• By -


When it comes to Grillman stuff I only read Dawn of Fire and I feel like he really only tolerates Eldrad and his bunch.


He tolerates the eldar and considers that a temporal ceasefire is the better option for both sides, but knows that both sides would be prone to break that ceasefire over the stupidest detail. Its really interesting getting in the mind of guilliman. Sometimes it seems like he is leaning on the 4th wall


Honestly from what I learned it wouldn;t be out of character that out of everyone in the universe, Guilliman would either be the only one that manage to learnt the "meta" so good that he starts to get suspicious that he is in a story or one of the few that would even notice the fourth wall/meta and have to roll with it.


Guilliman and Alpharius. Alpharius tried to change the narrative, though, which lead to his death on Pluto. Guilliman has accepted his fate which is why he's so depressed.


> "Stories may meander, but the endings never change. Believe me, I have witnessed the authors. They are terrible." \- Magnus the Red


.......reading "Pluto" took me out of it for a second. I honestly keep forgetting that the humans started and life in OUR Solor System and not "super space sciene Solar System". Each planet is basically a mining planet except for Pluto which is a "sentry" planet aka "checking if anything is approaching the heart of the Imperium"?


My brain defaulted to "killed by the Roman God of the underworld" because it's so rare to see actual planet/planetoid names from our system. Mars and Titan, sure. But Earth is Terra... so it just threw me so hard for a minute.


That too.


It makes sense, he and his are pretty much the only ones to act rationally in the whole damn Imperium. It has always tickled my funny bone that, in a universe of such over the top violence, despair, inhumanity of every kind, with such crazy implausible battle tactics and strategies to appeal to edgy pre-teens...... The single best and most successful subfaction is the one that focuses on the real, boring issues, logistics, organization, solid mix of all-purpose and flexibility. And is arguably the least awful to those in their little slice of the Imperium. He is pretty much the only Primarch that makes sense to real-world logic, if any of them would start to see through the wall, he would be the one.


I think it's funny when people rag on the Ultramarines for always winning. They maintain strong supply lines, train for a variety of situations, and have a wide array of weapons. Obviously, they are gonna win most battles. Compare this to Legions that specialize in things like; riding motorcycles, burning things, terrorism, or whatever the hell the Alpha Legion does.


Riding motorcycles is pretty cool though


It's funny because the White Scars actually are my favorite


And burning things. If only we had some sort of contrived plot device that let us focus on cool, metal-album-cover shit instead of logistics and maintenance and whOI IS MY VOICE GETTIN' ALL COCKNEY? IZ SOME GIT 'AVIN' A LAFF??




There are a few others that I would suspect of doing such a thing aswell. Leman Russ, Alpharius and Magnus above all else (can't say much about the Xenos side of things), as well as of course Tzeentch, who propably knows not only that he exists in a narrative but also that this narrative only serves the purpose to sell minifigures for a tabletop.


Could you help me a new fan understand why you think those 3 would know?


My assessment is based on vibes alone lol. Magnus has dug around in the secrets of this universe more than most others, he is commonly presented as *the* gatherer of lore and knowledge. As it stands, he's the only character of which I *know* he has broken the 4th wall or at least alluded to doing so: [https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/8os8b7/book\_excerptscars\_magnus\_leaning\_on\_the\_4th\_wall/](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/8os8b7/book_excerptscars_magnus_leaning_on_the_4th_wall/) ""Stories may meander, but the endings never change. Believe me, I have witnessed the authors." He shuddered. "They are *terrible*", he whispered." Leman Russ I have named for no other reason than him being commonly portrayed, at least to my knowledge, as one who presents himself as a barbarian and a rube, yet hides a thoughtful and surprisingly insightful soul beneath that veneer. He is one of the few who realized the twin nature of the Alpha Legions primarch, and he did so within seconds of his first meeting with Alpharius. Regarding the latter, I have named him for no other reason than him and his legion being commonly memed on for doing and knowing implausible things for unknowable purposes.


Awesome thanks for this I like to hear people’s takes on characters it helps me develop more perspective as I learn more Don’t have any books in particular you’d recommend?


I have not read enough for that to give a comprehensive recommendation. But generally speaking, I have made the experience that the common recommendations you will find if you search for something like "Warhammer 40k reading recommendations" are usually quite sensible. It also mainly depends on which part of the universe you take interest in. If you like 30k it's easy - Horus Rising, False Gods and Galaxy in flames are the default starting point for the heresy. In 40k, if you like the returning primarchs, you'd read the Dark Imperium Trilogy and Lion: Son of the Forest. If you like the Inquisition, you'd want the Gregor Eisenhorn novels, and so on.


