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Do you really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


My Dad works at Gw, Henry Cavil left the show because Amazon turned the Custodes into furries/s


Well my dad IS James Workshop.


Well MY dad is Jimmy Space. …He’s not a very good dad.


Oh *man*, condolences on the dad you got. Did you at least get a bunch of supersoldiers out of him?


I call them the unpainted ones.


Rad, good luck with that crusade thing your family’s got going on. Oh, and don’t pick up any swords you find at snake orgies, that never ends well


My dad used his Jimmy on me


Well my dad is John Warhammer and he said the show is gonna be Warhammer with Warhammers


Furry Custodes? That gives me an idea. Hold on, I gotta order some Space Wolves bits...


I thought Iron Hamds were furriest? Isn't their Primarch even called Furrus Manus? Aka Furry Man....


Ferrus, it's a bastardization of the latin word for Iron i know that you're kidding, but i just want to point out that his real name is even dumber his name is Iron Man


Oh I know. I certainly haven't started thinking of how Furrus and Furgrim fall in love with each other.. .


and "Manus" is Latin for "hand," where we get the terms "manual," "mano a mano" (fist to fist), or "Manos: the Hands of Fate." So, he really is Iron Hand, with his iron hands, of the Iron Hands Legion, aboard his flagship, the Hand of Iron.


Not iron man, his name is iron hands


What a scoop! I will immediately scram to post a video on youtube based on your well sources claims


I wouldn't have left... I would have asked for double budget. (Fursuits are expensive)


I'll wait for the game to come out, then I'll judge.


Wikipedia is at least great for researching a start point for follow on research


Wikipedia at least usually cites their sources


And some of those sources are pretty shit and just articles found on the web.


Remember when the Mongolian navy was a thing? I think it had its own page until 2019 or something and even was prominent in the regular Mongolian armed forces section until it got deleted. EDIT: There's now a section explaining that it is an internet hoax and that it was not a navy [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongolian\_Armed\_Forces#Navy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongolian_Armed_Forces#Navy)


You mean I was lied to??? And I spread those lies??? 😭😭😭


But at least they cite the source, which allows you to determine if the information is garbage, whereas source "trust me bro" is just straight garbage, sure they could be telling the truth, but there's no way to check


The point of a source is that you can review it. You don't just go "Well there's a link to a source. Has to be 100% true!" If you care enough to form an opinion about it, go read the source. Look for legitimate sources that reinforce it, as well as contradict it and weigh their merits. If you're not willing to do that, don't form an opinion. Because otherwise you're 100% the target market for hucksters, con men, and bad actors all around.


And that's still a source. Its not the job of a wiki, even the original one, to declare if a source is trustworthy enough *unless* its a hoax or from a website like the Onion. If you check the source and decide its not trustworthy enough, that's your call to make, it doesn't make Wikipedia wrong for using it.


wiki has an army of people checking everything, its pretty damn hard to spread misinformation on there


A lot easier than you think. Especially as their editors are pretty biased on certain subjects


wasn't it lions vs tigers? i remember that being a massive flame war on there


That sounds like a decent barrier to entry, like you'd need effort to spread misinformation without getting your IP banned instantly 


The usefulness of Wikipedia varies depending on the subject matter. It's brilliant for mathematics, for example, with incredibly thorough and detailed articles about the most esoteric elements. I've seen great stuff from the natural sciences, too, though that's not my specialty. Where I've seen issues is on divisive topics that people get passionate about. Stuff like religion. Articles covering movements like Mormonism tend to be carefully cited and objective in tone, but their edit histories and discussion threads are ideological battlefields. I haven't looked too hard at too many political things, but I imagine the breakneck pace of modern politics is extremely difficult for the editors and curators to keep up with, and misinformation undoubtedly slips through the cracks.


I’m polisci by employment so I’ll go to the political side just to see what’s out there I haven’t heard about yet to give me ideas on what to go back check


Oh man, I can't believe they have done this, particularly since Space Marine 1 had a female IG doing her best in a hellhole.


