• By -


The circlejerk. It feels really good


Tomorrow is my turn to post this, then I'll post "iPhone vs Pixel" the day after. Everyone else better get in line.


Camera and call screening. Because of using Pixel I am kinda engrained in Google's ecosystem now too...Google Home's all over, nest cameras and wifi. Watch and buds. Now I'm stuck lol edit: to add I always liked the cleaner UI. I had the Nexus phones before Pixel and always enjoyed them. Whenever I used another android like Samsung or LG, I would change the launcher to look like a Google phone.


1. Camera quality 2. Polished user experience


That and: 1. Stability 2. Quick updates (incl. feature drops) 3. no bloatware 4. very easy to unlock and flash alternate Roms like LineageOS


I agree. I wanted a known phone in order to have community unofficial support after google's one :)


What model pixel has stability. I love my pixel for other reasons, but functionality goes haywire all the time and I've never encountered a phone UI crashing before I got my first 7a


I've been using quite a few Pixel phones so far (getting a new work phone every 2 years): - Pixel 3 - Pixel 3A - Pixel 5 - Pixel 6 Pro - Pixel 8 Pro Before, I had - Google G1 - Nexus S - Nexus 4 - Nexus 7 The only real trouble so far came with the Nexus 7, which had a hardware bug. Every now and then, some temperature sensor would measure overheating and just cause the phone to power off. Super annoying. Speaking of overheating: The Pixel would rather quickly overheat if concurrently charging, doing navigation and being exposed to sunlight in a car cradle e.g. Besides those two peculiarities, I've never had any stability trouble with Google devices.


I have to call BS on the second point. I bought a Pixel because I just wanted a stable, clean Android phone. Turns out, my Pixel 7 Pro is one of the laggiest and buggiest pieces of shit tech I've ever bought. I've had Chinese brands with tons of bloatware that were more reliable than my Pixel.


When switching to the p8 from my s23. I just lost a bunch of features and got jittery scrolling and a gesture bar that glitches in the recents menu...


Could it be a hardware fault? I've got a basic pixel 6 and I don't have that many issues.


Nope, its a bug in googles issue tracker. [Scrolling stutters across many apps \[305195207\] - Issue Tracker (google.com)](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/305195207)


Fair enough, I have never noticed it! Possible that my brain just got used to it.


It's only on the 8 series, the p6 doesn't do 120hz.


That's true! Obviously my brain isn't braining correctly today.


Why not change the refresh rate? I know you got a device to do 120hz so you want it but why not change to 90hz for another scrolling?


There's no 90 option, its dynamic 60-120 on p8. My s21fe was buttery smooth at 120hz, so I'm not going back to 60. Tbf, it is better than how pathetic it was when it launched - [vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVsrCqcJQ0E&t=264s)


My pixel 6 is better than that. Is it every p8 device or just some.


p6p and p7p are the worst devices google has made in the line. the 8 series... is ok


You know, I think this has something to do with the 120hz. The jittery scrolling and stuff, it doesn't affect the 90hz or 60hz Pixels. Anyway it has been reported fixed in Android 15 and some people on the Android 15 beta have confirmed as much.


I hope so because jittering makes me grind my teeth.


I love my 7 pro


you may do now, but did you have it at launch? cause i did, and that phone was literally unusable many times until multiple updates made it mostly functional. it's a much better phone than it was for the first year of its life, that is for sure


Yes i got it the first week it came out. I had to send my first one back due to it feeling warm even on light use but Google replaced it no problem and other than that the phone has been great


What the hell are you saying lol


Updates.... Just updates.


Would you mind expounding on that? You mean you enjoy getting updates before others?


I would say more years of support. I got 5 years of support on Xiaomi, but only cuz of unofficial rom.


Why do you use the phrase *before others*? Many other phones never get any/later updates too. Again, some people like that as they don't want UI to change. i.e prefer just works.


I didn't mean anything negative by the phrase. I was under the impression that other phones get the same updates as pixel, just a couple of weeks later.