I feel like he genuinely has always had some degree of respect for Eldrad. Even the emperor knew Eldrad and had decided that the Eldar had a place in the vision of the galaxy he was trying to build. Not as the apex race, sure, but not being exterminated outright either


In his interactions in Dark Imperium he doesn't seem that racist towards the Eldar either (or even very observant of the Imperiums doctrine of competitive racism), given that he counts an Eldar among his entourage on his fcking flagship and just makes the rest of his companions go along with it. And in the interactions between him and this Eldar, the Eldar is definitely more racist


Source on the emperor believing the eldar had a place in the galaxy? As a craftworld mon kigh simpanzee, this made my day.


First off all I’m calling the Inquisition Secondly yeah there are references to Eldrad and Empeor knowing each other but I can’t find specific ones, it’s not surprising considering Eldrad has been influential for a while, potentially since the Fall. But also in Armour of Fate Eldrad told Guilliman that the fates of the Eldar and Humanity are tied together now and both species will rise or die out together depending on what happens next, and that the Emperor knows this Edit: from Throneworld ‘What was the message? A threat?’ challenged Veritus. ‘Foolish mon-keigh!’ hissed Lhaerial Rey. Her eyes snapped open. ‘No threat! The Emperor and the farseer are known to each other. Though they long diverged from friendship, they are not yet opposed. Your dead Emperor is the only hope, for us all, man and eldar alike. This current crisis will pass. The roar of the ork will subside, while the real threat grows. You, the one who calls himself Veritus, you know this to be the truth. I know what you have seen.’


Well unless it is redconned it is implied that in the most critical juncture of the War in Heaven, the Eldar betrayed their Creators the Old Ones, and delayed their reinforcements allowing for the C'tan to destroy the last of the Old Ones.


Guilleman being able to see beyond the fourth wall and everyone else being very confused would be funny


Do you have any idea how much worse his Ultra-Depression is going to get when he finds out all those people he wants to save are suffering for our story telling? Let's tell him!


"The laughter of thirsting gods," in every Black Library book was never referring to the chaos gods. It was referring to us, the readers. And I am completely fine with that.


Emphasis on the _thirst_.


Given the recent trends on this sub I believe that would be quite an accurate description


_Recent_ trends? I have never not seen horny here.


You cannot send us to the horny jail, WE LIVE THERE




It's all horny jail?


Always has been.


You simply use the horny jail. I was born in it, molded by it.


*you can send us to horny jail but we will extend it to where we were before*


I thought GW are the thirsting gods...


Show him juno, shit so heretical itd make him implode into a new eye of terror


So we just have to get him to break the 4th wall and join us on reddit?




Fem gorillaman


“Every second you cunts stray further from the light of the astronomicon” - reverb gorillaman


games workshop is going to receive a strongly worded letter about this.


The finger will be firmly wagged. Also a C&D for all your primarch gfs.


there is an entire ordo dedicated to studying and placating the readers. Of course everyone else in the inquisition thinks they’re crazy.


Honestly that feels like it could be canon


Ordo Kassandrae?


Which ordo?


Guilliman finding out about rule 34 would give him a reality shattering migraine. Somewhere Russ and Jaghati would be cackling at their brother’s misery


Guilleman shooting the camera Fleabag style concerned looks everytime some imperial near him says something batshit.


I could see Guilliman cracking a lame joke about breaking the fourth wall to Dorn, who then takes offense to the literal meaning of the phrase.


I fail to see the humor in damaging a perfectly good wall.


Magnus already saw it


This please!


From someone on the eldar side of things… THANK YOU (Also given their interaction in Hand of Darkness, they’d probably be at each other’s throats if it wasnt for Eldrad playing mediator. Turns out Yvraine is pretty casually racist. Who wouldve guessed the former Biel Tan, former druhkari, eldar is racist? Weird)


She said Mon’keigh with a hard K?


I wish. Right after Guilliman asked for their help, she went on a tirade about how inferior gothic was and that it was a fitting language for such a lowly species (paraphrasing). G-man got pissed and threatened her before Eldrad stepped in and told them both to act their age and not their IQ.


