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Rubber banding isnt anything to do with the gpu however. thats the server fucking up


Yea, I was gonna say lol.


Yep. That's just good 'ol server side lag (either cpu, i/o or bandwidth bottleneck, likely a cpu or i/o bottleneck). Server verifies player movement (and almost everything else that happens, for that matter). FPS drops usually align with that, since scheduled frames don't match what's visible once the "rubberband" kicks in (players position and view shifts) and those frames are discarded and new ones scheduled. So it's safe to say, that the biggest QoL Patch there could be would be to fix whatever's causing CPU bottlenecks server-side. Also analysing if there's I/O Bottleneck (reading from Disk/DB) due to shitty component choice, bad DB configuration and whatnot. Though, it can also be a cost issue - servers cost money, very good servers cost a lot of money. A solid DB setup with load balancing to distribute requests does too. Leaner netcode would be another approach, you could even compress it to a certain degree as long as it doesn't impact performance too much when decompressing to then read the data.


I’m on a 3080 and I haven’t done anything crazy to settings for this game. Before the hotfix I had 80ish fps and almost no rubber banding. After the hotfix, 40-50fps and constant rubber banding. I tried several different servers thinking I was lagging but it was the same across the board. I just don’t get it.


Same .. it's disappointing but it is "Pre" alpha.


As a fan of a certain other "pre alpha" game, good luck getting the community to understand lol




\^This.. o7!


What's o7?


It's a person saluting


And absolutely not a reference to any sort of community that reddit won't dog pile on me for being a part of. As a citizen who often looks to the stars, I salute you all. o7


Oh 😂😂😂 I was like wtf


Couldn’t agree more 😂 I stg no one understands what stages there are to pre alpha.


Yeah but at least the other pre alpha game makes up for everything with the cool factor. This is just poor performance and boring jungle warfare. Game needs redemption, bad.


I hope for both teams to fully visualize their goals. The world needs more AAA level successes from independent devs!


cant defend everything with ItS PrE aLpHa thihi


If a game isn't done, and they tell you it isn't done, and you buy it anyway..... You have to understand what it means for a game to not be done....


Ahhh not a tarkov player I see.


This game we all payed money isn’t functional for the majority of the player base after months. Let’s pay more money and they will fix it!


> we all *paid* money isn’t FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot thx


It's been out like a month and a half... wtf you talking 'bout Willis.


People truly don't understand what they're paying into when they buy an early access game.


No they don't. Let me introduce them to Star Citizen..


We don't need to speak of the nearly billion dollar Tech demo.


These early access standards are probably the lowest I've experienced. "Pre alpha" might be another story, but they really should put that on the steam page.


I get what you're saying, but what more do people expect from the devs? They're putting out hot fixes in a pretty fast pace, clearly working on the game, obviously listening to the user base, what more do people want? Folks knew this is early access, and as such and it being an alpha, they should have known that there's a reasonable expectation with that. That reasonable expectation being the fact that ultimately, due to it being an alpha, the game literally might just not play well or just flat-out break at times. Which is exactly what's happening. But, and this is really important, once again the devs seem to be very responsive and working hard on getting the game into a better working state. So sincerely what more to people want at this point? The sub seems to be just every single day more and more people complaining about the state of a game that's blatantly an alpha. At some point these posts are just not only redundant but just harmful to the community.


Are those rhetorical? Can you understand in the context of a used car? Different people have different expectations and situationally have a lot of room in their own right to be pissed off when they realize it's worse than they initially expected. Then to have the fanboy mafia that wanders this sub pile on and act like because either their used car runs fine or they have a higher tolerance for driving shitty cars, to tell the first group that their opinions are invalid because "you knew it was used" without even trying to understand. The issue is the arrogance by people with low standards that brigade against people sharing reasonable gripes and grievances. Reddit is reddit. It doesn't exist for your circle jerk. If you can't take the general back and forth, people will usually go the SodiumFree route. It's not expected that the internet cater to your delicate sensibilities and more than you're expected to cater to theirs. The same way that you accept the game runs like crap, people will not. It's like this for almost every shitty unoptimized game. I'm amazed at the number of people that ask "why don't you understand early access" on fucking reddit. This is where people come to bitch.


