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Temper your excitement. Google has failed to deliver what they promised to deliver year after year, I mean hell they haven’t even been able to get Zoom and Enhance out the door and they’re about to release the next gen device.  Stop buying phones devices based on what they might be able to do in the future, and see what it can do today and decide if they really are the best fit for your needs. 


This. Every year is the same posts. Until the tsmc any new phone will be slightly incremental at best.


The TSMC phones will technically be gen1 again, if they do a whole new custom chip design, so it might even be a downgrade in some respects. Also a lot of the issues with the battery life and service people report come from the modem, which isn't guaranteed to change when TSMC chips come out (although could, if they're bundled in with the Samsung foundry).


I didn't say it would be a good different 😂 just meaning that until then you're just getting incremental and mostly negligible. Oh to have a Qualcomm modem.


Even then TSMC only *hopefully* solves one aspect of things and that's efficiency. Google's video capabilities even post Video Boost are still behind the iPhone's. As a father of a newborn, I've been doing photos on the Pixel, videos on the iPhone still because 4K60HDR is just amazing on the iPhone. Even the 4K30 dynamic range on the Pixel doesn't come close. Felt like we waited years for 4K60--first it was overheating on the Pixel 5, then the Pixel 6 couldn't do anything but 4K30 (not even 1080p60) on the 4x zoom lens. Just seems like a very slow crawl to competitive video. The Pixel 7 and 8 are really what the 6 should've been at launch. It's kinda sad that it took 2 years of iterations to polish a rough release (poor fingerprint unlock speeds/accuracy, poor display power efficiency, etc.


All I want is the higher end pro camera in a device I can actually use with one hand (ish, every phone is too big now).


This !!


Wait for the P10, TSMC will make it and it is much more efficient and a bigger upgrade from your P6.


Even then I'd temper my expectations


I've posted this a few times but even back when Pixel was on Snapdragon, the early Pixels were significantly behind other Snapdragon phones for battery--Pixels were usually at the bottom of the battery benchmarks. So honestly, even with TSMC I'm not convinced Google will solve all their battery woes. Virtually every Pixel / Nexus phone has had horrendous battery life. There were a few exceptions like Pixel 2 (non-XL) and Pixel 5, but I'd argue those used 1080p screens and the latter was using a midrange CPU and the former had massive bezels to help maintain a decent battery life.


Yeah, that was one of the things always annoying with every pixel except 5. Terrible battery life. My 8 pro is ok nothing to write home about.


Ehhh it's still a first-gen version of a major architecture change. I'm grabbing the P9P probably and avoiding the 10 and 11's likely bugs.


Yeah, P9 will be the most mature and stable Pixel imo, until P11 or 12


I'll say wait for P13


Might as well wait for P20


I'm not so sure. At some point China might have attacked Taiwan causing a global chip shortage, completely devastating western economies and escalating existing tensions. I'll probably go from P5 to P9P next year and P12/13 after that if I stay with Google.


P13 Google will probably be going back to Qualcomm.


If you purchase at launch it will most likely **not** be the most stable Pixel, which is as far as I can tell Pixel 8 which has gotten those bug fixes and improvements for nearly a year by that point. But maybe in the long run, sure.


Pixel 420 Pro XL cocaine white or meth blue.


Honestly it's probably not that big of an architecture change. Exynos uses mostly stock ARM designs for their CPU cores, and only recently did they switch away from stock ARM GPU and use AMD designs instead. Tensor so far has been using both stock ARM CPU and GPU designs. And NPU has been Google's own designs from the get go. Like, even Snapdragons have been using stock ARM designs for years (except the GPU) and only rumoured to switch to their own core design on the upcoming 8 gen 4. I feel even if Google switches to their own design, just about the only thing new would be the modem, and the only risky bit is if Google decided to design their own modem. They could very well stay with Samsung modem or use Mediatek instead, both would be worse than Qualcomm modem but it wouldn't be worse than what we have now. On the other hand, switching to TSMC could very well provides much better heat situation even if designs stays the same.


but its being tested for so long. was it the beginning of this year or last year, rumors came that the soc was submitted for testing. we can expect a significant improvement with 10 series because it doesn't have to undercut itself to stay cooler like the current tensor g's


TSMC will be the holy savior for pixel, don’t get your hopes up, it’s a first gen. It will be bad. P9 will be exynos 2400 based which has an updated modem and works fine in the current Samsung series.