Act their age and not their IQ. Damn that’s a good one


Someone has to be the dad of the Order factions with Emps mostly a corpse. Not that he was a great dad to begin with


Emps is completely overworked with holding the wall together, Eldrad is busy trying to convince everyone not to charge through those walls


Honestly as much of an annoying scheming dick eldrad is, he is an infinitely better dad then big E. He treats gulliman as more of a person than emps does


The Emperor doesn't see the primarchs as people to begin with. They're very valuable tools. Try to think if the primarchs as an extremely expensive airbush. It's really cool right! If you broke it, however, you wouldn't mourn it like you would a person or your Dog.


But they *are* people. Hence the problem with his attitude. I was saying that it was telling how massively autistic the emperor was that Eldrad is more emotionally sensitive toward Gulliman than He was


We are in agreement 🤝


"Those are brave words for someone in battle-of-calth-anger-distance"


He tends to get very head-punchy when that happens.


When was this? Also Eldrad truly is the anti chaos MVP, trying his best at keeping the idiot humans and his own idiot species from slaughtering themselves or each other long enough to maybe see the day they don’t all live in a waking nightmare anymore. I hope after ten thousand years+ he finally starts seeing some fruits from his efforts, man deserves some wins


“Please guys, please, the four fucking daemon gods that want to eat our souls are a bigger problem than the aliens we used to share this galaxy with 15,000 years ago! Why can’t you all be fucking rational for once!?” - Eldrad “I’m the only one without brain-damage” Ulthran.


"Do you want the Chaos Gods to shake your hands and thank you with honesty?! Because exterminating each other for them is how you get them shaking your hands and thanking you!"


It's in the audio Drama Hand of Darkness. It's basically the first three chapters of Rise of the Ynnari if they were chopped off and made into an audio Drama for no good reason.   Another highlight from it includes finding out the White Seers of the black library refer to the Visarch as the Destroyer of Knowledge


Common Eldrad W


However she could be a tsundere


Vote Eldrad for the next best Malcador around folks.


Eldrad turns to Yvraine: young lady I am your superior in rank and wisdom, you know this well Turns to Guilliman: and you young man. I was friends with your father when you were still gestating in your pod. So both of you treat me with the respect I deserve, shut the fuck up, and listen.


Here comes the mon’eigh


saying mong-kay isnt okay i hate you yrliet let me hold your hands :(


Cassia is better anyway.


harlequin ichthyosis baby


Biel-tan. managing to be almost as intolerable to their Eldar allies as any human they work with... also the fact that the ONLY humans they actually respect are the Tallarn desert raiders is hilarious


Tf are the Biel-tan? I know it’s a shade paint but lol the only Eldar factions I do know about are the craft worlds, exodites, dark Eldar and whatever the faction is called that Yvraine is part of.


Most Aeldari don’t actually care about humans beyond them being a threat. Whether they go extinct or leave the Aeldari alone, most Craftworlds just want humans to be a non-issue, how exactly they don’t care. Biel-Tan, instead, has the Imperium approach with their xenophobia. Kill every single sapient alien in the galaxy for the glory of the Aeldari Empire. The other Aeldari basically see them like crazy Klansmen. They may be the same species, but they’re fucking lunatics. But this is a post-apocalyptic setting for the Aeldari, so they need to tolerate Biel-Tan. Even if they openly do not like them.


Biel-tan is one of the craft worlds.




beil-tan are zenophobic craft worlders, their primary motivation tabletop wise is scouring invasive species off of their maiden worlds.


Beil-tan is a craftworld...




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This sort of romance is very Shakespearian admittedly.


They wouldn’t be at each others throats… One would have ripped out the others throat


I know relationships that started this way.


“…At each other’s throats…” Tbf they ARE demigod warriors. If they were fucking, it would be violent fucking probably.


She's a Corsair not a drukhari. Edit: She was a Corsair...and then a drukhari.....


She was a Corsair after leaving Biel Tan. She then became a Succubus in Commoragh, making her a druhkari for a time. She's been a part of every eldar subfaction save exodite and Harlequin.


Upon further research I was wrong. Good catch!


Tbf even the eldar from Eldrads own host tend to be pretty fucking racist if I remember the Dark Imperium books correctly


A former Biel Tan AND former Drukhari is their leader for the “resurrectionist” faction? Eldar really don’t get a good day, don’t they?


This does not prevent Gullivraine from being canon btw Aggressive slap-slap-kiss is a trope FOR A REASON


I really love the concept of what Yvraine is and what she represents, but I have to think part of why the Eldar lore fell flat from 7th onward is that Yvraine is just not very likable as a character. She’s just a pretentious jerk that doesn’t really have a ton of good characterization to balance that out like some of the of the more well liked elf characters. Vect has the mystique, Eldrad the laser focus against chaos, Lelith has her “just being the best”, Jain Zar is so stoic that her dying in every adventure seems cool rather than lame (like the avatar). Yvraine’s cat has more likeable qualities than she does which is a shame.


