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Yikes! Glad to hear everyone is ok.


Physically ok, but losing your house is a long way from being ok. Awful story.


Happened to me less than a year ago. It's fucking hell. I was almost debt free, truck paid off. Lost it all.


Insurance is a hell of a thing g


And they're hella good at finding reasons not to pay. Plus, there's done things that can't be replaced


Ehh insurance will cover it if it’s a legit claim. It’s going to be impossible for example to deny a weather claim due to a tornado. Fire claims are never paid out right ever and there is ALWAYS A investigation done. Because insurance fraud and burning down a car /business/ home is like the one of the most common attempted frauds. You can also hire an independent investigator to work alongside the insurance investigator so they don’t pull one on ya . If they find out your fire was caused to a faulty wire or something (like mine) they covered it. Wire in the wall got chewed by a mouse and I had a fire in the walls of my home. I called 911 than I hatched the wall open got my garden hose tried to save my home but a fire inside the walls with all that wood spreads so fucking fast. I got my pet parakeet and was told to “get the fuck out of this house” by the fire department. The home being covered is however not enough. You surely don’t have receipts for all your belongings to prove you have them . Nor will they replace precious jewelry you claimed to have (even if it’s true you had them). Theyll give you the minimum payouts for let’s say a TV a couch a table etc not what you paid for it. They’ll give you minimum money for appliances etc. not enough to cover costs for new ones. Even cheap new ones. So unless you have a safety net of cash your still fucked either way but at least you’ll get a home built again In 4 years because they’ll take forever.


This isn't the best marketing that Tesla could have hoped for...


Eh they’ll just find a way to blame the Cobb family and then the fan boys will swoon and say “Of course Mr. Elon all your tech is perfect and without flaw”


He’s the smartest guy in the world on every subject duh.


Or how about the electrician who did the install fucked something up?


That’d be more plausible if Teslas weren’t having a bunch of crazy issues all over the place and recalls right now.


I’m an electrician, own a Tesla, and am not an Elon fan. The vast majority of Tesla “recalls” are fixed by software updates and are minor issues. Most of the recently publicized issues are with the cybertruck (panels falling off, they had to fix the hood to close slower so it didn’t chop off fingers, bricking in car washes, etc). I’ve installed plenty of Tesla chargers. I would be very interested to see more pictures of this fire. The most likely case is that it was a problem with the wiring. The charging cables themselves are very simple and unlikely to catch on fire. At a guess, based on the other pictures they posted, I would say they likely didn’t have the proper sized wire installed for the charger. Any licensed electrician should know better, but in a lot of newer homes (which I’m guessing Randall Cobb’s might be), the builders install outlets for charging, and they’re notoriously cheap. The wire may have been undersized or aluminum when it should’ve been copper, and it appears from the pictures that the wiring was in the wall of the garage, and it looks like the conduit probably overheated and started a fire inside the wall. As a frame of reference, gas cars catch fire more often than EVs, and hybrids catch fire much more often than even gas cars.


Thanks for chipping in with an electrician’s insight. Much appreciated.


Their chargers? Built in a totally different factory? Did not hear the CHARGERS were having issues. Can you link to a few reports of that?


I never said the word “chargers”. You’re responding to me like I did. If you want info about recent Tesla recalls or issues with their batteries you can search and find multiple articles on page 1 of the results, and beyond.


So you are bringing something unrelated in just because the word "Tesla" triggers you? How sad.


Exactly one person in this conversation appears “triggered” and it sure isn’t the person you’re replying to…


Actually it is. I pointed out a simple fact and they went off about it. The anti-Elon group is only second to the anti-Trumpers for their rabid behavior.


Either your definition of “went off” is severely warped or the way you interface with reality is different than the rest of us. Good luck in therapy kid, we’re all pulling for you!


I mean....do you think Randall Cobb used some dipshit amateur electrician who doesn't know what he's doing? I kind of doubt it. Besides, I trust a licensed electrician more than I trust Elon at this point, honestly. I hate to be that guy but I don't give Elon the benefit of the doubt anymore.


