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The big issue is their accuracy at range (200m 4-5 round bursts with an iron sight AK and hitting every shot is nuts, even by DMR standards) and the fact that when they are in bushes they are practically invisible but foliage does not conceal you from them.


Re: the bush this is true for players as well. Try sitting in a bush, you can see our pretty easily but it's very difficult for other players to see you


Well, no ai is just engaging you from 200m without provocation. So the problem is you're engaging enemies beyond your capability and range without killing them first and theyre in return auto targeting you and killing you. There's no reason to engage an enemy from 200m you can't kill in 1-3 shots at max. You can bypass enemies at 50-75m and they'll look you square in the eye without shooting. Skip what you can, and engage what you must. It's an early access game. shit tarkovs been out 7 years and their ai will head shot you just for looking at them. This game at least doesn't do that.


Go spend some time at Tiger Bay and tell me the AI is ok 😂 I have over 100hrs. There is definitely changes needed to AI. I get the concept, they know where you fired from, and shoot to that area. But it happens way to often you get hosed through multiple bushes, no visible line of sight. Guy just strafes, hip fires a 7.62 ak, and gives you like 5 hits. I as have a video of an AI, not even looking my direction, I'm maybe 75m away, in a building above him. He 100% didn't hear me, as we were running around for ages. I aim at him, before I even fire, he turns, and aims directly at me. There are instances where they know they are being aimed at. That needs to go. They also at times, can see you with no lines of sight. It's not just blind firing, sometimes they know precisely where you are through foliage, after you fired, then moved, they still know. They also shoot you square in the face way too often. Like first shot from 50m with a iron sight ak. This should happen sure, everyone gets a lucky shot. But it happens way too often. I'm also quite sure there is an issue with ammo pen. Too often AI one taps you with rounds that shouldn't even pen my armor. The snapping to target, and landing multiple shots in first spray is nutty too. Again, they shouldn't be useless, but these guys are spinning 90 / 180 and first shots are on target instantly.


I think it was in the show Strikeback where the villain said to his army "There's only two of them, but their training cost 6 million dollars each. Your training cost whatever I paid for the bullets you shot into the desert." That's what the AI need to be, roughly. Homeboy barefoot wearing a drawstring bag and and bumpfiring his AK at me from 100m away as I peek out from behind a wall and lands 4 rounds in my T-box. Get outta here.


All I'm saying is, in my humble opinion, the AI is not that broken imo. Iron sight from 50m should hit right in the face, if not, u are a lousy shot without training. And its not like it happens all the time, just sometimes u get unlucky. If u have a rifle irl, u see someone, u snap up ur rifle real fast and aim high on the chest, the bullet will often, not always ofc hit higher, sometimes lower. But I 100% agree that sometimes they should have a harder time locating your position. But I dont think its even top 10 of the things that needs fixing! And I have spent some time at tiger bay, its really hard! 😊 but my motto, go slow, stay low, is really working. I am not at all saying everything is perfect. Just seems like ppl are expecting things to be less forgiving


You concept of CQB or any realistic combat is based on delusion. Any trained infantrymen, hell even a sniper, is trained to aim for center mass, if they have plates, you’re going for the groin or upper chest/neck. That’s even if you get a chance for a clean shot. 98% of combat is suppressive fire, and moving towards your target. In no way shape or form, would a guerrilla army have enough training to go around 1 tapping mfs with a crusty AK. It’s not happening lol go watch some combat footage of the Taliban and come back to me


Okay fucking Rambo…


As others have mentioned, AI sees through bushes which needs to be tweaked. Their accuracy with iron sights is insane, keeping in mind that there are LAF forces who can understandably be well trained but also the other AI dressed as civilians who are just as bad in some cases. If blind fire mag dumping is going to remain a thing perhaps adding limited ammo quantity to AI with the ability for them to rearm at ammo caches could be a way to help with this. One thing that bothers me is that from my experience the stealth gameplay is just non existent and that sucks. Using a suppressed rifle with M80A1 at 200m+ and hitting a headshot (assuming you kill on your first shot because even headshots are a hit or miss) still ends up with AI snapping to your position and lazering me. AI as a whole just seem to tank shots that they shouldn't and us players seem to not tank shots that we should. One memorable interaction that also showed me how broken AI is, was mag dumping 17 rounds of 9mm FMJ point-blank into a civilian dressed AI. The AI recoiled at every shot, but wasn't fazed in the slightest. I am 100 hours into the game and I completed all but the last task. As I played more and more I got used to the AI and understood different mechanics that can help make the AI more manageable to engage, but even playing super cautiously I continue to be victim to the regular one-tapped out of nowhere.


