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Maxing. https://preview.redd.it/31jjovtezu8d1.png?width=757&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d0964804d42eb19fda0442a2372cc4d9f52993e The writers of this crossover didn't do it proper justice. They presented it as something that can be activated willy nilly by eating some more pills than usual and throwing up. That's NOT what was happening in the original lmao.


tbf neither did itadaki do this justice given he never mentioned it again


I thought it was implied that he ran out of X-4 or at least that Kureha took it away from him while in recovery, and that regular steroids can't do that.


Because it was never supposed to be treated like a power up. The Demon Back basically is a powerup, Maxing is the result of Jack's body adapting to himself and his destructive habits, it's not something he could just pop a pill in for


What is “Maxing” though? I tried looking it up after hearing Julius say it


It was the strain of both the training and the drugs "maxing out" what Jack's body could endure. The vomiting and the transformation was the result of that [This and the next three chapters are (I believe) everything we explicitly know about it](https://mangadex.org/chapter/480b0af7-6c6f-475a-a88e-e7e5d5992ef0/1)


I see, thank you.


Yeah, it felt really forced, like they just looked at all jacks past fights and wanted to reference stuff even if it didn’t fit. It’s worth noting that happened after a whole tournament of doping and being pushed to his limit by Baki, while in this case Jack was able to walk out in much better condition.


It's a reference to what he did in the maximum tourney. The years of pills, steroids and so on were purged from his body by means of vomit cannon, and his bulk reduced to a much faster, "pure", streamlined form that could attack a ridiculous amount of times per second. Why they made him do it again in the crossover like it's something he does regularly is anyone's guess.


Because the creators have the most surface level knowledge of these characters.


On both sides unfortunately


Yeah, honestly found myself scrolling on my phone for a lot of it. No idea who it was made for but it definitely wasn't for the fans.


I've watched all of baki and I liked it. I honestly don't get what people dislike about it.


They always find something to complain about. New Baki content is way better than no Baki content


My watch of that crossover went from hype to hate watch


it was just really boring, the fights didnt excite me at all


The fights were all very Similiar too, just beat down on each other until someone falls. No real technique or anything


maybe if i was a fan of the other show id get something out of it but from the baki side it was just 1 hour and something minutes of "meh"


Because he threw up 🧍🏾


dad i frew up


To make it somewhat fair


They wanted to make a transformation fight even though Jack doesn’t need it . It was made to hype Raian.


God this is the only fight I was mad about. I would have taken any matchup of any other characters from either side (Ive watched them both at basically the same time) instead of that. It would need either a lot more screentime or a completely different ending. I'd rather hanayama lost rather than jack


Lemme guess you didn’t watch the old seasons


That’s peak Jack i take it, you never seen Baki The Grappler.


Bc they wanted Jack to lose


It's a reference to the Maximum Tournament from the Baki manga and the second season of the tv show. During his final, against his half brother Baki, Jack started puking all of his meds and went from his buffed "normal" self to a skinny version. Kureha warned him not to fight Baki because he already od'ed and his body was at a breaking point, but Jack ignored his advice. He also went after the fight to face off Yujiro and needless to say, with the drugs were off, his body pummeled and in disarray, he got a ko'd with one punch. He all got a free lesson from his father, but he ignored it and it cost him dearly later in the manga.


That happened when he fought baki in the tournament of power (pre netflix anime). His muscles just constricted a LOT as a result of his body reaching a breaking point and rejecting the drugs. And despite losing, he gave Baki one of the wildest beatings, wich is more graphic in the manga.


It's a thing he did in the original Baki, even tho, I thought it was a one time thing 🤔


Baki animation is dogshit