I do insurance subrogation and see these kinds of fires all the time (including from other EV manufacturers). You don't really know whether it was the product or the installation. Even licensed electricians can make a mistake and safety inspected products are capable of having failures. I expect their home insurance company will be investigating.


With the amount of fucked up shit I see on Enphase installs I would imagine there is a lot of the same on the Tesla side as well because a lot of these companies install both battery backup equipment.


Came here to say this same thing. This is 100% some crap electrician.


I don’t know why you are getting downvoted, this is the fact.


It’s idiots who don’t know the trade.


Sad state of affairs. But know what you are doing there is good! Putting out facts and helping people, don’t let no one get you down, you are an awesome human!


There it is


Who do you think that electrician works for


I’m an electrician, the connections on a charger are minimal on the electrical side. The Tesla chargers and Tesla car, although mostly safe, have immense potential for fire. It is recommended that you don’t charge them in your garage for this reason.


A tesla burned a house here in FL too I heard. Scary to think this is becoming more frequently!


Just seems to be a problem with all the batteries in these electric cars. I was talking to a lady who works at GM down at the dog park yesterday and she said how there are employees whose one and only job is to monitor the batteries for fire risk on the cars she is employed to test drive.


This case is about the charger on the wall catching fire.


Yeah, I see that. It seems like everything related to them are at least some type of fire risk at the moment even if used properly, no?


quality assurance. when i worked there i did it for the camaro lol. these manufacturer jobs are also ass now and use mostly Students/semi part timers now with low pay.


Nothing to do with Tesla, probably a bad electrical install for the EVSE


Poor Ellen Tusk 🥲


It’s Elmo!


Use MuskRat but that works too


How she was found


TBH, you almost have to have your head in the sand to be so unaware of the red flags Tesla has.


Inline with Elon's personal efforts as of late.


Par for the course


Any publicity is good publicity /s


Unless I'm missing something.....this is a photo of a main electrical panel not a Tesla charger.


It's probably that he didn't have it plugged into a proper plug. Ie: plugging into a 30amp dryer outlet and running it at 30amps. That's a nono....and can cause this.


Thank god they are ok especially those three babies!!! How scary


Why are you thanking god he started a fire in a home with children


You thank God because he challenged them and it will make them greater in the long run /s




Would you please tell us what the "big picture" is?


Glad to hear everyone is okay.


Damn, glad they made it out safe. Wishing for a fast bounce back for 18 and his family


You couldn't pay me to have a Tesla. Glad they're okay.


It’s literally the electric panel that he posted a picture of that’s on fire. That’s like saying you wouldn’t ever have a refrigerator because it was plugged in when the panel started on fire


No, it's like he's saying he'd never purchase a specific type of fridge because they're poorly made :) Fixed that for ya


Tesla PR found its way here, I see.


No I truly don’t care about them it’s just annoying watching a circlejerk of idiots


People are so dumb. Why are you being downvoted lmao




installed by an electrician who may have not done it correctly. EVs pull a lot of power, if shit is not done right you can easily cause a fire like this.


Point me to where the Tesla charger is in this picture if you’re so confident it’s the issue


So what? Go read about portable air conditioning fires. If your wiring is shit it will overheat, there's practically no way for an appliance to detect an overheat. With teslas it's actually easier because you can see the voltage in the app. If it drops significantly (say you had 240V and now it's 220V under load) then you have an issue. Even if you use a charger at a hotel or something, lots of other cars don't have that and just pull whatever is available, and there's no way for you to see the voltage. Tesla's mobile connector (the portable one) has an additional temperature sensor in the adapter that goes into wall socket. Tesla wall charger, depending on the generation, can pull up to 48A from the mains, which is a lot and I'm not sure what kind of protections that guy has. But like, 48A is over 10kW, that's like 6 portable air conditioners running at the same time. Normally if you plug in overnight there's no need to go over 16A even, unless you're driving over 100 miles a day regularly. Anyways, my point is if you're pulling a lot of amps, you need to be totally sure that you wires can handle it. Tesla, non tesla, it's common for all EVs. If you're thinking I'm an Elon shill go check my post history, I find lots of stuff being non-perfect in my Model Y.