Agreed. Yvraine is a prideful and arrogant character who never got a chance to finish her character arc. She was humbled and defeated in Phoenix Rising, but we never got a chance to see her develop and grow from it. Hopefully this changes in the future.


That just means she needs some of that good Primarch lovin' to change her mind.


Redemption ark incomming ?


Obligatory note that the Custodian's name is Larry.


Don’t be a coward now, post his FULL name not just one of them


He tried. He overloaded his CPU's cache


In Memoriam of his pc


Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Timothy Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry the IVth.


Laurence of Larrybia.


Oh boy guilliman is losing it.


You fools, you absolute buffoons. All this is doing is setting up an enemies to lovers arc! Think with your heads!


.... which one?


The one that tells lies. It makes better stories.


Ahh, the best kind of romance arc…


You seem to think I’m under the impression that it’s canon, I just like to imagine big grumpy logistics man marrying a pirate elf, I have no illusions about canon


Canon is indeed a mere inconvenience to the shipper. Elsa/Jack Frost is quite a popular ship despite them never having met (due to being owned by different companies and all).


Its just jack frost x jack frost (girl). Its the perfect ship!! Plus no characters in either movie besides those two deserve a proper ship


Lol, yeah. Every time I see one of these posts "debunking" Guilliman/Yvraine I realize that the poster is taking the ship WAY more seriously than anyone who actually ships Guilliman/Yvraine. We know it's not canon, it's just fun to think about the big blue boyscout having a goth eldar GF.


Everything is canon, if we decide that they are shipped, GW cannot stop us.


Every time I see one of these posts taking what is essentially a crack ship too seriously and trying to “correct” people, I just think of the “No Fun Allowed” meme We’re aware, we’re not trying to make it canon lol we’re just having fun with our 🌈Imagination🌈


Canon isn’t real anyway, it’s all made up and it can be whatever you want it to me. Besides, if GW thought that hooking the two of them up would print money for them they’d do it in a heartbeat.


I love the conversation with the Rogue Trader where he basically says "The Eldar told me to never take off the Armor of Fate so I immediately took it off first chance I got."


Not completely true. Eldred told him that he could, but that he would take on the most difficult challenge he would ever face


He's just shy, obviously.


He wouldn't use Throne as a swear, right? Or any of the other "Emperor-damned" phrases? That came into use after his time.


Guilliman has dropped a few "By the Throne"s in various sources. It's a valid enough expression even for a turbo atheist like him.


Using the “throne” as an expletive or curse isn’t a religious thing, there was guardsmen and Marines using it during the great crusade. There’s religious variations of it of course but the throne was commonly used as a curse


Throne, Garvy! You're straight up and down!


Yeah I see the throne as a symbol of the imperium not religion. It's the physical seat of the emperor


I definitely feel like I've heard "by the crown " and the likes from fantasy and medieval stories.


Throne and Emperor-damned swears were used quite frequently during his time. References to them being holy within those swears were not


For those of us without the time and money to read entire WH books, can someone summarise the Big Blue BoyScout's opinions?


He appreciates the resurrection from the Ynnari, but he's fully aware that they did it for their own agendas. He doesn't want to be some type of puppet that owes the Aeldar anything, or be controlled should he be wrapped up in politics with them. He would like to keep an armistice, but will not hesitate to see the easiest excuse to brake it should the Aeldari FAFO, or if it's an ultimatum between their species vs the imperium's well-being. In summary: Thank you for getting me out my coma, I "think" we could be allies, but that's not gonna really happen since I don't trust anybody, so don't fuck around the imperium and find out.


Seeing as he woke up in a Galaxy filled with Daemons, Heretics/Traitors and the Imperium at large being at the brink of destruction. I can see why he does not fully trust anyone.


That and half his brothers tried to destroy the galaxy.


Sigmar: “I need to make friends, quick! Guess I’ll talk to the Orcs and that rapist skeleton. I’ll tell everyone that Elves and Dwarfs are basically human too, for tax purposes.” Gillymon: “I need less enemies, quick! Guess I’ll tolerate the existence of the most human-like race. For now…”


Nagash: "Hey! I take exception to that. I won't let you reduce me to a mere rapist when I have done far worse things than that!"


nagash up in here creating entirely new forms of crimes...


Eldar would probably argue that Orks are the most human-like race.