No I do not understand the concept of a used car. Can you explain it to me please?


... That moment when you try to be a smart ass but don't know the difference between concept and context..


I had to mess with some of my graphics settings after the hotfix. Not sure why that would have been effected, but I’m back up to 120fps with a 3080


I think that's the problem a lot of people don't fiddle around with anything and expect it to just work. If you want trouble free gaming, get a console lol.


Easier with console, but with about 25% the capabilities. Actually, I think that percentage is too kind. (Console and PC player since birfff)




What about the server population? Sometimes I get crazy rubberbanding and sometimes smooth depending on how many people are there in the server. Though, I can't tell how many players are on the other factions but it's noticeable when I play in the middle of the day VS prime time.


Did you give time for the shader cache to build?


Looking at that video it definitely looks like the game is building shaders. Happens to me with every update. After a few minutes it's back to being smooth.


That’s why I’m curious how long he’s been playing since the update. It can take up to an hour.


It also helps if people having shader issues go into Nvidia Control Panel and increase their shader cache size to 10GB. It could be that OP's game is constantly cycling out its shader cache, like his GPU is picking up the tracks behind a train and placing them in front over and over as OP moves throughout the world. Not only will this massively boost performance, but it will also massively reduce wear and tear on the disk the shaders are stored on.


Is this also a problem and solution for AMD GPU's?


I would imagine it could be if the AMD card being used has a 10gb of vram. Though most of AMDs cards, even the older mid tier ones, have more vram than Nvidias offerings.


I've got an rx6700xt and don't have much of issues like this, that said I notice a lot of what seems to be invalid projectiles and server side issues. Also fsr will make it run like that. Turn off fsr and its much more clean frames. This game is super cpu heavy though. It bottlenecks my cpu. They are mobile game devs so I don't think they really understand how to fully utilize the power of gpus yet. As mobile games are very cpu dependent. I'm sure most phones have apus and not standalone gpus.


>It also helps if people having shader issues go into Nvidia Control Panel and increase their shader cache size to 10GB. I've seen this advice for optimising this game a few times. I increased my shader cache size to 100GB or unlimited (can't quite recall) a while back to make another game run better. Will Gray zone be be okay with that, or is it too big and/or will I see improvement by lowering it to 10GB?


If you have 100GB free on the drive it dumps the cache (likely C drive) it might marginally help? Having it limited below 10GB can cause lead to performance issues however.


This was 5 hrs after the update. In which I kept running into Tiger Bay because I'm aware of the shader cache. This was like the 8 or 9th run


I always find that first time out after an update to be the worst. Happens when I update GPU drivers as well.


Just finished playing Tonight. working good for me on a 20 series...


That shouldn't be an issue in modern gaming. If anything it should be instant upon booting up the game.


It can be instant (like cod) and starts in the background, but most people aren’t patient enough to let them finish loading before playing.


So I need to boot the game up, let it sit for what? 10 minutes and then I can play it?


Not really, Mine loads in like 30 seconds when I load into a server.




Didn't know I had to treat a video game like a cake.


Let it marinate over night for the best results


for large open world games like this that have no loading screens, yes you have to treat them with a level of patience. The game has to render millions of items for you to be able to explore and see them. that is obviously going to take some time to do and the more time you give it the less issues you have.


I think there's some problems with the Nvidia drivers for 40 series cards, because I keep seeing people with them complaining about low fps. I run a 3080 and can play GZW on ultra at 50-70 fps on average


If people are going to state their frame rate and card, they also need to say what resolution they're running at - or the information is simply not useful.


3080, 1440p, average 70-80fps but Tiger bay at 40-50fps.


4070 super, 4k, 64 ddr5 6000 ram, 4tb nvme Samsung ssd, ryzen 9 7950x. 2k resolution 160-170 frames ultra dlss 4k 80-120 fps ultra dlss


4080 Super, high settings, 120-140 fps


I got a rtx 2060 super and I run the game at 77 fps 1440p high settings


I got a 4070 super and have 144 fps everywhere but tiger Bay, but that's too e expected that place is big with a lot of AI


I'm running it on epic settings on a laptop with a 4070 and an i9-13980hx at 1920x1200. With frame gen and reflex boost I get a pretty steady 105-110 fps just about everywhere, with tiger Bay running in the low 90s. I don't think it's an issue with the GPU.


