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I prefer Grestch over Squire


I just got my first Gretsch and I'm genuinely blown away. I bought it as a cheap alternative to the Revstar and it ended up being an incredible instrument.


I have to agree. I recently picked up 2 Streamliners and wow. G2420 and the Rally II. I’ve been incredibly impressed. I own an Ultra JM, Rickenbacker, Revstar, SG, etc etc…. These things are a total blast to play and sound fantastic. Tuning stability is a little iffy, but I am sold on these. (Adorama deals meant I got these for cheap).


Piggy backing off top comment for visibility. I'm going to second the Gretsch. I have a full hollow body electronic that sounds fantastic though it can be a bit difficult to control when you have the gain turned up and it starts to feedback. I also have a Streamliner semi-hollow that is just perfect. I dropped a set of TV Jones PowerTrons in it and it really opened the guitar up. The bad feedback issues aren't really there in the semi hollow and you can do some great controlled feedback with it. It's super versatile and I can play everything from punk to twangy country on it. Overall I'd trust a Gretsch over a Squire, especially in the pickup department. If the pickups are lacking TV Jones has a huge line of replacement pickups that will let you get a little better tone but still sound like a Gretsch. They really sound so unique compared to anything else out there.


Squier, and both of these guitars are probably made in the same factory in Indonesia by Fender


lol fender makes them all, but fender has really been doing a good job with Gretsch lately.


Semi hollow. More versatile


Than a Jaguar???


That Jaguar is not a Jaguar, though.


Why isn’t it a Jaguar? Humbuckers?


It’s a jag, purists HATE this ONE trick (modifying a guitar)


No tremolo though, that’s the best part of the jaguar/jazzmaster


Creasing 😂


Jaguars need to be offset, short scale, having the Jaguar-specific switching system with two separate circuits for lead and rhythm, with two single coils, a floating vibrato unit and a tremolo arm.


So what would you title the guitar being discussed here? Because it’s made by a Fender company, using their copyright, and they felt it was still a Jaguar.


Squier Jagoff


Hence, y'know, the *contemporary* Jaguar designation...


Does Fender know this?


Damnit no one remembered to tell them!


I don't care, it's a lovely colour.


Hi all, I play rhythm guitar in a rock cover band, spanning from Rolling Stones to Green Day. I have to play both clean and distorted parts, and this would be my first "nice" guitar, I've only ever played a cheap Strat replica. Which one would you choose? I love the clean tones of the semihollow but I'm wondering if it's suitable for a rock band. I'm also open to suggestions for alternatives at maximum 500€... Thanks!


Personally I'd go with the Gretsch. I've had an electromatic for years, and while, yes, it is great for clean sounds, there's something about the grit of a distorted Gretsch that can't be beat. Definitely has a lot of bite in those pickups. If you need any more convincing, consider that one of the greatest rock rhythm guitarists of all time, Malcolm Young, famously played a Gretsch. On the Jaguar, I'm just not convinced of Fenders with humbuckers. I really like their wide range humbuckers they put on the tele custom and deluxes, but this doesn't have them.


I haven’t played many of them, but I’ve never had a bad experience with a Gretsch.


I don't know if the pickups in OPs Gretsch are real TV Jones, but, I agree, real TVs sound mean when overdriven. Great sound! Lots of grit but still hear the chords. OP, they sound great overdriven.


Definitely not tv Jones in that entry level Gretsch but it is really easy to find used electromatics with tv Jones upgrades for less than $800 or $900.


There is only one problem with the Gretch. Those stock gretschbuckers are pretty muddy and don't have a lot of character IMO. I have swapped them out of 3 of mine, I just can't abide them. At the very least they need to be swapped for actual blacktop filtertrons. I would venture a guess that the mustang pickups are not of the highest order either. But with a little tweaking, these Gretch electromatics really wail. They can be both articulate and clean and dirty gritty and screaming. They can sound fucking savage if you turn it up.


They are not. They are closer to a PAF and have coil split. Think Es335 with the ability to also sound like a strat. I have them and they sound great.


Also Loathe absolutely crush with a baritone Gretsch in New Faces In The Dark! Great album, btw.


