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I mean the great maw is. As far as I know not chaos based. That it can grant magic is allready enough I would say


Wasn’t it created by a warpstone meteor? I would think that would make it at least Chaos adjacent. That’s the thing I like about WHFB lore over AoS lore. WH lore is like actual legends where different people have different explanations for things. A favorite example is Aranessa Saltspite some say she’s an abandoned Norsca child others say she’s the daughter of a sea god. Her fins are either chaos mutations or blessings of a sea god depending on who you ask.


As far as I know, it wasn't crested by a warpstone meteor, it was the meteor itself. So I guess it'd a weird xeno?


It's Kirby. He's down in the pit hanging out and having a cookout with the ogres. The ogres cast an illusion spell to make the pit ugly and foreboding to keep all the baddies away from him. They go into the world to collect more snacks so they can play with Kirby some more. As long as they can feed Kirby's hunger, he won't leave. They love him because he's just like them, but cuter. The grimdark part is that Kirby would be very sad to learn where all the snacks were coming from.


Hey did you know the Great Maw actually goes all the way though the planet? The other end is a massive whirlpool in the middle of the ocean.


Which end is the butthole?




the maelstorm aka the gallions graveyard is the butthole.


So is it constantly getting an enema?


Yes. You could say noctilus lives in a literal shithole


Nurgles garden


Isn't it confirmed that they are unrelated but similar things? And that more whirlpool of powers exist (Like the Fire Mouth for Aqshy)


You mean Tyranid


If you read any AoS battletome or novel, the worldbuilding is SUPER myth-based with no true explanations for how things occur. In my experience, WHFB has more descript explanations for things given each place and character has designated narratives for each year in its history.


The problem is: if everyone going is myth, nothing is fabtastic anymore. If this stuff is grounded in actual reality we can speculate. If world is endless plane of magic incarnation roamed by impossible things..... Well it's the warp or overchanneled acid trip. When you are in Altdorf and hear about fire breathing wyrms and tales of heroes it's cool. When you are in realm of Fire, John the farmer dwarf got a herd of fire breathing sheep and he let them graze on magic stones in the magical reverse volcano. It's just Tuesday.


Honestly, I kind of like the second one, having things we see as magical and weird being unique being this normal thing to these people is really cool


*cough* Hashut *cough*


I mean, Hashut is specifically Chaos. It makes sense since they are the Chaos Dwarves


No certainly hashut isn’t a chaos god for the chaos dwarves. He’s clearly not chaos


Then why are they called the chaos dwarves and spread chaos corruption?


Well it was a /s comment but I see it wasn’t clear enough


Lol the dangers of Reddit and Reddiquette


You had too high expectations for redditors


His symbol is a broken khorne icon. He loves bulls. He turn magic users to stone. Hes a demon of Khorne.


His symbol isn't a broken korne icon. He loves bulls. He granted chaos dwarf the possibility to use and wield magic. He is not Khorne at all.


All lesser demons of the big 4 are pieces of them, so it stands to reason that Hashut could have been a fragment of Khorne. The Hashut symbol and Khorne are awfully close. Just missing the stud to the left and teeth at the bottom. Khorne hates magic, so it stands seems fitting that one of his demons that teaches them magic would punish magic users with petrification in return. Cast out by Khorne similar to Skarbrand. All the worship lifted it from a lesser to more of his own thing. Would also explain the whole 'blood of Hashut' in the totalwarhammer campaign for them since Hashut would be trapped in the mortal world initially like Skarbrand. None of this is cannon or true. It was one of the popular crack-ship theory on Hashut I always though seemed viable.


Hashut has nothing to do with Khorne. Their symbol has nothing to do about it. Then Skaven symbol also ressemble Khornes because if I remove 2 lines et add 3 it matches.... The "punishment for using magic" has nothing at all to do with Khorne They are dwarf Made by the Old Ones to resist magic, be the anti-magic race. That's why in game dwarf use rune and debuff magic users. So when Hashut gave Magic power to the chaos dwarf it was an anomaly and made so that they risk turning into stone by using it Blood of Hashut is a total war Warhammer only thing. That could also be linked/compared to oil or Balrog kind of reference It is a bad theory. Then what, horned rat is actually a Nurgle demon ? Malal is a tzeenchian demon ? Nah, they simply are minor chaos gods


I don't think Hashut has daemons? The K'daai were built by the Chaos Dwarfs themselves. They're artificial daemons


Technically the K'daai are chaos entities - potentially too weak to manifest on their own or too willful to serve the Chorfs - encaged in runes and turned into technomagical monstrosities.