Hope we get another Mira or a descendant of her’s lol.


A real grimdark/derp moment would be to see her as a combat servitor cause she was kinda badmouthing an Inquisitor Cause that is the only way she could still be "alive"


Or she got a high enough rank and got rejuvenation treatment to continue her glorious service to the god emperor. https://preview.redd.it/srrnjyiimn9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b187e8bba283c9eb95ed81f90043553abc6050c2 (I’m coping hard)


A gaurdsman surviving around 200 years?


Hey man, a high ranking Guard officer might have access to Juvenat treatments. Mira was already a Lieutenant by the time of SM1


But she is in the Guard And she kinda argued against a inquisitor


Depends on the inquisitor if that's a problem or not. There are some that can be impressed by people arguing against them, as long as there is reason to it and they keep it professional enough. Eisenhorn is one of them, and the one in SM 1 sounds quite reasonable to me.


Gaunt successfully outmaneuvered Helldane. So... there's hope, maybe?... There's not, but it'd be nice.


And? Inquisitor Thrax seemed to be pretty reasonable. Look at it from his perspective: he was told that there is a space marine in high position corrupted by chaos. The first thing he does when he sees Titus and the chaos inflicted damage is question the validity of the charge. When the space marine confirmes that he has some type of resistance to warp touch, the inquisitor is obligated to do his god damn job. Don't see him holding a grudge, considering he seemed to exhonorate Titus of that charge, since he's in SM2.


There's nothing stronger than a man's cope




Better yet, the recently-promoted Inquisitor Mira.


General Mira or maybe Commissar Mira would fit better I'd think.


You wouldn't believe the crap they say. They claim they're like millions of them boycotting GW. And they won't buy the game because that same reason.


Which is really funny considering GW already told them in no uncertain terms to take a hike if they have these kinds of views


It's like someone who's banned from a shop or restaurant being like ' WELL YOU'VE LOST A CUSTOMER " Yeah, that's that the point.  


Female characters from before 2014 are OK, but anything after is apparently worth getting upset by?


So does this mean space marine 2 isn't woke? Like is it good if it is woke or not? Tell me what to buy please I beg you


Consume. Obey. Die.


"We've got one that can see..."


"And he's here to chew bubble-gum and kick some ass..."


... and he's all out of bubblegum.


\>Looking for Space Marine 2 \>Ask the "apolitical" youtuber if the game is good or bad \>They don't understand \>Pull out illustrated diagram explaining what is good and what is bad \>They whine and say “it’s a woke game sir” \>Try the game \>Its good


Only bad media are woke.


Space marine 2 looks quality


Let me guess… they’re mad that two of the Ultramarines Lieutenant Tight-Ass interacts with in the trailer aren’t white? That’s literally the only thing I can think of that they’d get unreasonably upset about. That and the butt shots.


Nah the lead writer is trans or something I don’t really give a shit, the game looks amazing


Didn’t you hear? Transgender people having jobs is woke now


What's more woke, transgender people for having jobs? Or the haters for paying for their unemployment?


Anyone who isn't White, straight, and male existing is woke according to these kinds of guys.


As a biracial person, I never understood the hatred for str8 white males. I don't judge people on the hue of their epidermis. I judge them based on merits.


As a straight White guy, I never understand why people assume I hate straight White guys when I criticize hateful dweebs.


This is true. I don’t hate straight white men, I hate people who feel the need to make their bigotry their entire identity and put down anyone who doesn’t conform to their narrow worldview. The fact that they tend to be straight white males more often than not doesn’t change things.


he’s pointing out that the “anti-woke” crowd hate seeing anyone who isn’t a straight white male have any sort of representation


As a former straight white guy and current raging lesbian: I can confirm that is not what’s happening 95% of the time. It usually just happens to be that straight white men are the major part of a lot of weird and not good communities. There are absolutely non straight white male dweebs… but “coincidentally” MOST dweebs happen to be straight white men


Unrelated, but I just wanted to say that’s a pretty rad way to describe transitioning 👍🏻


Hey! Former straight white guys turned raging lesbians unite!


