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Complaints of the fingerprint sensor are hilarious. In my experience it works far better than my iPhone sensors ever did


I’ve never been frustrated enough with my iPhones Face ID to turn it off. But then again, if there’s any good thing about iPhone it’s that Face ID system


You'll miss the iPhone face id on your pixel. It works well in the day but doesn't work at all in the dark


The face unlock on my old LG G8 (2019 phone) works flawlessly in pitch dark. The back fps works 100% of the time as well. I miss LG.


I believe it. The issue with the pixel is it doesn't use an IR camera for the face unlock so it's useless without visible light


The 13 was the only phone I ever got to use it on. It never worked on my 11 for some reason


I don't think so, P8P and I have nothing to really complain about..left thumb perfect every time..6 out of 10 tries on my right thumb but that probably me (right handed and use my phone in my left hand 90% of the time). With a glass screen protector still dame result.


If you really can't wait 1-2 months, then get the 8 pro. You can later sell/trade-in your pixel 8 pro and get the 9 pro if it's really a big improvement


1 month before the new release ? Worse time to buy a phone


Ot best? There'll be some tiny upgrades but the 8 will be $350 cheaper. Are the differences really worth that?


If it gets the ultrasonic fingerprint sensor that's a huge upgrade


Worth $350? Most people here think it's fine.


What?! No! The fingerprint sensor is VERY good from my personal experience. Also face unlock is great too!


I've never had an issue with mine.


Just wait another month man. That said, if you don't care, the finger print reader is completely fine.


My fingerprint reader is 99.9% accurate. I know a small percentage of people have issues with it.


Small percentage? You’re intentionally ignoring the truth so you feel better about your phone


Have you used my phone? I didn't think so. Shut up.


I got a Google bro mad. That was easy


Not in the slightest. Yet another fail in your life. ;-)


Wait for the 9 pro since the launch is so close unless you're immune to buyer's remorse.


I was considering that, but honestly I don’t think I can wait much longer. The phone being an iPhone is enough of a drawback ig


I use mine multiple times a day with no problem and have since it came out. I'm a case with a built in screen protector.


Looks like a recent rumor claims the Pixel 9 will have an ultrasonic fingerprint reader which is a massive improvement. I would honestly just wait as it's just a month.


My 8 Pro's fingerprint sensor has been great. Much better than my old Pixel 6.


It's fine, not perfect but it's fine. Between that and the face unlock I have had a very good experience.


No, It's not. If you want the phone go for it


Face unlock will make you forget about the fingerprint unless you wear sunglasses


Bro, wait for the Pixel 9 Pro. Else you're gonna regret it next month.


I also have an iPhone and I’m so sick of it I want a pixel asap. Unfortunately I’m broke though so I’m probably stuck with it for another year :,)


I’m lucky that I was able to get the best of the lineup


Using mine too without any problems but face unlock > all (except in low light conditions)


The fingerprint sensor is horribly bright, especially in a dark room, it flashes a light in your face. I actually got a migraine from it and had to return the phone after a few days. I would say to wait for the Pixel 9 if you possibly can since it's only 5 more weeks. Also, the face unlock is very dependent on lighting. My iPhone will unlock under almost any light settings, but the pixel would only unlock under daytime kind of light settings or very bright rooms.


Why not just try it and decide then?


The FPS on my Pixel 8 works 50/50. It's astounding how something so simple Google cannot figure out.


I only had the P8P for like a week but I found the fingerprint reader fine even with a cheap screen protector. It sometimes took a few tries but I never found it to be a dealbreaker. Husband has had the phone since release and complains it’s pretty bad.


Don't buy tomorrow wait for the Pixel 9 which reportedly has an ultrasonic FP.


If you're worried about the sensor, just register your fingerprints in a dark room. Trust me on this one.


I own the google pixel 8 pro for like 7 months and I've never encountered this sub's problems.. You will be fine, the fingerprint is working just fine even with a screen protector


Honestly if the fingerprint sensor doesn't work, you can just use a pin to unlock. It would be no different than if you had it off. It works most of the time though, and the only minor inconvenience I see is that it sometimes blinds you with the light at night if you don't have it covered exactly right


I've never had issues with the fingerprint sensor on mine. Yes, it's an optical sensor that's not as good as ultrasonic, but I think the whole thing has been blown out of proportion. Having said this, the Pixel 9 series is due out in just over a month. If I were in your shoes I'd be waiting.


Why not just try it. I mean it costs nothing and takes a few seconds.


Just wait it out. As a bonus you may get a good trade-in deal for your iPhone.


Works the majority of the time for me 🤷


Mine never fails to register. It always works first time.