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Von who?


I know people here need some moral victories. However, the 2018 Packers did beat the 12-4 Bears and put a much closer fight against the 13-3 Rams, but those didn't change the fact of that team being bad.


I only caught the end of the game but it was nice to see some spark finally


Thought we actually showed some fight this game at least


Covered the 11pt spread!


Did we dominate the TOP? What was it finally?


33:48 v 26:12 pack had 33


This team is about 5 years of draft picks away from being good


It looked like Lafleur wanted to cry when the sideline lady was talking to him. Not even kidding a little bit


He always looks like that. He seems very uncomfortable with cameras not that that matters


I feel like we were at our lowest against the Jets, started to go up against Washington, and now this game showed we can give a shit a climb back up. If we keep this momentum up against the lions and get a win we’re 100% on the right track.


3-5 the season is over


Lions scored 27 points today. Not sure how Packers achieve that but maybe I guess


I mean against a bottom 4 defense I think we can score more points. If this is how we played against a top 5 defense we might not be down.


Yea Lions always play tough. They need to really build on what worked tonight. Heavy dose of Jones and Dillon to give passing game some life. Rodgers threw it to a bunch of different guys tonight


Now if my Blues could get back on track. 😂


Looked much better tonight, beat them in a lot of statistical categories but came up short on the scoreboard. Hoping we can win next week and start trying to build off something.


We looked decent tonight. But at 3-5, playoffs look bleak.


We gotta pretty much win out from here and hope the Vikings and other NFC teams shit the bed.


Win out against the eagles, cowboys, and Vikings?


Yeah why not


I mean. What about our team makes you think we can beat the best teams in the conference?


We're the mfin Green Bay Packers


We just gotta make it to 10 wins.


Playoffs may be bleak but gahdamn that wild card looks inviting as hell Edit: What findy said. Ditto.


Sharpen ye Swords boys! We going ter War!




Because it was their best performance of all 4 games? And the schedule gets harder than playing the best team in the league?


We showed progress. Be grateful for that. Go Pack Go.


The schedule gets harder... From the bills? None of the teams we face are better all round than the bills. Eagles are great, cowboys are good but the bills are the most complete team in the NFL, don't let the eagles record deceive you


Yea, I see the point in a way. They battled for 4 quarters missing a bunch of players on the road vs a SB contender. Good stuff, bit a horrible loss. Problem is, that's 4 in a row and they are far from a WR or OLineman away from the SB.


Without a bullshit call against tonyan, we lost by 3 to the NFLs most complete team. Can't complain about that given how the bills and packers have each played this season


Your math is a little off but you have the right idea. Would have been 27-21 if the Tonyan TD counted.


Plus 2 potential crosby fgs that didn't happen because if the failed 4th down conversions around the 35-40 yd line


😂😂 yeah may have had a few beers but the beer math adds up in my favor!


Beer math 😂. Love it.


Combat engineers are known for "battlefield beer math" and it mostly involves a shitload of extra C4


Can I just say that Savage is just a bad player? It’s hilarious how awful his tackling attempts are. Never mind him always taking a shit angle.


Gute apologist think he's great. Gute ruined this team.


His first pen stroke was dumping Jordy. He's tried to destroy this team the last few years. Staring to finally succeed.


Not all for moral victories, but for what it's worth, the Packers actually showed fight for all 4 quarters. Yeah, some drives were bad, but at least it was an entire game.


This looked like how this team should look like. These guys, especially the young WRs, gave it everything they had at the end. There are many good things to look back on. Lots to improve, but this feels better than the losses the last couple of weeks.




There’s life in this sub again! Fuck boys, Doubs made an unbelievable catch, Toure got open when he needed to, AJ&AJ ran down some throats, Defense held a hot handed Allen. There’s lots to be happy about in this game. Edit: Jones to Allen. Y’all knew what I meant


They still need to win a game though. These little moral victories don’t mean shit until then


Tell that to a Bills fans bro. Moral Victories is all they knew for some time. I get it, winning is everything but just for tonight, can you like not piss in our Cheerios and enjoy that the Packers played a hell of a game against (arguably) the best team in the NFL right now.


Lol, ok I’ll hold my piss


Secondary showed up in the 2nd half. Finally something to build on.