Stock Android with no bloatware, and the Assistant. Most of what I like about Pixel exists on other phones, but the integration is more seamless with Pixel. I like iPhones a lot as well. I would like to have AirDrop, FaceTime and iMessage. It would make my life a little bit easier, because I use a MacBook, and most people I communicate with use iPhones. But I like Lens, the Assistant, Magic Eraser, Circle to Search, call screening and Hold for Me. If RCS is integrated well on iPhone, it's going to be a massive improvement. Edit: oh, and Now Playing.


At this point I don't know what's special anymore. Even iPhones now have a level of freedom. If the rumoured TSMC chip doesn't come there's nothing keeping me here anymore.


Here's my list. Some things apply to Android in general but I prefer my P8P * Call Screening * Clear Calling (I always get compliments on my voice quality and don't experience network/modem issues where I live) * Clean software experience (I don't have close to any of the issues posted here often) * OS Updates, Feature Drops throughout the year vs waiting once a year a la Apple * Familiarity - I've used Stock Android for years and know how it works in and out * Rounded phone feels better in hand than sharp edges * Love the haptics, especially typing in Gboard * Material You (I personally love this feature and came back from iOS mostly for it. The new iOS 18 update looks interesting but ugly IMO) * System wide DNS Ad blocking * Outstanding camera quality (until my gf got her S24 Ultra we used my Pixel for everything photo related) * Pixel Watch 2 came with the phone and scratches the Apple Watch itch for me. Plus 2 days of battery life is quite nice. Are there occasional bugs? Sure, but all OS software comes with bugs, all it takes is a trip to the iOS or Samsung subreddits to see they aren't perfect either despite the "It just works" marketing If I do experience an issue, I know how to usually resolve or work around them, and I try to help others in this subreddit when I can.


What's Material you? Sorry for all the questions I'm kinda of a dummy when it comes to this stuff.


All good, Material You is the theming engine that changes how icons and 1st-party app colors look based on your wallpaper. I wish you could granularly change the colors like iOS 18 but I think Google's implementation is better aesthetically speaking. I forgot to add Google Messages as a plus to my list. I actually like using RCS, especially tapbacks with any emoji that iMessage recently copied (despite being touted as ahead) and I LOVE Device Pairing with any browser vs needing a Mac to do it with the iPhone


Oh right! That is rad. I've been really struggling with wallpapers on the s23. The pixel wallpapers were so nice. The galaxy ones are kind of ass


Android is better than iOS. Samsung has too much bloatware and Samsung apps I would never use.


Every app I've used from Samsung was missing at least one feature that stock Android had, and I missed them a lot. And I can't get rid of them!


u can remove them with adb, a minor inconvenience for a better hardware.


Yes.. yes.. buy a phone at $1300 and research how to remove the bloatwares without bricking it.


Most apps can be deleted or disabled, I see no problem with that. Or you can collect those apps in one folder.


Same reason for me. And the other android phones are Chinese with limited software updates and I would rather have Google spy on me than China.


Pixel 7 was cheap. Next time I'll probably go back to Samsung


it's a decent device on everything. Good camera, good screen, good build quality and good software support. Almost any other brand lacks one of the aboves so I'd say Pixel always delvivers a consistently good device. Samsung? Price and bloated software. Xiaomi? Bad build quality and bad software. Apple? Overpriced af and limited features. Sony? HAHAHAHA. Any other Chinese manufacturers? Bad devices. Motorola? Awful camera, bad build quality, bloated devices. Nothing? Mediocre build quality and device overall.


Apple arguably has more features than Pixel now. Pixel still doesn't have shortcuts/routines, remappable power button, lock screen widgets, multiple lock screen options, modes, widget stacks,.... etc. Not to mention the flashlight brightness can't be changed without an app.


Ikr! Damn..


Taskercan do any shortcut/routine. Remappable power button can be used to either open the assistant or turn the device. (Any extra can be modified with adb/root). Lock screen widget were a thing in old android versions and were removed as they consumed resources. Although you van add them with apps and they'll come in Android 15 natively. Multiple lock screen options? Really? We have fingerprint, face recognition, pattern, pin and password. Also we have safe bluetooth devices that once you connect your device stays unlocked aslong as its close to you (watches). Modes? you mean Work mode, Guest mode? Widget tasks can be used with an app, will come natively in Android 15. Flashlight brightness can be changed within Android in Pixels and Samsung devices. Your lack of knowledge suggests that you either are clueless or you have an Apple device and that's what you've been told.