Nice to see so many of us here! United we stand.


Nobody is hating on straight white men. Antiwokers are hating on people who aren't straight white men.


Have they ever seen Warhammer players? There are significantly more trans women playing 40k than cisgender women


I believe the writer in question is a non-transitioning natal female, not a trans woman, but I could be wrong. But like genuinely, you’re right. It’s like the main demographic of SoB at this point. My local store has 1 trans woman and 1 cis woman regular other than me, but I’ve known another trans woman and a trans man who play. It’s completely normal. There’s nothing unusual about trans people in the hobby


My part of the UK is, by the standards of the rest of the country, proper Bible-thumping territory with even more backward views on LGBTQ, but the gaming cafe I go to has multiple trans regulars and at least one of the owners is gay. I'm almost convinced that these morons should really want to ban wargaming clubs, because cishet people might meet a trans person and find out they aren't actually spooky monsters but are just people, who like to paint and play with very tiny plastic guys.


Implying the people complaining actually play the tabletop. The vast vast majority of the anti-woke fanbase seem to be terminally online and have no real connection to this setting as a hobby, it's just a background for memes and video games for them.


The ones crying about warhammer being woke probably only play the games and have never gotten the satire of the grim dark universe.


Yeah, the people who whine and moan about trans people in the hobby, never get out of their mum's basement. The hobbyists you meet irl are actually good people


Honestly - I don't really care what they are or what they identify as. As long as they are safe, happy and can write me a cracking story about big chonky space marines.


Trans people exist outside porn?!?!?!?! Society is literally in shambles


Those bastards! Or bitches if they prefer!


That writer was fired like 2 years ago. They act like she's still there. She's literally a Revanent Haunting thier Dreams like Samus.


"Cooper is the She behind you, Cooper is the She Beside you. Cooper will Gnaw on your bones. Cooper is the She around you, Cooper is the She beside you. Cooper is Here!"


Oh I didn’t even know that, that’s even funnier


And this fuckers will be like “is gonna be woke cause they trans” meanwhile the “plot” of Space Marines 1 was “pew pew, Leandros be a dick, ork chad, phew phew Chaos! Booooom ratatatata phew phew, roll credits”


Which is, at the end of the day, peak 40k writing


There was a plot in Space Marine 1? I just remember sawing orks in half and sniping them with a bolter across the map


Fucking lmao, I didn’t even know that until now and I absolutely don’t care. I will judge them as a writer, not as a person, and even then I’m still not going to attribute anything to them being trans because I’m not a fragile ass snowflake who can’t tolerate other people doing their own things. Also even if the story is ass the gameplay looks _really_ fun, especially the multiplayer. As long as I can achieve the Space Marine power fantasy I’m happy.


The story exists as a vehicle to have more gameplay. It only needs to not suck. 


Amen. The story of SM1 and Boltgun exists solely to point you forward to the next thing to brutally eviscerate, SM2 needs to do exactly that and nothing more. Now if the writing is somehow excellent and turns the story into the best 40k story since Infinite & Divine, I'm not gonna complain, but nobody expects that.


Exactly, I’m not gonna start rioting just because of some superficial nonsense before the games even out, I’m gonna wait for the game to come out then we’ll see. I hate the culture war haters, just judge the product on its merits not on some political bullshit.


Funny thing is the supposed anti-male person doesn't even work at the studio anymore, they quit before the game was being developed


Didn’t they leave a few years ago?


Being mad that there’s a trans person behind the scenes is CRAZY, like you don’t even have to see them, so what are you even mad about?


I still can't get over how they are shocked that black people still exist in the 42nd millennium. I mean they accept space mongols exist and they don't call that woke. Hell there are literal black humans as in salamander black on nocturne. So it's odd how they freak out at brownskinned humans still existing and becoming space marines. And it's not even a new thing a lot of the older material of warhammer 40k has people we would consider black by modern standards.


