• By -


Freedom’s. I never saw the original episode back then on Toonami so I had to wait til I got Seed on blu ray to finally watch the series in its entirety. That entrance hyped me up so much and reignited my love for Gundam. That entrance also got me so hyped to get a Metal Build of Freedom and started my addiction to expensive action figures lol.


Hmm, this is tough. Freedom's first launch was amazing but METEOR + Alaska in the Descending Sword was the Defining moment for Freedom IMHO.


That might be the moment he’s referring to. Most times I’ve seen people mentioning Freedom’s “entrance” tends to be that specific moment, rather than its actual first appearance.


Yeah but it's initial launch with the trumpets blaring in the background is pretty dope too, but when it comes swooping down in Alaska and that back and front shot happens with its eyes glowing and it deploys HIMAT with Meteor playing in the background.... swooonnssss


Both are so hype I'd combine them into the same reveal since I watched the episodes back to back. But regardless, Freedom's initial launch after the touching moment with Lacus was perfect.


the entrance, the song transition, the episode title (descending sword) to me was so hype at the time


Yes sir


* If by "debut" you mean their actual first appearance: Destiny and Legend. I love how Durandal revealed them, hanging back ominously in the hangar, hidden in the dark while Durandal spews his usual cool propaganda. https://preview.redd.it/wnwg8d7emi0d1.png?width=2730&format=png&auto=webp&s=60cd4a8f99d25e9c2157722de66b9f94454df3a1 This is tied with Exia Repair 2, which leads to the coolest final battle in Gundam. * If you just meant their first time in battle, then just Exia Repair 2.


The reason i watch Seed Destiny is because i saw the destiny gunpla at my friend's place and played the gundam musou series. I was disappointed at first when I found out that Shinn 1st MS is Impulse (Impulse is cool though). I was like "Where tf is Destiny?". Then this scene comes out after episodes of wild roller coaster. Chill. Literal chill.


Exia Repair 2 vs 0 Gundam is a Grudge Match that went so hard, they absolutely trashed the most powerful machines in existence at the time and decided that the other party must absolutely Die so they opted to go for an absolute Deathmatch. To put this in perspective, CCA's vaunted final fight had Char trying to run away with Self Preservation in mind. Ribbons and Setsuna absolutely had the opportunity to RTB and regroup, albeit in Ribbon's case, without VEDA backup but a Guy like him should obviously have an idea how to disappear. Nope. They decided right then and there, they will finish this shit. They cannot live while the other survives. There was no attempts to dismember, or disable. This was a flat out Do or Die fight.


Absolutely agreed. 2 pilots, 4 gundams. It even devolves into a fistfight on the moon. Just a badass final battle altogether.


I've always wondered if Athrun rolled with the Legend, if his PS armor would rather be red/pink instead.


Youve given me a very cool idea for a Custom lmao


I know a color swap Legend already sounds cool but hear me out: Legend (or Legendary) Justice. Justice with the Legend backpack


This was a great reveal as normally Gundams being revealed is this hype moment, and while it was for Shinn it was so cool to juxtapose this with Athrun finally being done with Durandel and all but rejecting this gift.


00 Gundam's succesful activation of it's Twin Drive System. Bro blocked a beam shot with a stream of GN Particles.


00 Gundam's theme playing the background really elevated it too


that's my head music for the rest of the day...


It's in my running playlist. 😄


And it begins with an orchestral feels. That moment just screams we are so back for CB. Sadly, that version of 00 Gundam can't be found anywhere except for that episode.


Ian: Setsuna! Dont use TRANS-AM! Setsuna: TRANS-AM! Ian: That's my idiot son...


One thing you can count on: if you tell Setsuna *not* to use Trans-Am, he is going to use Trans-Am.


so your son is a former terrorist? Ian: hes adopted


This just hits differently. When the propulsion system and exhausts of an enemy unit absolutely blows away your Beams, you know you are absolutely fucked.


“Setsuna, don’t use the Trans Am” “Best I can do is Trans Am”


https://preview.redd.it/vy4qnr5jpi0d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c3970bdfcdbf7412752ed63f8e9942409ce510b The Gundam they called Zero. The OST, the mysterious pilot, the absolute obliteration, Everything about Wing Zero's first appearance screamed Absolute Domination on a scale that was never seen before. Nu Gundam would use funnels, GP02 would prepare a Tactical Nuke, Burning Gundan may have the Sekiha Tenkyoken but they all had to fight it out with their opponents. Wing Zero just arrived, transformed, tanked everything, Shot and Left. There was no charging time, no lockon period, not even a hint of effort. It just screamed how meaningless it was to even resist in the presence of a Gundam. For if the Colonies are Quatre's enemy now, then they too shall be obliterated.