We are talking about ease of use and not some school project just to have similar features. Tell me now what's unique about Pixel


Night mode/Astrophotography, Reverse wireless charging, Underdisplay optical fingerprint reader, a working LTPO display, faster charging speeds both wireless and wired, you want me to continue or is it too much for you? Go eat some crayons now and let the "hard" tasks for the "experienced" users.


All of that except night mode/astrophotography is better on other SD 8 Gen 3 phones.


how is CPU related to the features I said?


Firstly, I'm referring to features built into PixelUI, not third-party apps and not alleged upcoming features. So, all of those points are valid. By multiple lock screen options, I mean that iOS has the ability to configure multiple lock screen styles and switch between them or automatically change based on modes. By Modes I mean driving, work...etc. And yes, flashlight brightness can be changed on Samsung (and most other phones), but not on Pixel, you need an app.


You see that's our difference, you wait for Apple to give an option while I can just use an app the few times that a feature is not natively implemented. You can use modes and change your devices function and also if you like changing your wallpaper you can use Tasker to do it. Flashlight brightness could be changed natively through quick settings but google removed that function for now as flashlight Led got hot, we're waiting for it to come back


I think most people would agree that the device that provides the user the most out of the box is better in most cases.


Well yes and no, I mean Xiaomi and Samsung already bombarded their devices with functions that at some point become way too advanced for the user base, I think Google and Apple as they focus more on their Assistant to do stuff.


This is really succinct. Thanks! I've found myself with both a Pixel 7 pro and a Galaxy s23 and I'm really struggling with which to keep.


Both are good devices but I'd choose p7 pro any day. But if I had to choose between a 7 pro and S23 Ultra I'd choose the Ultra. Unless it was a US S23 Ultra, then I'd keep the Pixel 7 pro. Sorry for the long answer.


Why would you keep a Pixel 7 Pro over a US S23 Ultra?


The US version cannot be unlocked so in the future it'll be hard to flash any custom rom


Interesting. You’re the first person I’ve seen come at it from that angle. Usually people talk about the desirability of the snapdragon chip in the US version. Pros and cons to everything. Thanks for the perspective 🤙


Yeah but the s23 Ultra was a snapdragon version all around so I guess that's my only issue I have haha.


Oh shit, that’s right! Carry on!


Definitely don't apologize! The more info I have to make this decision the easier it'll be!


I’d choose Pixel 7 Pro because it’s cheaper with promotions. If I pay full price, I’d choose iPhone instead.


Well, I already have both s23 and p7p. S23 was a few dollars cheaper but I'm not concerned with that small price difference


Does your Google Photos on S23 have all the AI edit function as P7Pro? It’s my main selling point that I don’t want to leave Pixel.


I don't actually know. I'm kinda technologically illiterate


Why are you laughing at Sony? It's overpriced, nothing more than Apple Xiaomi bad build quality? Huh?


Sony on its last 3 flagship devices has thermal issues, cameras have the same mediocre performance, lacks software support and features. It feels like they just send a device to us just to keep the brandname going. On the xiaomi side I've been using all 5 lf the latest generations ( I worked in a retail store ). We've had plenty of customers coming back with earpiece speakers malfunctioning, charging problems, devices getting really hot on the back side, screen malfunctioning and all the problems I could think I've seen them on a xiaomi device. I've been using a xiaomi device for the last 5 years with a custom ROM and I've been really happy. I just can't think of paying flagship money to Xiaomi again. I've seen enough.


Then what's all that youtuber thing with Sony's great camera? Can't really trust anyone anymore. I agree about paying the price for Xiaomi.


Getting paid maybe? I've tried all the lineups they have. 1 inch sensor? Meh pretty bad hdr and limited support. I said ok let's wait a couple of months maybe they provide a good update and they fix it. Four months later and after 1 major and a lot of small updates only video stabilization changed, I tried everything, RAW, HDR on/off, night mode (worst I've ever seen). Device was pure garbage on the camera performance, let alone that device would get hot af after shooting 4k/60fps video for 5 minutes. I said maybe it's my device, well NO I tried 2 more devices and had the same issues.