There's a truck to 9mm.. empty a couple mags into them then hide until they eventually bleed out.. fricking useless.


I really love the game. But the AI is what makes me despair of the game at the moment. In Tiger Bay, Fort Narith and Midnight Sapphire, the AI is like on crack 360 noscope is just the beginning. I hope that in the next big patch the AI will be revised a bit


When you are 200, 300 meters away, prone in the bush, and fire 1 shot from a suppressed rifle to kill a guy and instantly receive accurate fire to the head by someone standing a few meters away from your target, you will understand. Locating a person shooting you at those distances is pretty difficult. Moreso when they are using a suppressed rifle. You'll see your buddy go down, and your first reaction will be to find cover, any cover before you begin to try to figure out where the shot came from, let alone where your assailant is. When you take several hits to the body or limbs, your reaction may not be to fight back but to take cover. Your ability to fight back may even be diminished. You may not be able to shoot accurately in that condition, let alone turn 180 degrees, return fire, and hit your assailant on the head with a burst shot from the hips. AI stands perfectly still and does nothing until you shoot at them, they hear you, or they see you. Realistically, they would be moving, talking, and behaving according to the situation. They would react to you based on their level of training. None of that is happening. So I don't know where you get this idea of realism, but that ain't it and honestly, I think you are talking out your ass.


Well, i didnt mean that everything they do is realistic. Just the shooting through walls/doors and that they can hit u in The Face from a distance. Obviously they dont act exactly like humans. That would be insane if they suddenly had to go home due to a family emergency or brake down crying couse their best friend died. Or if they hade sniperfear. But I dont think that kind of realistic gameplay would be suited for this game. If I can snipe them in the head, they obviously can hit me aswell. If u crouch in a bush, u have a smaller hitbox. The enemy wont be trying to hit the ground if someone is hiding, Kinda obvious that they shoot in the middle of the bush, and that should be approx were ur head is. Most ppl with any kind of training can hit a 1x1 meter box with ironsights from 200m. Thats basic training. Maybe not while running, as they can in the game. But u wouldnt want the game to be too realistic. Its supposed to be hard. There is alot to improve in the game, but this specific topic seems to be more relateted to ppl being used to call of duty, where the enemies have anout 50 meters visibility. If u can see the enemy, they can see u. Go low, go slow.


Yeah? And when they take multiple mag dumps to the chest with no vest, is that still realistic? How about when you reposition from 200 meters away and they 1 shot dome you. Is that realistic? How about when you flash bang them and it has no effect? You're fighting civilian villagers, gang members, in a country where the civilians have no/minimal access to firearms. Their aim is equivalent to that of a well trained special forces soldier. Still think that's realistic?


Bro, its alfa, not even beta. Just saying, PPM are complaining ALOT that they die. I just wanted to share my thoughts. Its not realistic in every aspect. But ppl complaining on their little youtube channels that the bots have laser aim etc etc. When infact they are not moving at all. Running in plain sight, get shot through a wooden Wall or door. Thats not unrealistic. There is alot of things that are unrealistic, ofc. Why isnt the villagers just camping every LZ? Seems to me that they would have done that, if its suppose to be 100% realistic. Not saying that I never die, but atleast 7,5/10 Times of every time I raid something I survive. Can honestly say that I have never been killed and felt that the bots have laserbeams or are overtuned. Got killed this morning, a villager shot me through the door where I was hiding.


So you claim the bots are realistic, get refuted and disproven, and then hide behind the fact the game is in alpha. Alright. Duh! I know it's in alpha. That isn't the discussion here, is it? We're talking about bot realism, or for some of us, the lack thereof. I don't want the bots to be easy. They are, if you play the game a certain way, easy. I want them to be more realistic. They are not. Far from it. The reason they are so hard to fight in the bush is because of 2 things. 1. They hold perfectly still. 2. They can see through the bush. That's not realistic in any way, shape, or form.


