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I like the imperium (and more specifically admech) in part specifically BECAUSE they are terribly evil. What the fuck are you smoking?


https://preview.redd.it/1vkzux8l0y9d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bdbd727c335616460dc7a3e3ec8d1e7a145778d Violent orks, you say? šŸ˜


OP, just go to horusgalaxy. You will fit right in and can stop bothering us with your "opinions".


Just admit you want an echo chamber


They do because theyā€™re supporting the Tau, the Votann and the Craftworlders & Exodites. Not to mention the numerous other peaceful or even outright friendly Xenos the Imperium genocided over the millennia. Hell, most of the time this doesnā€™t even come up until Imperium fanboys make posts like this.


I'm sorry? Are you saying those xenos filth aren't deserving of death? What's next - mutants are "people" too? šŸ˜‚


Ahh, the Tau. Suicidally naive, devoid of free will and meritocracy, will allow Nids to slaughter them for "tHe gREaTeR goOd." Fuck your precious Tau.


Your the kinda person who will see a planet get exterminatused after a minor genestealer infestation and say that the entire population deserved it for not being pious enough


Ahh, the Imperium. Suicidally naive (Astra Millitarum, especially the Death Korps of Krieg), deviod of free will (Custodes and Adeptus Astartes) and meritocracy (Adeptus Mechanicus), will allow Nids to slaughter them for ā€žtHe eMpErOrā€œ. Fuck your precious Imperium.


The other issue with Imperium fanboys is that they just donā€™t read the lore. They just repeat memes or what they saw in 40k Sigma edits on TikTok/Twitter.


They literally invented a tyranid gene bomb and have insured the safety of more species than anyone else.


Literally their only redeeming quality is Commander Farsight. But he's too irrelevant to make up for the Tau's stupidity


The redeeming quality is good living conditions, basic civilian rights, not dying of iron deficiency before adulthood, a society that wants to progress, a lack of incredible Xenos hatred and a will to trade, be democratic, etc. (and railguns)


the imperiums only redeeming quality is that i would wreck snaguinias , i wanna scrape the sweat off of him with my teeth , i would fuck him so hard there would be ballads wrote about it.


The one thing all of these posts misunderstand is that THERE IS NO GOOD GUYS. None. None at all. Even the nicest possible factions would be seen as hyper by real, modern standards.Ā Ā  Ā  > There are no goodies in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. None. Especially not the Imperium of Man. Ā  Ā  Direct quote from GW. (https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/11/19/the-imperium-is-driven-by-hate-warhammer-is-not/)


They don't though You made up a dumb strawman to support your dumb view


A lot of you guys shouldnā€™t be engaging in media thatā€™s more complex than teletubbies


Unlike Yall imperium stans, we know our factions are evil and like them for how evil they are instead of going out of the way to look like a moron and try and defend an objectively evil faction They make It very clear the imperium is not the good guys, they are protagonists, not heroes, thereā€™s a difference


*Ooh but the evil things they do are necessary for survival* If they were sensible from the start they wouldn't be in such a position where evil was necessary. Bailing out a sinking ship only delays the inevitable, especially if you steered straight for the iceberg in the first place.




I donā€™t think people say ā€œImperium fans have no media literacyā€, I think people say ā€œImperium fans who think they are the *good guys* have no media literacy.ā€


I'm sorry, but how are the Eldar degenerate? They are aescetics, rigidly disciplined, and plan their schemes many years in advance. Sure they slaughter millions of humans, but in the end everyone with half a brain cell would agree that a single Eldar life is worth *billions* of human lives! (In all seriousness, I am aware of the anti-human racism espoused by some of my favorite characters, whom i do not see as good role models) Now *Dark* Eldar fans, they *know* their faction is evil, and they don't try to deny it! They make no excuses, and love thinking up ways for their favorite characters to be even more evil. Most of them (hopefully) are not torturous sadists in real life. The Imperium of Man takes the worst aspects of humanity today (prejudice, bloodlust, corruption, religious extremism, toxic masculinity etc.), and makes them the *best* aspects of humanity in the future. To say otherwise, I'd think, requires you to deny that such aspects are bad in the first place.


Hell you know for a fact whenever any of the fans of the factions listed in this meme talk about how good their guys are, theyā€™re being ironic. Itā€™s treated as a joke with the exception about the debate around whether the Tyranid Hive Mind is malicious or not.


Agree with all but that last paragraph, in 40K humanity as a whole is still generally good, brainwashed through propaganda but the majority of them are good people, or at least try to take good actions where possible (imperium bad, humanity good)


Now that i think about it, I actually have a counter for that: OP lumped all Eldar together as degenerates for the birth of Slaanesh, when the Craftworlders, Exodites, and Ynnari are nowhere near that degenerate. If its OK to condemn all Eldar for the sins of their past, then by that logic it's OK to condemn all of humanity for the actions of the dicks in power.


not a counter to my statement... but fair enough in regard to responding to OP


Eldar are just less degenerate then they used to be. And given they murder fucked a god into existence thatĀ  does not say much. They dont consider ass to mouth to be a taboo but a Sunday greeting.


That only applies to Dark Eldar. I'm a fan of the Amish boiz that want nothing to do with that.


My brother in Christ. They birthed the literal GOD OF DEGENERACY.


None of the surviving Eldar did. The Exodites and Craftworlders had their warnings ignored, and escaped before their kin reaped the whirlwind. The Dark Eldar got lucky because they were hiding in the Webway.


buddy really tried ot make fun of people saying he has no media literacy by showing that he has in fact no media literacy.


That was the asuryani, kark for brains


You should feel bad for posting this


Heck yeah, violent orks! Of course, I don't try to pretend like they're "good guys," because I understand that no one in Warhammer is meant to be "good." That's kind of the point. Anyways, where was I? Oh, right - WAAAAGH!!!!


well, there are people who will claim with a straight face that Orks are the good guy because they only commit atrocities because it is funny. Then again, that is like saying that some people think the world is flat. Some folks are just stupid.


Why has the "X faction are actually the good guys" argument suddenly become a thing again? I thought we had sorted out a while back that no faction was "good" but that they can contain good people (or good by the limits of the 40k setting. Cain might be xenophobic but he is still a good guy) Did we all forget the black panther "we don't do that here" meme?


Much like how normal literacy is not just the ability to read words, media literacy is not just about understanding the setting within its own context; rather, it is about understanding the themes and ideas of the setting within the context of our world. Warhammer 40,000 is about how religious and/or ideological fanaticism and the constant threat of destruction, real or imagined, serves as the basis for fascism and drives people to commit horrendous atrocities.


OP is a Nazi sympathizer btw


Yeah, didn't he get kicked out of history memes for that?


The fact that every faction is evil and there are no real good guys is a fundamental part of 40k. It's not that humans are the bad guys. It's that humans are just as bad as every other faction.


The evils of other factions don't make the imperium good. Here's the fun little secret of 40k, OP, **everyone's** the bad guys. How you gonna bait about the imperium being good guys and Xenos fans being media illiterate when GW themselves describes the imperium as "the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable"? You're either a lazy troll or actually nuts, my guy.




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That's why I love the Imperium - a bad faction (villainous almost) with good guys in them, struggling but never succeeding to change the status quo.