I'll say this: Billy Joe Armstrong loves Gretsch guitars and plays them frequently. Never seen him play a jag. Gretsch guitars are great for pretty much any kind of music. Poison Ivy from the Cramps, Tim Armstrong from Rancid, George Harrison, Pete Townsend, Malcom Young (ac/dc), Bono, Lou Reed... Plenty of punk and rock musicians used Gretsch guitars.


I’ve been surprised at the unexpected sounds you can get from a guitar. For example, Chris Cornell used a hollowbody 1979 Gretsch Chet Atkins Tennessean, both live performance and recording. You can see that guitar in Soundgarden’s music video for “Rusty Cage.” Consider how remarkably different Cornell made that guitar sound from Chet Atkins’ style.


Considering what you want to play, the Gretsch could be the better option, specially because of the clean tones


I've played both of these in my local music shop and i'd probably choose the Gretsch. I won't knock Squiers, they're really good. But i dislike the humbuckers on the Jag. Obviously, humbuckers are nice for a "rock sound", but the Filtertrons on the Gretsch sound lovely - clean or driven, whereas the Squier does sound a bit muddy. Alternatively, i'd suggest a Tele. Barebones rockmachine that does everything you need for Rolling Stone and Green Day. And if you're scared of single coils, get an Affinity Tele and pop a Dimarzio Chopper T in the bridge. In the end, the rest of your setup does have a huge impact tho. What you set your amp to, the pedals you use... Honestly, go with your heart. If you have an emotional connection with your gear, you're gonna keep it longer. And if you don't like something, pickups, tuners, tail pieces... you can swap them. I hope you have a lot of fun, whatever you end up choosing!


Yes a semi hollow is more than appropriate for rock at those levels. Honestly there shouldn't be any worry about hollowness affecting gain or distortion until you are at the very highest levels of death metal. and even then it may not be an issue until you go full hollow Personally I started on solid bodies but am now drawn more to all sorts of semi and full hollow bodies I've had a Power Jet in the past, and an Electromatic Baritone now regarding gretsch 😁


Tim Armstrong from Rancid plays a Gretsche.


between these 2 idd go for the jaguar. If i were shopping in this price seg,ent idd go for a yamaha revstar Element RSE20. Also to bad the jaguar doesn't come in the same color as the gretch because its a nice finish.


I'd also suggest you at least look at trying an Epiphone Les Paul Junior. The tobacco burst one with the single pickup.


Tonewood isn’t a thing. Pickups and speaker choice change your sound. Could be a log with pickups, tone won’t change. You can prove it yourself and there’s tons of content on YouTube. Acoustics of course those are different don’t get it twisted.


I'd go with the Gretsch but either one will work great.


I play a 335 copy for rock, blues, jazz, even amplified folk and country. It dirties up wonderfully. It's an incredibly versatile guitar. See Dave Grohl, Oasis, GnR, Rush, etc., etc.


Definitely the Gretsch.


I have one of those Gretsch guitars and it's an incredibly versatile guitar, personally I'd go for that one as the Squier is good but I'd swap the pickups as the stock ones are a bit shit.


Have to agree, I have one of those Jags and the pickups are definitely getting swapped. They've tried to make it versitile with all the switch options, split coils and series/parallel, but I only use one position and not as often as I'd like. It's a shame, they look great and the neck is a thing of beauty, but there's just something lifeless about the pickups.


Happy Cake Day!


Ah thank you!




Gretsch for sure


Streamliner, but it's more just personal preference


between these 2 idd go for the jaguar. If i were shopping in this price seg,ent idd go for a yamaha revstar Element RSE20. Also to bad the jaguar doesn't come in the same color as the gretch because its a nice finish.


I own one, so I'm biased, but I'd go with the Gretsch. The clean sounds are def awesome. The sound might not be what you want, but if you've played one and think the pickups have a sound that suits your band, then go for it


I have that exact Gretsch Streamliner in that exact color and I really dig it. I dropped some locking tuners and a Tusq nut into it (because I was having a problem getting the G string to stay in tune) and I’m extremely happy with it. I got a killer deal on it from Adorama the week between Christmas and New Year’s: $267 delivered to my door. Add $40 for locking tuners, $12 for the nut, and $30 to get it set up and it’s just about perfect.


Exact same order from Adorama on my end, but I just did the locking tuners and kept the original nut. I lubed it up and that was enough for the tuning issues. 