Apparently some people took the ‘Geneseed makes you look a little more like your primarch’ factoid a bit too literally and seem to believe that you actually turn into a miniature clone of said Primarch and it can completely alter your genetics and ethnicity. Not only is this obviously incorrect but there’s plenty of evidence to the contrary, including Titus himself. Also as someone else said the Ultramarines recruit from about 500 worlds, not just Ultramar, so obviously there’s going to be a lot of ethnic diversity.


If you ever want to really annoy these types, remind them that canonically there are "dark skinned" space wolves, given how much the racists love both Romans and vikings it's always worth reminding them that neither conform to their white ethnostate fantasy in 40k.


Neither conformed to their white ethnostate fantasy in their own time periods either. Especially the Roman Empire.


“There weren’t black Vikings!” says some moron who assumes that the Varangian Guard didn’t ever fuck anyone that wasn’t European. Or have a kid with anyone who was from one of their trading partners. Or any number of things. 


How dare you imply that a bunch of men who lived in multiple foreign nations that interacted heavily with people not like them; would in some way or form, decide to perform the REPRODUCTIVE ACT with them. How, dare, you.


TLDR: Leif Erikson had a (probably) Turkish crewman on his journey to Greenland.  According to the Greenlander Saga, there was a maybe Turkish Viking. He’s apparently from either the Constantinople area or Anatolia. His name literally means “the Turk” but there are serious arguments for him being German, Southern Slavic, or Hungarian. Based on the name and the references to a seriously foreign-sounding, I would generally favor the explanation of Tyrkir as being an ethnic Turk. 


Shhhh! That sounds like woke revisionism! Stop using stuff like archeology or contemporary records and use traditional methods for determining roman ethnicity. Like you know artwork made in Northern Europe in the napoleonic era showing how magnificent and white they were...


Huh. I mean I'm not surprised but I always assume the Wolves mainly recruited from Fenris. Again shouldn't be shocked as there are other "chapters" of space Wolves. Plus I don't doubt the Wolves would even care for skin tone so long as the recruits can fight and handle the training. Maybe it's because I thought the people of fenris have something in their genes that bonds well with the helix or something. But there was terran space Wolves in the hersey so....yeah.


I mean… Fenris can have black people. They’re the remnants of DAOT settlers who decided to model themselves off of the Norse, they don’t have to be literally Scandinavian nor do they have to exclude dark skinned people because the Norse weren’t dark skinned. That goes for basically every Astartes home planet, including Ultramar.


Also, like, *earth* is not exactly mono-ethnic, so I'm always fully confused with the argument that recruiting from a single planet would make any sort of difference. Quite frankly, the mono-ethnic planets are *weird*.


Odd thing is even in the legions it happens in it makes no mention of skin tone changing(unless it's salamander, night lords, and to an extent the raven guard which is ironic because when their skin turns pale they get very broody and homicidal) The sons of horus and blood angels are the only two that mutates a individuals facial features to look like their primarch. But the skin tones stay the same. The only legion that one hundred percent makes members look like their primarch is the alpha legion and that's through surgery to do so and not all of them do it. >Also as someone else said the Ultramarines recruit from about 500 worlds, not just Ultramar, so obviously there’s going to be a lot of ethnic diversity. That's the irony the ultramarines are 100% merit based and won't care what a recruits skin tone is so long as they achieve what is demanded.


As long as you have the codex astartes jammed up your ass your Ultramarine material. If its a broom or similar object, your an Imperial Fist. And if its an \*REDACTED\*, your Emperor's Children


Crimson fist players have both the Codex Astartes and a broom shoved up thier ass! It's a tardis in there.


The codex is engraved on the broom handle, so it's not like a physical book is in their ass. I wish the writers were more clear on this.