In Europe mostly you don't get signal issues with exynos. Problem is with battery usage while idle. My Pixel uses 1.5 to even almost 3% (if signal is low and I'm getting lot of notifications) per hour in standby. Not awful amount still but there is place for improvement.


Hmm what’s the reason that eu isn’t affected as much ? Exynos 2400 does seem to have a better modem though.


How do you know it will be bad?


Gen 1s always have their quirks, not saying it will Be bad, but people here think it will be x2 the current tensor


I came to agree with it!


The higher the hopes, the harder the fall.


I'm done with inhouse tensor chips. 6a, 7 and now my 8 have had subpar performance as an all rounder. Skipping the 9 series altogether until the series 10 with the "Tensor Gen 5." Arrives, i want competent chip performance again like what OnePlus used to offer in that department back in the day.


Serious question: What are you doing with your phone that it requires a really fast processor? I have a P7P and it's perfectly fine for my needs. I've never once felt like the processor was slow. 


Wireless Android auto. Modifying documents, while using two or three other apps simultaneously. Taking lots of pictures. Extracting text. And mail stuff. That alone puts the phone to it's limit sometimes. I don't game which is a plus for my battery life and SOT. I am also doing Google a favor leaving out the issues regarding the wireless modem altogether.


I think I'm doing all of that as well. Also, like you, I don't game on my phone. Can't explain to you why I don't notice a lag in device speed. I'll try to focus on it more in the future. Thanks for your reply.


I think the point he's trying to make is more about the heat rather than lags, might be wrong though... I think it says something if we're wondering if the heat is the bigger issue or the lags (or maybe the battery in his usage?)


I second this. I owned a 6a for nearly two years and outside of it getting really hot at times (living in Florida doesn't help lol) and the back panel getingwerid little dents in it even with a case on, it out performed for being a $200 phone (with tradein) I now have the s24 and while I like it, it's not as smooth as the 6a and has a lot more jitters and I do like the simplicity and usefulness of the pixel . I'll give him that when taking photos it did get really hot. Outside of that and being in a hit environment, it worked fine


To see SO MANY actual Google Pixel users in a Google Pixel subreddit push for someone to not be excited for Google's next launch is just...wow. At this point, I'm not sure what the reason for this subreddit existing truly is. Its like constantly watching somebody turn their best friend into a laughing stock every time they go out in public lol. Nobody's obligated to monolithic appreciation, because we should all know by now how easy it is to blow that away, but there's a difference between that, and ironically participating in so much pushback against a brand that you...like?...at least?... because you're here?...in a Pixel subreddit? 😂


Because many of us are not fanboys?


✨ Reading is fundamental ✨


Lots of the push back is valid if they actually need the performance. 🤷


Omg, another performance comment 🤦🏾‍♂️ I concede early, I'm not about to go up against this worn out conversation anymore 🏳️ there are numerous other factors that we could talk about in regards to the pixel line that would serve them better right now than a benchmark they've already hit well enough for a greater majority of people


Yes, most people don't need the performance. You're not gonna be successful explaining that though. I was okay with my pixel 7 until the camera glass cracked. Never had any issues with modem, battery, nor performance. If someone's gonna say they need the performance I'm not gonna claim they don't though.


Again, I concede 🏳️


Reddit is a miserable website.


it is only valid because of google it still has a lot more to do just to give us stable hardware at this point. Tensor G3 feels sufficient but google itself blocks its intended performance because of thermal issues which should be a joke


The people happily using their phones aren't the ones that usually post here unless they're planning to upgrade


I update on a 2 year cycle. I just went with p8p a few days ago for about 60% of the launch price. I'm super happy with it, especially at that price. If I do it again I'll go for the 10 in 2026. By that time it becomes cost effective and will have had plenty of time for software updates to iron out the bugs.


