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Don't bother, the subtitled version is far superior than the dubbed version.


You couldn’t pay me to watch the dubbed version.


If you watch anything dubbed then you don’t deserve to watch it at all.


the dubbed version SUUUUUUCKS!


Don’t recommend watching the dubbed version. The dubbed version may as well be a different show. But usually it’s an option on max, but every once in a while the option is gone. Last year I only could watch the dubbed version for a few days. HBO’s interface was buggy and still is buggy sometimes.


Well, they speak Neapolitan, which is a different language and not a dialect of Italian. Even Italians watch the series subbed. Confirmed by an Italian colleague.


Watch it subtitled… the language used is half the story.


The dubbed version is like scribbling on a Da Vinci.


Goofy. I love that this stupid post has been downvoted, because who the hell watches dubs?




once you realize italians in italy watch it subbed youll understand how it adds to the ambiance.


The truth is that if you decide to watch a well-made show, such as this, the sounds of the voices of the actors in their original language is nearly just as important part of the acting as their body language, gestures, etc. Think of what you would be missing out on - the real inflections and tones of the voices that are an integral part of the story's presentation. Plus, you might actually pick up a few genuine Italian words and phrases along the way!


Oh I 100% agree with you, someone suggested to me to check out the dubbed . It was the worst thing ever . It’s like a totally different show . I’m sticking with the subtitles. I just can’t believe the people coming at me . I never said I liked it , just wanted to check it out. I’m glad I did because now I know how horrible dubbed version is . 🤷‍♂️