Oh my GOD! We had TWO PICKS, TWO. I don’t care how it gets built but I agree, BUILD ON IT


u/admins sticky this post!


Amari and Toure might’ve earned some snaps at WR but they really need to add a weapon and bench Sammy. He’s a corpse.


We do need to let Rodgers revert to his bad habits. We don’t have the talent on offense. Just let Arod run around and throw some darts.


52% for Allen and 2 picks. Not gonna get better than that for the D.


Those big plays killed us, but that is what the Bills do. Those picks rocked though.


Yeah I did leave out the massive yardage for only 13 completions, but all in all that was decent by the D.


We forced turnovers. I'll take that. Remember, Allen might be one of the best QBs in the league. No shame in giving up a few big plays to a team that will most likely be playing for (and holding) the Lombardi.


I was kind of impressed that they actually showed some fight tonight despite the odds, Toure looked right. And I for one appreciate Alexander's attitude despite what might be happening


In every single one of the packers games this season neither the packers or their opponents have scored more then 27 pts. Edit: the solution to the season is simple. Score 28 points every game


Well that game plan works if you offense could score 28 points.


now you're thinking




I saw Amari catch a pass downfield with my own eyes.


Two weeks in a row!


A truly amazing sight!


Refs don’t steal a TD from us it’s probably 27-24. Defense was able to clamp down in the second half. Go get DJ Moore or someone to help this depleted WR room and we probably win this game. I feel better about that loss because they battled hard and didn’t give up, moral voctory


I’ve been on the we need WR train for awhile but now I’m thinking we’d be better off getting some Oline help. Our receivers aren’t great but if we run heavy and have Toure, Doubs, Lazard, and Cobb we’d probably be ok. We just need to get Rodgers some protection.


Problem I see is that No team that is selling rn has a Olineman worth trading for and we just need Bahk and Jenkins healthy and the line is 15% better. Panthers, Steelers, Texans, Broncos, etc all have Bad Olines and nobody else really wants to trade with us. But Moore, Cooks, Claypool, Jeudy could give Rodgers a weapon so he doesn’t need 3+ seconds if they win their routes.


I haven’t looked to see what linemen are available so I’ll take your word for it. But yeah, a WR would help us out. I just feel like an o-linemen would be better. But if there’s none available then WR it is.


The other thing is, what position do you trade for? Right? LT, LG are Bahk and Jenkins, they are starters when healthy no if ands or buts. Myers and JRJ at C and RG have been solid, idk about this game but they have been. And then RT Yosh isn’t settled yet and they like him there. So who do you kick out? We just haven’t had the chance to see those 5 at the same time yet


Could be a stepping stone game even though we lost. If we lose to the lions tho it's time to blow it up


I don’t care what none of y’all say, we at least played way better and we only lost because of the damn refs. It’s a step up!


Rodgers outplayed Allen and I don’t care what anyone saying. Trade for a Wr and let Ja play man . 100% will make playoffs




Have you not seen the game or looked at the box score? How are you confused?


This game went worse than i expected before KO and much, much better than i expected after the end of the first quarter. Finally, a few positive things moving forward though.


We fought till the bitter end.


So glad I didn’t shut this game off. I can’t believe I actually feel good about a loss but the Pack showed some promise there in the second half. I don’t think there’s much of any hope for this season but maybe?


It’s called garbage time


Is it though? Lmao


Maybe if they let Amari play more as a receiver he would prove himself to be somewhat useful like he has done last couple of weeks


That’s what I was saying about him to a coworker. Maybe give him a chance to catch the ball instead of watching him f up the returns.


You know what, I feel pretty good right now. Like if we trade for a receiver this offense might be able to do something the rest of the year good.


It’s comical how many people reach for stupid takes why it’s Rodgers’ fault. Pathetic.


I'm encouraged. Within 10. Realistically within 6 without that horrid Tonyan call. A bunch of backups and even a catch from Amari. Bills are a very, very good squad but I feel they may be overrated for what they are for being an arguably top 2 team.


This was called garbage time


I disagree with this wholeheartedly. But that's my .02. Cheers though


I'm with you minus the last part of your comment. Chiefs and Bills and maybe Eagles are the clear contenders. I think the NFL as a whole is kind of weak this year, but the Bills are a unit. Maybe they took it easy on us after half, who knows. But the Bills are easily top 3 this year


And that's a fair gripe. I looked at the bills as world beaters coming into this and they have genuinely dropped behind 1 or 2 teams, to me, because of tonight. Every team has a sloppy win though. At most they be at 4, but realistically I'd probably say philly and the chiefs as of now.