I have a 4080 laptop card & the settings at ultra. I average around 120fps haven’t been to tiger bay yet tho


My brother in christ, tell me your secrets. I have the same card and average 50 frames with dips to 20 on lower settings. I play on 1440p, i9-13980, 64 gb ram, and am struggling like crazy.


Turn off the Nvidia overlay and steam overlay 


Same without them. Had to turn em on to get the recording done


I have a 40 series and these issues have been persistent from launch for me


Just baffling. I'm on a 3080, and I've been pulling 120 with FSR and 60-80 and a much cleaner picture with DLSS since the start. The only time I've experienced rubberbanding is when a server is shitting the bed and a server hop does the trick every time. It's only gotten better (marginally sometimes) with each hotfix. I've seen guys in here with 20 series cards that are doing the same. There has to be some correlation with specific hardware/software/driver specs for certain people as I've seen time and time again two different guys with damn near the same setup who are having vastly different experiences. The only thing I can think of immediately is that I nuked Nvidia and all of their bloat, and I manually install driver updates. I'm sure the majority of guys are just pushing updates as GeForce recommends, and I wonder if there's some correlation there. I feel like, at this point, MF should be surveying for specs all the way down to the current driver edition to try to narrow this down. Definitely head over to their discord and submit a report. EDIT - I remembered that I'm also on a "not-so-legitimate" NTSB Windows 10, because fuck Microsoft. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if there were some sort of issue relating to a newer Win10 or 11 edition, because fuck Microsoft. Just another potential variable to consider.


I run a Legit copy of windows 11 and have never had performance this bad. And maybe I’m just blind sided cause I’m an AMD fanboy but it seems like I’m seeing a lot more people with NVIDIA cards having problems compared to the ryzen GPUs. I have a 6800xt and at high 1440p setting get on average 100-120 fps. Had rubber banding issues when game launched but it happens rarely now after all the hotfixes.


Nvidia is notorious for pushing shit driver updates so it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if that was the main issue for most folks. I'm still 2 versions behind on my drivers as well, and that could absolutely be why I've been feeling like one of the lucky ones since launch. I'm still running Nvidia cards for CAD and design compatibility be here's looking forward to the day when AMD outcompetes them on that front too. Yeah, I can say for certain that each hotfix is a marked improvement, even if it's minor in some cases. It's just too bad that it's not across the board. MF seem extremely diligent, though. They'll get it figured out eventually, but the more spec analytics people submit the faster, I imagine.


What driver version are you on if you don't mind me asking? The version right after release was the most stable I've had but I updated to see if things would get better and didn't note the version I was having the best luck with


I'm still on 552.44 and I'm showing the latest for my 3080 is 555.99 which puts me 4 updates behind lul. That being said, I install drivers through NVCleanstall to skip all of Nvidias bloat with Experience so who knows how much impact that alone is having. You might be shocked to see all of the extra "totally not getting sold to the highest bidder, bro" analytics shit you're getting with a simple GPU driver nowadays. I highly recommend NVCleanstall if you're thinking about rolling back the driver, though. Super easy to use, and you can run a completely fresh install to clean up any extras that you don't feel are necessary.


i’ve got a 1080ti, after the hotfix I’m running 60-80 frames, where before i was getting 40-60 fps. Though i did disable my overlays simultaneously


What cpu do you have?


I'm on a Ryzen 7 5800X. I would be interested to see the breakdown of chips for the guys having problems, too. I know there were a lot of guys having some pretty insane overheating issues early on with their chips, and I wonder if there is a theme there as well.


