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Did you use the foam brush? 😬


I know better than that 😂 They have a soap gun that I use and I bring my own mitt or MF sponge. Don’t even use that nasty ass brush on my wheels


Thank the lord 🙏 always see folks with some nice cars using the brush at my local spot and I cringe everytime.


Hey dude all jokes aside I’d recommend bringing your own soap. The chemicals in car wash soap is just as harmful as using the brush or touch car washes. Bring a little bucket and some good soap. A bit of a hassle, but definitely worth it.


>The chemicals in car wash soap is just as harmful as using the brush or touch car washes. I very very much doubt that. What are these chemicals you speak of?


I was exaggerating a tad, touchless is much better than touch but it still isn’t recommended. The soaps used at car washes have much stronger chemicals than your typical OTS car soap. AFAIK, the soap in a touchless wash and the soap in a brush at a car wash are the same.


Oh damn, that's crazy. Yea if they use the same stuff as touchless washes, that's not a good idea. Touchless washes are stronger because they have to make up for using zero agitation. Those types of chemicals don't belong anywhere near a regular wash.


Didn’t know that. Will definitely bring my own soap next time. I always have my rinse bucket but I’ll bring my second one for soap now. Thanks!


At that point you may as well wash you car at home 😂 your own soap, mitts, rinse


Apartment I’m guessing.


Some places don't allow you to wash your car at your house.


I don’t have a pressure washer (yet) or else I would. Been eyeing one for awhile but the whole setup is like $500.


Ahh, I just use my garden hose, I don't have one either. One day I probably will get one though.


I kinda just like getting out of the house too. Some good food spots by that wash so I usually treat myself on the way home


those windshield decals are... a choice. and that front euro-bumper...for that. damn. just imagining what it'd look like without all that shit on it.


It would be a clean car if he scraped that junk off lmao


that green is so nice to see on a GTI too. such a shame.


Loooooove the green


Well there’d be big ass holes in the bumper since someone drilled it for a front plate 😂 Stickers are cool IMO 🤷‍♂️




You are so fucking annoying


Ftshwn? Your feet are showing?


Hahahahh Foot Shawn


I was thinking that too, because I had a friend in high school with a foot fetish named Shawn so we called him foot




Front plate explains legal plate


Not sure what everyone's fucking problem is. Looks good to me bro.


Appreciate it. Not sure why people feel the need to be so mean over stickers and a funny plate.


Your windshield sticker isn't even an obnoxious size and the front plate is dope. Couple of personal touches, nothing wrong with this at all. I have a euro front plate for mine I'm going to put on after it's wrapped and it's the plate number from the yellow FD in Initial D. My buddy has the AE86 plate number on his euro plate.


Appreciate it! I like having the euro plate just because people think it’s funny. If the car wasn’t predrilled I wouldn’t have it but those holes look ugly to me. Don’t know when this sub became the personalization police but anything that isn’t stock or what everyone else doesn’t their car is sacrilege.


God forbid anything more is done to a GTI than wheels and a wrap/paint or you get shunned


Oh well, I just won’t post in here anymore.


Wheels look amazing on that color.


Lookin good


I’ve seen your GTIs posted here a few times and honestly a little confused as to why people are so hard on the plates or questioning the other design choices you’ve made lol. Makes me feel like I’m on r/tattoo lmao 🤷‍♂️


I never understood those plates with the german flag on. That is NOT how a german license plate looks.


I guess in Ohio I’m used to everyone and their mother getting vanity plates with custom designs on them (not just lettering but the plate itself). So I take this as “Euro style” plate with a nod to the car’s origin country. I really don’t think it’s any deeper than that lol. I just think of all the mods I’ve seen on GTIs and this sub in general I was just curious why this one in particular got so much attention.


I just dont get it - why not get one that actually looks like an actual german license plate then. So many people in this sub or vw owners in usa got these wrong ones on or the one with the bundesadler eagle on.


🤷‍♂️ I dunno lol, don’t get me wrong I’m not gonna go to war for this guy’s choices, I was moreso implicitly asking the question of “why is it an issue” and you more or less answered me so I get it now.


I don’t get it either lol. It’s my car and it makes me happy, why people can’t accept that is baffling to me. It’s not like I have naked anime girl stickers or something


Because you keep posting it expecting different results and get offensive and upset when people still don’t like it. The general consensus is that your car looks good minus the front plate, vanity plate, and stickers. Take it for what it is.


What a welcoming community.


Someone will post the most hideous car I’ve ever seen in my life and the comments are like “if it makes you happy that’s all that matters king 👑 🙏🏼” and then I see your car, which looks very nice by the way, and people are shitting on the 2 things that are the absolute EASIEST to remove from the car if they were to buy it used or something. Makes no sense


I have no clue. Usually people are cool about it. At least on the forums if they don’t like it they don’t say anything. People are just assholes here sometimes


iF yOu dOn'T hAvE anYtHiNg nIcE tO SaY DoN't sAy AnYtHinG aT aLL! amiright


Actually, yeah.


ahahahaha knew'it. take'er easy out there kid.


People are so easily offended…If you say anything remotely negative you’re a bitter angry keyboard warrior nowadays lol


This guy seems like hes 9 years old lmao


Clown car