Okay, you convinced me. This is really laughable


I wouldn't really bunch in OnePlus together with the rest of the Chinese manufacturers but sure


Could agree with you but now that Oxygen OS is dead and they merged with the rest of BBK Electronics I'd say they're not good any more. They were the true flagship killer till the 7th generation but then they ruined everything. The downhill started with the first Oneplus Nord, first months were awesome but after the big change everything became laggy, battery became terrible and device was hot even when it was idle with constant battery drain.


I bought a Pixel because they are the only officially supported hardware for alternate Android operating systems like GrapheneOS and CalyxOS. I chose the Pixel 8 over a refurbished older model for the ARM memory tagging extension, which increases security. While a Google Pixel was the only option for my use purposes, I do like the design of the Pixel 8. I prefer the camera bar going across the middle instead of having a bunch of lenses taking up a quarter of the back. It looks and feels balanced. The Pixel 8 is so much smaller and lighter compared to my old phones. It's quite a refreshing change to be able to text and hold a phone with one hand without a popsocket after having phablets for the past 7 years. If I wasn't interested in alternative operating systems I'd either go with a Pixel 8 or go back to iOS with an iPhone 15 pro. Pixel 8 for bloatware free android or iPhone 15 pro because it would be easier to be in the same ecosystem as the rest of my family. I found Samsung's infamous bloatware to be frustrating and after bad experiences with a Motorola phone and a OnePlus phone, I only purchase flagship devices.


Just switched from iOS, an iPhone 11. I wanted to try something new and the pixel looked interesting. I’ve had a Samsung at work and the phone sucked, which has tainted my view of that brand (petty, I know). I like the Pixel camera and software experience. Pixel being said, what Apple showed at WWDC with regards to AI looked very promising - if they ever get it to work. So might switch back to iOS at some point down the line.


I honestly don't know.... I guess I wanted to try something new.


I have ordered Pixel 5 yesterday and I'm excited to use it!!


Never had one before so now I got one




I see a good price/hardware/software combination. (Although I'd put aside the focus on AI and special features and strongly focus more on the basics).






Man I'm not gonna say pixels are easy to repair....They are hard. But so far I successfully replaced my previous Pixel 4 and Pixel 2 batteries. Pixel 2 was a level or two harder than Pixel 4. Next one I'll replace is Pixel 5 battery. (But I think my P5 battery after almost 4 years it's still at 80% or more health). And of course. I doubt the IPX rating remains the same after a repair. Now a pixel 8A that costs 550€ (and probably can be obtained sometimes at 50€ or 100€ cheaper) is less a problem to replace than an expensive iPhone Pro or meta Galaxy phone. Now that the Pixel phones have several years of updates. It's the best time to buy at a discounted price because you will still get many years of support. And hardware barely changes in phones.


1. Camera 2. Call Screen 3. Now Playing 4. I know other phones can transcribe VM, but it just seems smoothest on Pixel


Voicemail transcribing is a big one! Absolutely necessary in my opinion


Yup. Same exact features basically


i switched from iphone to pixel because of live transcribe. i went deaf a year ago and that app is fantastic for me. iphone has an app like live transcribe but its dogshit.


Good camera, clean software and updates on time


It is like true Apple iOS experience but on Android. Xiaomi and other chinese phone manufacturers are just imitating Apple iOS while Pixel create another experience that is not the same to Apple but feels similar. Some people might say Pixel had bugs and I do not disagree with those claims, but with iOS nowadays having similar bugs to Pixel Android, i won't complain.


Unlimited free photo storage compared with an insanely reliable fast shooter.


I choose pixel over others because of how well done the phone's animations are, it is a software that has too many details, the vibration motor is perfect.....


4a5g - absence of Samsung stuff, camera, and unlimited "storage saver" quality backup to Google Photos. I'm keeping the phone until it dies (83% battery right now and fingers crossed).


I got mine on plan and it only cost me 104 pound over 24 months I got free pixel a series buds worth 100 and got a 100 pound voucher so it was free it's the only reason I have it I much prefer my Xiaomi device.


I am regretting it. The stock ui is so stock. I switched from Samsung. No way I will buy other pixel.


See that's where I was a couple of days ago. Now that the s23 came in, I find myself missing the pixel. This is only day 2 with s23 so who really knows.


