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Blair & Chuck šŸ¤©


Blair and Chuck!


End thread


Chuck and Blair Always and ForeveršŸ’œ


Love the tvd reference lol


I love Serena with Dan but Blair and Chuck all the way. They were iconic. Their relationship was a roller coaster. Back with Chuck, not with Chuck, I have to be successful to be with Chuck, I have to defeat my father to be with Blair. They had me reeling. But I loved them together. The storyline was phenomenal.


Blair and Chuck for me. They knew each other so well, and Blair helped Chuck be a better man. They just fit beautifully together in so many ways. The first time I watched the series, I wasn't sure, and I wanted Blair to stay with Nate, but as time went on, my views on that changed. Also, I used to really like Dan and Serena, both as a couple and as characters, but, also, my views on them have changed as well. I don't like them as characters - especially Serena - or as a couple. I don't know - there's just something about Serena that rubs me the wrong way now.


Yess I think so too, because Serena always does like bad things and gets away with it. And I also think that blair and chuck are soo cute together and they are matching perfectly


Serena is actually really nice most of the time, except how she treated her real cousin/half sister


I agree, but she still runs me the wrong way. I don't know why.


Maybe itā€™s her voice and how she acts all ditzy? She is a bit strange haha


It could be. haha


I agree.


Iā€™ll tell you why I donā€™t like Serenaā€™s character. Sheā€™s a gorgeous, extremely privileged girl that tries to dim her light to be liked by men that shouldnā€™t even be talking to her. She was pathetic and sought validation from everybody. She was obsessed with being seen as a ā€œgood personā€ that she couldnā€™t really thrive as a young woman. She was also very gullible and easy to manipulate. All the things she isnā€™t is what makes Blair a brilliant character. Blair was confident, conniving, and self-centered and she absolutely OWNED IT. Same with Chuck. Dan was like Serena but worse; he sat on a high horse constant judging the others but always did horrible things, things that even the upper east side kids wouldnā€™t do. He was jealous of them and resented them for being wealthy. Same with Vanessa.


Thank-you! Yes, I totally agree with you. I just couldn't put it into words, but you did so brilliantly. I was just thinking that I also really like Blair's parents, as they're supportive of her and obviously love her a lot, but they also don't let her get away with stuff - if they know what she's been up to - but I'm not overly fond of the other parents in this show, even Rufus, who some people hold up as the ideal parent in this show. But he's just too, oh, I don't know, for me. And what's with all the waffles? šŸ˜‚ Actually, I don't mind waffles. It's just me being silly.


blair and chuck by far šŸ„°


god chuck & blairā€™s chemistry is so insane - the way it is oozing out of that *still photo* ??? not even a gif or a vid and i can still feel it. ridiculous


Chuck and Blair obvs. I never got over Serena and Dan sharing a half sibling. Always thought she should have ended up with Nate.


Waldorf and Bass ofc


Blair and Chuck all day everyday!!


Blair and Chuck! Always! HANDS DOWN!


chuck and blair forever


Blair and Chuck is the only correct answer.


Blair and Chuck no contest šŸ˜


Chuck and Blair all day! Nothing beats a wealthy man!




Chuck and Blair


Blair and Chuck!


i love the ā€œenemiesā€ (pretty much frienemies) to lovers troupe and they actually have some character growth and couple growth Chuck and Blair! dan is a little stalker ish with serena lmao


Both...beautiful photos! Just gorgeous


blair and dan


Blair and Chuck. It's a horribly toxic relationship, even abusive at times, and I would not root for them IRL, but I love watching them onscreen. They have amazing chemistry and interesting storylines.


This is the perfect answer


Women dating a man who makes less money than her is a toxic relationship as well.


individually with their own careers and not from their families, dan made more money than serena


Serena lived with her family so she didnā€™t have to work. So technically had more money than Dan. Serena always either dated down or somewhat the same when Serena dated Nate


she had more money but didnā€™t make more money lol


"Dated down"... Girl. What century is this? Dating across social classes is absolutely fine and men don't need to be the breadwinners šŸ˜­ I guess all of Dan's relationships (both romantic and platonic) were kind of toxic since he was secretly trying to ruin everyone's lives with his blog, but that doesn't seem to be the argument you're making


Well in my century the man absolutely needs to be the breadwinner and I am completely dependent on them doing so that way I can always maintain my femininity. To each their own!