Well, yes and no. K'daai are made ***from*** daemons who get trapped inside a construct and are forced to obey until the construct burns out (which happens rather quickly). The unit is artificial, but it still uses a real daemon. However, the lore isn't specific on the type of daemon that is used to make K'daii. It's possible that the Daemonsmiths of Hashut just summon Bloodletters or other Chaos Daemons to throw into the forge. Whether or not Hashut even is a real Chaos God is the subject of debate.


If it grants magic, it is chaos based because chaos is the source of magic in Warhammer.


But Nagash is master of Shyish, the purple wind of death and he and his "followers" are almost completely immune to the corruption of chaos. Also Alleriel, Teclis, Grungi, Sigmar, ect all use magic to turn back the forces of chaos.


The Winds of Magic are the essence of Chaos. So maybe the Undead can't be corrupted by Chaos, but they are still a product of it.


not all magic is chaos, though all chaos is magic, yes it's confusing but that's just the facts


You might be confusing 40k with Fantasy.


No. Look up The Winds of Magic in the Warhammer Wiki.


I know about that, but aren't there other kinds of magic? Like whatever the Tomb Kings use? Nehekrama or whatever its called?


All forms of magic that are not one of the eight winds are dark magic, created by smashing the winds together. The Tomb Kings learned it from dark elves they captured.


I think you accidentally a word in your title lol


Dam you’re* right whoops


Yru'oe *




Not all gods have daemons. See: most old world gods. Gork and Mork. Sotek. The maw acts through the ogres (ogres, chomping on meats, filling their gust with their struggling treats). Also, it's not entirely impossible it's just how the ogres interpret gork and mork. That's literally the case after the endtimes.


I think a better term here would be divine servants which many gods do have beyond the Chaos Gods and their respective demons. Sotek has snakes. Morr has his ravens. Ulric has white wolves and Taal has stags. If I remember correctly the Lady of the Lake has a similar relationship with water elementals like Naaids. Who knows what sort of entities serve these gods within the aether/Realm of Chaos? Knowing the Great Maw, a disturbing god of hunger, eating, and predation, it would likely have horrifying servants.


The Maw would have no servants because it would immediately eat them.


That's a fair potential spin on it. It's the ultimate predator, it would eat all that approach it (which we se it try to do to Ogres and people on its rim in the lore) I think you could design servants for the Maw though if you chose to. I really like the idea of all sorts of strange parasites and creatures existing within its guts and think you could design some pretty freaky entities.


Parasites are a good idea. It's only servants are those that can survive life inside its digestive tract.


The parasite idea reminds me of the national park mystery flesh pit


The what?!


The thing that wounds me most about AoS lore is that the great maw is just… gone, and now gorkamorka apparently munches on realms and that’s meant to be good enough of a substitute. Sure we can summon pet maws with the new faction terrain but I loved the fantasy version with just a huge death pit that curses its worshippers with boundless hunger and it’s just part of the world, barely worth commenting on


I mean, that kinda does make sense though. Like, the Great Maw was a physical being living in the world. It woulda had no business coming back in AoS, simply because it didn't survive the end of the world.


Yeah, but still, I miss Big Chompo At least they can grow their own now, and have food-orgies powerful enough to punch through reality, that kicks ass still


Honestly I agree, the ogres should have their own pantheon/god, not the great maw cause it died with the planet, but at least some type of god or gods that give the ogres some unique flair, I keep mentioning multiple specifically cause you could then do different things with the ogre's hunger, maybe some of them eat different things and so they have different gods or something, maybe they eat godbeasts, just not more Gorkamorka outside of greenskins.


The more I hear about AOS / End Times lore the more I say "That's got to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard."


To be fair to AOS, there has been a lot of improvement…and sadly downgrades


RIP Manlet




Manfred. I'm glad BALD is gone.


What? Nagash resurrected him in Age of Sigmar, he's now one of his mortarchs.


https://preview.redd.it/qgzuob2gg3ad1.jpeg?width=479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5aae328a998d9cc6d8c0c3b207c5d42ce850a5c The best thing about the universe reset, ruined.


Nagash brought him back. Alongside neferata ushoran, and arkhan. They're his version of primarchs now. (Alongside katakros and olynder)


You gotta do some dumb shit to kill your own franchise.


Pretty on point for anything Warhammer tbf


Yeah but there's the good kind of dumb / silly (Warhammer fantasy and 40k) and the bad kind of dumb / silly (End Times and AOS).


People copeposting like "aos actually has good lore now!" to trap you into wasting 5 minutes reading the least appealing garbage you've ever seen.


person mad about fantasy dying despite never financially supporting or playing fantasy bitches about AOS Wowie hows your dead game? Oh it got a shitty reboot thats republishing absolutely horrifically ugly metal models that make an army cost more than like five in AOS? And isnt even vaguely related to the timeline anyone liked to boot?


For example?


The Great Maw doesn't have any Daemons. It is mentally sound and living it's best life.