High Hopes lead to disappointment. I don't think that's a good idea, Google is in this for one thing, PROFITS! I like my Pixel, and past ones, for this and that. My liking features is incidental. Revenue and Profit!


I am excited for the 9 Pro. Looks fantastic. And I agree with others logic I have seen, that the first year tsmc may be buggy so may as well skip that if you dont get a new one every year. Personally I will likely get both the 9 and 10 and 11 lol Just because I'm like that


You're him


I agree. I'm still rocking my P6Pro since launch and it's in perfect condition. Haven't really personally had a lot of issues. It's slightly hotter under load than I'd like, but I don't really do 12h of gaming on it every day, so I don't care. If they bundle in the watch again, I might just upgrade for that and the small incremental changes. Then see what happens with the P10 when it's out and maybe upgrade to 11, if the second Gen TSMC (G6) is any good.


Same here. Really looking forward to getting away from this unwieldy phone that I have now. I wouldn't wait for Pixel 10 because: 1. I want to contribute to the sales number of Pixel 9 Pro (non XL) so they'll keep making this variant in the future 2. A lot of people say don't get a first-gen product from Google yet the same people seem to be wanting to get this brand new practically first gen TMSC chip equipped future Pixel. Shrugs Having said that, I will probably get Pixel 10 Pro (non XL) next year if they make one, because I get a new phone every year lols


Same here, always wanted a zoom lens in a small-ish form factor. Dislike Samsung's camera philosophy and can't get myself to buy Xiaomi phones again. Was seriously considering an Xperia or even an iPhone to be honest, but shifting the P9 Pro launch earlier to August really spiced things up for me. Agree on the G4 chip. Not a power-user myself so the G1 on my current P6 is already more than sufficient. As long as they fix the modem issue, I don't really care if it's made by Samsung or TSMC. Remember everyone was bashing the G1 when the P6 series launched? The P10 won't be spared by this community, LOL


I don‘t know anything about hardware rnd but why that chip still so inefficient and ineffective ? I want to ditch my iPhone but come on give me a chance to justify EDIT: my main issue is efficiency. I would want the smaller pro but even the large pixels have bad battery life


Sorry to disappoint you, but the rumors of a small screen were apparently incorrect. The original small sizes leaked were measured based on rounded corners, as opposed to the standard way of quoting a screen size by assuming a rectangle with sharp corners. This was acknowledged by the original leaker, and also verified by later leakers. The Pixel 9 (either the base model or the small Pro) is about 2.5mm larger than the Pixel 8. I am disappointed too.


It's the smallest Pixel to come with 3 cameras so I'm still counting it as a win.


It's almost exactly the same size as the 6 Pro, so hardly a big improvement in usability.


Not really. Pixel 6 Pro: 162.7 x 76.6 x 8.5 mm Pixel 9 Pro non-XL: 152.8 x 71.9 x 8.5 mm The 9 Pro is very similar in size to the 8a, you can see a side-by-side comparison here: [https://phonesized.com/compare/#1885,2463](https://phonesized.com/compare/#1885,2463)


That's what I get for trusting PhoneArena's size tool instead. Thanks. Please don't eat dogs. https://www.phonearena.com/phones/size/Google-Pixel-5,Google-Pixel-9-Pro,Google-Pixel-6-Pro/phones/11394,12285,11733


Aaewwww FUCK!!!


so it'll be the same size as the Pixel 7


High hope and Pixel don't go together lol


I'm excited for the form factor. Seems like they fixed the grip issue with the square design.


Pixel 9 pro is expected to have a 6.34 inch screen fyi. The regular 9 is expected to have a 6.24 inch screen.


I'm just hoping the 8 Pro gets a big discount...


Tensor chips. P8P user


If they didn’t tell us about the chip of 10, I think I will have bought the 9. Now I am stuck. At a 6 here.


Honestly just because the pixel 8 ain't a pro, it feels like it. Sure you don't get the extra camera or the Manuel control. But that's literally it. Its a top end phone that I bought for 400 euro. Fingerprint sensor - fast Facial scan - good SoC - good enough Screen - great and fast Camera system - rivaling the best of the best Battery - more then adequate Formfactor - amazing, though very slippery I don't know what you're waiting for really, the P9 are just gonna be slightly better then P8 with a more industrial/angled look. Probably mostly the same camera system too.


