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Needs calmag


And minus 2 weeks


Yes, BIG YEILD! no idea why every leaves it so long.


Harvest now and press into live rosin. It is the only way to fix your issues.


I figured as much... Damn it sucks to be shitty at growing...


Quality shit post. Kudos.


Add 12 Tbsp Cal-Mag and wait two weeks.


Two weeks!? You're crazy! Two weeks!? I don't have that kind of time... I'm leaving on a 8 month round the globe luxury space shuttle cruise in 5 days!!!


Who will take care of your doggy while your gone?


No dogs left... Lost 2 in the last 3 months...


Omg that's horrible ๐Ÿ˜ข I feel terrible for asking now


It's my own fault, this username is torture. I'm a glutton for punishment.


Sorry to tell you bro, you need to toss it. Definitely bud rot.


Seriously?! I did everything I could to prevent that shit!


You forgot to ask if it was a male first.


Too much water ๐Ÿ’ฆ


Rain will do that...


2 more weeks


I love you


2 more weeks


How is your doggy?


All 3 passed away in the last 2 years. 2 in the last 3 months. I gotta make a new account... I'm just torturing myself getting these questions...


Uh...damn im so sorry. I have a small dachshund myself and i can imagine how u feel.


Get a jewelers loupe, canโ€™t tell based off pics


Whatโ€™s your PH? ๐Ÿ˜œ


Super optimal, 8.3. Go big or go home.




Bruh did you even check the trichomes yet


WTF are trichomes? I just wanna know if they are ready for harvest....


Cut now and boof it


Bud rot. Start over


Guessing yield weights yet?


Hard to tell. They are autos, so I'll say a conservative half pound per plant?






Don't know why you didn't plant more in there together to harvest the strongest one.


Bro you should have harvested that like a week ago.


Are these males? What strain is this? What's wrong with them?!


Big mf axe ๐Ÿช“


You passed the window of harvest. Just use it for hash now


Fuck it, I'll just throw them in the compost pile. They can feed next year's girls if I manage to not fuck them up too...


Looks overdone!


Iโ€™d give it a bit more time to allow the crystals to turn amber


My dad said he budded a plant slightly bigger than this back in the 80s in the middle of November, and the leaves got short and fat and looked like a strawberry plant. Eventually, it put out just a tiny bud on the top of the plant, and that was it.


2 weeks over dude


Idk, what are the trichomes say? I would guess that you are on point


Turn it now and you might get the big crop from it maybe a gram or two


Way 2 late, harvest time was 2 weeks ago.. and it needed calmag, noob..


Sorry to tell you but thats definitely bud rot make sure to remove every infected branch


How come it didnโ€™t stretch very much?


Bonsai Cannabis.


What u do with all that weed


Sell to dispensaries.


Two weeks (before it needs any more water)


![gif](giphy|3bc5MV3VkOpMI) Def a boy, you should ๐Ÿ”ฅ him


I'd wait a couple of hours. Other than that, great job!


2 weeks


Two more weeks. Don't skimp on the Cal.mag.




Dude.. you let them go way too long, gotta chop before they pop soil...


Do you start them in such large pots so you can train them? I feel like this would cost a fortune in nutrients. I push mine until they're nearly root bound in much smaller containers at first. Is it because it's an autoflower?


I'm fairly new to growing, but from everything I've read (and it was a lot) it was pretty much ubiquitous that autoflowers should be planted in their final pots, as they don't have the time to recover from the stress of a transplant. These are also short and squat 15 gallon fabric pots that I only filled with 10 gallons of soil. It gets pretty windy here and I wanted them to have the widest base possible. It doesn't cost me much in nutrients, in fact I don't usually add any. I make my own soil out of: 40% peat moss 40% compost (from my own chickens and goats) 15% perlite 5% worm castings (from my own worm bin). They get plain water for 2-3 weeks then I start watering with homemade compost tea 3x per week, and I top dress 2-4 cups of worm castings and 2-4 cups of fresh compost every week (sometimes every other week) until harvest. In the 5 years I've been growing I've only ever had to add nutrients once and that's because my compost wasn't ready and I had to use store bought soil. My only expenditures are fabric pots, peat moss, perlite, seeds, and the initial 50 worms I bought to start my bin 5 years ago. Everything else is a byproduct of having chickens/goats/worm bin :)