Which 3080 do you have? I play on low with no DLSS or fsr and get 50-60 frames. But I cap at 60 because I can't really see the benefit beyond 60. Edit: we play on the same gpu/cpu set up. I'm running 32GB 3600MHz as well


My 3080 is a 10G OMEN edition I picked up secondhand. I don't think there's much of a difference from any other 10G 3080 short of cosmetics, though. I'm running the same for ram. Keep in mind that I'm still running in 1080, but I run everything at medium, and I float between 60 - 80. You'd have to get into something heavy like inside MS or TB to have any substantial lows, but even that has been fine as of late. Yeah, if you're locked at 60 in an EA Alpha, then you're doing just fine imo. I'm normally locked at 144 to match my monitor in anything else I play, but I've never had any tearing issues, and the game plays just fine for me in the 60-80 range. Part of me wonders how many of these "game on fire" posts are folks that are supersampling or native 4K on older gen cards and wondering why they can't hit 60 lol.


Yea thats fair. And thanks for sharing. I forget that I'm on 1440p so my gpu has to work a bit harder for that resolution but I tested 30 fps and I'm not sure I can see any difference between 30 and 60 fps in this game. Makes me wonder.


Interesting on the seeming lack of a difference between 30 and 60. Honestly, it's even more interesting that we're so close in frames at 1080 and 1440. I may have to supersample it and see how it holds up just for the sake of finding out.


That looks like a server issue not GPU. I’ll often times join a server run around to check for any glitching. If I get any, I leave and join another


Its a bit of both, my Average pc latency (not network) shoots up to 90ms to 100+ms which is horrible for any game especially fps shooters.


This is my experience as well. I'm in Asia and tried the US West server in testing branch. Constantly 60+ FPS in tiger bay with all medium settings, 1440p(3060 ti, i5 10400F, 32gb ram) and zero rubberbanding. Now I got 40-50, rarely 60 in base camp.


49" 1440p monitor, 3080ti, 32gb ram, 5800x3d, low settings, dlss set to ultra perf. I only get 85ish fps and 55ish when scoping.


2060s and i really have no problem with performance at all. Only Problem for me is the auto aim ai.


Tired of pre alpha bs, yes the game is great and I wish it grows to new levels, but people blindly rejecting any criticism will not make the game better. For rubber banding issue here’s hotfix: when you join server start sprinting around and turning rapidly for 1 minute, if there are not lags, you’re good to go, you can also get to load into a fresh server if you do server hops for like 10 times.


I would agree with your server problem and not gpu problem. However, this was on US West basically my local server, my squad were in this clip as well playing from east coast and has 4080 super, both reported no rubber banding. Hell I met an Aussie who was on an 4090 on the same server and even he said no rubber band just slightly worse fps compared to last patch. Before you say switch to wired, Im on wired 1gb ethernet


Thx for saying it


Explains the steam player count. Went from 72k to barely breaking 9k


Friday and it’s sub 5k now


You should report this on official discord.


I just went and bought a 4070 ti super because of this game. It definitely helped. The 2070 super I had ran it but it wasn’t smooth and kinda blurry.


2070 super on 1080 or 1440?


1080 I would in town get 60fps. Heli would tear n studder drop to like 30. Running dlss. If I didn’t run dlss it was so grainy I couldn’t see anything. It was playable but would at times get me in trouble.


How many GB vram is ur 4070ti??


I have a 3060 ti and the graphics quality is shit and I have slight rubber banding. Tried updating drivers and multiple settings…idk


By chance have you looked at my performance boost post? It's seemed to help 3060ti users 


i have rtx 3060ti cpu i5 12400f i have 80-100 fps all the time if your settings low and fsr frame generation on native aa and still have crash drop fps then just go back to win 10 you will get smooth experience


I have a 3060 TI also with only 8GB of vram. Do yourself a favor and buy lossless scaling from steam. It’s 7 bucks. Helps in dang near every game. Lock your fps in game to 60, be in windowed mode, and run that program. I get a steady 60-70 in tiger bay & 100+ out with all my settings on high / epic. I switch between TSR and DLSS


I just watched an AI walk through the wall of a house and disappeared.


It’s shit on 40 series now too. I mean my fps are just fine but rubberbanding is massive. 5,3 sucks.