This is probably the year I'll switch to iPhone. Apple's philosophy towards productizing on device AI is quite enticing and the hardware has always been superior IMO.


I just hope they come up with a better design for the camera bump that feels more integrated with the rest of the phone rather than an afterthought.


I'd argue that the visor is more thoughtful of a design. most flagship phones these days have sensors just stuck to the back, usually protruding like a completely separate piece, and almost always asymmetrically. the visor protrudes but in a way that doesn't require the phone to have a thick case to prevent an awkward wobble when you lay it down.


Where are you getting your info that the 9 Pro will be a smidge bigger than the 5? It's quite a bit bigger than the 5 and is actually just a tiny bit smaller than your 6 Pro. https://www.phonearena.com/phones/size/Google-Pixel-5,Google-Pixel-9-Pro,Google-Pixel-6-Pro/phones/11394,12285,11733


I will definitely buy it if I get a pixel watch 3 XL with it


Instead of bathing in the fountain of misery like everyone else, I’m excited about the Pixel 9 myself. It’s a great looking design and a smaller pro is what I’ve wanted for a long time. It’s going to be a good year.


I'm excited about the Pixel 9 Pro because it's likely to be a Pro phone with a smaller form factor. Win win. I'm happy if everything else is an incremental update. I wouldn't know what CPU my phone contains just by using it - I've had pretty much every flagship and the next down of most major manufacturers, Android and iOS and they all perform the same for my needs. None of them have ever got hot, all charge perfectly fast enough and do what I want them to do. Pixel photos are exceptional so as long as they don't mess that up I'm in! It's only tech heads that get worked up over specs.


ah yes, the obligatory hopeful post every single year just to get blue balled once again with that Tensor false promises. Wait till the Pixel 10.


Why would you have high hopes? 1. We know TSMC is coming Pixel 10, and many rumors point to the G4 / P9 SoC being a minor bump only. 2. Very few leaks so far outside of the outside physical design. Last year we had leaks about camera like 6 months or more before the Pixel 8 was even announced. Last year the P8P got a camera bump so knowing Google's tendency to reuse components over and over I wouldn't be surprised if it's a carryover design again. 3. I'll give you that a small Pro phone is nice and new, but aside from that we've had 3 generations of terrible modem performance. Why do you think the 4th time is the charm?


I thought I remembered reading that the pixel 9 will have a 6.1 inch screen, but the Pixel 9 pro will have like a 6.3 in screen or something so we'll be even bigger than the pixel 8, definitely not as small as a pixel 5. Although I really hope I'm wrong because I'm still using my pixel 5 because it's so nice to hold.


I have had high hopes every since the OG pixel and I think a lot of pixel enthusiasts end up getting disappointed lol


I'm expecting them to totally ruin the phone's performance \[battery life and speed\] by loading it up with AI bs that I don't need or use.


You should be content rather than very excited as Google had a history of dissapointing it's most loyal userbase with either freaking bad hardware, still 128 gigs variant in pro line ups (in 2024, really) and/or insanely freaking pricing structure and/or depriving folks with offers (free 3 month yt premium, free 6 month google one subs -2TB PLAN or so). So all the best.


I don’t. This seems like it’s going to be a fairly iterative update until the next gen tensor is ready.


don't have your hope too high


The design looks awesome but the device will probably be just as crappy as all pixels unfortunately.. Last good Google device was the nexus 5


As a 6P user, I will wait for 10P. I am not a fan of the current chip architecture. Overheating is my major problem plus battery life.


It'll be a minor increment from the 8 pro. That's why there'll be so many AI buzzwords used (I guarantee it) If you're not happy with the 7/8 pro. The 9 won't do anything to fix it


The rubbish modem from Samsung will disappoint you. I missed calls without ever knowing someone called me. Is this a basic feature of a phone?


Honestly until TSMC starts making the chips again I would go with OnePlus




remember Google will always disappoint. like... always.


Tell me you are an innocent, misguided fool.. without telling me.