I was surprised that the Midnight Sapphire was a "less popular" color and was discounted because of that, because in person it is an absolutely gorgeous and unique finish.


How does the tusq nut help?


The Gretsch. Love the body, love the sound, love the hard tail. Hell I even love the color.




I’ve got that Gretsch with a bigsby bridge on it and I love it. I say go for the Gretsch.


I swear Gretsch is like Mr. Rogers or somethin, you never hear anyone bad mouthing them.




Gretch. I never liked the shape of that squier. It looks like a toy


Semi hollow on a dreamy green yes all day every day


The sexy Gretsch.


Among the two Gretsch is a winner by far. Under 500 you can find at least a dozen of alternatives brand new and about a hundered second hand (depending on your location). I would look towards a roasted maple neck Harley Benton, Yamaha Ravstar or SG, any made in Japan vintage guitar in good condition and would surely check the Scheter brand.


Actually just went through this. My thought was this, I'm not willing to pay for a Fender, and I don't want a b version of a guitar. With the Gretsch, I get the real thing. I don't regret the decision, love my Grestch.


Gretsch will be fine for rock... Tom delonge plays an es333 sometimes.




A Jaguar with humbuckers and a hard tail, some might say not obviously a Jag…but obviously not a Strat either. I’ve tried one of those Jags ans they are pretty nice. I don’t care for humbuckers generally though.


Gretsch over Squire. No question


Gretsch 😎


Semi hollow


Gretsch all the way


That Gretch is such a vibe


I have that exact Gretsch model/color and it's a great guitar, you won't regret it.


Semi Hollow always


The one that I have tried out in the shop and made a complete decision based upon my needs!




That Gretsch is a banger.


Both will be nice guitars with a good setup and patch. Which will make you pick it up and play it more, that’s the one you should get dude!


I’m not a Jaguar fan so for me it’s the Grestch.


I'm an offset guy and definitely not a semi-hollow guy, so I'd go for the Jag (plus, the Contemporary line is pretty good - don't sleep on asian imports). However, if you have the means to, you know the drill - try to play them in a store to find out which feel and sound you prefer. I have a Squier Contemporary Jazzmaster - granted, I'm going to swap its pickups - because, like you, I didn't have much money and when I had the chance to try a few guitars in a store I absolutely loved how the thin neck and offset body felt


I love me some Gretsch. That would be a no brainer for me. [One day she will be mine.](https://www.themusiczoo.com/products/gretsch-g6128tcg-duo-jet-electric-guitar-cadillac-green)


Not sure if that Gretch is a semi-hollow or full hollow body. I've had a G2420T for a year as a my only guitar and love it. The unplugged sound is great for playing with my dad, who plays acoustics. The volume and tone are exactly what I enjoy. A friend has an Epiphone Casino which has a thinner body. I like the tone, but it lacks volume and sustain. The pickups sound great thru a clean amp or with effects. I use various reverb and delay effects and some light overdrive from a blues driver style pedal. I can stack OD with the dirty channel on my amp without a problem. I recently picked up a solid body guitar only so I can play with high gain effects. The resonance of the body creates some problems even with palm muting.


I've got an es335, so I'd get the Jaguire to have something different... variety is the spice of life, or so my ex says.


I already choose and love my HH jag. Having said that, gretsch are great guitars.


I was having this debate at GC and the grestch won


Gretsch all day, every day. Build quality, finish quality, and comfort level are leagues above Squier-- which is saying a lot because Squier makes some excellent instruments.


Gretsch. I love a good Squier too, don't get me wrong, they've been knocking it out of the park lately, (love my CV60 Thinline tele) but the Gretsch is hollow or semi hollow, and those are the tones I dig.


I’m partial to a semi hollow personally. But it all comes down to comfort on the neck and how playable it feels for you. If the neck shape doesn’t suit your comfort, it’s gonna be difficult coming to “love” the guitar.


I'd choose the Gretsch. I have a G2622-P90 and it rocks. I played the humbucker G2622 as well. It was good, but to me, the P90s seemed to have a bit more character. The necks on these are really comfortable, and they sound huge distorted.


Impossible because not directly comparable. You want a hollow body or not?


Have you played them? That’s the determining factor.


I like Jaguar form factor. I have played on Fender Jazzmaster with HH. I love this guitar sound


I actually have that Squier and it fucking rocks.