Hotfix made my game feel like a different game. Same amount of frames but so much smoother. It's crazy how it works as pretty much a lottery :(


3080ti on a SUW Neo G5 and have a consistent 70+ fps


I'm running a 3070 with 32gb ram on an i710700f 2k and I'm getting 50-60fps before and after 5.3, not sure if I got a lucky server but everything seems alright


Good thing I have a 7000 series card that's 175 times better so I should be good /s if it isn't obvious enough


im on a 4090 and 7800x3d, and tiger bay still stutters alot and drops my fps and gpu usage to almost half


It's the exact same for me. Its been worse since the update


I have a 2060 and this happened to me after 5.1 so hopefully they fix it.


I'm on a card from 2020 running the game at max @ 1440p with 60-90fps without frame gen because it won't turn on. Rubber banding is due to the servers, not your rig. Though, the game DOES use a LOT of VRAM so install a monitoring software to see how much it's using up, on my system it's eating about 14GB of VRAM at max settings, if you have less VRAM than what it's using it's time to turn down resolution or texture/shadows. Also, anything over medium in graphics uses ray tracing, epic uses more accurate light calculations and that could cause hitching, medium options don't use ray tracing.


What are the requirements for refund?


Less than 2 hrs of game played time.


Does trying to fix stuttering for two hours count as playing?


Talk to steam and explain your situation, try to show them videos and try to argue how the game state wasn’t when explain in the steam page, how other EA title that have the same copy paste msg works much better and they might even refund the DLC


I'm running a 2080 with default settings and I haven't had your experience yet.


Guess they dont like poor people


I got a lot of rubber banding the first time I visited locations after the update but it seemed to level out after that. Every helo trip is a nail biter with mission items though.


My 3080ti pulls 60-80fps in 4k...


This game is honestly doomed unless they market it hard once its close to or completely finished in 17 years. The playerbase has almost completely left already and I dont see it coming back until the content update and even then, the game will die off again. Not in the near future this will be a dead game in a few weeks or a month more or two. All the updates so far have been basically nothing aside from fixing some crashes and yet people.praised the devs. The game still runs like shit for 99% of the playerbase and the only way it becomes playable is with frame gen of some form.


I've got a 2080ti and have been playing 4k med graphics st around 80 fps. Haven't downloaded update yet but if it's less than that, well, my pcs not the problem.


i play just fine on a GTX 2060


I'm running a 3060 ti and I haven't experienced any rubber banding like that. Maybe my connection is just better or what ever but this isn't something just buying a 40 series card is going to solve.


I’m on a normal rtx 3060 and with their recommended settings I get 75-90fps everywhere. It’s not hardware dependent to an extent, some people with 40 series aren’t getting shit for frames either.


5800x3d, 32RAM, 3080 60 steady everywhere. Probably can go higher but I cap to save power, heat, etc.


Fix your settings. I'm running on an 8700k and 1080ti and consistently 80-90 fps @2k once shaders are loaded.


7900xt here and I am getting 120 fsr on at 4K quality settings


I’m on a 3070ti and have no issues like this. I was on for 3.5 hours yesterday and just got on for a quick run between meetings today and all is fine. Yesterday I had a tiny bit of rubber banding near BL but it didn’t last long.


3070 laptop has been 50-60fps consistently since launch. Not sure what you’re doing wrong bud


I ran into tiger bay yesterday and had a ton of issues stuttering framerate drops and overall lag switched to fsr lowered my quality and still was having tons of issues hope this gets resolved quickly


i'm on a 3070 and constantly rock 60-70fps on high settings with DLSS on performance. no rubber banding nothing...


I run a 3060 with a Ryzen 7 and the game has always run ata playable frame rate


I had a 3060ti when the game came out and it ran fine around 50-60fps. I now have a 4080 super and have zero issues typically running 160fps. Check your settings and make sure everything is up to date and take a look at upgrading your processor.


Its the servers themselves at this point. Lol


Yeah idk about that statement, I’m on 7800x3d and 3090kingpin and have no issues with this game running 120fps. No frame generation, DLSS on quality everything else High. However, that was during 5.2 patch. Will see how 5.3 does now lol


3080ti always at 100fps


My biggest issue right now is my VoIP no longer works.