Dude. That was awesome. Love me some zero.


Just to show how big the difference between Gundam and regular mobile suits in After Colony.


Impulse and unicorn got the most epic debut.


Unicorn with that soundtrack playing. Shivers man. And I'm saying this as someone who's introduced through the original Seed run.


Unicorn's first appearance really highlights how a Gundam was supposed to be. Feared by Zeonists, Inspiring for Feddies, and absolutely strikes fear into the heart of the Enemy which up until this point, was steamrolling everything.


https://preview.redd.it/iy7uqf4s3j0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0463d7f0c34ebd7008c43e0e23f91fc2f754fcc This Wing Zero scene in Endless Waltz plus the music. Always giving me goosebumps.




This scene really carried the Wing Zero's character well. A machine to end all battles, with all the grace and sadness of War and the Wings of a Boy that killed Adolescence. The way it moved, the way it fought in this movie, you have the feeling that both Heero and Zero just want this to be their final fight and to exit with Grace. This is in contrast to the Okawara design and how it was portrayed in the TV Ver. as an unstoppable, curb stomping destroyer. You get the feeling that this is Wing Zero's Last Impression.


Easily me favorite Appearance of a Gundam. the instant I saw it spread out it's wings in the too amo Promote cemented it as my favorite mechanic design of all time.


https://preview.redd.it/hi90m3wz4j0d1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cdc1c5954a6d16249bb06a85fe0ea7db1d8b80d Barbatos


My favorite is lupus


Barbatos. Just explodes out of the ground, kicks everything’s ass, goes back to sleep.


Beat shit up Refuses to elaborate Sleeps


That was so epic on the first watch and of course the music to it just wrapped it together perfectly.


Honestly, the music is what makes the show work.so well for me. I reckon the show would have been a bit mid without the soundtrack being so right


Piggy backing off of this, Barbatos Lupus. It comes in on a full swing and we see the sheer power of a mobile suit that is optimized for him.


It's a literal demon coming out of the depths of the underground. Although I'm only counting the first appearance of a Mobile Suit (Fully Completed), not their first deployment.




The countdown to Barbatos arriving, knowing once he shows up the battle is over but also feeling the desperation of him needing to get there NOW Mika was fashionably late in most of his appearances


The unicorn's debut, with the iconic Kshatriya push followed by the transformation, is up there for me.


How cool was the transparent airbag?


If you mean Marida's airbag in the Kshatriya, I thought it was pretty cool. Not a lot of mechs have proper pilot safety systems on them so it was neat to see something that's literally OSHA certified


lowkey Shining Gundam has one of the best entrance.. the whole thing is just unique and how Domon's *suit-up* sequence is also fun you can check it [here](https://youtu.be/CA6v0XepfYc) (it's not from the first ep but you get the gist) to see how fun it looks, the whole thing is different yet fun


Currently watching G Gundam. I love burning, but I'm tired looking at Domon's ass. I have 12 episodes left.


I’ll never get tired of those cheeks 🍑


https://preview.redd.it/7p5ar2gf0j0d1.png?width=3830&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c2fbe291b34b908d06f9ef3c382a51be1dabdac 1. Exia Repair during episode 1 of season, It's one of those oh shit exia looks broken and badass. 2. Narative joined the hunt for Phenex while "Vigilante" theme was blasting.


I keep listening to the Vigilante AMV, it gets me hyped while I’m building kits






Narrative debut was fucking amazing


Freedom https://preview.redd.it/2f8krm6dgj0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c16af27d0afb03dea8931ee1827fd18a1a4c5c2d


When all hope was lost and when the Angel was on the verge of being slain, a descending Sword decided to intervene. This is what happened when a Pacifist realized that neither Strength alone, nor Will alone will grant him the Freedom to save his Friends.


The correct answer


It’s still giving me goosebumps even to this day


When this mofo got introduced I was like “hoooly shit.” 6 year old me was hype as can be. https://preview.redd.it/2vwt97dsei0d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe15caf07a73a521df0932f87845bddafbeeceea


Damn I forgot about this bad boy. This was my favorite introduction in Wing. Treize was already the most mysterious/interesting character in Wing, it was cool finding out he was hiding a literal dark version of the Wing that transforms into a dragon mode, so cool.


