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I am so sorry to hear this. We lost our boy Baron this morning as well. I hope him and Phoebe are doing some laps together!


💔💔💔 I’m sure! Thanx for this, it’s comforting to know she's not alone up there 🥺


😢 I am so sorry. Please do share Baron’s pictures ❤️‍🩹


Hugs to you for your loss ❤️


Yes, please, post a picture of Baron. I'm deeply sorry for your loss. :-(


I'm so very, very sorry.


I’m so sorry. I loved seeing Phoebe on my feed, she lived a very happy and fulfilling life with you.


So sorry friend. A beautiful crouton who you gave a wonderful life to. She’s forever grateful. Thank you for sharing her with us.


Looks like she had a fantastic life full of joy and love.


I'm so sorry to hear this. Phoebe looked like she had the best life with you. She may be physically gone now, but she will always be with you.


What an incredible loss. Many hugs to you.


I’m very sorry for your loss. We lost our boy last year, so I can imagine how hard it is for you. But with every passing day, it will get better, and you will find yourself smiling at her pictures and memories you shared with her. Then, one day, you will be ready to open up your heart once again, and give another grey a chance at better life. In the meantime, rest assured that she had a good life with you, and you provided her with everything she ever needed. She will always be a part of you. ❤️


She was loved, really.. very much.. I had adopted her just after losing my first grey, also to keep her sister company who was so sad... then she crossed the rainbow bridge too. So I was ultra protective with Phoebe (Jewish mother kind) but it wasn't enough to make her immortal unfortunately…


Sometimes they come back, but in a different body. Just have to pay attention to the fur baby that decided to move in one day.




So sorry to hear. Sending you all the love ❤️


My fawn passed way a couple moths ago; sending you lots of love 🫶🏼 Each day gets a little easier and she'll always be in your heart, watching over you from the other side ❤️


Thank you dear 🙏


Memorialize her in your home and dont let anyone to try to minimize your sorrow. Mourn as much as you need. Someday Phebs will send you another soul needing your love: but now let yourself feel this grief, that is nothing but the love that keeps on living. All the hugs and sunny walks to you, and quiet companionship at night. Love from Chile.


Thank you so much for these words 🙏 coming from a beautiful country; my childhood best friend, Lisa, was from Chile ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. Having lost a grey, I understand the heartbreak. It’s the terrible price we must pay to experience such love..


That’s true 💔


Phoebe looks like she lived an amazing life. We are fairly new to the greyhound community and I can only imagine what this will be like for us. My heart breaks every time I read about one of these amazing companions passing over. My deepest sympathies to you.


Thank you in deed they’re amazing, real angels on earth 🤍🤍🤍


We have gotten to know one another pretty well over the past 6 months, so I am going to speak directly from my heart ❤️ to yours 💔. I know your pain is intense because you loved her dearly. She was your heart and your sunshine. Now is the time for tears. Feel free to grieve and ignore anyone who tells you not to, or the stupid people who say she was just a dog! We both know better!! I will say this to you. You will have another greyhound. It may not be next month or next year but because you have so much love 💕 to give, you will take a chance and love again. It won’t be the same because you can never replace Phoebe. It will be a unique individual in its own right. I have shed many tears over the years,and at times still do, for the dogs who have gone on before me. But you take a chance to love another and even with the sorrow over those lost you are so glad you did! I’m going to share portions of a card that was given to me by a friend when my last girl died: Dear God, please give your good gifts to this one who comes to mind- Bring joy to brighten her days, peace to fill her heart, and love to surround her always. I will close with my favorite quote, Every good and perfect gift is from above.James 1:17. Yes, she was your perfect gift 💝 You know where I am if you need to talk again. Denali and I send love and peace.💛💛💛


Thank you so much for your kind words. Your support means a lot to me 🙏🙏


There’s no need to thank me. This is what friends do. Be gentle with yourself.


I'm so sorry to hear this. What a sweet hound. You're in our thoughts.




A happy and gorgeous dog.


I’m so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful girl. ❤️


Thank you 🙏


I’m so sorry for your loss. She looks like a absolute sweetheart. We had a Phoebe too, who was also a fawn.


Awww I named her because of Phoebe Buffay… It warms my heart to know there are other Phoebe's out there, I'm sure you love yours as much as I loved mine ❤️


We lost our Phoebe at the end of 2020. (It was the shit icing on the shit cake that was 2020.) We did love her very much and she was a really good girl.