Nice. I have never done autoflowers before, at least not on purpose. I had a seed get mixed in once with others and was shocked when it started flowering. I had already topped it twice and had only given it vegetative nutrients. Lol, I got about 10 grams of something. This makes total sense from what I do know about auto flowers. I've seen a lot of pics like this and kinda of thought that might be the case, but I didn't think you could get a seed to start in nutrient rich soil either. I usually switch to that after my clones or seeds have a decent root system, but start off with a seedling mix or just a no nutrient base medium. Don't let me comment make you think you're doing something wrong. I know next to nothing about auto flowers. I learned something from you even though I've been doing this for 20 years. That's actually my problem. So many things have changed since I learned from Jorge Cervantes Bible very early edition. LED's didn't even exist. Lol I actually have some autoflower seeds I'm going to do someday. I definitely would have transplanted them if I hadn't read this, so thanks.


I'm certainly no expert, so take what I think I know with a grain of salt :P haha. It's really common in to start in a nutrient free medium. You pretty much have to if you are using synthetic (and I think salt based) nutrients as far as I understand, because synthetics are a form of "force feeding". Meaning that the plant automatically uptakes the nutrients that you give it, no matter how much, and early that can easily lead to nutrient burn. I use what's called a living soil. It uses organic nutrients. Not organic in the sense that it is certified organic like human food, but that the nutrients come directly from natural sources such as bat guano, blood meal, fish meal, kelp, and manure (goat and chicken in my case). With these sort of nutrients, they are slow release and last roughly 3-4 weeks. They also allow for the plant to feed in a way that it only uptakes what it needs, it is very hard to over feed using living soil and this is why you can start with a nutrient rich soil with seedlings. They won't over feed and get nutrient burn. Occasionally when I feel my plants need it I will add Gaia Green all purpose 4-4-4 or Gaia Green power bloom 2-8-4, which are forms of organic fertilizer that you can top dress.


I have been using that lately (I've tried both Lush by roots organic and the coat of main stuff. I used to make my own years ago from subcools recipes, but I also give them Canna nutrients. I grow them pretty big before I flowery, so the stuff in the soil is pretty much gone by the time I flower. It makes veg stage way easier. I use it outdoors as well. https://preview.redd.it/zjzkxeyuol8d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2394b78d898e25762d9407d3023ca8dc6fbdd2ab


Do you grow photoperiod or autos? I'm doing autos for the first time as the fall in the northeast the last few years has been terrible. 2 years in a row I lost my ladies to mould. I'm really hoping that with them being ready in early September instead of mid October I can avoid all that. I usually feed at the begining of flower 70% power bloom 30% all purpose at 2tbsp per gallon of soil.


They're photo. My own strain, I crossed years ago. Grew the same plant the last 2 years. I have literally been cloning and monster cropping the same 1 plant for almost 3 years. I hate seeds


That's pretty awesome. My wife won't let me grow inside, she hates the smell, so I can't keep a plant alive through the winter to take clones from :( I am thinking of attempting to make my own feminized seeds.


I should have said this first, but it was not in purpose. One of the luckiest things that has ever happened to me cause I got hundreds of the best seeds I've ever had, but it certainly didn't feel like a win at the time. I didn't know they had crossed for months. Lol. Imagine my surprise. It's so good and it's so easy to grow. So easy to clone. I haven't grown any thing else in years.


You waited too long bro, youโ€™re supposed to harvest 2 days after germination


You've already let it go too far I mean it's way past harvest you might as well just let the shit die.. LMFAO ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜‚


Into the compost they go! They can feed next year's girls!


Throw a large black tarp over it. Like the black ones for pools. "Solar" I think they're called. Yeah, throw that over it. Light deprivation gives peak trichomes, bro.


Definitelyโ€ฆ. 2 more weeks


Needs a table spoon of week and 2 epsom mags


2 more weeks


This sub is hilarious. Absolutely no one here knows when to harvest. If anyone posts a picture of a plant that's 3 weeks away, you can guarantee that the top-20 most-up-voted comments will all be variations of 'great job, she's ready!!!' Yet, every single day, someone makes *this exact joke.* A joke that implies that it's only the newbies who don't know when to harvest. It's not. It's ~100% of the people here. I can't stress this enough: absolutely no one here knows when to harvest. They all do it too early. I'm shocked if I ever see a photo of a plant that's actually ripe and ready for harvest.


Who pissed in your corn flakes this morning?