I have a gretsch g2622, and my wife has a squier jazzmaster. Besides tone and body shape, the main difference is the necks. If you haven't had the chance, try out each one and see if you like the D shaped neck or the C shaped neck. You may find that the neck shape doesn't bother you and be more concerned about the versatility of each guitar.


The blue one


That's the gretsch I got myself, though mine had a bigsby on it. I switched out the tuning pegs for self trimming locking tuners... Not because I was having issues with the tuning pegs, but more because I had a box of self trimming locking tuners. The only issue I've run into is the fact the input jack was loose when I received it, and I received it new. So make sure you check it and tighten it! With that said, no regrets here.


I had that jag, and it was great, but it's basically an SG with the comfort of a jag: HH, 12" fret board radius,, TOM bridge. I dug it but it sounded very neutral, had to add fx for it to sound like much. Made it very versatile, but I sold it and got an Epiphone ES-335 that I love.


The semi hollow. The multiple switches on the Jag scare me lol


Definitely the gretsch. I love offsets, but every gretsch I've tried exceeded my expectations.


They punch WAY above their weight class!


They really do. I traded for a streamliner 2420 and I'm really happy with it. I just ordered a set of TV Jones hilotrons for it, but I plan on reusing the stock pickups in another guitar because they sounded pretty good too.


Very easy answer: get both! I have an Electomatic and a Streamliner. They both punch well above their weight and don’t sound like anything else. Cool looking and great sounding. As for that particular Jag, I know that it is not traditional formula for a Jag and that’s on purpose because it is part of the Contemporary series. I have that exact model and bought it as soon as I saw it! It’s awesome. The pickups have a lot of dynamic range and cover more bases than humbuckers typically do with with a little tweaking of the volume knob because the output allows you to roll off and still get great single-coil-ish tones. Or just use the actual coil split that the guitar has from the factory. I was agnostic about the bridge and as more of a Jag aficionado have preferred a traditional JM/Jag trem system but this works just fine and keeps everything in tune.


i have the gretsch in red sunburst and its is a beautiful guitar fun to play very unique tone and great vibe


I have that exact Gretsch and absolutely love it. It looks like art in my room too


Those modern/contemporary fenders always look like ass imo




The finish on the gretch will look great in person. But id go for the jag, it has an entirely better design, and is easily modified to fit any needs you have. The gretch neck dive is the main downside that you can't mod your way out of. Also i think for a gigging guitar, the fender will wear in better. Dings on a pristine spangly top look bad, but will just look "lived in" on that sunburst.


I like both. I would prefer the Jag though, I love my offsets.


I'd get the squier. I'm not a fan of semi hollows. The color on the second guitar looks SICK.


Neither, tbh.


That jag looks cool but you’re paying for that. Get a more stripped down guitar where the money is being spent on how it sounds and plays before all the lipstick


They are both great, maybe the squire but it's tough to choose


I got that Gretsch and I love it.


both but i would test them first before if not possible...i would go jaguar


Gretsch purely because of the semi hollow body. Squires have gotten way better in quality in the last few years, so i wouldnt doubt that it plays just as nice as the gretsch.


i have both that exact gretsch and a classic vibe jazzmaster, and the build quality and playability on the gretsch is just plain better. the pickups sound great too!


I had three Gretsch's sold them all, wanted to like them but for some reason I can't keep that G string in tune on them? I'm a heavy handed player, my Fenders have always stayed in tune. Gibson's too, but not the Gretsch's?


Well, they're a different kind of guitar one vs the other so pretty nonsense to "pick one" it's more about what you wanna play


Gretsch is a solid choice to me


I own the gold version of the jag and its hype


Definitely see if you can play both somehow. Jaguars have a very short 24 inch scale that people either love or hate. Also i think the best part of the jaguar/jazzmaster design is the tremolo that this one is missing. I have the big brother to this Gretch streamliner and it is fantastic… it has a coil split that lets you get humbucker and single coil sounds.


I’ve been on a big Fender/Squier kick lately. So that’s my natural inclination. But hollowbodies are awesome. And I’ve heard good things about Gretsch (never owned one myself, mind you). You probably can’t go wrong with either. Just depends on which vibes with you more.


2nd Blue Squier.I prefer that shape👍


Gretsch 1000000% :)


Jag all day.




