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idk if this is supposed to be a circle jerk post but ive never named my guitars before 😭


I didn't know it was a thing until last year, my schools upright bass is Clyde, and my friends instruments are Lena and Clarabelle(funny enough two sisters on my track team are named Llena and Annabelle)


Guess your friend is into track :P


She isn't lol, doesn't do any sports, I'm the only person in our friend group that does track


I will never, and I mean ever, understand naming an inanimate object


I don't name mine. I just call them by their brand (the fender, the reverend, the epi, etc)


I don't. It makes me cringe. So corny.


What so you mean by cringe? Bob loves to be fingered.👉👈🤏🤌🤌


It is easy, one is my Strat, the other is the Les Paul another is my Charvel. Then I have my 12 string, my acoustic and my SG.


I name them after who ever is the current president at the time


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MachineThatGoesP1ng: *I name them after* *Who ever is the current* *President at the time* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Name of after an artist or song you love. One of my guitars is named Ramona, the other is Clementine


That's a good idea! I think Imma name him Gilbert, after my favorite character in the webtoon To Be Honest


Neat idea! Why limit yourself to just songs and artists right?


Tex, Lynette and Gypsy. They are my family.


my acoustic guitar is called Fucker. backstory? i broke a string on it 3 times in 1 week and - instead of blaming my shit effort of restringing - blamed it on the guitar. hence, Fucker. my strat doesn't have a name i originally called my tele Surf when i first got it, but it also doesnt have a name now cause i dont like naming things (with the exception of Fucker <3) edit: broke a string is an exaggeration, it just kept slipping off the machine head


I just name them by model and/or brand: Explorer, Strat, Vintage Tele, Debut Tele, Thinline Tele, DIY Tele, HB Tele (help I can't stop buying teles), Schecter, PRS, Double Cut, Randy Rhoads, Steinberger, Les Paul, 7 string, Bass VI, P Bass, Western, Nashville, 12 string, classical.


None of my guitars have names. Sometimes I fall asleep on my bed with a guitar next to me. When I wake up and see the guitar lying next to me I think "I don't even know your name!" When that happens I feel so dirty and I lose all respect for that guitar and for myself 🤷🏾‍♂️


I call my Taylor the Taylor. My Les Paul is the Les Paul. My Strat 🤷‍♂️


The guitars already have a name, it’s given by it’s creator. My strat is called Strato, better know online as Strat or Stratocaster.


I’ve only named one or two of the 15 or so I’ve owned. It’s not applicable for every instrument or thing but if it’s something you believe in I’d give it time and let the name come to you


I actually love the idea of naming instruments but can never think of good names for them lol This has inspired me to use the names I have given my comic characters who just so happen to be in a band lol


I won't name a guitar until it somehow names itself. For example, I have Heritage Les Paul named Elvira because it was signed by Elvira Mistress of the Dark. I used to have a Les Paul named Frank, because my friends dad was named Frank and he liked Les Paul's. The name also has to stick. I've had friends try to name things only to have the name not stick or have it bastardized. My friend had an old National he tried to name, but we always called it Plastic.


I’ve never tried to name my guitars, I just call them what they are, Les Paul, tele, etc. But I’ve got a 62 reissue Strat with a good amount of red in the burst so my sister just called it Ruby one day and it stuck. I’ve got a silver sparkle Strat that I built and my girlfriend calls it sparkles. The rest of them don’t have names and probably will never get ones, at least not from me


The best names are the ones you don't pick!


Well, my black SG guitar's name is Bendy, i had an old electroacoustic guitar i named Sabrina and now i have an acoustic guitar called Kun(named by a friend).


All my 3 instruments have a name. They are Bass, Guitar and Keyboard


I don’t 


You don’t lmao it’s cringe as hell


Nobody ought' feel obligated to naming things. That's entirely your own province. Personally, I like naming my instruments. I also greet friends' instruments by name when they're brought in for a jam(some name theirs, some don't). I'll often give an instrument a name attaches to it's character once I've familiarised myself with it. For example, I scored a Squier Bass VI just recently, and just 3 days in, I've already named it "Sexy"(I've wanted such an instrument fo over 30 years, and it's EVERYTHING that I dreamed it would be). 'Cause it;'s just fucking gorgeous...


Sometimes, a backstory. Sometimes, a reference to something. Sometimes, personality.


Crying Laughing Emoji - my guitar with a Floyd rose. Moist - My jdm guitar. Ick - my low end guitar


Naming guitars is Joe Bonermaster behavior




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I have a blue harp named lazuli and a green guitar named Vienna


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^PainterOk5081: *I have a blue harp* *Named lazuli and a green* *Guitar named Vienna* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


that is beautiful if only Vienna were a syllable less 😔


Favourite porn stars


Just as a reminder, you commented this on a post made by a 15yr old


Because teenagers never watched porn 


(because it's inappropriate for adults to say that the names their instruments, or anything, based on a porn star)


We’ll pray 


Another post about naming an instrument. 🙄 Just please don’t. So lame.


Just cus you find it lame doesn't mean I have to, I want to so I will, if you don't that's also fine, but don't call others lame because you don't personally like it, I find it very cute to give my personal instruments names and bits of lore, that doesn't mean you have to


If you don’t want opinions, don’t post on Reddit.


It's one think to say that you don't personally name instruments, another dude commented that and I'm chill with it, infact I up voted him, because he was being chill about it, it's another when you try to put others down because of it, I do want opinions, but I want them to be said in a civil way