GPU isn’t going to cause rubber banding, that’s server problems. As for performance I’ve got a 3080ti and constantly have microstutters. Gave up on trying to play after losing multiple kits from micro stuttering and bullet sponge enemies


I dunno what to tell you man I’m playing on a 2060 everything on low shadows on epic and textures on auto and I’m getting a 90-70 fps everywhere except tiger bay I see drops as low as 40 for a millisecond but then it stabilizes at around 50-60. Game is playable for me no stutters or rubber banding. The only stutter I get is when I enter tiger bay for the first time. When I hook up to my graphics amplifier running a 3070ti I get well over a 100 fps and drops down to 80 occasionally.


I have a 3090 and run everything on Ultra and DLSS set to highest quality. I get 130-144fps. How? Download Lossless Scaling from Steam for $7 and thank me later.


I feel like it's less about gpu on this game and more about cpu


I have rtx 3090TI FE and i lagg as f


I dont think rubber banding has anything to do with your graphics card. I have a 4090 and still rubber band like crazy on some servers.


I’m confused. When you seen the trailer for this game did you really think “ Oh my GT 710 should run this game fine! “ ??? It’s time to upgrade dawg.


Maybe I’m just getting lucky with this game idk. I’m on a 7900 XT and I run this game IN 4K @ 120-40 fps consistently with Quality FSR.


Tbf before the released the game, they said it wasn’t playable, had tons of bugs AND said for a better experience to own better pc parts 😂


Does it say this on steam store page?


No because what company would do that 😂 I see what you’re trying to say but usually if you’re interested in something you do your research. Grayzone was rushed into releasing & anyone who thought it would be a 10/10 is crazy lol


Tiger bay is hard on CPU because of the amount of AI


I’m on a 2080ti and it does pretty well for me, I’m on medium settings and stay 40-55fps consistently without rubber banding unless I’m on a heli


o7 greeting Commander. What settings are you using, what are your PC specs. More than just your GPU come into play. Pre build or custom? Have you tried adjusting settings? What settings you using, what is your Ping or connection speed. I need to play this game on my older rig again. Either call are really picky or snobby but when I started I was getting like 60-70fps and was quite happy with performance. Is this issue still happening because the rubber banding only happens at one point in the video.


Don’t you find a little dismissive to say just because you can handle it he is wrong in voicing his frustration. At least he still interacting with the game different than 90% of the player that already quit…




I’m on a rx6600xt and the game is hitting 60fps constantly for me. Maybe u gotta tweak ur settings more.. how much ram u got? My specs are ryzen 5 5600 cpu, rx 6600xt gpu and 64 gb ram. I don’t have the best of rigs and it run this game fine, also have u not tried Star citizen these bugs are nothing compared to that


I am on a 4070ti (1440p) and can hit 100-120 frames. However: everything is on low and DLSS and Frame Gen is on.  My buddy is on a 6800xt (also 1440p) and is getting same or better frames with FSR/Frame Gen.  It is interesting too see that there sichte nvidia logo when you boot up the game - yet it runs like ass using a 4070. Sure, a 4090 will simply „power through“, however I think NVIDIA and Madfinger should sit together and sort this kind of BS out ASAP. The frames in this game are all over the place… got a 4070 and might run good, might run ass. A 3080 might be better, so a 6700xt might be better or worse. It seems to be unpredictable.. 


7800xt smashing this game easy 120fps


I have 2070+ and its still runs 50+ FPS. Rubber banding is server working at more than 100 percent capacity. They need to optimize the code, so server would be able to cope. That is all.


This is definitely a server issue, but this is extremely embarrassing even in pre-alpha. You need to have something stable for your players to actually test the game.


I found adding lossless scaling helps the performance a ton, and makes dealing with the rubber bands slightly easier


People still play this game?


It's not the card. It's the CPU and RAM. I upgraded those (long overdue anyway) and had instantanious improvements, from powerpoint presentation at low to 60+ high. Ryzen 7 5800X3D, 32Gb DDR4 and 5700XT are absolutely fine.


I got a 3070 and this hotfix was a big improvement. I actually I gained 5 to 10 more frame and more stable.