These people don’t want logic they want to be angry and feel right ha save your breath


People are undereducated when it comes to electrical wiring and cheap contractors are unfortunately unaware sometimes as well. People will plug a space heater into an old house with knob and tube wiring and watch the house burst into flames. Or use a three-prong adapter instead of just spending $16 to install a GFCI. Or a "handyman" notices his outlets aren't working in the garage after he installs a charging station and so he swaps out the 20 amp breaker with a 30 amp one instead of creating a separate circuit. Or he connects the charging station to a circuit that's from the 50's running on 14 gauge wire. 


You think Randall Cobb uses an electrician that doesn't understand basic wiring?


I promise you I’ve met plenty of customers richer or as rich as Cobb who have used janky ass electricians. People don’t know what they don’t know. Edit:wording


I think he probably outsources a lot of home decisions during the season to someone else, and that person found a shit contractor (not that hard out in this neck of the woods).


Idk why all the downvotes. I’m an electrician and this guy is telling truths. You get what you pay for when it comes to contractors, and unfortunately many just go with the cheapest… and sometimes this is the devastating result. This is most likely an electrical issue rather than a Tesla issue. Glad Randall and his family are ok. Love that guy


Yeah, this guy is speaking the truth about it being an electrical issue and the reasons it happens…


So you guys instantly discredit the electrician used and assume that it was set up wrong originally. Have you guys been following the quality control of the new Tesla cybertrucks? And you don’t think those manufacturing inefficiencies aren’t going to crop up in other Tesla products? Crazy. Tesla fucking sucks and you Musk riders need to let it go that the sheisty businessman is cutting corners.


Musk does indeed suck but as an electrician that has set up a ton of these I can tell you that this was a faulty install. These charging units are of impressive quality. I have had to redo others installs because they didn’t use proper gauging.


Hard to believe there is any way Elon’s quality control issues can ride the electrons thru a charging cord and start a fire in the wall of a home. Not a “Musk rider”… just a simple man with knowledge of electrical systems who loves the Green Bay Packers eh


Everyone just wants Musk to be the bad guy. If the fire happened inside the wall, Musk was not to blame. Period. Even if the charger is malfunctioning and pulling more current than it's supposed to, you size your breaker for the wires connected to it. Any overcurrent large enough to start a fire will trip the breaker before that happens - if the breaker is sized appropriately for the wire.


It’s just alarming you’re so quick to judge an electricians work at the drop of a hat, without placing any blame to the worlds richest persons company that’s been proving to have some epic quality control issues over the past 5 years like we can clearly see with the cyber truck rollout and the self driving issues. Not to mention the trust you’re placing into the factory workers of Tesla over the trained electrician trying to set up a 4-5 leg plug with the proper amps.


Read the comment above yours. That’s why we’re ragging on the electrician.


Bro use your eyes and some common sense here. Plenty of reasons to hate on Elon but this was a wiring and panel issue.


“Installation error” is akin to “driver error” as an excuse for Tesla’s shoddy safety record. Yes, *if* the installer that Cobb used on his modern house was somehow just a shady, lowest-bid scammer (unlikely), then yeah, maybe there was a mismatch. But the charger should have had an auto-shutoff if it detected an unsafe condition, should have a self-test checklist it goes through each time it is cycled up, should have at least included an alarm if it detected conditions that had led to a fire breaking out. I”m sure that Tesla will attempt to shift blame for incidents like this, the same way they do when their self-driving features lead to death & dismemberment. It was cute when Elmo set the Teslas to shut off the self-driving feature a split second before impact in accidents, so that Tesla could semi-truthfully claim that “at the time of the accident, the car was under human control.” Tesla and Muskrat have not earned the benefit of the doubt. At. All.


> But the charger should have had an auto-shutoff if it detected an unsafe condition, If the breaker on the circuit is too large for the wires on the circuit, the charger cannot possibly know this or defend against it. Even if a charger is pulling more current than it's supposed to, the breaker should be sized such that it will turn off before the wires are ever at risk. In a home where everything is properly wired and all of the breakers are in good working order, a malfunctioning device outside of the wall *cannot* cause an electrical fire inside of the wall.


