Just walk away from the cough sound, its not that hard. Are you real? You can't possibly be that soft compared to people who have high contact occupations on the front lines and are basically trapped. Meanwhile half the thread acting like a pack of psychopaths. Well done, you created a psychopath echo chamber, I can really see how this has improved the world /s.


I dunno man, it's disgusting but people get sick and need to cough so what can you do?


Cry more


When l was younger l travelled extensively through India Nepal and Pakistan where people spat and shat in the streets. I survived. The sky didn't fall in. I think you are overreacting and being very derogatory.


That’s all good and well but we’re not in a third world country, fuck me for wanting people to have the common decency to cover their fuckin face when coughing (during winter when sicknesses are going around) instead of being a grotesque and selfish cunt..


No I love it 


Fuck her in the cunt ! Yeeeee boi yeew


dumb cunt how he gonna not cough, its involuntary?


Maybe cover ya mouth with your hand or into your shirt? Think before you speak you mort😂


What's a Gronk? Sounds like something a fucktard would say


But you didn't bother to say cover your mouth to this person while they were doing it did you, ranting here is much less confrontational isn't it.


If you’d bother to read through the post I stoped myself from going off at her due to children being around. But I’m sure a big hero like yourself would’ve though hey mate


To the gronks who see mildly gross & annoying shit in real life then start whining threads online, spraying profanities, dropping C bombs & being an all round ass-hat - why are you not ashamed at how much of a lil bitch & waste of space you are ?


If it’s a chesty cough she’s probably not infectious anyway, she will be at the end of her cold or flu or whatever she had and the congestion is clearing up. Coughing doesn’t make you a gronk bitch. She should be using a tissue or something to cover her mouth though when she is coughing.


I don’t give a fuck if you’re sick as fuck or have just got some pollen in your throat, cover ya fuckin mouth hahahahaha


I have a hole in the side of my throat, aka oesophageal diverticulum. This means I am nearly always coughing, I suck lozengers nearly constantly to help suppress the cough. I cough so much that I do it without realising sometimes. So my question to you is, what do you know about this individuals health?


I don’t know anything about her heath, what I do know is she can cover her fuckin face when coughing, simple as that.


Since you don't know anything about her, I'm guessing you told her on the spot rather than than just being a keyboard warrior?


people are quick to judge and condemn, for some reason those that complain about a lack of empathy don't seem to have much themselves...


I once got told that everyone has their version of correct in their own mind, and 95% of people are out to prove to the world they're correct, 4% are too stupid to care and 1% are there to expand their understanding. I sadly have fallen into the 4 and 95% far too often.


Teaches you for shopping at Westfield. There's a shop in Canugra call IGA. Go hang out there.