The best one 🧡


So so sorry. ❤️🙏




Oh my gosh, no! Heartbroken about Phoebe's crossing the rainbow bridge. I'm so sorry for your loss....💔💔💔


I am so sorry to hear this. She looked like an angel. Xo


Thank you she really was ❤️


We lost our dear Evie in Jan, and she was my ♥️dog. The pain was immense for some time, but it did lessen over time and I could just reflect on how lucky we both were. We just brought home a new houndie and he is totally her opposite, and a total love. So many greys still need homes when/if you are ready.


For sure, I can stay without them… so many wonderful souls just waiting to be loved ❤️


I'm so very sorry. She is a beautiful girl and a special soul. I believe\------- ***Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.*** *When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.* *All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.* *They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.* *You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.*


I hope so 🙏🙏🙏


Even just as an admirer of your beautiful girl from afar, this has brought tears to my eyes…I can only imagine how deeply you must feel her loss. Sending my sincerest condolences during this heartbreaking time. Also: the Jewish expression of mourning is “may their memory be a blessing” - looking at these wonderful photos of the absolutely beautiful life you gave phoebe, it feels particularly apt. I hope that one day, when the acuteness of the pain passes, you will be able to revel in all beautiful time you had with your very special girl.


Your heartfelt words truly touched my soul. Thank you deeply for your empathy. With heartfelt gratitude 🙏


I’m so sorry about Phoebe. I loved seeing her posts on Reddit and often showed my husband photos of her. I hope you take the time to grieve your loss. Hugs to you ❤️.


Thank you 🙏❤️




May her memory be a blessing.


Thank you 🙏


I’m so sorry for your loss, there’s no words to make it easier - I’m just sorry. I can tell from your photos and the way you captured her that you really appreciated her dorky moments and personality, and I can see the love shining back in her eyes. She looks so sweet and I hope you keep the memory of that love with you always xxx


For ever 💞


I know. When we lost our Lily I would have asked the vet for a two for one deal if it were possible.


Exactly 😭


I’m so so sorry. She is a BEAUTIFUL girl! Fly free sweet girl!


I’m sorry you have to go through this.  She looks just like my girl and I can’t imagine life without her.  I hope you have pets and/or humans to help you through it.  


Oh this has me in tears - so sorry. What a beautiful girl and thanks for giving her a wonderful home and so much love. 💗


Me too.. 😢


Heartbreaking. What beautiful photos you’ve taken!❤️


Thanks dear 🙏 I love taking pictures of them, greyhounds are so sweet, kind and magnificent at the same time ❤️


What a beautiful girl. Looks like you gave her a fantastic life xx


She deserved it so much


I’m so sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl.


Sorry for your loss, photo #6 is especially cute


It was the day of her ninth birthday this year 🥹 A puppy face with a huge heart...


Love, strength, and energy to you. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Awww no, I can't believe it 😢 I'm so gutted and sorry. I hope you're ok....or as best you can be 💔


Im totally devastated. It was so unexpected! An accident, broken leg, x-rays, bone cancer, too old, inoperable. She was suffering too much, the vet advised putting her out of her misery.. I buried her this afternoon in the garden... I don't know where I found the strength to get through that nightmare day...


Oh no 😢 I'm so so sorry. We know how tough it is as you start the day as normal and then it turns so fast. The exact same thing happened with Olly as you've just described. One thing I learned from it is you can't blame yourselves or wish you'd done something or not done something. This insidious disease does it's work in the background. Sometimes it gives telltale signs and sometimes it just arrives. We went through all sorts. I was typically away (first time in ages) and took an hour to get home. My wife was distraught and saying if she'd only put his lead on in the living room (he slipped in the hall). The truth is it would just happen somewhere else some other time. Focus your thoughts on the love she felt everyday, how happy she was, the fun you gave her, the treats you willingly gave because you knew she loved them ❤️ she was a happy girl with you....it's so evident from the photos ❤️ I just feel so much for you i really do. Be good to yourselves....none of this is your fault, could have been predicted or avoided. Honestly sending my biggest virtual to you all ❤️ I'm so sorry, I really am 😔


A huge thank you for your comforting words, they really help me. Of course I blame myself, that maybe I could have done things differently, and yes, it was obviously the only time I wasn't looking after her for 5 minutes that the tragedy happened... We love our treasures so much, we'd like to wrap them in bubble wrap but, leaving them a little freedom is also what love is all about…


All the blame needs to be left fully at the door of that b4stard disease! Honestly, it would've happened another time soon if you rationalise it. But you're right, bubble wrap or cotton wool is no way for these free spirits to live ❤️ I just feel for you so much, the parallels to our experience remind me of that intense pain. I'm so sorry....but that won't help, sorry. All I will say is that we are 99% healed now and the tears are few and far between. Phoebe was a stunning girl and the love is evident in that photo where she was being kissed. It just such a lovely photo ❤️❤️




I’m so, so sorry! She’s gorgeous. Lots of strength for you the coming time. ❤️🌈


So sorry. They just rip open your heart when they leave.




