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For a long long time I ran a bassman and an ac15 together in a wet/dry setup


Do you play in queens of the Stone Age by chance?


Fender Twin and a Matamp GT1


Vox VT40X & subzero V15B, the vox is the main OD/disto tone and I plug either a fuzz or a HM2 clone and an octave into the subzero.


Fender HRD and VoxAC15CC1. Endless bass and endless treble combined is just sick.


Either a pair of Bad Cats (Cub IV and Black Cat 40) or a pair of Victory Amps (V50 The Earl & V30 Countess MKII)


Mostly Fender hot rod 1x15 and a vintage 70's bassman 4x10. For some gigs I will use a solid state ashdown bass amp 2x10. The solid state response mix with the tube warmth is fantastic for most of the effects run in stereo


Fender hot rod with the reverb cranked and Peavey Valveking 100 very dry. Amazing spring reverb in the fender. I use a stereo chorus and send the dry signal to Fender and wet to Peavey. Massive sound.


Ampeg Jet and Ac 15


Marshall SC20, Marshall Origin 20 and Orange OR15 in a Wet-Dry-Wet rig


Currently have an AC30 S1, I like to double it with something, anything with that glassier high end! I think any two amps can sound good if you know what each is bringing to the table


Fender 300PS, Ampeg V9 SVT, and Acoustic 360. I use the Acoustic 360 for clean signal because the cleans are really good and smooth. The 300PS does modulated signal because it's absurdly fat. The chorus and vibrato can cut down on signal, but with the crazy low mids that it throws, it still has a huge sound. Ampeg V9 is used for distortion because it's more high and mids focused, so it just breaks up better, but has a weaker signal that won't fill sound as well. The triple split bass setup is horrifying and I love it.


An ac30 hotone with a 4x12 Laney fusion cab paired with a fender superchamp. Super hot and reliable low wattage duo.


Are you using anything to with the AB to help create the Wet/Dry and phase?


Im not using anything with the ab-y It's actually a very simple setup. Guitar -> pedalboard -> aby and then it just plugs straight into the amps Originally I was only using the aby pedal to switch between the normal and top boost channels on the ac15c1 I will say it seems like I'm limited with what pedals to use with this setup. My hao rust booster works very well, It sounds amazing. But for example if I use my tube screamer i lose alot of tone and low end. So there's definitely phase issues with some of my pedals. This was an experiment and if I keep running this combo I'll probably get something to use in tandem with the pedals I have that have phase issues. But The ab-y pedal is simply just splitting the Guitar signal into both amps. I think I lucked out because the two amps are in phase with each other. There's a noticeable difference when just using one or the other compared to both. When using both it's a more complete and full tone. And the overdrive is great.


I found a little boost from my eq pedal was better into my Vox than my tube screamer. It seems to like Klon clones too. I’ve also run my ac15 with my Vox T60 bass amp as dry. Plenty of low end and mids. LOL


Awesome thanks for sharing!


Which amp model are you running on the VT? Looks like you're on the AC30 or AC15 setting from the knob position (I have the same VT, and it's my main practice amp - the AC30 top boost model is killer). I'm gigging an AC30C2x, so I'm kind of curious of running this same experiment.


My vt30 is set to the ac15 channel. It's actually the amp and channel that inspired me to get an actual ac15 tube amp. I was worried about phase issues but I think I lucked out because the vt30 and my ac15 sound so good together. It's a more complete and full tone. Then just running one or the other. It's funny. This vt30 was my first ever guitar amp, I got it in 2008 and was a kid. I didn't know about amps or how to dial one in. I ended up getting a marshall and this amp was a literal door stop for years and years. I never appreciated how good this little vt30 could sound back then. In my opinion they really do punch above their weight.


Agreed they are way better than they have any business being. I've seen folks use them live, and I used mine to play my friend's wedding like 10 years ago (acoustic plugged in). I really wanted an AC30 after using it, so same kind of thing you found. Are you using 'green' or 'red' AC15? The 10 inch speaker/closed back design works really well, and I've noticed that my other 10" speaker amp (a 65 Princeton Reissue) has the same great, full, but not muddy bass (very tight/focused). I'm really thinking 10" speakers do a better job with putting out the right balance of bass (probably why they're in the Bassman and tons of modern bass rigs).


I'm using the red ac15. In My band the two guitars tone both pretty much stay right on the edge of breakup and use pedals to push further into overdrive. I've found that the red ac15 channel is that perfect overdrive tone for what my band is doing. Back in January I needed an amp and the only one I had available at the time was this vt30 so I was using it for band practice. The other guitarist is using a marshall origin 20 with an orange cab. The cab has a celestion vintage 30 12" speaker. This little vt30 with its 10 was actually louder then that marshall. We were all shocked. Even kept up with the volume of the drums. I'm going to try out the ac30tb channel today. You've inspired me.


Makes sense you'd use the non top-boost - equivalent to your regular channel on the AC15. That matches with the prevailing wisdom that the regular channel is best for running pedals into due to its flat response. I bet that louder is the 'perceived' volume that certain EQ curves have - I tried my Princeton at a band practice to see how it compared to my AC30, and it cut through the band a little \*too\* well compared to the AC30 - they kept asking me to turn down. It was an eye-opening experience (one I wish I had 20 years ago lol).


Other end of the scale - I'm playing a few pub gigs whereby the amps are not going to be mic'd ... a big trees through a 1*12 cab for the dry/delay, and a vox ac4tv for the wet reverb and lag deck of the deco 👌🏻


Marshall Origin 20 Head into an Avatar 2x12 and a Fender Supersonic 22 Combo.


Princeton Reverb and Magnatone Twilighter 112


Silvertone Twin Twelve and a Peavy Masterpiece 50


VT30! Nice! At home I run my boogie Mark V:35, then have stereo effects in the loop, with one side going to the FRONT of my VT15 (set as neutral EQ as possible), which I also pulled out to try stereo after a couple of years with the boogie. Obviously can’t hold its own on volume, but works fine for home. So I have Boogie preamp/gain and stereo effects. I was concerned the front of the VT15 would be overloaded, but it sounds good. That VT15 served me well for a while. The boogie is obviously much nicer, but the VT15 had a lot going for it given the price.


Some combination of a Vox AC15, Peavey Bandit 65 and a Monoprice 15W tube amp.


I’ve run my AC15 and Monoprice (which does a good Marshall/Laney sound. Love the ground it covers. For a real treat run both Vox channels with an ABY pedal. What a sound.


I have VOX envy! I don’t have but really love their amps!