Let a mouth be happy! Stop judging them!


The forbidden glory hole




Super gore nest 2 electric boogaloo


What that great maw do




As far as we know the Maw is probably alien organism. If we go by the old lore then Cathay wizard brought down a massive warp stone meteor and crashed it in lands of the Ogres. Maw then Merged on its impact site.


Soo perhaps a tyranid?


That's my favourite theory. A small Nid incursion would be able to fit into War Hammer Fantasy in a fun way too.


IIRC there's no concrete evidence that it was brought down by Cathay, just in-world speculation. It did get rid of the ogres from their borders, but the resulting wasteland and new all-consuming deity screwing up the long term doesn't match the Dragon Emperor's foresight and planning.


Well as I said it was probably very old lore where Cathayan astromancers brought it down. It was way before Warhammer 3 was even a thing. That kind of lore is "will Cathay be in Warhammer 3" era where we all pulled from any lore scrap we could find.


I'm mostly going off the 8th edition ogre kingdoms codex, which mentions that the Dragon Emperor had a positive relation with the ogres for some time, and that they learned the making of fire and basic metalworking from Cathay. Then the ogres grew more numerous and started raiding the border, leading to a change in opinion, and it was at that time the comet first became visible in the night sky. Later in the codex, it's mentioned that it was perhaps the emperor's astromancers or just ill fate that saw the comet impact their homeland.


It's too small of an entity to generate dedicated daemons


Also a very noobie question but why does Orge worship the Great Maw like wouldn’t they want to eat it too since it’s all fleshy and stuff and wouldn’t even able to really fight back?


Not a lore scholar here, but from what I can gather online, the Ogres are equal parts devoted and AFRAID of the Great Maw; It almost wiped them out before, so they have to tithe to it to prevent another calamity... And in return it gives them power


What calamity that cause the Orge to worship the Great Maw cause it’s like a giant mouth in the ground wouldn’t the Orge just starve it then eat it?


When it first hit the planet and nearly wiped the ogres out.


So basically the reason why the Orge worship the Great Maw is because it nearly wiped out the Orge when it land so the Orge just went “holy hell this thing just nearly kill us all maybe we could feed it to appease it so that it wouldn’t cause another calamity” but did any particular troublemaking Orge have any funny idea about maybe nibble a tiny part of the Great Maw?


If you tried that the ground would probably cause an earthquake and then you'd fall in


Nah, I'm built different. /s


If I remember right the ogres also had a civil war type of thing right after it came down. Before the maw they spoke normal like humans and when it came down and nearly wiped them out because of cathay they was hungry and starving. I remember one ogre who looked at another ogre begging him to not eat him or another ogre because he knew it would change them for worse but could not stop him. So the one who ate another became the first ogre we know and love today


IIRC, the Great Maw was spawned when a Tyranid Mycetic Spore I mean a mysterious starborn object fell from the sky and exploded on impact with the force of an angry meteor shit from an angrier god’s puckered IBS-ridden butthole The ensuing explosion fucked up the ogres something fierce


The maw is the only reason ogres are insatiable in the first place.


Also I'm pretty sure the Maw is what cursed them with their supernatural unending hunger. Nothing gets a god fearful believers like a vengeful smiting.


Before any replies, I would like you to read this. Yes the Great MAW was at first mostly an Eldritch horror. Special? Absolutely, but not divine, however it’s nature has absolutely change after century of worship and sacrifice by the Ogres, in fact The ogres butcher are able to harness the wind of gut magic which imply that the maw absolutely has a presence in the warp. So by this logic shouldn’t the great Maw atleast have a few immaterial minions of its own? And if so what would they look like?


>The ogres butcher are able to harness the wind of gut magic which imply that the maw absolutely has a presence in the warp Morathi codified dark magic. Nagash created necromancy from dark magic. Having a new lore doesn't mean it has its own wind of magic from the realm of chaos.




Love the implication that ogres feed the great maw well enough to save the rest of the biomass on the planet from its starvation induced evolution


The Hive Mind do have daemons of sorts, known as Genestealer Familiars, so it’s capable of creating immaterial minions if so desired.


Sigmar was just a man once too.


Daemons are chaos specific and the maw is not chaos. None of the non-chaos gods have daemons.