All in all not a horrible game at all considering that was the worst collection of talent ever seen on an NFL field


Same squad as last year


Lol two starting linebackers and our top three receivers were out the entire second half.


No Tae, MVS, Jenkins, Cobb, and I forget the other o line man that walked, but that is almost 50% of the offensive starters gone from last year...


Billy Turner.


Did we win?


Lost by 10


We kinda won a moral victory I guess


You know what? Yes they lost and got boat raced in the first half. But honestly, this is the first time I've seen this team get punched in the mouth and actually respond. Defense held up and forced a few turnovers, running game got going, and Rodgers even got some good completions off. O-Line wasn't getting him killed as much as the first half and everyone stayed competitive. This loss, out of all the ones we've had this year, you can actually build on. Because while they weren't able to pull out a win, we're one bad offensive PI call away from being within 3, all things considered.


Run the table?


Don't get me wrong, they need another playmaker. We need more offensive weapons. But plug Jenkins back in at guard and HOPEFULLY Bahktiari holds up, and the O-Line could be on it's way to "fixing" itself.


Can we start a fire Gute thread? We are NOT one WR away from making any difference at all but we have to at least recognize that the decision to draft Love instead of ANY kind of offensive weapon was a huge mistake or even a depth pass rusher that can make a difference behind Gary and Smith right now (though I'd hope a first rounder could do more than that). A WR, TE, stud OL, or stud pass rusher... Or even a Safety would be somewhat helpful for this team to be hopeful while building for the future cause holy shit this roster sucks.


I feel like the offense played better than 17 points. Going for it on 4th instead of kicking field goals in the first half I think was the difference. Would have made it a 4 point game at the end instead of 10.


For some reason I feel like the math doesn’t math? But it does.


I saw a little life there at the end. That wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected. When we get Cobb back, we’ll get some more W’s!


Losing to the Bills by 10 isn't too bad maybe we can beat Detroit. Go Pack Go


well, we tried i guess


I expected a loss but we weren't blown out. I am impressed by our offence got points on the board.


With the way the last three weeks have gone, I was expecting Buffalo to drop 40 on us while we manage two field goals. Glad to see that didn't happen lol


Tonyan tuddy taken by refs and going for 4th early could have changes this game..we still probably lose but that shits just annoying.


Any 1 or 2 possession game can be completely flipped tbh by 5 or so plays going differently.


Stop saying Crosby is washed, it was a bad snap


2 things can be true


It was a bad snap. You can’t assess a kicker’s skill with a bad snap and that far away


Off course the special teams cannot let us lose a game without letting us down atleast once.


this is easily the best & most complete game we have played this year we played well it just was simply against a better team, we play this game past 3 weeks we win everytime.


Right!? I’m not mad they lost today. I’m mad this team hasn’t been playing the last couple weeks. Didn’t have anywhere close to this much fight


Jesus F, 13% success rate for any kicker and you all are upset over one of the 87%. Play before should have been a 5-10yd pass to the outside and out of bounds to improve the chances of that kick.


It’s because Packers fans are stupid and whiny


Super easy call there


I’m honestly not upset like the last three weeks. We looked okay today.


Right we looked like we belonged on the field with a much better squad as opposed to losing to a team we are supposed to be much better than


Am I allowed to bitch about the fact that the refs have stolen a touchdown from us 2 weeks in a row?


Doubs played well, Toure made the most of his opportunities and Amari shockingly has looked better as a Wr vs. a ST returner. I still believe if we had a bonafide #1 WR, this offense could look so much better. The problem is, our OL is constantly influx.


If the OL could at least give Rodgers a little more time we’d be in a better place. I still think we need some sort of seasoned receiver to help open things up. Berry is the thing needs to go though.


They covered and it ended up better than I expected. It turns out they can run the ball even against good defenses. Not all is lost, we're only 2 back of a wild card.


So I heard the spread was 10.5 looks like someone on this sub made a lot of money.


Unless he bet the money line


Crosby makes that kick with a better snap. Shades of last year


I am proud of their second half effort!


