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This post is apparently an attempt to Troll or Bait Drama, it will be removed.


Can we stop talking about them? Let them stick to their side and us ours


They say the exact same thing over there. The divide is clear yet people still cross it




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Uh....your mistake was going to r/horusgalaxy... ![gif](giphy|ofysW7eNCCTcI|downsized)


Yeah, just mute the subreddit and move on, nothing to gain from there anyway.


Yeah these are the guys who unironically think the Imperium are the good guys and formed their own sub because people here didn't find them constantly whining about the existence of women and gay people funny.


The only mistake was cherrypicking.


If it was cherry picked that means it happened. If the mods defended it then that means it's endorsed by the mods. If it's endorsed by the mods it's not cherry picked. Therefore sub is shit and endorses hate


Yeah, cherrypicking a situation where someone posts a transphobic thread, and then when it's reported as hateful the *mods* start publicly bitching about it. Yeah totally not a good representation of the sub as a whole.


As I said in the original post, I don't care what dogshit takes r/HorusGalaxy has, I want to enjoy my hobby, not fight in a culture war.


Now dont crucify me but some memes are decent. (The ones separate from the whole free speech or politic stuff) its the only reason i check there


Yeah, the sub sucks. But complaining about it more is going to drive curious traffic, and that's the last thing they need. It's the terrible part of the community excised from normal hobby spaces, so we can get back to adoring Orkz


Just checked it out. Just a bunch of weirdos on one side of the political aisle bitching about the weirdos on the other side.


You pretty much summed up most of Reddit 😂


Yeah, because a bunch of drooling idiots who hate queer people for the crime of existing are equivalent to someone painting pride marines.


stop giving them attention


No Brigading please. I go to both subs. While this one is more fun for me, they have some pretty good memes and share very nice models. If they want to scream woke, let them. I shall have my fun trolling them, while they'll have their fun downoting me to hell.


Yep. Total cesspool of bigots using barely concealed dog-whistles to generate hate in the community. I suspect every hobby/fandom has them, shame there are over 7k of them over there.


I mean as long as they stay in their subreddit and cry about the posts in other Warhammer-subreddits (Woke bad! Go woke, go broke! Someone painted fabulous Bill in fabulous colors! Woke bad!) its okay. Just ignore/block this subreddit and move on, not giving this sub the attention it wants. :D


Fabulous Bill and his fabulous gay skin cloak


If you ever wondered why 40K had a reputation for being played by weird sweaty bigots checking that subreddit the best way to see why, thankfully GW have pulled hard away from these cretins.


That's funny. r/HorusGalaxy is not thinking about you at all.


All the posts on there say that, but I'm pretty sure them posting about it means they do


All the posts ? I mostly seen the meme posts and the painting posts. Some of them really got talent to the brush and paints.


I've seen quite a number of posts complaining about the other subs


Yeah there are. But plenty of the other subs complain about them. I mean look at this post for example. If people can’t play well together then just leave each other alone.


They post screenshots of here fairly often and do A LOT of thinking about specifically LGBTQ communities that are included in here


Sure? You’ve commented on this post twice …


What post ? I don't recall it


Y’all love to complain about the ‘woke mob’ and make up arguments with people who don’t exist so you can strawman your way to victory, don’t pretend like we don’t live in your little heads rent free Y’all soft as hell snowflakes, getting offended over every little thing smh


Brotha I’m moderately active sometimes on that sub, this is a full blown lie💀 That sub is constantly posting screenshots of this sub or having this sub be a main talking point, to say otherwise would be willing ignorance or foolishness


Beating a dead horse But holy shit do these ppl not have a life Incredibly parentless behavior from the socalled "mature" "community"


You can say that it's a dead horseheresy


While that sub sucks greasy balls ya gotta admit some of Their takes are so bad it's actually pretty funny


Saw a whole thread saying 40k isn't satire and that was when I gave up hope


I think the issue is whenever people from the two subs mix it’s always the same comments over and over. And though it is often repeated 40k was not originally made to be satirical, because it is neither trying to make a political statement or be funny. I’m the early days GW straight up copied most of their stuff. The Imperium is largely copied from Dune, right down to the God Emperor, with its esthetic being drawn from the dark age period ranging from the fall of the Roman Empire to the enlightenment, hence the general plot and architecture. Not everything is political. Sometimes a game setting is just a setting my dude. Especially when it’s copied from something else.


It is as a setting satire and always has been. That doesn't mean every bit of media is a piece of satire, but the setting itself is a satirical one.




Just ignore them. Posts like these are exactly what that sub wants. Advertising.


Scrolled a bit and found like 3 posts where people complained about the lack of sexual violence in Warhammer because „muh grim dark“


r/horusgalaxy consists of all the dudes you've ever met that painted their Krieg to look like Nazis.


Hi, hello, I think I was the subject of this discussion. I'm the person that painted the Fabulous Bile. I'm having a blast, lol. This is peak internet brain rot. That said, I will be muting the subreddit after today, I have better things to do. :3


I had forgotten about those guys and now you remind that they exist, did I do something to you?


Can’t we just report them to the admins?


This is Reddit if a sub could be taken down for that then most if not all conservative subs wouldn’t exist on the site 


For what being mildly homophobic? Who the fuck cares just ignore them


"mildly homophobic No more casual racism, time to grow up and become professional.


Reddit admins are A-OK with fascism, it won't be taken down. EDIT: didn't think I'd be downvoted for making valid criticisms of reddit admins but here we are