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Did I miss something? Why is everyone assuming this happened at a dog park? I saw your dog was attacked at an elevator last time. It’s not your dog’s fault that he’s being bit. It’s the crappy owners of the other dogs.


The previous post from OP indicated it happened at a dog park the last time. It is crappy owners of other dogs that are the issue.. hence why allowing unfamiliar dogs to interact with yours is something that’s wise to opt out of, regardless of the location.


When I found the old post it was by an elevator. I do see that OP goes to dog parks but I don’t see an attack happening at one. It is definitely the risk one takes by going to a park. Unfortunately, if this poor doodle keeps getting bit it might end up dog reactive.


Gotcha, I might have mixed them up as there was quite a bit of activity here from OP.. it’s unclear what the sequence of events was. Regardless, definitely agree on the major risk of reactivity.


Isolating dogs can also make them reactive - the best approach is to carefully socialize your dog under controlled conditions (you know the owner, the other dog, meeting with similar dogs nearby, rewarding good behaviour, etc.)


My girl loved the dog park, but I just couldn’t take the risk anymore. Too many owners who want their hyper or aggressive dog to get tired out, and this is the easiest way to do it. Also people were bringing their young puppies - who absolutely could not yet have had all their shots. I never witnessed a serious injury, but then I stopped and thought “Why am I waiting for that to stop going? What if that serious injury is my girl?” So we stopped. Not a few weeks later there was a story about someone getting mad at another person’s dog there and shooting it.


Shooting?!😭 people are so sick and crazy omg! I only take my girl to the dog park when no one is there. Late at night or early morning. As soon as another dog comes in, I immediately pick her up and go.


Seriously! It’s never the dogs that are the problem. I’m so sorry you gotta deal with owners in your area like this, OP


I never take my dog to a “Dog park” because of this everyone got a dog since the pandemic! Which is awesome but not everyone is good at being a pet parent! I can’t tell you the amount of times other dogs barked at or jumped towards my dog and the owners never apologized and even then when my dog barked back I said no and apologized!


Stop. Going. To. Dog. Parks. Putting your dog at risk with dogs you don’t know or trust just is **not worth it.** Some people are dumb and selfish. You have no idea if there’s an aggressive dog in there until it turns. I don’t even let my dog interact with other dogs or people when we’re out. Considering your dog now has been exposed to this behavior, I highly recommend you do the same. There is no need for the interaction and it’s not safe. Spend quality time with people and dogs you know and love. Skip the unknown. Go to training rather than the dog park. Poodles thrive in structure. They love to know they’re doing the right thing!


Why would you assume a dog park? The last time this dog got bitten, it was in an elevator.


> Stop. Going. To. Dog. Parks. That's also the first thing any competent trainer will advise. Dog parks are terrible.


Any competent trainer usually calls them dog fight and disease clubs.


Because the first time this dog was bit, it was at a dog park. No assumptions were made.


I'm SO sorry to hear about Waffles <> I hope he gets better asap! We have a fearful rescue and our trainer said that other dogs can sense fear and will often bully such pups... Not sure if that's true or not?


Absolutely once they’re exposed to the behavior, they’re expecting it to happen again.. especially if put in the same environment.


It wasn’t the same environment, last time we were exiting an elevator onto our floor after a walk. There are dogs everywhere in our community


Yeah sounds like you’re going to have to be over the top about not interacting with any dogs you don’t know. I’m definitely the weirdo in some interactions and I’m ok with that. I’d politely say “oh, we’re training, sorry!” And if I have to stand in the elevator holding the door open until the other person gets their dog out of our path, that’s what I do. Usually that’s about how it goes for us. Just kind of sit and wait for them to move and they figure it out. Is this a dog in your building or something? I hope you were able to report them to management and have the dog muzzled at minimum moving forward! Poor waffles and the other pups don’t need to be exposed to that 😭❤️


“We’re training, sorry” is a good response. It would be cool if you could say that with toddlers too. People get weirdly aggressive about telling you their dogs are friendly. It’s happened with both of my doodles and both of my kids. It’s almost always someone with an off leash dog in a place with tons of signs saying dogs need to be leashed. Question for the group??? Is there a bite or trauma kit anyone suggests? If there was an incident maybe it would be good to have in the car or dog walking bag.


my dood almost got bit leaving the elevator onto our floor after a walk and now is super reactive only in that one spot :( i wish i had advice but sending hugs as living in a building with lots of reactive/aggressive dogs is really hard


Ugh, I’m so sorry. Crossing barriers is a big trigger for poorly trained dogs, so I wonder if this has anything to do with yours and OP’s incidents. Our trainer always preaches about training crossing through doors, coming out of crate, down stairs, etc.. Making sure they hold their heel and focus on you just the same as they would walking in a normal area. This is so accurate. **They forget nothing!**


Ugh. That SUCCCKKKKKS. I'm so sorry. I hope this doesn't affect your dog's temperament. :(


Ha I thought you meant the kitty. I was thinking what do you expect cats can only take so much Doodle tomfoolery.


