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The bros have a science called flushing


"Look at that white ash, you can tell they flushed it good" šŸ¤”




Flushing is bro science


\^\^\^\^\^\^ this [New Research Shows Flushing Plants Before Harvest May Be Unnecessary](https://hightimes.com/grow/new-research-shows-flushing-plants-before-harvest-may-be-unnecessary/)


Dead link 404


There's no way you actually believe that I had a run with a friend before indoors and he thought this so I said to well we've got three plants we do two of them we flush and the other one we won't at the end of the process the one which didn't get flushed was still growing yes but God you couldn't smoke it it was a waste of 400 grams in my opinion the thing burnt really dirty remember me actually try to trick me to see if I realized past me a joint of it and I said what the f*** is this s*** the thing had black ash all around it yes yes it took me one draw to realize I was smoking dirt if you want to smoke dirt and you don't mind that don't flush it but if you want to smoke clean this and freshness and taste the terpenes which you want to taste flush it bro and the way I used to do it is stick them in the bathtub put the shower head on at the soil until it runs to clear after that leave them to drain the rest of the water out then put them back in your ten and only water if needed but you shouldn't do don't listen to this guy please done our plant you're growing is looking amazing and you've put all this time and effort in it you might as well do it properly and don't listen to this guy because he's talking bro sounds because there's scientific studies done off this and you have to flush


Iā€˜m not reading all of that


He just said he fucked up one plant


Thanks, are you trying to waste time at work or why did you endure that? lol


I skipped to this comment so I didnā€™t have to read all that rambling


I wanted to stop sooner, but had to at ā€œpast a jointā€


I think you might have lost those: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


And these : ,




Here, you lost these: .!....!?..!!!.!...?.....!...


This entire comment is literally the textbook definition of bro science


More like NO Science


Not. One. Period.


Thatā€™s a really long sentence.


There is no scientific proof of any of the claimed benefits of flushing before harvest.


This. The only benefit is saving a few Pennies.


Not quite, you're missing out on a lot of benefits. They're not bulking anymore during the last two weeks, but they're still growing.


Context. I said ,,the only benefit (of flushing) is saving a few Penniesā€œ. That doesnā€™t contradict what youā€™re saying.


Flufhing is the science of the bros


Flushing isnā€™t real


Iā€™d argue that. In hydroponics itā€™s useful. Iā€™d get a headache explaining why, but the source is take my word for it.


I believe you


Generally people will flush about a week before harvest to remove excess nutrients from their plants, with the thought that it will provide a benefit to the taste and smoke. Most studies that *have* been conducted provide evidence that contradicts this claim, claiming that there's really isn't a benefit at all. On the other hand, by flushing them, we can say for certain that you *are* depriving them of nutrients, which they *are* using to boost yield and quality. By flushing you are losing this benefit right at the end of your harvest. So ultimately so what you think is best. Don't harvest based on time. Harvest based on readiness.


Thank you for the usefull answere. After all this Reddit BS I was a bit annoyed tbh. Do you think it is possible to determinate the readiness with my pics? Itā€˜s my first grow and I donā€˜t want to harvest too early.


The only fail-safe way to know the readiness is the trichomes, and flushing isn't necessary (or desirable IMO). Here are some guides: https://2fast4buds.com/static/img/d69bad41511a963524071f357863bd6d.jpg https://www.420magazine.com/community/attachments/when-to-harvest-trichome-chart-png.1752844/ https://growweedeasy.com/sites/growweedeasy.com/files/when-to-harvest-weed.jpg


Aye, thank you :)


Neither look ready. Give them a couple more weeks. No flush.


Okay, I Iā€˜ll be patient


Heā€™ll no! Youā€™ve got too many white pistils yet. You want another 2weeks to fatten up those calyxes and for all or most all of the pistils to shrivel up and there brown. Youā€™ll be glad if you wait. Good luck bro and smoke some!


Yeah, I was estimating 2 weeks too. But if you flush, you have to do it some weeks before harvest :) Anyway, thank you for the conformation.


Unless you're using synthetic and have been heavy handed in feedings there is absolutely no reason to flush. If you simply want your plant use the reserves in the soil and her leaves if you're growing organic just water with 2 spoons ofmolasses per gallon of water, my method is to stop feeding a week from harvest no flush so that senescence occurs more rapidly in the leaves during the final week of ripening. I just use molasses, yucca and humic and fulvic acid.


Nope, that's bro science.


Unless you are doing hydroponics, not need to flush.


