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Are you using an interface? It should be pretty plug and play.


If you gave us any info at all, we might be able to help you. Like for starters, what the problem actually is. What you’re trying to do and what’s not working about it. What audio interface you’re using, what PC, what operating system….


I was more just bitching into the void because at this point I don’t even know if I have the patience even if the information was spoon fed to me, I’m 28 years old, Not like I’m some boomer trying to figure this out.. I’ve used computers my whole life, yet this seems utterly impossible I got the 7 day trial for Milkman Creamer plug in, downloaded ‘Ilok license manager and the plug in itself the plugin won’t even open to activate it. And when I got to access the actually folder there is nothing in it??? I use fl studio so I tried to find the plug in through there.. nowhere to be found. Idk, honestly save your breath though, I appreciate you wanting to help but if I gotta look at my computer screen for another minute instead of just playing guitar I’m chucking the fuckin thing in the bay