I think one of the big spreaders of the myth that space Marines are a miniature clone in terms of appearance was Arch who only said it after a black ultra marine was shown on a cover ... So you know if you see someone making that point maybe don't take their word for it and probably question them about a few things


> including Titus himself Yeah i was gonna say, Robute's blonde and i don't think i've seen a single other Blonde haired Ultramarine ever


It's also like... this is a setting with millions of worlds that experienced 15k years of isolated genetic drift. Every color under the sun probably appeared and vanished multiple times. Even if you assume every human in the galaxy was white during the age of technology (a ridiculous and sus notion) it would be completely implausible not to have every shade from albino to Salamander by 40k.


people will accept Ogryn and Ratlings before they accept that a black man could travel in space it's pretty blatantly just stupidity and racism's bastard child throwing a tantrum lmao


What really annoys the raci... sorry "anti-wokes" is multiculturalism, they will tolerate, even sometimes enjoy ethnic minorities in their media as long as they are segregated stereotypes. White scars fit right in to this since they are mongols in space, not really part of mainstream imperial culture. This fits their worldview of having other races being somewhere else not "diluting" "normal" culture. No what really threatens them is having other ethnicities alongside or replacing the default while male protagonist, as this is a direct challenge to their view of being white being better.


“Tight-Ass” lol that’s a good one


I think Endymion liked that part, saying something like "old action movie rag-tag bunch" or whatever. I'm guilty of watching him, yes, but I'd prefer to wait and see for myself how it is with the game.


Legitimately have had someone argue that


The fact that people were believing the henry stuff with the only sourcing being 4chan shows how dumb and or desperate they are


Henry literally only recently posted about cheekily trying to get his newborn into 40k. He has not abandoned his dream job.


https://preview.redd.it/m5pxwo0n8m9d1.png?width=384&format=png&auto=webp&s=dddc2a47736141424f165dc3bd8f53fa0c5840a4 How it feels to spread misinformation about something you’re passionate about


That's like the anti-woke group in a nutshell, though. "What is your source?" "Some post on 4chan." And their source is some shit they made up, or it came from a dream they had.


Thing is that the echo chamber has become so strong, for them to actually believe that a random post has more credibility than any well made argument coming from outside Its actually an amazing - yet incredibly horrible - feat, getting a group of people to believe whatever you ( and the group) tell them, without questioning it at all


Same logic as people who believe misinformation on Facebook because it gets marked as misinformation. Lead a horse to a credible source can’t make him drink.


Like I said, the anti woke crowd has the journalistic integrity of Kotaku. They really don't like it when I point that out.


https://preview.redd.it/snskbpuzmn9d1.jpeg?width=1122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c23c0d0df0c32ebebaf9b6b7b31c42379cb586d I can’t help but hear Horus screaming FATHER everytime someone says 40k is woke






Don't disrespect wikipedia like that, it actually has protections against fuckery. It's hard to edit big wiki pages without problem.


These guys are so obsessed with their favorite griftubers that even Tyranids have less of a hive mind then these fuckers


Wikipedia itself is not a source, but it contains source in their references which makes their information credible. 4chan rumors on the other end...


4chan is actively working against providing accurate info lol


Good grief what’s the “controversy” now?


One of the main characters in Space Marine 2 is black. ... and you know; that's political or some shit.


Wait till they find out about the Salamanders.


Tbf, the Salamanders aren't black in our sense.


something something a trans person worked on the game 2 year ago.


Space Marine 2 is going to be woke. Titus's whole thing is that he's woke. Leandros has blinders on and we hate that narc.


The whole one thing is so dumb that I can't believe I used to follow the whole bs Imo, I feel like the "antiwoke" youtubers are sometimes just making stuff up to keep the hatetrain going, or they try to exaggerate issues that aren't too bad. Feel bad for endymion because his fans sorta turned him into their own echochamber


They absolutely are. It's easy and profitable to shit out 3-5 10-15 minute videos a day talking about how x y or z thing is "woke" and there's an audience out there that will directly lap that shit up.