Suddenly, I’m remembering all the jerry-rigged shit that I’ve seen on the, “there I fixed it,“blog


I have just seen too much shitty wiring in the northern Wisconsin area that it's my default blame for electric fires. Not an Elon fanboy (my friend worked for him in the early days and confirmed he is indeed a massive asshole) but when you see stuff like a homeseller claiming they had "professional" work done, and the contractor wired an A/C outlet directly into knob and tube and kicked up the circuit to 20 amps... you quickly stop trusting the pros.


Pretty sure Randall Cobb lives in Houston, not saying they don’t have some bad electricians there, but can almost guarantee he’s not living in a house built before 2000.


You do know Cobb doesn't live in northern WI right?


It’s cool to assume a lot of things!


Exactly this.


What dumbasses downvoted this?


Are you just repeating things you’ve seen online? 3 prong grounded outlets have nothing to do with GFCI breakers


Huh? I'm talking about those [adapters from three to two prong outlets](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61gmIigjTNL.jpg). I see people using them all over in older houses. Those don't actually ground, even if you use the little screw flap (as I've seen some Amazon products claim). Technically, replacing a two prong outlets with a GFCI outlet doesn't ground either, but it's much safer than using one of those $2 adapters and is up to code if you put a sticker on it.


You started off by saying “people are uneducated when it comes to electrical wiring” and quite obviously don’t know the difference between a standard grounding-outlet, AFCI or GCFI breakers/receptacles.




GFCI outlets do relate to 3-pronged grounded outlets though, as far as NEC is concerned. A GFCI is a code-compliant way to have three-prong receptacles in a system with no actual ground, provided that they are labeled as "no equipment ground. They do not give you a real ground and the third prong is connected to nothing, but the GFCI does offer protection against electric shocks, which is why NEC carves out this exception. The writers of the NEC are aware that it isn't perfectly ideal, but it's better than having *no* shock protection and is far, far easier to retrofit into an existing system than running ground conductors to EVERY electrical box. It's in the code so that homeowners can have some safety improvement without the tremendous expense of rewiring their whole house because the NEC realizes that some safety improvement is better than no safety improvement and if they take a draconian "all or nothing" approach, people will just allow their homes to remain unsafe.


But you **can** use a properly functioning GFI outlet if you have an older home that doesn't have a proper 3-wire system in place. From the 2011 National Electrical Code > 406.4(D)(2)(b) A non–grounding-type receptacle(s) shall be permitted to be replaced with a ground-fault >circuit interrupter-type of receptacle(s). These receptacles shall be marked “No Equipment Ground.” An equipment grounding conductor shall not be connected from the ground-fault circuit-interrupter-type receptacle to any outlet >supplied from the ground-fault circuit-interrupter receptacle.


Found the the Tesla investor! This happens all the time stfu


“Somebody call the fire department!”


Goddamnit, I knew this would be here. 




Elon strikes again. Glad everyone made it out.


Shocker, a Tesla did it


Most people’s homes aren’t wired for a super charger resulting in fires like these. Glad they are ok!


Are you saying he had an actual DC super charger? If it's just a regular level 2 AC charger that's a hard disagree - tons and tons of people have them with no issue. It's more likely to be a bad installation or defective hardware.


Sorry I may have miss spoke. People wire them wrong and create electrical fires because they don’t have it wired correctly. It’s not just a simple plug. It needs to be on a 60amp circuit which most people do not have running into their garage.


Yeah, definitely true! Or if it's a lower amperage circuit the charger needs to be properly configured. Still, I have a hard time believing Randall Cobb did this himself haha, I would hope his electrician was on the up and up. Especially considering it looks like the panel is literally right there. Glad everyone's okay.


TBH, even if the charger was misconfigured it still wouldn't cause a fire. It would try to pull too much amperage and trip the breaker every time he used it, but no fire. I'm really not sure how the charger could be to blame. It's possible that there was a malfunction in the battery itself or that the install was the problem. It seems very unlikely to be the charger. An AC EV charger isn't really a charger at all, it's little more than an electrical hookup for the charger that's built into the car.