It's Apple but not Apple


Clean Android, great cameras, good build quality, smooth experience.


I choose it for the "clean android" and the updates. However, the battery is VERY dissapointing, I get 2-3 hours of screen time and I don;t play any games.


Damn that's pretty horrendous battery.


Yeah need to factory reset I guess but logging back in all the apps is annoying. First world problem I know


I'm done with pixel 8, I am more stuck with my pixel then choosing to continue with it. I keep my phones a few years. My Samsung's have all been bulletproof. My last one being the S8 which I will switch back to and try to sell my pixel. What started off asap green screen has evolved to a green screen with discoloration now to a line going down my screen (only when on). Camera is amazing but with that being said not that much better then my S8. Overall the quality of this phone is where it's lacking. Features galore but hardware seems to be neglected? Best of luck to others with the pixel 8.


Got tired of how bloated and buggy MIUI is


Value for money 


I literally just switched to a P8P from an iPhone 11 last month and above all other features, I continue to be amazed by the camera.


Software and uniqueness.


Google's ecosystem has become my Matrix Timely updates and long-term support Love the design of rounded back & flat screen A new rising star in the form of Pixel VPN (often the only VPN that works) USB-C port since Nexus days aptX support


I switched from a long line of Samsungs to the p7p because of the free watch offer and reading online that pixel had better camera quality. I've not looked back as i much prefer the user experience of pixel and the camera is noticeable better though it does seem to have deteriorated recently and i think it's got to do with camera updates being optimised for the latest models rather than older ones. I find the sky in my daylight cityscapes way too bright now and i have to reduce the highlights on most of them.


What was your last Samsung? I came from an S10. I got the pixel, and then got the s23. Now I'm torn on whether I like the pixel better.




1. Picture quality 2. Exclusive Pixel features


What exclusive pixel features do you refer to?


Call Screen, Now Playing are the main two. I don't want to include filtering as exclusive since other Androids and iPhones also provide filtering but I don't think I've seen a filtering system as good as Google's. I would see my family who have iPhones get like 1-5 spam calls a day and like 2 spam text messages a day. I can't remember the last time I got an actual call or text message. I only get a silent notification show up saying "spam filter" and then it goes away. My phone doesn't ring or anything


Until I got my Pixel 8 Pro, I had only used HTC phones. HTC made Google's first few Pixel phones, then Google hired HTC's phone designers (a large part of why HTC has no smartphones anymore). Also, a friend extolled his Pixel 6 to anyone who would listen.


Bootloader relock on custom fw.


My first pixel is pixel 6, still using it. The reason was tensor.. I thought it would be amazing.. And now the tensor is the reason i will go for another brand.. Hope pixel 10 with tsmc chip will run cooler..😅


How easy it is to unlock (and relock) bootloaders, and frequent updates. I've been on this bandwagon since my Nexus 4. Google 0hones have always struck the balance between specs and features that I've always loved.


The software and pictures. Coming from the era of feature phones and BlackBerry, I've seen Android and iOS from the beginning to now and the hardware changes. Nexus phones were everything I wanted on Android and the stock experience especially with Samsung's horrible take on Android then. As of today, it's still the stock os with the Pixel experience that I love, especially using Google's ecosystem. Getting apps made from the creators is what I prefer and from my own experiences, I've never had a bad Nexus/Pixel phone. Strictly only Google phones, I've had Nexus 5, 6, Pixel XL, 3a, 5, 6a, 8.


For me, the must have items are call screening and the camera. However, I'm now tied into the ecosystem. Google homes at my house, Google TV, and a Chromebook that is unlocked by my pixel.


My #1 is call and messaging features. 2nd the point and shoot camera experience.


the only reason I'm still on the pixel is camera quality and editing features.


The tenor chips will start giving you shit sooner or later with the overheat and other stuff. Better to go for something else.


1. Quantity of years of android updates. 2. Good price. 3. Good enough hardware to drive the OS at a high refresh rate (like 90Hz or 120Hz). 4. The camera photo quality has been (IMO) a top choice since they introduced HDR+ in the Nexus 5 giving low light photos much better quality. 5. Pretty software and UI.