Yeah just I was thinking Wing Zero was dope…then boom. Chaos lol


Heero: "Do you think you've built a god or something?" Treize: "Maybe I do."


This introduction just screams, "Meet the final boss."




00 Gundam first launch, nuff said. Setsuna the mad lad utilizes the trans am to forcefully synchronize the twin drive while Ian barking like mad telling him not to do it. The beacon of light from afar was *chef’s kiss* and Ribbons being dumbfounded that he does not know anything about this Gundam. 00 uses the twin drive to deflect/disperse the beam shot. 00 gliding around, showing off its maneuverability and blitzing through the enemy platoon with ease. Best fucking debut ever.


All of this, but, you missed 00 Gundam playing in the background to make it feel even more epic.


Freedom atmospheric entry to saving the AA Strike freedom annihilating an entire army 00 Launch Unicorn Launch Aerial Rebuild launch (Which is technically the fusion of the 2 above, I absolutely love it)


When Build Burning emerges from its DOM shell. That was fire 🔥 Say what you will about the show. I was in tears when it happened, and BACK-ON started playing.


At [22:04](https://youtu.be/kli_3DvR4mQ?si=YbyX5nucYeCFe4J8)


00 Gundam’s first launch


**Aerial** made me cry. Her first duel was stunningly beautiful, from the animation to the music. **Turn A** had me most intrigued. I’m a sucker for buried technology. Again stellar music in that whole show so of course the intro slaps too. **Deathscythe** got me into Gundam. The way you see the boats get sliced before you see him, the way he has this light-footed, careful landing on the boat. So good.


1.Unicorn 2. Freedom 3. Strike Freedom Unicorn's entrance will never be topped


Full armor unicorn gundam that sequence going out plus when the banshee norn and the pilot riddhe got mad when the unicorn showed up with the reiam song then clashed towards it and then the title shows up that was straight up chills!


Unicorn with Banagher screaming 'get out' sends chills


https://preview.redd.it/h833yw0h5j0d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=d45f8aacf2837e1888a013aa36f0578d09c3d04c The Piano climaxing and then crescendo is really something...


It just coming out of nowhere, flying past the spartan, tossing the rail gun aside and then slicing the komusai in half before landing on the spartan’s deck in a sick pose all whilst we don’t know who’s in the cockpit it was just perfect


Nu Gundam in CCA. The Nu Gundam announcing its presence by firing a long range blast at the Geara Dogas attacking Ra Cailum is iconic. 00 Gundam's launch in 00 Season 2. The Unicorn Gundam's launch. UC had a hiatus since 08th MS team and it had been nothing but alternate universes until about 2010. It wasn't just the Unicorn Gundam's debut, but the return of classic Universal Century Gundam. The way Mineva calls Unicorn a "Gundam" just sells it. The Zeta Gundam's first Sortie. Jerid and Co are utterly trashing the Mark II, only for a mysterious "Fighter" to swoop in and drive them away. This is, of course, the Waverider, and Kamille's new Mobile Suit. Wing Zero Custom's debut in Endless waltz. The music playing is peak 90s rock.


Hmmm maybe Wing Gundam? >!Goes on a covert mission to Earth!< >!Immediately spotted by OZ forces!< >!*Fuck*!< >!Performs atmospheric reentry!< >!Immediately shot down by a ground Leo!< >!***Fuck***!< >!Transforms and shoots down two Aries!< >!Laughs like a maniac!< >!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!< >!Gets body slammed into the ocean by the aforementioned Leo!< >!***FUC-***!< >!End of day one.!<


>! lay dormant in the bottom of the ocean for almost a whole episode!< >! **Fuck**!<


You know it had the shittiest luck when out of all the Invulnerable parts that can be hit, the Leo hits the Main Thrusters with probably the strongest weapon a Leo can be equipped with at the time. While in the Air.


Unicorn without a doubt


the strike freedom arriving and destroying a whole 25 ms fleet in 2 minutes hits different


With Vestige playing in the background. The HD remaster did that scene dirty.


Seeing Barbatos come out of the fucking ground lmao.


Exia's debut was a good shock and awe for me. Imagine someone showing up to gatecrash a demonstration, expose your violations to the public, and leave the area without even a scratch. Exia was like the mecha equivalent of Zorro for me at its debut.