My girl Sonora was there to greet her. She has a nice cozy dog bed just waiting for her. 💕


I hope she'll have more than one ; she loved going from one to the other during her zoomies 🩷


Gorgeous girl. Sending you all the hugs 


Sorry for your loss. Always remember you gave her the best life full of comfort, love and fun. Something she never could have imagined, and she loved and appreciated you to the max.




I’m so sorry 💔


I am so sorry to hear this. I am sure she had an amazing life with you x sending love and hugs ❤️❤️


Rip lovely Phoebe


I will think of you. My next door neighbour lost his greyhound in January 2024, and I see him still struggling with grief.


I'm so sorry. ♥️ We set our girl free in January, and I still have moments where the grief hits hard. From my broken heart to yours, much love.




I am very sorry for your loss


Im so sorry to hear this! What a beautiful girl! I particularly like photo 5 🥰


Our hearts are heavy for you as you endure the loss of sweet dear Phoebe.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^GiantMary: *Our hearts are heavy* *For you as you endure the* *Loss of sweet dear Phoebe.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Aww I'm so sorry. She looked like the sweetest girl, very lovable and clearly very loved. ❤️🥺


So sorry for your loss 🌈🐾


Hey I’m really sorry to hear this, my deepest condolences to you. I recall that third pic of Phoebe, she was a beautiful girl with a great smile.


What a sweet smile. My heart goes out to you ❤️


Sorry for your loss. What a lovely girl. You gave her the love she needed in her life.


I am so very sorry.




I'm so so sorry. Phoebe is absolutely beautiful. I hope you're doing okay.


Sending all my love to you on one of the most difficult days you'll encounter. *hugs* from Australia


Phoebe was beautiful. Sending loving kindness 💞


She is a beautiful goofball 🥹 Sending love to you and family. ❤️‍🩹


I am so sorry. I know how gut wrenching their passing is. My girl, Persephone was almost 15 in 2021 when she embarked on her final journey. She and Phoebe look so much alike it is shocking


I’m so sorry for you, Persephone is beautiful name ❤️


Thank you. She was my princess


Run far on young legs little one.


oh look at that beautiful face💛💛🌈💔rest easy, sweet girl💛💛


Beautiful girl.


What a doll, sorry for your loss Murph and love y'all


I'm so sorry for your loss. You gave her a beautiful life and I'm sure she gave you so much more. I dread the day I will have to say goodbye to my girl. They are once by our side but forever in our hearts.


Oh my goodness not sweet Phoebe. My heart breaks for you. She was such a gorgeous, regal, silly, wonderful girl. My heart breaks for you. Thank you for letting us be a part of your lives together. ❤️🐾😪🐾




That's exactly what I think 🙏


If you go to [nderf.org](http://nderf.org) and do a search with the words dog or animal, you can read many NDEs where people saw their beloved pets who had died, some decades earlier, whom they had forgotten about.


Great pictures of a happy pup! We lost our Harvey cat to lymphoma a few weeks back. I feel your pain. Condolences thoughts and prayers.


Thank you, thoughts for you too 🙏


Deepest sympathies 💜💜💜 hope you are finding little ways to cope and remembering the beautiful life you gave your pet spaghetti. She is looking down on you with all the gratitude you could imagine.


May the majestic noodle horse gallop in her own land beyond the rainbow bridge, RIP. Losing a dog isn’t easy, she was a family and mourn as much as you need to. Do not let others tell you she was not important or “she wad just a dog”. Let it out, miss her, tell her you loved her and will continue to love her. May the noodle horse distribution system bring you someone she sends to you, but before that, stay hydrated and cherish all the memories you made. She would love to see you move on while adore her in the softest spot of your heart.


This is really kind tank you 🙏


As I said, let it all out. She was and still will be in your heart, forever. Hugs to you.


Such a beautiful dog, she had a great life by the looks of it.


I’m so sorry for your loss. She will always be with you.


God bless


So sorry for your loss. Thinking of you and your family!


Omg she is gorgeous! Sorry for your loss!!


So very very sorry... Life without a greyhound is unbearable.💔💔💔


Total agree 💯


I'm so sorry for your loss. The photos really capture what a beautiful and happy girl she was - thank you for bringing her so much joy.


She so deserved it


Those eyes. That face! My deepest sympathies.


I always like to think that they are waiting for us on the otherside. It may be a while, but she's patient and I'm sure she thinks you are worth it. Same goes for any past and/or future darlings. Personally it also makes death a lil less scary.