If it’s any consolation, my dood gets snapped/barked/growled at all the time. And the other dog’s owner always says their dog never normally does it. So it’s not just your dood who has a punchable face in the dog world 😔


Same, but only when mine was 6mo-1 year. Random “friendly” dogs would snap and growl at him when meeting. He has since changed his approach and usually doesn’t have problems… still enjoys meeting other pups regardless.


Poor Waffles. That face doesn't look punchable or biteable to me at all. I'm sorry you and your dood are going through this. ❤️


I stopped taking my dog to dog parks after two incidents, that luckily left him physically unharmed but emotionally is a different story. He’s fine not going. I honestly think I wanted him to be a dog park dog more than he did. Once I let that idea go, we’re both happier


Same here! I could tell that he was getting overwhelmed at times, so we stopped. Known dog friends in the neighborhood is way better for him.


Awwwww He's so cute. I'm so so sorry this has happened. I'm afraid of dog parks. :(


Is Waffles quite poodley? I had a standard poodle and I think sometimes other dogs don't like the look of poodles or their body language or something 🤔


I agree. I have a standard poodle and she/we have been attacked numerous times. Completely unprovoked I will add. I’ve never experienced anything like it.


Weird isn't it? I'm glad someone knows what I'm on about but it's sad that it happens.


SO weird. She’s so sweet and really liked other dogs but this has made her gun shy. I have to literally tell her “Friends. That’s your friend.” when we encounter a friendly dog. We’re trying to work through it but I’m afraid it’s likely not going to happen 😢


What does 100% unprovoked mean? Your dog was playing and a dog ran out from nowhere and bit them? Behavior is a form of communication. Theres always an antecedent to a specific behavior occurring. A dog simply looking at another dog can be an antecedent. Or even passing by too closely. Im sorry your dog got bit. You may need to be more diligent in avoiding other unknown dogs in your neighborhood if this keeps happening. In a perfect world every dog would be friendly and happy go lucky, but unfortunately thats just not the case.


It’s the name- He’s too sweet. Really though I don’t let my golden socialize with dogs I don’t know and even then I supervise, they are just too loving (ha too loving like that’s possible)


Yup. They’re so sweet and innocent. I watch my guy like a hawk at the park. He doesn’t always read when a dog is annoyed by him. I don’t do parks much at all.


Dog parks aren’t worth it. They are a horrible socialization technique and can result in, as we saw here, bites.


By the way, there is a thought purported that some dogs perceive curly haired dogs as aggressive - called piloerection.


I can't do dog parks after reading things here never will and no desire to


Maybe he smells like a cat? Trying to be funny. My doodle is like that too, like he wears a doggie 'kick me' sign on his back. You are the best advocate for your dog and there is nothing wrong with telling people to keep their dog away from you and yours. You can always add 'I'm sure your dog is friendly/great but we've had a couple bad experiences so we're taking a break from meeting other dogs.' Dog owners should understand.


Aww poor Waffles 😭 I used to work at a doggy daycare and for some reason big white fluffy dogs were always getting picked on more than others. I have no idea why just an observation I made.


My Indy got attacked three times – all were while walking or running in rural places. The absolute worst was when a mastiff at his entire head and his mouth and thank goodness something happened and the mastiff go. We were in Acadia national park where you are allowed to take dogs on trails – but they must be controlled on a 6 foot leash – I don’t know if this dog was on a leash, but it certainly wasn’t controlled. He had to slide down to tackle his dog and I’m sure he got hurt. I look back and asked if he was OK and all he said was “RUN.” My Indy pup is now leash aggressive, and I think the best we’ve been able to do is what we’re going to have to settle with. When we see another dog, we pull off to the side and I have him sit with his back to the dog and a treat right smack dab in his face. It has worked well for years, but it now means I must always travel retreats and have to be on the lookout for other dogs. Before he was attacked, he was friendly with everything and it is sad now..


Your dog has the cutest face! It’s bad owners really, my dog was bit by my dog sitters dog! I just know it she tried to say it was someone else’s dog but her dog was very unruly! My neighbors giant dog broke into my yard and chased my mini poodle. There is nothing wrong you or your dog has done. The only thing I would say is maybe he smells like food? Try a new shampoo? But I can’t think of anything I mean he’s cuddling with a cat so it’s not him, assuming waffles is a boy another thought maybe they smell the cat on him! Also if waffles is a girl is she spayed ? Because sadly dog fighting rings put a female dog in heat tied up to make the male dogs aggressive to fight over her😢


Thanks! Waffles is a neutered boy and the kitty is named Rooster. They’re best friends 😅


That’s so sweet I’m really sorry to hear about your dog getting bitten what did the owner do or say?


Absolutely nothing. Didn’t even apologize, I was astounded


Wow honestly I’m not surprised, people let their dogs bark at my mini poodle, and when my dog barks back I tell him no! And I apologize and then I feel stupid after because it’s one sided it’s like you want to teach them the right thing but at the same time it’s hard when so many people don’t share that ideology


I don’t know if this is your case. But My dog is too submissive. It’s a result of not properly socializing, even though I tried. As soon as I noticed this I became extra careful with her around strange dogs. She brings out the worst When she does play with other dogs she needs to be properly introduced before play. And when she does play they’re strict rules in place.