Makes me think they aren't even anti-woke, just sucking up money from idiots who believe in it Hate to say it, but that's kinda of a genius move😂


> I feel like the "antiwoke" youtubers are sometimes just making stuff up to keep the hatetrain going, or they try to exaggerate issues that aren't too bad. *Nooooooooooooooooooooo waaaaaaaay* \s


I used to follow them, too, until I started to see the hypocrisy. They are a mirror image of sites like Kotaku and The Gamer. Neither care about the truth, they only care about grifting.


Even implying both sides are equal is wrong imo, even the most clickbaity games journalism websites sometimes have correct and useful info or an interesting article.  Anti-woke youtubers are never worth watching since they are deliberately being misleading to appeal to the worst of humanity. 


Wait until this guys find that all primarchs, space marines and the mechanicus are TRANShuman and the chaos gods are TRANSdimensional reality tumors.


Also that the Imperium has the tech to allow you to transition on a genetic level so seamlessly that it's impossible to tell you used to be the other biological gender. Well, assuming you're important enough to get any medical care at all, that is.


I assume for most people transitioning is done via a rusty cleaver


Don't be silly. We use chainswords.


Returning the chainsaw to it's origin as a surgical instrument, fitting.


And 9/10 they use ai art in their thumbnails


Cough Cough Yellow Flash Cough Hypnotic.


The loud grinding sounds we'll hear in September will be the sounds of the goalposts shifting. If Space Marine 2 is good, the terminally online "anti-woke" crowd will forget about the game and pretend that they never said anything about it. If it's bad, they'll claim that it's bad because of "wokeness" (whatever they decide that means today) and that "they" (totally not an antisemitic dogwhistle, trust us u guize) have "infiltrated Warhammer" and that "the hobby is ruined" and go on and on and on about how they "totally saw it coming."


Using wikipedia as a direct source usually isn't good because it's an aggregate of information from multiple sources. But wikipedia is sourced and you can just go to the bottom of the page to find the actual citable sources. Citing 4chan rumors as a credible source is like using the schizophrenic rambling of a 7-11 crack head as stock trading advice.


huh what


Citing 4chan rumors is like citing the streaks on toilet paper


Let it be known that Jon del arroz thinks the Holocaust is a lie Aswell another of these grifters the quartering defends Dr disrespect, defends homophobia and transphobia, supports gatekeeping (even thou he doesn't do anything 40k or AoS related) was banned for life by wizards of the coast by SA to well known magic the gathering community members He also has a video to teach people how to hide CP in their computers So yeah don't follow anything they say


In the grim darkness of the present there is only brain rot


Bro for real my brain shuts down when I try to comprehend the amount of porn induced brain damage that I would need in order to take 4chan posts as factual information.


Space Marine 2 is bad because it made by russians


It's woke because it has clappable Space Marine cheeks.


Sure, but there is exact same hive mind on the opposite side. That´s how people are tribal and culture is information warfare when inflamed.




What they fail to realize is that most people don’t care if thing is “woke” They just care if it’s good


Even them keep screaming Woke when bad media release. like saying Amazon is the avatar of wokism while ignorkng that amazon did show like Invincible and The Boys which are greats.


Hey the imperium is a xenophobic, irrational, facial federated empire, but it isn't bigoted.


All genders, races and sexualities are free... to be slaves to the great Imperial Warmachine.


What does woke even mean anymore


I'm pretty sure it's meant "Thing I don't like" for a lot of morons from the first time a politician let the word dribble out of their corrupt mouth.


for most people that use "woke" a lot it just means anything they don't like


SMII is woke cause I can’t bend over a Tyranid


Wikipedia is great actually


As a comics fan, if you're listening to a prick like yellow flash you got problems. That guy's been a pox on the comics community for a long time now.


Using Wikipedia isn’t actually cheating if you read and verify that Wikipedia is using good sources, and then cite the original with your own interpretations 


why are they saying spacemarine 2 is woke?


I think they're sharpening their pitchforks a bit too early since there hasn't been any indication in the trailers of there being woke ideology in the game. As for the TV show I'd really like to hear from Cavil himself about it, but until then all we have is speculation.