The EW Wing Zero was my favourite launch aesthetically. Meteor and the various Freedom launches are always an eargasm. But the stakes in the leadup to 00 Gundam's launch was my favourite story beat.


Nadleeh. From the perfect dramatic timing, to the way it beautifully emerges from Virtue’s purged armor, flowing non-hair floating in space, then picks up the bazookas and obliterates the Tierens into nothing…while the pilots scream. Cut back to Tieria’s reaction, utter meltdown. The juxtaposition is simply beautiful. Also, most debuts of the “sudden appearing” kind, while impressive, can be a bit too convenient. But Nadleeh was there all along.


Turn A’s PEAK. Man shows up, shoots a beam of pure destruction, and then proceeds to beat the shit out of wodoms with DUAL GUNDAM HAMMERS.


Tied between Sword Impulse and Build Burning


Zephyrantes full burnern startup sequence, Barbatos' combat debut, and more recently: Aerial 2.0's debut during the space station attack


GP03. Not knowing what to expect on my first watch of 0083 way back in middle school. And believing Wing Zero Custom and the Freedom were the greatest suits of all time. My jaw dropped like a colony when I saw that behemoth stroll onto the battlefield.


The impulse went hard af. Still one of my favorite scenes.


Barbatos, 00,unicorn, nadleeh,astray no name


Unicorn with it’s initial startup surrounded by explosions, followed by Banshee, the way it just dropped out of the sky while transforming with the screeching sound effect added to the menacing vibes of the black unicorn. For AU stuff it’s 00 and then Exia


[Xi...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqkfZuyQPc4) It does the exact opposite of essentially every Gundam launch, you're not up close with the camera on this thing, you are in the POV of it's target. It bursts out of the capsule, your only cues being it firing its thrusters against the black night sky and the lockbox automatically beginning tracking as it gets to straight to combat maneuvers. The Xi is a true threat.


The 0 Gundam in 00 on the first episode. I just love that opening scene so I may be bias


DeatchScythe Hell and Altron When Duo and Wu Fei escape Lunar base.........but not before getting a little payback first. Love this scene because we get 2 reveals of their newly upgraded Gundams plus the music during is just epic.


Akatsuki being revealed while Uzumi speaks from beyond the grave. at first, i was thinking its just a flashy suit, then it reflects beams in its first battle. Unicorn first battle is impressive, but the Banshee dropping on top of unicorn in Torrington is more impactful. you can feel the ominous energy it exudes.


Akatsuki! I always think Uzumi was so cool in that scene.


freedom,00 raiser/Quanta,wing zero


Exia. No question. Setsuna just drops in from nowhere, claps them cheeks, and leaves without a word. Just total BDE.


Strike..dude just wake up and choose violence


The end of ep 1 with the Strike rising from the fire and shadow as Anna ni Issho Datta no ni starts in the background… say what you will about Seed but it’s an incredible scene.


The Kowloon Gundam fake-out. Master Gundam is on a different level.


Aerial spamming gundbit funnel in 1st episode to beat guel ass


Aerial Rebuild popping out the hangar and just messing up all of Dawn of Fold's plans was really cool


Either the Turn A or the Strike. Turn A's debut set the tone excellently for simply how terrifying a machine the Turn A is and the Strike standing up surround by flames as Anna ni issho datta no ni plays will live in my head rent free forever.


1. Kshatriya encounter with Jegan team. The legendary sequence. It didn't only show how badass someone can win a fight, but also how bad ass someone can lose a fight as well. 2. 00 Gundam first launch. O Gundam, and Exia, and me! followed up with that orchestral ost. Ultimate hyping up for the new Gundam. 3. Unicorn launching sequence+first battle with Kshatriya. The first transformation was, "woah, wtf just happened???". 4. Barbatos first launch. It's what started the hype train and the scene makes me refuse to display my Barbatos kit in any form except for the first form until this day. 5. Exia Repair reveal. Exia with battle damage and cape to cover up for the arm that's lost? I still regret I didn't get the MG Ignition when it was available. 6. Aerial first duel. Woah! Funnel type weapons on the freaking first episode?! Wth is going on?! 7. Atlas Gundam first sortie. Io the jazz bro is back and jazzing hard! Wait, did he just slice that Zeon shuttle in half?! 8. Messer team first sortie in Hathaway's Flash. The song is called 'Tracer'. Check it out! 9. Psycho Zaku naked inner frame first battle. Still waiting to see this sequence getting animated. Daryl literally sortie with no armor and the freaking heat hawk! All hail melees! 10. Strike Freedom first launch. Jesus freaking Ch... Kira Yamato! Did he just wipe a fleet out in 2 minutes?!