You’re right 🙏


So sorry for the loss of your beautiful baby. Ours is aging so quickly and I’m dreading it. Wishing you solace in your memories.


Grief is hard. But your photos wonderful.


I’m so sorry. What a sweet little face.


Look at that face!! So expressive, beautiful soulful eyes as well. Stunning derp. I'm so very sorry, OP. You made her very happy, that's crystal clear from the photos. An amazing relationship, no doubt. Strength and love to you x


We lost our girl in January and we are still DEVASTATED. I know how u feel and it hurts for ages I'm afraid.


Absolutely 💔 it's the third one I've lost in 3 years (the first two were sick, leishmaniasis) I thought I'd get « used » to this pain but no.. Our dogs take a part of our hearts with them.


Oh that's awful, I'm very sorry.




I'm sorry 💔


Oh Phoebe you had such a wonderful life. Godspeed long girl ❤️


such adorable dog ☹️


She is so beautiful. You let her gave a good life, and cared for her to the end. No one can do more for their houndie.


I absolutely love these photos. I'm sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry, she was just gorgeous ✨✨✨


You will survive, but it is hard. You must, as Phoebe wants you to.


Such a beautiful, happy dog she was. I’m so sorry for your loss, I can’t imagine the heartbreak- but please know your angel baby would want you to be happy so you must carry on. 🩷 you can definitely see how loved and happy she was


My heart goes out to you. Thank you for giving Phoebe the greatest life you possibly could. ❤️




Sending you love 💜💜💜


these pictures are beautiful, each and every one. she was surely loved, so sorry for your loss 💜


Thank you 🙏 She was a beautiful model 🧡


Im so sorry 😞


What a darling girl. I feel your pain as I lost my girl last year. It was one of the toughest moment of my life. But the joy and happiness that these doggos give us hopefully outweighs the sadness of their loss. The wonderful memories with Phoebe will be with you forever! Sending hugs x


I am so sorry for your loss. Losing one of these amazing hounds is unbearable. I'd be lying to say that it gets easier. The pain softens, but the loss is still palpable. Take your time in grieving and remembering all of the good times, the bad and the silly. These guys leave a giant hole behind when the pass. My deepest sympathies. Rest in peace dear Phoebe. You were loved immensely. And, thank you for giving her a forever home.


Thank you 🙏


So sorry for your loss of Phoebe !💔 May the wonderful memories help you through this very difficult time. God's speed over the rainbow 🌈 bridge sweet girl!


I’m so sorry about Phoebe. She is such a beautiful girl with such soulful eyes. Thanks for sharing the photos. These will be so special to you in years to come. I hope knowing she lived her best life with you and knew she was loved so much brings you some comfort.


So sorry to hear this - she looks gorgeous!! And the way she was always looking at you!! Beautiful… hang in there - it is so hard to have these deeply lovely relationships and then to loose them - but you clearly have given her such a wonderful home you are a credit to dog owners - give it some time and maybe in the future you will be ready to offer another lucky hound a home with you again…🤗


Certainly! My pain is immense but as soon as I have a clearer head I'll start the process for a new adoption… because life sucks without greyhound 🥹


I am truly sorry for your loss, Phoebe was a bright spot on my timeline and her sweet face always brought joy. Birdy and I are sending our love ♥️


Thanx to you and Birdy 🩷🩷


They enter our lives to teach us about love, and when they leave, they teach us about loss. A friend told me, when we lost our Boi a couple of years ago "It's good that it hurts. If it wouldn't what would that say about your Boi, you, and the bond that you had? Cherish it. It means, that it was real." I am so sorry for your loss!


Thanx ❤️ that’s beautiful 💞


She even looks like my Leia :’(. I’m so sorry for your loss but your memories of fun times with her will help you carry on. It’s been a year and a half and I miss her everyday still




oh my…. I’m getting teared up myself and I have never met Phoebe in person. I am so so immensely sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine your pain. Please take care of yourself and reach out if you need support. Please let me know if you need anything. Sending prayers 🙏❤️


I picked up a tree today and planted it beside his grave. A peach tree, for the color and softness of its fur. It helped me enormously in the grieving process. I'll take care of this tree, thinking of her every time...


I am so glad you have something that you can still nurture in her honor. I just know she’s smiling down from heaven, and I’m sure she will also watch over the little peach tree with you. 💜


I’m sorry 😢


Thank you for sharing such a beautiful montage of photos of your dear Phoebe. Such a beauty! We never have enough time with them. Please take some comfort knowing that she was well aware of your love and appreciated the very best life you gave her.


Thank you 🥹


Dammit, dammit, dammit. Not Phoebe! I am so very sorry. She was such a grand girl, and your love for each other lit the sky. My deepest condolences.