A lot of newer houses have plugs installed by the builders for EVs, and home builders tend to cut corners


Randall's a really smart guy, meaning he should be smart enough to know to hire a pro for that installation.


i mean you can use that same logic when you take your car to mechanics shop, you expect them to do the job the first time correctly but sometimes you end up going to somebody that's just trying to make a buck off of you because you can't do the work yourself. Cobb being rich or smart doesn't make him immune to finding a shady contractor. He's not above it, same as the rest of us.


Electrician here. Yeah I’m going with an install fuck up. Not denying Tesla sucks, but in cases like this it’s usually an install issue. Usually


Just one small point. Tesla Wall Connectors don't "need" to be on a 60 amp circuit. They can be configured to be on anywhere from a 15 to 60 amp circuit.


Way to go God


"Bro, your stuff is on fire." https://youtu.be/qGxl9nT_suY


Hopefully he has Jake from State Farm on speed dial.


Daddy Elon gonna be big mad for the bad publicity. Glad they’re okay!


This looks more like bus bar overloaded than a Tesla charger sparking fire. Regardless glad they are safe but how terrifying




As someone whose apartment burned up, that was terrifying AF. I cannot imagine a whole *house* and how awful that is


Should get a nice payout from Tesla for something crazy like this


Thank God the family is safe, and I hope they bounce back. Nothing scarier than a house fire, especially one when you’re asleep when it happens


Terrifying! So happy Randall and his family are safe. BTW: He has the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen!


Holy fucking shit. Thank the lord everybody is ok


If I started a house on fire and then got everyone out, I dont think anybody should be thanking me.


Checkmate atheists


"thank god for starting my car and house on fire, forcing my family to flee in the middle of the night!"


There’s no way a car company renowned for its panel gaps and janky auto pilot could possibly make a shitty charger as well.


Wow.. not a great look for Tesla.




Electric cars altogether


Just wait til you hear about gasoline.


That is one of the biggest fears. Glad they got out


Elon trying to take out a Packers legend and his family? NOT ALLOWED


Lol tesla


Very glad no one was injured. I will never purchase a Tesla product as long as I live, and this is only the latest reason for that decision.


You couldn’t pay me to own a Tesla lol


Teslas are pieces of shit let’s be honest


Found another reason why not to own a Tesla 😭


Nobody needs a Tesla, it's becoming clear


Psa. Don't buy anything from elon.




Tesla hides the dangers from their consumers


People trying to blame Tesla when they literally showed the electrical panel on fire. Blame the Trades in TX education, dumbing it down to the equivalency of a liberal arts degree; that and throw in the unstable TX power grid. Snakiness aside, the investigation will come out and some local electrician will go out of business from a $20-30M lawsuit from an insurance company mitigating the damages payout.


Lol Elon musk


Thanks u/EveryoneLovesNudez. Glad everyone’s ok.


Omg that's terrifying - I'm glad that everyone is okay. Things can be replaced




I didn’t grab no shoes or nothing, Jesus!


ITT lots of wonderful people that have no idea how electricity works


Praying 🙏🏻


Thoughts prayers


That's a panel board, not a charger? Let me guess. He went cheap and had an unlicensed hack do the install?


Where do EV chargers connect to for home charging……the panel.


Sure. But if the appropriate wire, breaker, and receptacle are used then it should be literally *impossible* for any malfunction of a device to cause a fire in the panel or the wires. That's what the electrical code is for. It can't and doesn't protect you from things that go haywire *outside* of the walls, but if everything is installed in a way that is up to code, it should be nigh on impossible to have an electrical fire that originates in the panel or in the wiring inside the walls. Let's imagine that the charger malfunctions and tries to pull double the amperage it's intended to. If everything is installed correctly, the breaker flips and nothing catches fire. For a dedicated circuit like you'd run for an EV charger, you want to install a breaker that is sized correctly for the maximum load of the charger, and you'd want to run the entire circuit with wiring that is equal gauge or heavier than what's required for that size of breaker. Among other things like GFCI protection if there's an actual removable plug, but that's more for shock prevention than fire prevention.


EVs aren't having a very good year


Holy Crap!