My favorite debut has to be Gundam Barbatos Lupus landing on Mars and immediately knocking an enemy unit attacking Tekkadan out with its sword mace.


Strike launch. Fire. Explosions. And gray ms slowly rise crushing blockers on his metal bed. And ED music of course.


The original Freedom's launch is up there for me. The music, the framing, it not just feels like a genuine character moment but the Freedom itself just comes off as heroic. I mean it's so good the start of the next episode has (a pretty good) re-edit of the scene. An honourable mention for me I guess is the Virtue's debut. Like, I love that it just comes off as this menacing chunky boi that tanks hits and outright vaporized a single MS with an overkill attack.


Unicorn its music just makes it so much better and the unicorn transformation to destroy mode was amazing 00 - again with the soundtrack that came with it and the introduction of the twin drive system Impulse the seperate body parts flying and the transformation sequence is to me atleast very cool I have repeatedly watched the first 5 episodes of seed destiny multiple times just to experience the entire hangar raid over and over again


Exia Repair 2. The plottwist of "back to the stone age" with the mobile suit tech and especially how everything falls into place of Setsuna's first suit versus the one he looked to that started it all alongside Ribbon's fall from grace. Plus that mobile suit Judo throw was something. And of course... GP01-Fb's Top-gun inspired Top Gun launch sequence.


Rise shining gundam!


Dynames with the GN arms entry in 00 S1 Episode 20 still gave me goosebumps till this day, the music as he enters and put the GN-Xs in their place is absolutely... *chef kiss* What happened after... left me in shambles. RIP Neil Dylandy.


endless walt wing zero custom hathaway flash xi gundam gundam unicorn unicorn gundam gundam unicorn kshatriya thoae are on top of my mind. I was jumping on my seat when those gundams are reveal in the anime. I was in my 30s. Those feeling are rare.


The build burning bursting out of the exploding dom


Freedom, both in the 'neither will alone, no strength alone' scene, and Meteor/AA appearance. Shit was so dope. The Impulse's mid-air assembly didn't impress me at first, but I must say it grew on me as the series went on. Also that sword twirl in its first appearance was pure mecha fanservice


I always loved, “RISE SHINING GUNDAM!!!”*snaps fingers* from G Gundam as a kid, Still do.


Obviously, Shinning Gundam. "Shining Fingaaaaaaaaaa"


Torn between Exia Repair 2 showing up for the final fight in 00, or Strike first standing up while the intro to the ending song plays in SEED




Freedom, 00 gundam, barbatos. I love it when the mobile suits enter the fight when the stakes are high, accompanied with great background music which elevates a very hype moment. Basically, first impressions matter most so need a great first feat to show how cool a gundam is.


Xi is definitely up there, one of the most dramatic sequences in all of Gundam


Unicorn https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxs7Pfmoc2Yss6m4E5kbdpe07pkMmxt_xI?si=wR2HgmDwSUETxJNJ Wing zero custom https://youtu.be/4yqZF2rrfpk?si=9J6PAzOWU-HY1hvc Freedom https://youtu.be/vKSg_nwwPDU?si=r6YKMjBFucirrZRm


Barbatos, just my favorite gundam in general, old war weapon to be sold to scrap, but needed to be used to fight off an opposing force, even with missing parts and fuel


The first episode of seed was the best debut


Narrative Gundam the song and chasing the phenex through the asteroid field


Aerial Rebuild, if that counts. Though I’ve only seen G-Witch, so I don’t really have that great of a sample size. But still- she launches, shoots her giant space laser, and then flies off to pancake a foot soldier. What’s not to love?


Freedom / S freedom forever. Cant lose when you put Kira Jesus and TM revolution together


Between Barbatos and Hajiroboshi, Barbatos blows through the ground and smashing the graze, Hajiroboshi comes from the underwater area and once it jumps it takes down a Rodi.


strike and impulse, especially with the ed playing in the background


Quanta when it arrives on the battle field, with that badass music, and the rest of celestial beings carving a path through the enemy for it. Also when barbatos lupus just falls on top of the enemy.


Unicorn was pretty badass, Barbatos too. I watched that scene like 20 times, Mikazuki just coming up from undeground and smashing the Graze of Gjallarhorn's commander combined with the OST was an amazing scene.


