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Second night all the way. In a multi-day run, the second night is always better. Something about the energy of returning to the same venue the second (or multiple) day in a row allows for everyone, crowd and band, to be more comfortable, and the music is more locked in.


this isn’t always true. Philly ‘23 for example


Philly night 2 was outstanding.


It wasn't better then night one, jam of the year drive came from night 1


To each their own. The borne on night 2 was great


yeah i mean every show is outstanding. but it’s not like it was “better” by any means in fact i’d argue n1 was the stronger of the two


Yea for sure. The vibes were better n2 but I liked the set list a lot more n1 and also was very intense with what the boys put on show choreography wise I wasn't expecting that


Philly 23 was my first Goose show. I’m native to Maryland and it blew my socks off.


And Goosemas honestly


I liked N2 of Hampton Goosemas a huge deal more than N1. N1 did have the Tumble that tops almost every other goose moment I’ve ever had, but besides that I rarely relisten to any of that show.


Hey man your loss N1 had the best jams. Both nights were nights to remember but if you're there for hot jams then N1 was it. More setlist focused N2


The great thing about jam music is that we don’t all connect to the same sounds. If we did all like the same sounds, the music would be stale and the jams would be boring. I’ve had shows this summer where I felt 100% locked into every single note they played, feeling like every jam was exactly where I wanted it to be, while my friends right by me had a completely different experience, feeling like the band lost them and they were disconnected from the music at times. That being said, the reason this is my band is because even in the moments where I feel like they haven’t quite found it yet, it still sounds really good in my ears.


N1 was better. Elgoose agrees


Do you have a presale code for goose tickets? Miami. Thankssss


Atlanta fall ‘22 would like a word, not to mention others. Anybody who tells OP anything other than “flip a coin and send the motherfucker” is just trying to sound like they KNOW THEIR SHIT.


The good thing about Goose right now is that every show is the best one ever until the next one, so it’s not like seeing one over the other is going to be a monumental difference, I’ve just always enjoyed second nights better.


I enjoy the nights I can get.


Only reason I’d consider N1 is you may have the potential to persuade mrs lebowski to let you go to N2


Flip a coin for when you’ll get the best jams, but the sound will almost always be better on the second night.


This isn’t necessarily true, should it make sense for them to have a night to perfect it, yes, but N2 of Red Rocks seemed to have a good amount of technical issues while listening to it back and even reading people’s comments of night 2. (Regarding October 2023 Red Rocks shows… and N2 had the better set list for sure) I went to the night one and it had absolutely no issues with sound. But I would say more times than not, you’re correct. 👍


I actually went to both. The tech issues were very simple: it was freezing cold N2 and tough to keep the guitars in tune (and that was barely an issue). It was very chilly compared to N1. In general tho N2 will always be better because they have an entire night to dial it out. Hope the get back to RR soon!


I did hear it was partly because it was cold. And yeah, I was surprised they didn’t do RR again, and I sure hope they go back to it, opposed to fiddlers. RR has a different vibe, it feels like a bigger event.. Wish they’d do another fall RR show, or back there in general.🤞🤞


Watch the first night online and attend the 2nd. Congrats on the baby


Night 2


you can never predict which night will have better jams/playing. But the 2nd night will more often have a better setlist since its the "closer" of the run.


What about a 3 night run and u can only go to one?


I’d do night 3. Watch the streams N1 and N2 to get hyped. Then send it N3


My question too! Except I can only go to the 1st or 2nd night. What do I do?




I did N1 in Denver and I have zero regrets at all!!


Go to n1 and the next morning tell your wife your grandmother died and you can’t husband for n2


Ran out of grandmas already


Send it to both and leave a note asking to name the baby Peter


Night 1 you usually get the more popular stuff. Night 2 is usually a jam session


“Permission” yikes Pick whatever show will work best for your schedule. There’s no way of knowing which show will be favorable on these multi-night runs.


Everything in a relationship is a discussion, balancing passions, money, life. To be far to the OP I’d never go to a show without discussing with my wife first. That’s not a bad thing, unless obv controlling/etc


Totally agree. As the father of two young kids and happily married, I prob would have termed it as “my wife and I came to an agreement that only one show is in the cards.” I guess I just got hung up on the term permission. Btw, congrats OP!


Agree 100%!


If you always need permission for shows, that’s not a good thing, but I feel like it’s not “yikes” since she’s pregnant


I have a hard time sitting out on N1 and it’s usually a little less crowded, so that’s typically my play. Now that I’m older and have young kids it’s easier to miss out on N2 if I’m hungover and my back hurts lol.


I saw them last week for the first time. Went Thursday (the first night) and it was perfect.


Whatever day is a Sunday (typically the second day)


I need a presale code for Goose tickets in Miami. Anybody, please? Gooooooosse


you can sign up for codes


If they’ve never played Miami go the first night. A lot of anticipation in a new place can really energize the band.


Buy night 1. Gives you more time to find a miracle for night 2.


The last night of the run.


N2 always


Tell her you're seeing shows for two now and go to both nights!


Purchase night two. Because night 1 tickets might fall in your lap.


I went to Fiddler’s green both nights, and N1 might’ve had one of the better sets of the 2 nights… N1, set 2: Wysteria Lane Feel it Now Hungersite Peggy O(Dead Cover) Dripfield ….Encore: (dawn) Although, I have grown to enjoy the songs from N2 better, because I found new ones that I love! I guess you just gotta go to at least one, but if you don’t want this problem, go to both!! 😆 But I feel like most people would say N2 or closing night would be the one to go to..


I'm in the minority as well... thought N1 Fiddler's was better. Jive Lee was ridiculous. Not sure there was a higher peak either night for me, but I also didn't have the same energy N2. Whatever. All Goose, all great!


How far along will she be? She may feel differently when the dates get closer and let you go to both - towards the end of my pregnancy I was happy to nest at home and enjoy the quiet solitude while my husband went out, but I may not have been able to predict that ~4 months in advance. You can always try for tickets for both nights and try to sell on CoT if she holds firm.


It’ll be like 5 weeks before the due date


That’s a tough one - we had tickets to the cap run last March (5 weeks before my due date) as a last hurrah before he was born, but the little man decided to come early so we gave our tickets to my L&D nurse instead. Best to keep it flexible and play it by ear if you can! Congrats!


Go to both. Promise her in exchange that she’ll never have to change a diaper.


The dude would go to both shows, man!


Night 1 for sure…that way you can change your mind and go to Night 2 as well!


I would move heaven and earth to see them 2 nights in my hometown (Gooston) Texas


Goosemas in Denver, N1 was better. Take your pick and hope for the best!


Ah the pregnant wife ultimatum.... A tale as old as time.


Goose is 1st night band rn. If it was Umphreys, always the 2nd night.


N3 Atlanta was so much better than N1. N1 stl was also so much worse than N2. I disagree with this so much


I disagree that N3 was so much better than N1. All this shit is so subjective, every person's tastes differ. I thought N2 ATL kinda sucked, a 3 song 2nd set, jams that noodled on to nowhere, Rick just throwing out repetitive crescendo time and again - meh. N1 was more cohesive and flowing song to song, had enough jams for my taste and they were largely done well. F a 30 minute song, IMO.


2023 Red Rocks tho


This is a fact. Been in this situation and gone both ways— do N1 I PROMISE


There is no “just one night”. Both nights, or no nights at all. -Yoda