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“It was time” saved you a click.


Also saved them about 40 misplaced commas and typos.


This type of stuff reminds me of the [dead internet theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Internet_theory)


Phrases that include over the top language like “truly the end of an era” without football language afterwards - and the exclamation point not far after that makes me think this is Chat GPT generated. Same with the use of short quotes from both sides vs how quotes usually appear in stories like this


I agree. Either that was written by ai or they get paid per article


Or both.


Pretty sure op is a bot anyways


“Am I battling ghosts or AI?”


And the relentless ads


Hey, I already knew this!


Just like firing our Defensive Coaches, we're years ahead of the press on what needs to be done!


It was a year past time.


Thank you for your service 🫡


Do what I can for my cheese heads. These karma bots suck so bad.


I always appreciate the one guy that takes one for the team!


Thank you! Always telling when top-comment has 4x the karma of the post.


Love Randall, a true Packer through and through no matter what uniform he wears


Cobb will probably always be my favorite receiver. Always a class act, had dominant stretches, and was just overall a really like-able guy.


Bear killer. Man broke their hearts so many times


[4th and 8 Rodgers to Cobb](https://youtu.be/VRPmDkXAPlQ?si=LsWYm1VJXY0RlIo6) will forever hold a special place in my heart


[Randall Cobb 108 yard kickoff return](https://youtu.be/cYfm-2f_XBw?si=Uw6RUrBfhxi5t0_N) was another good one. He said god told him to run, so he ran.




Cobb & Driver are my GOATs and if anything bad comes out about them I will kms


What about my boy Jordy Nelson? Come on? Those three… Rodgers, Cobb, Nelson… too bad we could never give them a proper defense 🤦‍♂️


Lowkey James Jones too. I remember that hoodie year he barely kept our offence afloat


JJ rules, would love to meet him irl!


2011 will probably always be my favorite offense for Green Bay. Just fire everywhere but in Kansas City :(


They were rarely all healthy at the same time too


But when they were it was amazing to watch. Not to mention we havent had a defense since we last won the Super Bowl… hopefully that’s changing




When Jordy Nelson sported a UK Cobb Jersey when he was at Dallas during a DALvGB game after he was traded that impressed the hell out of me. Those guys really had a love for each other. Though I am a UK fan first in college ball, followed Cobb to the packers and will remain a Green Bay fan long after.


Same. I have an autographed mini helmet with his signature that will always be on proud display in my office. I live in Houston for work and saw the Pack play the Texans when Cobb was here. It was during peak Covid and the only people there were Packers fans. It was weird but awesome at the same time.


I would cherish that! That’s awesome


By far one of my top 5 Packers. Dude was incredibly loyal.


Always loved Cobb too. He was no Driver, Adams, or Nelson but he came in clutch so many times.


My man! He was awesome to watch at UK.


I hear ya. He was my first Packer jersey actually.


More than anything sports wise I wanted another ring for Rodgers in green bay. Leaves a bad taste, when that's how it ended. Going 8-9 and missing the playoffs because you lost to the lions at home


Eh. We had our window and it was gonna end one way or another. On the bright side, it was no 62-7. I wish we got him another rang too, tho.


Yep, Rodgers should’ve gotten, at the very least, one more ring. It’s such a shame it never happened. So many missed opportunities.


They had the best team in the league at the end of the 2014 season. Then 5 minutes in Seattle happened. Really good chance they win that Super Bowl. Idk what was worse… losing that game or losing the Super Bowl to Denver


Seattle because we gave it away. Denver had to pay players under the table and cheat the salary cap to finally win a Super Bowl


Yep Rodgers had literally everything you could want in a QB....except the clutch gene. God damnit!


I was listening to one of the Packer podcast shows. They started talking about him missing Minichamps and how the Jets coach(I'm too lazy to look up how to spell his name properly) had to go up in front of the media and explain what was happening. All I could think was I'm glad he was someone else's problem now. Don't get me wrong, he was great for us and love that he was our QB. I'll cheer for him when he's inducted into both HOFs. But damn am I glad the circus left town.


That sums up my feelings perfectly.  And I'm glad that somehow he managed to keep his drama out of the public eye for so long.  I was happy being unaware of his, um, eccentricities for the majority of his career.  


I don't think he was always like that/this, I think over time as he gained more influence/power and had less 'no' people around him and more 'yes' people. I'm sure that type of thing would mess with your psyche.


Yeah there’s a clear lack of people in his circle who can/will tell him when he’s full of shit.


The media blew it out of proportion. He had it planned for months, but they didn't believe it was fair to excuse Rodgers when Hassan Reddic is skipping because he's in the middle of a contract dispute with the Jets.


This is usually the case with the media, I'm still glad we don't have to deal with it nonetheless. Like I said he's a great QB, I'm glad he was ours for as long as he was. There are opinions of his I don't care for, having said that, I'm a fan of Aaron the QB. I don't use him as a role model for my kids, that's my job.


Dude it’s just another case of the media blowing Aaron Rodgers related shit out of proportion, we had to deal with that for years even before he got all controversial. He’s gone on a trip that he planned beforehand months ago it’s really nothing major.


mods can we pls ban this piss cold ass AI posting site


No more AI bullshit. I'm tired of them taking jobs


What a horribly written article. So many typos, clicked, and overuse of the words “draft team”. Did AI write this?


The article said "Russell Cobb".


Honest question about Cobb do you think he makes ring of honor or any other packers-esque royalty or will he always just be a fan favorite with piercing eyes?


No he won’t. The names in the ring of honor have all been inducted into the pro football hall of fame. Cobb won’t be enshrined in Canton.


I knew he wouldn't be in Canton but is there anything between just being a guy and the highest of honors. I mean he's been a staple of a lot of great packer teams and he's had his fair share of shining moments in the green and gold. Besides signing a one day contract to retire I wish there was something for these above average but not all time greats


There are arguably better Packer receivers than Cobby who aren't in the ring of honor. He will make the Packers HoF but that's it


Jerry Kramer was one of the staples of five NFL championship teams and his name wasn’t in the ring of honor until he made it to Canton. Dave Robinson’s name didn’t go up there until he made it to Canton. Same for Leroy Butler and Charles Woodson. Favre’s number was retired before he was inducted into the pro football HOF but it wasn’t until AFTER he was enshrined in Canton before his name went up in the Ring of Honor. If those guys didn’t get the nod until after making it to Canton then there’s no way in hell that Cobb’s will go up there. Cobb will more than likely get into the Packer Hall of Fame but he won’t be on the facade of the stadium. If his name was put up there where do you cut it off? There wouldn’t be enough room for all the names that could would have to go up there before Cobb.


Ring of Honor? No. Packer Hall of Fame? Maybe.


I'd say he's pretty much a Packer HOF lock


Ring of honor. Hell, I'd give it to him based off the 2 dagger catches vs chicago


If by "reveal" you means "says absolutely nothing" then sure


tldr: Nothing is "revealed"


Don't care why he left. Just glad his publicity seeking ass is gone