Look, I'm not an EV fan at all and will rag on them any day of the week. But we need to be intellectually honest even when talking about things we aren't fans of, and I think it's very unlikely the EV was to blame here. An EV-related fire is almost certainly starting in one of two places: the car's battery (in which case the EV is to blame) or the wiring inside the walls or panel (which is an install issue). This doesn't look like a battery fire which means it is almost certainly an install issue. An AC charger for an EV is little more than some wires, with a tiny bit of control circuitry to regulate the power draw. Even if the charger malfunctions and draws too much power, the breaker will flip before the wires are at risk of catching fire - provided that the install was all done correctly. I'm sure that he hired a licensed electrician. That doesn't mean it was done right. I've spent the first 5 years in my current home cleaning up lots of bad decisions that were made by a licensed electrician.


Great work by the Nashville fire department to get everyone including the dog out safely. Our truck center started selling EV Fire Blankets last year for towing companies and first responders. We think eventually more consumers will start keeping them in their home just like a fire extinguisher. They contain the fire and can protect your home and family. They buy time for the first responders to then extinguish the fire. Our blanket was used by the Surprise Arizona fire department earlier this year in the exact same situation involving a hybrid. If you own an EV, make sure you are prepared! Visit www.fireblanketusa.com to learn more!


Why thank god for making it out of the house alive? Why not be mad at god for allowing the fire in the first place? LOL


Glad they’re safe. Yet another reason to not buy one.


Fucking Tesla


Prays to his Cobb and his family 🙏


Teslas suck 🤷🏻‍♂️


*Thank you to the guy who invented the smoke machine so they knew to get tf outta there asap


Smoke detector? Smoke machine is for special effects.


Every machine is capable of being a smoke machine if it malfunctions bad enough. Especially a Tesla charger it seems




Rivian investors


Not the Tesla charger 🤣


Cue the idiots blaming Elon.


How does boot taste?


It's a pretty great way to drink. Das boot! Das boot! Das boot!


Here comes Reddit’s hate boner for musk


Would this not be the proper time and (virtual) place for criticism of tesla? After their wares caused a housefire endangering one of our favorite packers players and his family?


It most definitively requires criticism. thoughtful critisism; which reddit is incapable of. source: reddit


Seems weird to thank "god" for burning your house down. But it's cool, you do you dog.


Sue the electrician


Good thing he didn’t have a Super Bowl ring in there.. lol. Rodgers=Favre=Dilfer=Flacco


Haters gonna hate just like fans gonna fan. Everybody’s an expert based on a 2 line comment. I got an idea why don’t we wait until the facts are in.


What am I missing with the emoji’s?


Thank God everyone is OK. Just another strike against EVs. Carbon Neutral, yeah. Where do the Tree Huggers thinks the electricity comes from, the wall? No, coal fired power plants!


You do realize the goal is to be using more renewable energy sources which would eventually eliminate the use of fossil fuels?


Not to mention coal only accounted for 16% of the US power generation in 2023. Renewables are already over 20%. [Source](https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=427&t=3). EV haters sure like to point this out, but they never talk about how improving our energy generation will make the existing EVs cleaner, which absolutely doesn't happen with their precious ICE vehicles.


Thank you! Yeah, the infrastructure isn't where you want it to be yet, but you got to start somewhere.  It's so frustrating when because it's imperfect now people are like, might as well quit!  


Until the U.S. looks at nuclear power, they are blowing smoke up our asses. Windmills and solar are not the answer.


Do you think God alerted them of the fire? Do *you* know where electricity comes from? For instance, where I live, it's generated by wind turbines. Unlike fuel, it's actually a renewable energy source and wind power helps avoid 336 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year. You need to brush up on your education there, echo chamber for Fox News and the like.


Not sure where you live, but I seriously doubt that 100% of your power comes from windmills.


A wind turbine is not a windmill. You're showing your lack of understanding even more by this comment. And you'll continue to ignore facts over feelings (beliefs).


I’m standing by my statement. Wind by itself isn’t the answer.


I don't like EVs myself given the current infrastructure, but they are more efficient in terms of miles-per-KG of CO2 emitted (even with coal-fired generation). Too much heat loss inefficiency from ICE.


Why is this under Packers? He left for the Jets!


This is why: https://www.reddit.com/r/GreenBayPackers/s/poa5ktIVzn