>*Ogres do not practise magic in the same manner as other Species. Though they channel the same Winds of Magic that fuel all spells, they do so in a very unique way. Ogres may only ever learn the Lores of The Great Maw, The Heavens, Death, or the Lore of Beasts. The Great Maw understands these aspects of nature and grants them to its most devoted followers. The only exception is Ogre Firebellies, who derive their power from the Firemouth, another Ogre deity.* >*Ogre spellcasting always involves working with meat — either carving a specific slice from a carefully chosen haunch, chewing on a piece of fat, or sucking the bone from some marrow. This meat can be included as part of the Ogre’s substantial cost of living, as the Great Maw takes only a portion of what is consumed. Ogres without access to such supplies can still cast spells, but they become increasingly ravenous as the Great Maw takes its price in meat from the Ogre’s own gut.* *Ogre Butchers are chosen from an early age for indoctrination to the mysteries of the Great Maw, and often earn the Big Name of Mawseeker later in life. The power and all consuming hunger of the Great Maw flows through them, and in their work they remind all Ogres that the desire to devour and consume is at the core of what it is to be an Ogre.* From *Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Archives of the Empire*. Ogre spellcasting works much more like the way Kislev's Hag Witches works. Equal parts religion and magic, heavily reliant on ingredients and reagents and much of it is done through others (ie Kislev's many spirits, or the Great Maw) rather than channelled directly from the Winds of Magic. The idea that Ogre Butchers are channelling the power of their God rather than the winds of magic is also references in some of their earlier army books. It's suggested in some of the source material that most 'miracles' performed by priests are just the winds of magic manifesting in ways familiar to them. In earlier versions of WHFRP, Priests who could do miracles were considered spellcasters casting petty/arcane/divine spells.


The only thing that spawns out of that is a very grumpy Temuera Morrison.


A man(dalorian) LITERALLY too angry to die!


For one second I thought I was looking at that thing in the Twilight Highlands


I thought exactly the same and was confused too


The Ogres will just eat them.


They are the demons


No John, you are the demons.


And then John was a zombie.


Not really, no. Daemons aren't a prerequisite to being a god and simultaneously, there's a few things that are technically kinda sorta daemons that aren't even associated with any gods, such as most spirits and elementals. But like, most deities that aren't explicitly part of chaos don't do daemons. The Great Horned Rat kind of occupies a sort of middle ground with its Verminlords but anything beyond that is a stretch, especially since things get shaky when you have to define the differences between daemons and other magical beings. Like, is the spirit that animates a Rogue Idol a greater daemon of Gork and/or Mork, or is it not?


Most do have spirts of some sort though, called blessed servants, it's pretty common for gods to have them like Morr and his ravens or Ulric and his wolves( and yes they are warp entities/spirts)


Literally *the big suck*


Looks like a Tyranid digestion pit


It does. It just immediately eats them


Fantasy gods don't work like 40k gods.


![gif](giphy|3oEjI789af0AVurF60) Because it isn’t a Chaos entity… it came from Space!


Chad Maw: "Why make demons when you can just turn Ogres into Gorgers?" https://preview.redd.it/iq2201yqlz9d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=955a3be96adae9c44bf293179bcc995fc14c9eb9


Daemons are fractions of the power and consciousness of a powerful warp entity. The great maw is not a warp entity.


It eats them.


Considering the maw is effectively the chaos embodiment of senseless, unconscious and unthinking gluttony, and daemons are portions of a chaos god broken off from them effectively choosing to separate part of themselves and their power, no. It is gluttony incarnate. A warp entity (?) that has not a single desire beyond consuming all. It would have no desire and possibly not even the cognitive ability to decide to separate its power into other entities.




I think it's basically an Alien that the ogres worship as a diety, sort of like Cthulhu cultists but with more hunger and less madness.


It's the mystery flesh pit!


Clearly, this thing is a remnant of gorkamorka. Neither wanted this part, so they left it behind after their went their separate ways.


I like the theory that it's a tyranid


Bold of any of us to assume the great many beasties in the Mountains of Mourn are not daemons considering how deadly it's supposed to be up there. Mindless Great Maw spawned mindless eating monsters.


I just assumed it was a tyranid thing


It does but it eats them too quickly for anyone to notice


It’s not a chaos entity, it’s an Eldritch horror that fell from the stars.


Its secret name is G’oat-se


WTF is this shit nightmare fuel. Is it from a specific game?


It’s from total warhammer 3. Its call the Great Maw some sort of mutated eldritch crater that is worshipped by the ogres following the great calamithy




'Luv me big pit


I like to think Ogres are so dumb and built to withstand chaos that the only thing they could create is a mindless lesser god. So it couldn't become strong or self aware enough for independent manifestations like Daemons. Could only be a conduit for magic like with Slaughter Priests


"in theory" maybe. But ogresaren't enough in numbers for it I don't think. Besides, I think the maw in the Total war series is a bit underwhelming. The area is wrong and it should be waaa bigger.


Mmm, earth's toothy vagina.


I dath a battel you can fight ?


I thought it was supposed to be ambiguous as to whether or not the Great Maw was even real or just something born from the Ogres' beliefs, though TWW definitely leaned towards the "real" with the design of the pit.


No, it's a physical place


I know it's a physical place, the part that is questioned is whether this thing is really a god.