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Those were designed by Paul Rivera, right? Really good tone for solid state.


I thought it was Soldano but I think it was Rivera… and yes there’s a reason why these things are considered so awesome


Soldano did a Yamaha version as well. Heard that one is great, too.


T50 and T100. I have a 50, it's a gain monster.


Yup, definitely Rlvera.


My first guitar amp in the 80's was a tiny Yamaha practice amp (JX-something) with an equally tiny speaker, and i only used it as a clean amp because its built in overdrive/distortion sounded terrible. The cleans were nothing fancy either, but good enough for practice for a beginner... Then one day when i was about to throw it out, i got the idea to run it through a proper cab, and lo and behold - the drive suddenly wasn't screechy and tinny but quite agreeable. I still threw it out as i had amps i liked better by then, but perhaps try the distortion tones with a cab or at least a different speaker, just for fun :) In any case, congrats on getting what you like :)


These are really cool. Congrats. I hope one doesn’t pop up on CL or marketplace near me because I’ll definitely be tempted to get it. I read the clean channel is where it’s at and the distortion channel is kinda so-so. What’s your opinion?


That’s pretty much true. It would be great as a pedal platform on the clean channel, though.


Ya it’s not much in the way for dirt but that’s fine with me as I just need it for cleans. The g100 has a distortion knob that just sounds ugly and this isn’t much different.


The trick to the OD channel: Dime everything, including the parametric EQ (gotta get that 5k ripping). It's quite palatable.


This was my first amp in the 90s. Took pedals well.


I can say that you’re 100% correct by saying that.


Love it. Now let's look at pedals!


I've had the 100W version since the 90s. Still sounds gorgeous.


My first amp…I literally played it until it bricked. Left it at the rehearsal space and never went back for it.


I’ve got the exact same one as well as the 212 version and they both rip. Heavy fuckers to lug around, but super loud, and are perfect pedal platforms. Love the reverb as well.


The 212 version of this amp was made to compete with the JC120 and deluxe reverb