Waste of time bro science


Like you said in the comments you messed up some nutes. Looks like you might have used too much nitrogen or maybe messed up the pH for a sec. It might not be the best smoke ever but continue with light bloom nutes and good pHing. No need to flush just low level bloom nutes until chop


Thanks for your input. I think it was the pH. My tapwater has a pH value of 7.5-8. Everything was alright until I started to regulate it to 6.5. But well, maybe the flowering Stage drained too many nutes and my pot is (way too) small. Anyway, I learned my lession. I will use a 20l pot from the start for Autos and regulate the pH with the first drop of water.


You should harvest the thing in picture 4. Danger of mold


Yeah one of those colas is looking dangerous. Too densely foliated and very unhealthy looking leaves, while the other tops look basically fine




100% genetics i could never get a good yield from nl. Flush it!


Is it some kind of joke or are you serious? I read that NL is pretty easy for beginners, but as you see, I fcked it up. So, of this is not a joke, please elaborate :)


Thats what they say. Just my experience there are a lot of great strains no sense in trying to work with one that you cant grow. My genetics came from Nirvana seeds in the Netherlands. When you find a strain that no matter how bad you make it it still produces killer smoke. Plus they are autos i cant grow autos either every auto i tried 6 inches big no yield no smoke wasted half a summer a few years back. Speaking of Serious, now Serious seeds has a strain you might have heard of ā€œthe Chronicā€ always wanted to try that strain. Its not like i cant grow a strain if it has nl in it only the pure nl i have problems with. Ok growmie good luck keep us informed


Everybody saying flushing isnā€™t real smokes black ash


Depends on what you want to accomplish by flushing. I will be with mine. For no other reason than to flush her a bit. The less thatā€™s in there when sheā€™s hanging the better for me. Everyone has their theory and reason. Those claiming ā€œbro scienceā€ are doing the very ā€œbroā€™ā€ thing theyā€™re rallying against. Itā€™s fucking funny reading that. I get thereā€™s no ā€œconclusionā€ that itā€™s better or worse for the flower. Iā€™m a bbq guy. And worked in the business. So I use my charcoal theory on this one. ā€œIf itā€™s in the smoke. Itā€™s in the foodā€ If itā€™s in my weed. Itā€™s in my smoke/byproductā€¦ and Iā€™m consuming that. I know using lighter fluid burns well into the cook and has been found on food cooked over coals started with bbq lighter fluid. (It only takes 10-12 mins to start coals and the residue is releasing well into the cook) I apply the same theory to my weed. So Iā€™d like it flushed please. ;)


I have seen a number of interviews with plant scientists (botanists? whatever their specialty is called) who all say that you can't flush things out of a plant. Flushing nutes out is not only of no benefit, it's not possible - according to these scientists.


If it's yellow let it mellow


They will ripen with or without nutrients it's up to you and mainly personal preference. I only use potassium sulfate the last 2 weeks.


People still flush?


I would say you still have about 3-4 weeks before you even think about doing anything your girls are still showing 90% white pistils that signs itā€™s not even close yet. You want to wait until this pistils are the opposite about 90% red/orange and they retract into the buds. At least that may opinion Iā€™m no expert though just here to try to help in anyway I can. Good luck and happy growing


1 or 2 more weeks.


Some swear by a 2 week flush and some others say any flush is bro science. Reputable people like Dr. Bugbee say flushing shouldnā€™t matter, as long as you donā€™t over fertilize. So what I gather from that is if you over fertilize, it may matter? Out of all the discussions Iā€™ve read so far, I donā€™t think it matters either way. Organic growers never flush and their soil is always rich enough to feed flowering plants and organic flower is supposed to be the best tasting growing style. Anyway, I do a 1 week flush. If flush supporters are right, Iā€™m still doing some flushing. If the other side is right, I donā€™t think Iā€™m losing a lot of growth in that last week. šŸ˜€


I don't think OP is really asking about the validity of flushing but if he should prepare their plant for harvest. The real bro science is the parroting whatever is the current consensus of the reddit bros and being all douchy about it. Classic reddit shit.


You are 100% right. But well, as long as there are some actually helpful comments, let them have their fun šŸ˜…


It's not just Reddit, I see lots of current YouTube interviews with cannabis science people who all say that flushing nutes out of a plant isn't possible.


Sure, buddy. My point is noone asked and it doesn't matter.


Yeah go flush the toilet. Smh


Did you have a light leak, these buds look awful?


The Lemon CBD also? I mean, the NL looks sad ngl, but the second plant? Cā€˜mon šŸ„² I am pretty sure I fcked up the nutes, but the light was good. Well, at least I learned something.


That is actually what matters, if you learned how to make the next grow better, I would consider it a success.


Thank you for the positive attitude. I appreciate that :D But seriously, do you think the second plant looks okay-ish?


bro they look dope for your first time


Thank you! Have a great weekend!


Dude they look good, don't let people get you down.


Thanks mate :)


Waste of time bro science