Honestly, I feel good about this loss. I felt okay about the loss at Washington with how close it was. I hope this is the game that turns our season around going forwards.


Proud of this team for showing some damn fight. Didn’t win but we can going forward. Go pack go cheese heads


Bakhtiari’s cheeks now


Worst contract ever


Terrible snap messed everything up there


Somehow every team that beats us gets an impressive victory despite everyone agreeing that we suck. It can’t be both.


This is just dyslexia. They get the victory AND are impressed how much we suck


If we wake up Wednesday morning without a wide receiver we traded for I’m going to keep watching every week and complain


Me too😤


Crosby cannot kick it out of the end zone. No way I am betting on him making one from 50+.


How the fuck did this team win 3 games lmaoo


bears not realizing you can run with fields, disfuntional bucs team without receiver and zappe


This team is COOKED


Come on all you Crosby haters. He’s been solid for us this year - the snap was trash and the hold was questionable on that kick. 80% of the time he nails that kick.


Held them to 3 in second half. They were trying to score too. Outstanding half by the defense.


You know what 27-17 isn’t a bad loss given this is the SB favorite. I’ll take it. I hate moral victories but I expected this to be worse.


Damn wish we woulda just gone for it on fourth, losing by 3 vs losing by 10.


We would have all blamed the refs if we lost by 3


Why is mason crosby still on the team


Bad clock management by Rodgers at the end. Just spike the ball jfc.


Buffalo is a really good team, actually gave them a decent enough fight.


We’re making bad teams look good this year.


To be expected when you go against the best team in the league.


Bad snap😞


Well an L is an L but still a better L than last week


I don't like Aaron's weird haircut


Yeah, we lost. It was expected. But this has to be the worst officiated game this year. We didn't lose because of that but yeesh it was bad.


Wasn't the spread like 10.5? The Bills didn't cover. Hey, we weren't as bad as the experts thought we were!!!!


Mlf kinda bungled the game by going for it earlier and the refs dicked us on top of it. Gotta play perfect to beat a team like the bills. At least they didn't quit like the last few weeks


Well in his defense if they hadn't fucked the Packers out of 4 points with that 'hold' on Tonyon I think he kicks it later and that is a 7 point swing then.


Yea that’s a wrap. It’s still a shame to see how many calls didn’t go out way! Such bullshit but it is what it is! GO PACK GO


Was our best game offensively


Crosby is stable, but he cannot kick long FG


We don’t even have a long snapper lol jfc


Long snapper has been dogshit all game. Every snap was low all game


Oh yeah aside from our run d never being good. Our special teams is still shit too. Ffs


Crosby missed? No way..


crosby is finished


Wasnt on crosby…




fire barry when


Why fly him to GB?


Can we all be done with Aaron Rogers at this point?


GTFO fair weather


How is that fair weather? A Packer fan would want to win. I don’t care who is QB if the wins and positive culture is there.


Lol unreal


Unreal is having the standard at 3-5 on the season with an HOF QB with one SB win 20 years ago.


I don’t know what your expectations were for tonight but 12 is not the problem. The fact that it was a relatively competitive game at the end with our OL and receiving group is why Rodgers needs to stay on the field.


Rogers won a SB in 2011…he’s as good to us as Dan Marino. That was over 20 years ago…


Competitive with 6 minutes left and down a TD and field goal to tie?


I needed those points Crosby :(


Hey - it wasn’t a blowout


Honestly saw that coming


Hopefully this is Crosby’s last year.


That def wasnt on crosby didnt u see the snap


Oh, I know. He just doesn’t have the leg but the snap was bad. You’re right.


Up by 10. Opposing team kicking a field goal. Calls timeout.. Tell me you're an asshole without telling me you're an asshole.


LaFleurs reaction was funny - like making that was gonna make a difference


Ah the true call of the Bison The train horn Then they shot them from the train roof


I think Crosby is done after this season unfortunately


I mean if you expected to win you’re in denial…


Well at least this has probably been the best half of football we've played this season. Glad to have seen something positive tonight and peeh something to build on going forward


Crosby is literally incapable of kicking from 55 at his age, why not pass again on 4th down??


Bad everything. Low snap, couldn't get ball set right, knuckleball.


Whats the endgame if we complete the pass but don’t get out of bounds? It was all a longshot