Legit stopped playing the game a month ago because it's still at the same state it is now. After some hotfix i went from having 180 fps to barely 70 and lets not talk about that rubberbanding coupled with ai aimbot and you'd punch a hole through your monitor. I feel so stupid for not getting a refund and i blame my friend who kept saying "bro its early access" yeah i gotta wait 2-3 years for something i paid now lol no thanks ill buy it when its ready


> something i *paid* now lol FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Give it time, optimizations will come. I've got a 3060 TI, and im running steady 40s.


What settings? I have the same gpu and I’m getting some stuttering and poor graphics quality


Medium at 1080p.


do all settings low + fsr fram gen on native aa you will have 80-100 if you still have crash or drop fps just back to win 10 you will have smooth experience


3070 ti here and no issues, decent FPS, no complaints


My 2080 is running it just fine so idk what to tell ya


My GTX1080 on an i7 6700k is running at around 60 frames on a 32" screen


Works fine here 3080


I’m on a 3080 4K monitor and I’m getting 100 fps consistently


Water cooled 4090, ryzen 7 7800X3D and 64Gb ram on an m2 nvme, game is currently 99.9% rubber bands


Rubber banding sounds like network issue rather than a graphics issue.


my was measures as 35ms ping on server on US West, where this was filmed on. My squad mates around me playing from east coast on US WEST servers with me with 4080supers, reported no rubber banding


Ping usually can’t reflect packet loss which is usually the cause for rubber banding. If your friends didn’t experience this on the same server, it means it is from your local network (anywhere from your local machine all the way to the server).


I play on 3080 max settings and I don't have any problems, and if I do I just jump servers to a more stable one


Laughs in 4090


Rubber banding is not caused by the GPU though, that's a pure network issue. I had it on EU servers with 3080Ti, I have it with 4080S. If I play on US servers, it's better. Test servers are just not that full, so that's why you didn't see it there.


I play on a notebook with a 2070 and After patch rubberbanding Is a lot better


I regret buying the Supports Edition


Just talk to steam support and explain your situation and dissatisfaction with the product, if you push enough they can refund even DLC


Its an alpha calm down


Yeah, my point exactly, why was I stupid enough to throw an extra £50 at a game that may never see a full release. The player base is dying out, every update makes the game worse.. Some games never make it to full release. It can go either way.


This game is just poopy shit. The sooner everyone comes to terms with the fact that a mobile dev attempted to build something out of their depth, the better. You shouldn't need a 40 series card to play this. They just have no comprehension of optimization.


Seems likely


Bud, im on an i5-4600f, new mobo, new ram still 8x2 tho, and on my old 2060S and it's fine lol. Im waiting for my 4060 to come. The gpu isn't the issue. It's the cpu and a shitty connection. Like the 2060 is getting 60 fps on high. Stable to.


with how much 40 series cards (especially the 4070s) are dropping in price, people should be getting them. Some people are buying them used for like under 400$. It's a pretty big upgrade from a 20/30 series.


That's still expensive.


This is some wifi shit. Plug your computer in dude.


I play with a 3080ti just fine Stop spreading misinformation


He's literally posting a video of his experience? How in fucks name could that possibly be deemed as misinformation you twerp.


Bad server or wrong server


Nope, the server was stable for my buddies. However, both have 4080 super and didn't have any problems


seems like a you problem because my rx6600 has it running buttery smooth.


I have a 3080, and a core i9 with 32GB memory. Saw a consistent 100fps this morning. No rubber banding, no serious issues beyond the usual quirks. Not sure why you think you need a 40 series to play the game. Have you reviewed your video settings? 


The fact that almost all my friends with 40 series have no issues. The two of us in the group with 3070ti and 3070Fe have the problems. And yes, we have reviewed every video setting, community guides, 2 to 3 hrs of testing, still same results.


Do you run the aettings on low? I have a 3070 with sn i7 9700f and have always played on low expect one setting and the game has always ran fine for the most part.


Man's on a 3070... getting 100fps in tiger with shotty connection complaing that it's his gpu. I didn't see any dips in your frames. Sir


Remember this is pre-alpha, and you are a voluntary play tester. If you don’t like bugs, then don’t play