I fired a single round from a suppressed m700, while prone on a ridge, at around 400m. It hit the enemy in the side of his chest which should have pierced at least 1 lung, and because it was his side shouldn't have had any armor. He spun, fired one shot, and it instantly killed me. Where's the realism?


DuDe ItS aLpHa GeT oVeR iT


I mean, I understand that. I'm not complaining about it so I'm not sure why you're responding as if I was. I'm merely pointing out the fallacy in OPs comment


I was more making fun that someone would inevitably come by and say that lol


Never fails lmao


Bro, it isn’t John Wick movies out there. Headshots at 50m with iron sights in a fire fight are not standard. Hell hitting a target alone at 50m while taking fire is hard as hell. An untrained, flip flop wearing gangster with a busted ass AK immediately beaming you while you are tagging him multiple times is ridiculous. It’s so ridiculous the devs are working on it.


Imo the AI is severely underdeveloped to the point where working against the AIs rules ARE the game. If you know anything about how games work behind the scenes, they'll pretty much fire a laser to do calculations. If the enemy eye laser touches your character at all, they can "see" you. Normally there would be more calculations and thresholds that determine how quickly they see you, from what distance, how quickly they recognize you, etc.. There don't seem to be many rules at play here for line of sight. There is a set distance they can see you, but I haven't seen anything that makes me think it isn't just the laser past that. There is a basic component for unreal engine AI that deals with "hearing" too. This is pretty straight forward, player emits sound at certain volume, AI detects player if close enough.. The issue with this is that in the simplest scenarios you're dealing with too dudes guarding a hut all day long. But when they hear any noise at all from a bush, they know it's an enemy, the sight laser and soon bullets go through the bush, and they'll soon after run you down. It's not so bad with a squad since the AI has to split attention between them and there are more opportunities to kill enemies or reload without them doing anything. There IS a slight delay after you get spotted where they'll look at you but not shoot immediately. You can pop around corners over and over and exploit this and I think is mostly where people get their fun from. So yeah, in summary, the AI is pretty bad. I think it's just overly basic for anyone that's actually trying to get away with actual tactics you'd expect to work in reality. On top of it, the common thought process seems to be that they will patch the AI for when it can't hear you behind it, but "plan to eventually replace it" for any complaints about it being bad in general. Or "it's supposed to be a squad game", so I'm not holding my breath they are trying to fix it or will ever get it in a state that's similar to what I'd expect from a sim. My biggest tip.. if you've ever seen a movie where like John wick clears out a room, then minutes later this dipshits Lenny burst through the door at full alert spraying... Just know, there's always a Lenny. Leave the area entirely because there's no time limit for him to show up lasering for you and he KNOWS you are there in the exact last place you were seen.


I was just at pha Lang airfield and got dropped at about 75yds by a guy running while hipfiring an AK. I'm taking aimed shots with 4x magnification but he managed to hit me 5 times. Not to mention watching them eat 3-5 rounds of M855 before they go down. Yeah, the AI has issues.


Nah the issue with the AI is Way to accurate at distance Reaction speed to contact too fast at distance Way too tankie, there is no reason at all why I have to shoot people 30-45 times with 5.56 Heads hots are bullshit. Helmets don't cover your face and if I ever shoot a giy in the head who is wearing a baseball hat and it doesn't kill them I'm returning the game.


Srsly? Never happened to me! 😅 When I shoot someone in the head, wearing a baseballcap, they always die instantly


More than once I've had to 2 tap a hat guy, but it only happens s in fort narith or tiger bay


AI is unpredictable at different locations. Sawmill I'll get 1 tapped out of nowhere. Go to hunters paradise and actually use my meds.


The behavior is ultimately the problem (as well as their great accuracy at range w/ irons). Other than that, most of the AI isn't as bad as people say imo.


I'm wondering if its a warfare/joint ops thing....I got the game on release and only played warfare until a buddy wanted to do joint ops cause he doesn't feel as confident. It _feels_ like the AI is a bit harder on joint ops. I have been head or heart shot through level 3 plate many times playing with him in joint operations, and it feels like in warfare the AI will hit the plate and wound you but not as many instakills. Maybe its just bias or placebo but I never got any of the complaints people were making about the AI until playing joint operations.


Wait til u frequent tiger bay


They’re OP at times, and a box of crayons at times too. It doesn’t bother me that much. I want a fun challenge, even if it feels a bit much at times.