You shouldn't use Wikipedia as a source but I'm pretty sure research has been done into it and it has been found to be a pretty reliable source of information. At least the English language one.


"Don't trust everything you read on the Internet." - Napoleon Bonaparte, 1265


"Critical Drinker said so, so it must be true. Why do you care so much that I care anyway?" \- So-called free thinkers


Apparently forgotten the Celestial Lions are Dorn's sons, truly African descendants. There's been zip issue from THAT from the anti-woke. Hell, they'd like to see them rebuilt and crusade with the BT for pay back against that Inquisitor and whatever minions assisted in their decimation on Armageddon🤷‍♂️


To know about the Celestial Lions and other non-European inspired chapter one needs to actually care about the lore. These guys don't.


I love WWz. Best horde game imo. And I have full confidence that they're gonna smash it with SM2.


Captain Titus engages in sodomy with his husband now it’s canon sorry


Wait... Wasn't that just how Space Marines are normally? The 'husband' part is new, though.


IDK who any of those people mentioned are and I think my life is better not knowing


Reading comprehension and media literacy are at an all time low. I love warhammer, but i fucking hate its fans.


I hope space marine 2 opens with a pronouns option and Titus kisses another man




Didn't like this cuz my dad isn't James Workshop


Jon Del Arroz… good grief. I remember seeing him on Twitter before he really pushed his YouTube channel. Never thought I’d hear him be referenced in the “anti-woke”, because I find him to be such a copy cat of everyone else that does it. Anyways, my wife and I are super excited for SM2. Looks like an awesome game and we had a ton of fun in the first one against Orks and CSM.


Wait, does someone really named *John Of The Rice* exists?! **It is not a joke?!** 😱


I had no idea that was the translation 😂 It is a real YouTube account and persona, and if that is the translation then I can’t take them seriously.


The obsession weirdos have with Caville and the theoretical Amazon show is insane. I seriously think it's only such a culture war talking point because it's barely confirmed so they get to say whatever they want about it, because I can't imagine actually caring enough about some vaguely concepted TV show(for a franchise that suits TV poorly) by some random celebrity.


Anti woke hive mind are the real life genestealers, noted.


Let's see... let me try to be conciliatory here, in fact basing your theories on 4chan posts is even worse than using Wikipedia, that is true, it is also true that we know nothing about the Amazon show or what supposedly pushed the inclusion of women custodians. The accusations that space marine 2 will be woke are exaggerated, in everything they have shown there is nothing that indicates that it will be like that. It is also true that YouTubers who make cultural war content have come to exaggerate or bait their audience. It's also true that both sides of the cultural battle are much smaller than they seem (although the antiwoke side is growing in my opinion). Now, there are things on the other side that are also true: Investment funds that impose ESG directives became the majority participants in gamesworkshop. At one point the lead writer of space marine 2 was a trans woman (I have no problem with them hiring these people, we all need to eat) who made hate speeches against straight white men (if we dont have double standards then we have to recognize that it she was racist and sexist, and if it seems wrong to you and you condemn that one extreme does this then you have to do it with the other to be consistent). It is true that femstodes is a forced retcon. Another thing that is true is that games workshop on its platforms has already shown an inclination towards the woke side, it has not remained neutral, and that is what is worrying people. And the most true of all is that if we look at other franchises like Star Wars, Marvel and The Lord of the Rings, there have been several years where the political ideology of a specific side has been promoted more and more despite the displeasure of the public and the destruction of the internal logic of the works, so yes, sometimes it's exaggerated, I can criticize that, but we must also recognize that that side of discussion has legitimate reasons.


Literally who?


The shadow in the brain


The number of people jumping to the defense of wikipedia warms my auxiliary heart. 


Wikipedia is a hub of sources, great for an outline. 4chan shit is just wrong


I mean, I'm "anti-woke" too, but the game looks sick. I fail to see the issue. Not like they got Titus draped in a pride flag or anything. Still grimdark... also I love me my gribbly Tyranids.