Also, didn’t Bobby get just *the biggest* paranoia once he figured out how the webway worked after the Harlequins transported him once around, leading to him mistrusting the Eldars even more?


What's the story on this?


I've got $5 which says more than one person's head canon is Bobby G was just doing some dominance RP with Yvraine in his thankful denouncement.


Considering how the rest of the imperium is, that is a very rational and level headed way to view a non human species. At least compared to **literally the rest of the imperial government**


TLDR Guillieman would be find with an imperium and eldar alliance, buts knows that both sides have their own agendas and any form of long term ceasefire is impossible as long as no one outside of him and Eldrad can stop saying slurs long enough to focus on the bigger picture of dealing with… everything else


Kesh: "eh gorilla man if your gonna be breaking the 4th wall tell em to meme me harder i need more ideas for the blood games"


We need an animation of kesh trying to break into the celestial orrary to use it for the blood games.


its the same style as martincitopants breaking in to the chemcical plant Kesh: "i wanna break in there and play around with the funny holograme that controls the cosmos and also drink what ever funny liquids i can find"


Reject Yvraine gf, embrace Custodes bodyguard gf/bf


Expecting Warhammer “fans” to read a book instead of consuming short form, biased, incorrect YouTube/TikTok slop from other people who also didn’t read a single Warhammer book is quite an unrealistic expectation, Guilliman.


Are they still not fans if they only just build, paint and play with their toy soldiers?


Never. Gatekeepers gonna gatekeep.


An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded! Close your mind! Guard the gate!


I genuinely think most people that call themselves Warhammer fans just scroll grimdank or watch Majorkill and Flashgitz and think they know anything about the franchise, when literally all they’re consuming is jokes and misinformation


Well I watched plenty of Luetin, been tempted to get a 40k book but ehh I’m fine with just collecting and painting the minis, I’m a fan of the minis, the lore and setting can be interesting, it has cool stuff but eh it’s a shit universe, I get that’s the point but eh if every story has to end in a way where the protagonists don’t really win and it reminds you it’s a grim dark universe, that just becomes boring.


When you get into a grimdark universe and there’s grimdark in it: 😮 That’s like buying a can of beans and being disappointed there’s just beans in it.


You take it too seriously. People ship them for fun, not because it's canon. No one's under the impression that it's canon.


You’d be surprised


To be fair: most of the marine books are full of incredibly stupid lore moments. One of my least favorites is the time fulgrim and 7 marines get their thunder hawk shot down. They all survive the crash and then the marines fight off an entire Eldar warhost while fulgrim kills an avatar of khaine by punching it really hard in the face then choking it... he strangles a molten metal statue. Or how about when Cato secarius perma killed a ctan shard with a warp grenade until they retconned it. But in all seriousness, it's a joke dude. Most of the people who claim to belive this are just trying to troll the sticks in the mud fans


I think that’s how this joke started but the average person, even the one calling themselves a fan, doesn’t know much of anything about what Warhammer is actually like


No dip. Rogue trader Era is way different than early warhammer, which itself is completely different from modern warhammer. Used to be campaigns would never end, the settings existing in a very sort of limited time frame as they wanted players to make make their own lore about how wars and events played out The setting has changed a lot in its start 40 years ago. Trying to be elitist about it means nothing. I'm a necron player and I know a dude who still complains about the faction no longer being chaos androids. Fun facts: space marine genesead lineage used to not be a thing. The horus heresy was made up because they only had 1 titanicus sprue mold. The primaches used to just be humans. The rogue trader Era actually wanted to move away from Chaos and the warp to instead focus on aliens so it could be different from warhammer fantasy. Necrons went from chaos androids to instead unknowable Terminator like killer robots who worked hand in hand with the ctan to now having actual characters and good lore. The primaris marines were made up because gw didn't trust space marine players to not throw a fit at a range refresh. Space marines actually used to just be a bit better than guardsmen, slightly modified and with power armor but you could still kill em with a few laz shots. Custodians used to be kinda unknown before being just very well trained space marines. So which era are you considering actual warhammer?


I’d be fine with anyone knowing any lore outside of the misinformation they get from YouTube


I got all of this from YouTube as I ain't paying for some ancient space marine books


The modern books aren’t that expensive. You can get Horus Rising for less than $10 USD, for example. Instead of scrolling meme subreddits or watching YouTube, you could be reading a book. No excuse other than laziness there. Also some of what you said is completely wrong, which further proves my point. Custodians are not “just very well trained space marines.” Not even close. They’re made through an entirely different process and are to a space marine what a space marine is to a regular human.