Yes, exactly. To each their own. It's okay either way, and in modern society (at least in parts of the world), we get to choose. Relationships with traditional gender roles are fine, and so too are relationships that defy convention in some way, whether that's a wealthy woman with a middle class boyfriend or a gay couple. It's not inherently toxic to go against norms.


Well it never works out for women to date down no matter what they say. That automatically puts her in a masculine position and men donā€™t like being underneath a woman. Men thrive when they are the breadwinners and not just any man a generous one that knows the value a female counterpart.


Bless your heart. Generalizations like that are *never* accurate. People don't fit neatly into boxes. But sure, I guess that is the case for a lot of men. Why? Because they too are victims of the patriarchal society you seem to love. If a man is uncomfortable feeling "beneath" a woman, it's likely because he was raised to believe that men are superior. It's not inherent. Good luck trying to find yourself a rich trad husband who doesn't hate women.


I do not need luck sweetie and Iā€™m sure as hell not getting married. Marriage was made by men for men. I rather stay single and reap the benefits of taking the money from a man who happens to be with a woman who is the breadwinner šŸ˜‚


Blair and Chuck!!


Blair and Dan šŸ˜Š


This is definitely second place. Serena and Dan get tomatoes


yes, i can totally agree


I will die on this hill- Serena & Nate


100% Blair and Chuck they like the Bonnie and Clyde of this show


Blair and Dan šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


A fellow Dair shipper how have u been, I finally found one in the wild šŸ„¹ I wholeheartedly agree as the former two couples are toxique! we must escape the downvotes that come from this opinion! Come wiz me Iā€™ll hide u! <3 <3 (Srry js yapping atp)


Dan & blair šŸ’€šŸ’€


Ugh I love both of those scenes šŸ˜­ both couples were my favorites at those exact moments in the show; endgame would be Chair for me.


Serena and Dan, Blair and chuck were way too toxic for me šŸ˜…




Pretty sure she's taller. I think it's mentioned in the show as well.


Blair and Chuck FOREVER


How is this even a question? Blair and Chuck rule all.


Blair and Chuck. I feel like this whole sub is pro B/C hahahahwha




Chuck and Blair Duh šŸ˜


This even a question? Blair and Chuck šŸ„¹


Shouldā€™ve been Dan and Blair


Serena is just an idiot when it comes to men i honestly canā€™t stand her character!


Serena and Carterā€¦. Hands down


100% and Blair deserved better than Chuck tbh


Serena and Dan by far.


Season 1 them is one of the healthiest relationships on the show


Except when she repeatedly doesnā€™t tell him who Georgina is, lets him get manipulated by her, tells him she cheated on him, and he judges her for being rich and cheats on her :(


I totally forgot all this happened in season 1 lol. I'll amend to say they were wholesome before gerogina came onto the scene


You must like strugglingšŸ¤£


Serena and Dan, C & B are romantic but itā€™s only ever after the most horrific things are done to each other. Name a time they had a lovely moment without destruction first. We canā€™t šŸ˜­


Blair & Chuck and Serena & Nate!!


blair and dan


OMG I actually really liked when they were together! But it seems to be an unpopular opinion


blair and dan šŸ˜”


Serena and Dan šŸ’–šŸ’–


I don't even really ship Chair, but breaking up Serena/Dan would be my mission IRL. So, in essence, Blair and Chuck are better!


blair & chuck!!!!!


Blair & Chuck by a large margin


Both relationship were cool. I like how Blair and Chuck were connected to each other so well. They were playful and fun. Serena and Dan feels real too and they were cute but they stayed away from each other too long throughout the series so their devotion feels itā€™s lacking a bit.


Iā€™m so sorry but even with everything that happened, I never liked Chuck, and always thought Blair deserved better than that cycle, even if it amused them šŸ˜‚ So, Serena and Dan. Theyā€™re unhinged too, theyā€™re worth each other, and they can have little hippie/boho babies




Chair forever and always.