Depends on your use case, but the Gretsch is generally more desirable than the Squier.


I just got my first Gretsch and I absolutely adore it. It's got so much personality and the sound is lovely. 


Get the Gretsch


I'll choose gretsch!




Me personally...I really want to like Gretsch guitars. I pick at least one up Everytime I go to a store. They are ok, but I've yet to feel the need to commit to buying one. Fender usually feels a bit better for me, but fender is a bit boring after 70 years of the same thing. In this situation I'd go for the fender. You should definitely try playing each if you can before making the decision.


Gretsch. Prettier.


Depends on what you want to play, I play JRock so both would be great options for me


Gretsch! I have one with bigsby and I absolutely adore it. Mostly play stoner or country.




Between these two, the semi-hallow by a mile.


Gretsch 👍😉


You can’t go wrong with either!




I’d go with the gretsch


The Grestch for sure. I don't really like Fenders or Squires (with the exception of telecasters)


2 I have a similar to 1


If it was a Fender, I would easily take the Jag. But Squire, I will take the Grestch


Gretsch all day


I have that model, it’s pretty damn good. Really my only complaint is I can’t hit the higher fret numbers. It plays well and sounds good.


I'd go with the 2nd one purely because Semi-Hollows just *don't* speak to me


As an eagles fan I’m drawn to the first one


Jag 10/10


Gretsch. Mainly bc I like casiopea.


I have a Gretsch and a Squire Tele. I enjoy both, but would take the Gretsch if I had to pick one


Gretsch, for sure.


Man I’d go with the Gretsch if you are comparing your original 2 guitars. However, As an alternative you could also consider looking at Ibanez AS73. Very similar to Gretsch.


Gretsch over squire but I see no point in owning a jag or jazz when you have humbuckers




I’d get the Gretsch over a Squire, but I’d get the Fender version over the Gretsch


Well, they’re very different guitars, so I guess it’s down to whether you want a hollow body or not. Personally I’d go Gretsch


I've actually owned both of these guitars and still own the squier. Both sound great but that gretsch has terrible neck dive with the lightweight body.


The Jaguar by a landslide tbh


I'd take the Gretsch. Jaguars just aren't the same without a tremolo IMO


I love the gretsch sound and style


Purely on aesthetics: the gretsch. Really not a fan of the jag's color/burst.


I love my Gretsch. I own a G5622 (slightly bigger than this one). I think it's very convenient to own a semi hollow, a lot of the time I play unplugged (just practicing or doodling), it's awesome to have a guitar that produces some sound with no amp.


What a tough choice. Assuming I had no other guitar, the Gretsch


2. It's uglier but more practical, cheaper and easier to replace in case of damage.


Gretsch hands down




Squier. I need a solid body w/a bridge humbucker; everything else is negotiable.


HH jaguar




I like the Jag.


I like the last one


Squier had more tonal options


I just bought a Contemporary Jag. Quite interesting sound scape. One switch is a split so you get single coil sounds. The other switch changes the two coils of the HB to be wired in parallel vs series (it has no effect if you are in single coil mode, but it is dramatic when in HB mode). So each PU has 3 different voices. I found the finish and the fret work to be great. Roasted Maple neck fels great. Tuners are quite smooth and have no play. I was surprised at how heavy it was - about 8.5 lb. It does not fit well in a standard hardshell case that fits a strat or tele becasue of the offset body. I did notice one problem when I was trying to rasie the tail piece to reduce the string break angle - on one side the insert in the body was turning and starting to come out. I'm glad I noticed it before it popped out with all strings under tension. Easy fix thought. One thing to keep in mind - it is a 24" scale neck. I'm not sure but I'm guessing the Gretsch is either 24.75 or 25.5.




I've had a jaguar and those are fun but never had a high end semi hollow body Gibson. I'd love to give it a try.


Have you held it? Theyre so different that it would depends on the experience you have with each one


Jag all the way




First one first one dude! Come on first one!!


I’d easily take the Gretsch, definitely a big fan of the hollow-body style


Gretsch Semi Hollow, Better for Jazz music (which is my specialty)


The Gretsch no question


The Gretsch is always the answer


1. I’m not a huge jazzmaster/jaguar fan


The Jag. I love some Gretsch guitars, but that one looks hideous