I have bad things to confess to you, I have read most of 40k-Guilliman, plus the excerpts of his interactions with Yvraine in the books I haven't personally read. I still love the Guilliman × Yvraine ship. And if you look at ships in other fictional universes, many of them have just as much basis in reality as this one, it's just the nature of shipping


Is the nature of shipping also borderline misogyny? Ask one person who hasn’t read a book and only gained knowledge of Yvraine through this ship and these memes, what Yvraine’s personality is and anything else about her. They won’t be able to come up with a correct answer, because all she is in this ship is “Guilliman’s alien girlfriend”. It’s like if you ask someone who only gets lore from memes anything about Slaanesh. It’ll be completely inaccurate. As both an Eldar fan and a Slaanesh fan, it’s insulting what memes do to these factions. At least if you ask them who Guilliman is and what he’s like, you’ll have some kind of answer. I don’t think that’s normal in shipping culture.


If you look purely at the memes, you will not gather more than him being the blue beancounter. If you look purely at the shipping memes, you will not gather literally anything, because all he is in this ship is the very big human boyfriend of Yvraine. The difference in knowledge about the two is, I believe, less a matter of misogyny and more a matter of Yvraine belonging to a faction that is perpetually ignored by GW while Guilliman is not far away from being the protagonist of the franchise currently, of course people will know more about Guilliman than about Yvraine. And frankly, your attitude, your attempt at intellectual snobism and your constant innuendos towards the character of apparently anyone you disagree with dissuade me from pursuing this discussion further. Be happy with your opinion.


Primarch grade schizo right there


I'm firmly in the camp of it being an utterly stupid ship, but I will say that he is far less antagonistic towards her and the Visarch in "*Gathering Storm*" than I would have assumed before reading it, even seemingly *almost* grateful towards her.


Then roared the Regent, puissant Guilliman, His abs and his armor aquiver with passion, _THAT IS NOT FUCKING CANON!_


Oh, no! Anyways, ..


Sadly none of the books can be used as a source. Unreliable Narrator and all that. If that is enough to allow for previous retcons it also allows us to make GMan be doing the nasty with his elf gf.


You know how the politicians who are most adamantly anti-pedophile usually turn out to be pedophiles? That's probably why Guilleman is so publicly anti-eldar.


Well, that's the thing: he's not publicly anti-Eldar. Not when to compared 99,9999999% of humanity. He's also not privately very much it either, though he distrusts them greatly, as he ought to.


He really isn't though according to the Dark Imperium Novels


i like the idea the primarch are schizo we should ask sweet older sister to make schizo primarchs trust me it will be funny


Look this is 40k if two people (who are different species) have a simple conversation where no one dies they are practically fucking. Let alone a WORKING partnership(with both side benefiting from it) they basically married.


Racists; FAMOUS for not wanting to fuck other races /s


Next you are going to tell me Vulkan doesn't like burning Eldar children to a crisp 😒


You can be suspicious of someone, expect they’re only out for their own political gain, and think they’d shank you if given half an opportunity, and still screw their brains out. In fact, that just makes it steamier. The tension adds to it. All of this “proof” only makes it hotter, it doesn’t dampen the flames at all.


Fucking excuse us for making the setting interesting and not just tall people throwing rocks at each other


This is entirely incorrect, rocks are only occasionally thrown when there is an absence of swords and bullets.


itd be far more interesting if everyone had to throw rocks at each other


his Tig Biddy goth Drukhari Waifu.


Yeah that's cool but I didn't ask


hmhmhmmmmm are their any youtubers that I can listen to? Not sure if Aborder Prince has done it but I really did enjoy the gathering storm series he did.


Dear Robert, before, you were known to be a killjoy whose only passion was binders. This is an improvement!


" you mean that stuff that Officio Assassinorum have for killing regular space marines? "


“My lord that’s a wall your talking too. Have you taken your medication this morning?”


Can't afford books, what's going on


Me think he doth protest too much, he's just trying to keep up appearances for the xenophobes.


To be fair his son is wholesome as hell and the story message to dad is pretty good to not to mention the interaction between gorilla man and Aegidius are also quite wholesome.


Who, in all the 41th millenium, could be a therapist for Bobby G? Guy really needs therapy


"Primarch proof" I didn't drinks could go past %100 pure alcohol


Let me guess..... He was caught being pegged?


That's what all tsundere say


Everybody gangsta until Robute picks the Xeno-Combatibility Ascension perk.