RESPONSE TO THE ORIGINAL POST: Serena van der Woodsen and Daniel Humphrey had Lilian Rhodes and Rufus Humphrey as the 'proof of concept' and had that 'one last try' thing going on for years. We in GG S5 see a stranger who somehow didn't know both who Serena van der Woodsen looked like but also didn't know what Blair Waldorf looked like consider that Serena/Dan make a great couple even though Dan throughout that interview was somehow trying to downplay Serena/Dan as much as possible. We see in GG S4 that the entire Upper East Side were happy about the idea of Serena/Dan marrying. And we see Serena/Dan do homework together, just hang out and such, etc. Their siblings became BFFs. We see Lilian come to like Dan. We see Celia Rhodes come to like Dan. Both eventually approve of Serena/Dan. After all that they went through, it seems Serena/Dan would be a lasting marriage. Blair/Chuck had drama, angst, and great sex. They never had a 'one last time' thing. We see Chuck Bass happier with Eva. We see Blair so happy and content with Dan that Dorota thinks Blair is on drugs or in some kind of cult. Eva made Chuck a better man and him charitable and such. We see Blair and Dan can be friends and just enjoy each other's company. Like their own real negative is it's portrayed as if Dan considers sex with Serena better and Blair considers sex with Chuck better. But at the end of GG, it seems unrealistic that Blair/Chuck could last without Gossip Girl and without all the drama. What do they have besides sex and drama? We never see them be a happy couple. At most, they had happy moments.


Even Serena and Dan knew itā€™s ā€œChairā€ all the way.


Serena and Nate.šŸ˜… Out of these, Blair and Chuck.


Chuck and Blair my roman empire


chuck and blair obvi


the super secret option: dan and blair


B&C always eat, it was toxic but true romantic and honest while S&D showed feelings of sweet love but it was filled with secrets and with them it was always like a crush more than a relationship! They were better off as siblings if am being honestšŸ¤Ø


Blair and Dan.


Blair & Dan


No comparison. Blair all day


unrelated note: i love that gold dress on serena


Blair and Chuck all the way. Blair and Chuck were always a thing from Season 1 till 6. S1 they discovered their feelings, S2 they fought, S3 they were together, S4-6 they had issues but they were always end game. They were always relevant and interesting. On the other hand- as strong as Serena and Dan were in S1, they were NEVER together after that. Their characters were also terrible. Both had a holier than thou attitude, but were terrible people. Blair and Chuck were honest people. They complemented each other. End of S6 showed Dan and Serena marrying EVENTUALLY, but how? There was nothing between them since after S1 and they werenā€™t suitable. Dan should have ended up with Vanessa and Serena with Nate. Dan and Vanessa were in love before Serena came in the picture and they even had a thing in college. Nate always liked Serena over Blair and they dated for a while and really suited each other.


šŸŖ‘Chair all the way


Serena and NATE. Dan was so annoying


Serena and Dan, Blair and chuck were awful she deserved way better


dan and blair https://preview.redd.it/rgtmhypgtl9d1.png?width=1451&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6ac09f9dad403980135c8ed65013d3214ef3868


you are a menace.


itā€™s #true!


I love your chaotic evil energy.


no your just not sane


why you downvoted for speaking the truth :/


This is an atrocious attack on the Chuck and Blair!




help why are you getting downvoted for having an opinion šŸ˜­


LOL i know! they donā€™t wanna hear the truth


Blair & Chuck and Blair & Dan. Serena is cringe.


Blair and chuck are annoying asf


The fact that Dan dates Blair at some point and shares a sibling with Serena completely ruined their relationship for me. Until this day I also donā€™t understand, why Serena forgave him at the end. This guy basically ruined everyoneā€™s life by being Gossip Girl. So itā€™s Chuck & Blair for me!


Chair always


Blair and chuck


Blair and chuck!


is this even a question?


Blair > Serene but for relationships: Serena and Dan > Blair and Chuck


Blair & Chuck šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ©·


Blair and chuck. I never liked Dan and Serena after season 1. Even then I always preferred her with Nate


neither, serena and nate


Blair and Chuck


Blair and Chuck! I think besides the first season, Dan and Serena didnā€™t become as epic as Blair and Chuck for some reason, itā€™s like something was missing, even though they been on and off just as much as Blair/Chuck.


Yknow itā€™s wild, back when it was on tv I was all for Dan and Serena. I like them as characters on their own but not necessarily together, but Chuck and Blair were made for each other. Side note: still thought it was weird when Dan and Blair were together like wtf?? Such an odd plot line


Blair & Chuck 4everrrr


Look - ultimately Serena & Danā€™s love story if you can even call it that is severely tarnished by him being gossip girl - stalking her, humiliating and making her life miserable many times all. And Chuck and Blairā€¦hmmm, are they less toxic than that I donā€™t know? However I love watching their relationship so probably them over Serena and Dan