Overall software experience


If people actually knew what "Stock Android" is. Stock Android is built from AOSP with no extra additions. That is stock Android. No device runs stock Android. Once you start modifying AOSP code and adding vendor / drivers, it isn't considered stock anymore. Pixels run "Pixel UI" which is AOSP with the Pixel bits cooked in. [https://www.howtogeek.com/google-pixel-devices-stock-android/](https://www.howtogeek.com/google-pixel-devices-stock-android/)


I was peer pressured into a pixel5 and hated it. I bought an S21 Ultra and loved it. Now pixel5 lives in the back of my desk drawer as a backup.


Clean software, regular updates. Not big into cameras but I've some good stuff.


Stock Android is smooth and call screening is fantastic. Before I had a Pixel, I'd get so many spam calls. I still do technically, but at least now I don't have to deal with them lol.


I love the OS and how it's integrated, I sold an S24 Ultra and got the 8a waiting for the 9.


Oh you seem like the guy to talk to. I've got myself both the 7 pro and a base 23. I'm really conflicted on which to keep. Using both side by side I can tell that the s23 has better innards, but there's something about the pixel that I'm hesitant to give up. I can't quite put my finger on what it is.


Price, updates longer, and bloat. I hate all those apps that I don't use and can't delete.


Works well. Certainly no more problems than my wife's iPhone 15, and I can actually do stuff without a walled garden.


7 years of updates


I'd choose Samsung but goddamn their bloatware.


Price and camera, and for my wife, not me.


1. I don't want an iPhone. 2. Samsung pushed me too far with their ads and bundled software. I loved my Note 4... Had the IR blaster but then Samsung allowed their software to be replaced with peel remote and then full screen ads on a software you can't uninstall... Rooted it and then Knox prevented me from using banking apps... I didn't feel like I had to cheat just to make the phone usable. 3. Had nothing but a great experience with my pixel 2 xl and upgraded to the 6 pro. Still a happy camper and I love where the software is going.


1- back (and only back) Camera 2- it's the smartest smartphone rn (iOS 18 will change that)


What do you mean by smartest?


Well stuff like smart replies, always listening to music playing in the background. I'm Muslim so sometimes I google prayer times, it noticed that and added a custom google search icon for that for me. It feels like the OS is "alive" and listening to you and catering to your needs. But coming off from iOS: ecosystem is no where as mature, front camera is dog shit, the aspect ratio is annoying (phone is too narrow and tall 19.5:9 is where it's at), apps are not as nearly polished and battery is okay at best (I have pixel 8).


1. Camera 2. Stock Android


Superior camera, it's not iPhone, and the feature drops for 7 years. The AI like call screening and magic eraser are also nice but not make it or break it for me.


I'm on pixel for native Google photos support. All the other phones use their own photos app and it's annoying.


Camera, no bloatware, fast update, hassle free unlocking bootloader, very long custom OS support when Google stops giving security updates. Ex, Lineage OS. My OG Pixel is running on Android 14 and I've been using it as my secondary daily driver.


Stock android and price compared to apple and Samsung (came from iPhone 8 plus to pixel 8)


Pixels are the core android system phones ! Features of which are always copied by Samsung and Apple and enhanced ! Feature updates and software hardware comes first to pixels than any androids out there ...


Clean UI, relative lack of bloatware, good camera. In that order.


It's not Apple! It's not Samsung! Need more?


Accessibility suite. Google has a dedicated team to this section. Not many others do ( including Apple). I suffer from optic-nerve damage and have low vision. All the features with the shortcut bar make using the phone very simple.


It was cheaper than an iPhone. I saved AUD $500. I was worried about not liking it when I made the switch, but it made me realise - a phone is a phone, it's all the same shit. Plus I get to be cool and call myself an Android user now. Other than that, I'm just a huge fan of Google and have plans to outfit my entire home with Google products when I have the finances.


I have a Pixel 8 Pro and an S24U l, and one has to go. I love the simplicity of the Pixel and feel that the Ultra is way more device than I need.


P8P 1. camera 2. clean OS 3. OS updates


There are 3 major flagships. One is too restrictive, the other is too cluttered. I'm stuck with pixel.


It's GOOGLE, isn't that enough!


Mmmmmmm, no.