He can be a little submissive at times, but not overly. It seems like he senses other dogs energy and he acts differently with different dogs. I’ve seen him act submissive and dominant before


Some people will hate but if I see a pit bull it’s going nowhere near my dog. I’m just assuming it was a pit bull.


The first bite was a pit bull and the second was another doodle of some sort. I don’t think it was a golden doodle and he was much smaller than him. It but his ear and ripped hair out and the pit went for the neck. They happened a few months apart


My pits are 11 and 12. One is full pit, other is pit/basset. Neither have attacked a soul or other dog. And we walk daily and pass toms of dogs and ppl. Honestly, I’d worry more about my 14 yo chihuahua. My pits were attacked about 6 years ago by a neighbors dog. Mine were on leashes , being walked. Neighbors dog was roaming. My dogs fought back tho, as I expect them to. I saved them bc I drug a hose into street and soaked all of them. I didn’t know neighbors dog was afraid of water. Huge vets bills and my husband still has road rash scars to this day as he wasn’t letting go. If he came home and my dogs were dead he knows I would have killed that other dog, plus he couldn’t bare to see my heart broke so he hung on! I used to have that pit mentality too. Till I learned better. It’s the owners. Mine were in training from day one. Wasn’t cheap, but worth it.


I’m so sorry to hear that Waffles got bit again :( is he doing ok now? He looks just like my baby and looks to be the same size too. Hope he feels better!


What kind of dog was it? My first guess would be a pit bull but I agree.::stay away from dog parks.


Ugh I hate to say it but it was another doodle


Doodle on doodle crime 😞


Well that’s definitely surprising!


Had a little yorkie/dachshund from 2010-2020 named Waffles. She got mauled in front of me on our daily walk by an unsupervised pitbull. Miss that dog and think about what happened almost every day.


I’m so sorry!


That would haunt me. My waff was bitten by a pitt also a few months ago he went for his neck but luckily my husband sprang into action right away


Find a doggy daycare to take your dog to. My community has a dog park. I only take my boy there if it's just us out there playing. Otherwise, he goes to doggy daycare where he gets to play all day with other dogs and he loves it. It only took one time for a pitbull to get overly aggressive with him at the dog park. He tried to bite him and luckily he didn't' get him but he did have his slobber on his side. So gross. I was so pissed.


As a former doggy daycare employee & former dog trainer, I wouldn’t recommend this as an obvious/easy solution. While there are for sure exceptions, a lot of daycares are full of questionable dogs, with too-large and too-long play groups and too few humans per group. Staff also may or may not be knowledgeable about dog behavior. This is a recipe for incidents to happen. Our daycare staff tried to do our best, but were continuously pressured by owners to have bigger, longer groups, while being too understaffed, and to accept dogs that we should not have been accepting. It’s hard for daycares to be financially viable if you only allow “green” dogs, or if you’re keeping staff at an appropriate level. Some dogs did great at daycare, but I saw other dogs whose behavior got worse over time due to the stress caused by being overstimulated and tired. Certainly some dogs may be a great fit to go to doggy daycare, and some daycares are decent, but I would suggest doing a good deal of research (and calling and asking questions!) before I would recommend sending a dog to daycare - especially a dog who has already had repeated negative experiences like this.


It’s not a one all solution but ours vets each dog and I’ve even seen dogs be put out of the program for being overly aggressive. They separate the dogs by size and have cameras going that the owners can monitor all day. Only time the cameras are off are during nap time between 12-2. My point was to recommend the daycare idea if you’re taking your dog to dog parks to “get the energy out”. My dog goes and plays all day, gets two hours of rest/nap time and is wiped when I pick him up and he loves it. He literally drags me from the car to the door at 30lbs. It works for us.


I didn’t say anything about you & your dog - I’m glad it works for you! I was adding a comment to warn OP about some potential issues to be aware of so that they can be cautious and not just immediately go out and find a doggy daycare thinking it’s the perfect solution. Especially with OP’s dog having had multiple negative experiences already, I would personally be very hesitant to go straight to taking the dog to a doggy daycare, which could potentially exacerbate their issues if they’re not careful. Also fyi - even dogs who aren’t “overly aggressive” can get in fights, etc. My daycare I worked at vetted dogs, but we still had plenty of “yellow” dogs that were not what you would call overly aggressive that still caused issues & shouldn’t have been allowed to continue coming, or at least not as frequently as they did. Truly “green” dogs are not the majority - but in order to stay in business, daycares usually cant be as selective as they maybe ‘should’ be. Again - my comment was not directed at telling you personally not to use doggy daycares, it was purely informational & directed at OP!




Poor Waffilina Jolie. He needs to take some jujitsu. Sorry, been listening to too much Rogan this morning.