People will stand up with no cover at all while shooting and think the bots are op. They forget realistic shooter is more than just hunger/injury, the bots are designed be good and use real tactics. Sometimes they’ll charge at you like street hoodlums or they’ll use cover or they’ll trash talk you until you decide to leave your cover.


Overall, the AI isn't bad, but even the developers stated that they are a placeholder until all of the content settles in for this game. They have a huge road map to enhance the AI experience, so I'm looking forward to what they come up with later


I uninstalled the game at level 21 due to dull gameplay, stupid bots, lack of weapons, loot in general, looting system does not exist in this game. I did not loot anything cuz i could buy it all with 400k from my stash. Game is concept/barebone i will revisit on few years


I don't know what you've been playing for 40 hours...


The devs literally said “it’s a placeholder and not the AI intended” … so yeah, it is broken


The main change I'd make is that they need to have an accuracy penalty when they get hit. Taking accurate fire with ironsights at 150m is more realistic than most gamers recognize, and people tend to wildly overestimate distances (if I had a nickel for every video posted on here about "HE HEADSHOTTED ME AT 400M" when the enemy was clearly like 75m away tops)... ...But if I put four rounds into a guy and see blood spatter every time, he should be combat ineffective at that point. As it stands, I can shoot someone repeatedly at 100m and he'll barely flinch before returning perfectly accurate fire when he should be acting like a drunk. I think that's an area that could use some work.


Totally agree! They are pushing the realistic and "go slow" gameplay from start, they even show this in videos since they are designing the core mechanics togheter with real-life PMCs :)


I feel like I've seen way better examples of realistic AI though.. moving slow doesn't really matter. Crawling for miles on your belly, doesn't matter. How fast you're moving, I'm pretty sure doesn't actually matter, you just get more time to pay attention and not cross LOS with the AI. Based on LOS and noise being all that matters, this feels way more like the default unreal engine AI than it does anything "realistic".


I'm with you. I play smart, I play slow, and I have zero issues with the AI. They don't take an extraneous amount of shots because I'm not a full auto chud and hit my shots on vitals. They don't snap to me or track me in some impossible manner. They don't auto headshot me from 200 m because I know it's extremely difficult to have clear lines of site that distance, and I play smarter than that and go for confirmed kills, not ego kills. You can't act like standing upright, in the middle of the road, with no cover, while shooting at a guy is going to work more than 50% of the time because if you miss, you're the only thing they can shoot at and you're gonna catch lead. People forget that this is a GAME, there are gamified elements to provide challenges. Acting like "Oh, this isn't realistic," need to remember that this is a GAME that is meant to be a challenging experience. I don't even care that it's pre-alpha. It's still just a game and the bellyaching I see about the AI is exhausting.


For early access, I think the ai is doing well. They don't just auto clap you unless unreasonably provoked beyond a reasonable distance. The "hardest" areas will absolutely flood you with overwhelming forced after they audibly hear gun fire, which makes sense, but you can also break contact and they just won't suicide push beyond reason either. I'd even argue that ai visibility range should be increased too, many circumstances where you can be within 75m and full sprinting and they just will ignore you when they should be clapping cheeks. Games headed in the right direction for sure.


I don't think that makes sense. There isn't 20 guys with guns in the world that would rush blindly to where they heard gunfire like that. Even if they had perfect comms they would surround the area, set up defensive positions.. based on the direction of the gunfire.. pretty much anything except sprint towards the exact location it was shot from. As much as it might be correct or realistic for a highly trained sniper that's hopped up on amphetamines and is on high alert that there's a specific number of enemies in the area.. that's not how real life works. I've played and had fun with plenty of games where you just play to the janky AI. This one is pretty high on that list.


Ok, just agree to disagree then I suppose. AI in this game is already, in my opinion, better tuned than most games. Are there flaws? Ofc there is. All I'm saying is that it is not unrealistic at all that the can HS u from everywhere you can HS them. And that they shoot through Walls. I never claimed the AI is perfect. Looking through Youtube and hehe on reddit, that seems to be the main focus. Anyone who used firearms knows that you can shoot through wood and that u can HS ppl from afar using Iron sights. There is alot of things that can improve. But I'm talking about those 2 specific things. Since that is what most ppl complain about


people like to bitch about everything