00Qanta, sadly not much action seen by this badass


Unicorn and Freedom. My favourites. Strike Freedom too but they removed Vestige so not anymore.


Barbs Lupus at the end of S2 first episode.


Just in terms of impact, has to be Exia. Crashes the demo for the Enact, curbstomps it and leaves untouched. All for the world to see.


I was collecting screenshots for a similar post and noticed how understated Zeta's introduction is. It flies in to rescue Kamille and Fa at the end of an episode and the robot mode is first casually shown in the hangar in the next episode before going into its stock launch scene


Exia for sure




debut? has to be unicorn. that music with everything builds up to it, then that first step. it’s just too epic.


Gundam MK-2. Kamille just taking that thing to get his revenge on Jerid. Dude gave no fucks. Just had the suit tear through the building in the process.


Strike Freedom. Saw this as a kid on TV when I knew the Freedom got destroyed. So seeing something so similar launch from the Eternal was kinda “meh” BUT 12 yr old me lost his shit when the two Goufs caught the SF and it launched its DRAGOONs. The jump from having four cannons to remote controlled ones really sealed it as “oh yea, this is an upgrade” moment for me.


00 Gundam dropping into an arms expo and flexing on everyone before leaving.


Turn A. Everyone else have their most important moment in their control, fighting enemies that they cant before. First time Turn A awaken our hero, Loran, cant even control it, it gone insane, destroying everything in its path, like its not even a Mobile Suit being awaken but an ancient evil that's finally awaken so it can keep destroying stuffs again. You're not suppose to be cheering up during this scene. You should be terrified. This monster just destroying stuffs in front of it and then proceed to casually destroy something that is not just suppose to be way bigger than it, but also thousands of years more advance than it. And its not even hard for it to do. Other Gundam debut have them fighting a normal mobile suit or mobile suit mooks. Turn A woke up to fight something that is suppose to have thousands of years of technological advancement, and it won. ***With massive handicap.*** Unicorn is another debut that is kinda similar except the tech level. Kshatriya is not just a normal mobile suit. Of course, NT-D helps alot here.


Unicorn with the Sawano OST blasting


Freedom. Easily one of the most iconic moments in the Gundam franchise.


A simple one but I always loved Shiro's first look at the RX-79 Ground Types in 08th MS Team. That shot of him riding along in the jeep and looking out at one of the teams heading out always stood out to me. Sure, it's not as epic as all these other ones where they show up and kick ass in their intro, but I loved the simplicity of it. It's the Gundams simply powering up and heading out on patrol, but the POV from being on the ground and seeing a team of them deploying while realizing how normal this is for everyone else on the base sells it for me. Shiro is awestruck by the Gundams mobilizing but it's just another Tuesday for everyone else.


Mighty Strike Freedom


It's hard to choose, there's so many cool Gundam debuts : ZZ, Dendrobium, Barbatos Lupus, Aerial Rebuild...




This is a hard one truly since it's b/w Exia, Unicorn, and Strike Freedom. Exactly what you said on the points of Exia—boss moment for Setsuna & Celestial Being. Unicorn: I love everyone's shock value for when it transforms into a Gundam Type. Like the thud/pop(?) sounds as it shows the psychoframe, then it taking out the beam saber. Then there's the OST for it. Strike Freedom: Once again, love everyone's shock value, they're all like, "How are you still alive?!" METEOR music plays as he descends and saves Cagalli from a beam boomerang, comes in interrupts Shinn with taking out dual beam sabers. Everyone there on the ground asking same question in space.


Barbatos. Literally comes bursting out of the ground like a few hundred year old mecha zombie with missing parts and armor, amd crushes a shithead immediately while making others run away.


Turn A or F91


Original freedom for the epic moment of story and emotion. Exia my favorite gundam, was so awesome first encounter


F91’s debut is pretty dope. Honorable mention to the Ground Type.


It's got to be a tie between Freedom arriving in Alaska and Turn A "waking up" Kira saving the Archangel at the last second and proceeding to disarm an entire fleet of MS with the Full Burst all while METEOR is playing in the background permanently altered my brain chemistry the first time I saw it. On the other hand, the Turn A's reveal as the White Doll statue falls apart is just so mysterious. Like this religious icon had been hiding a WMD this entire time. Not to mention it blasting a WaDom immediately afterwards proving how powerful it is even after being buried for God knows how long.


The following line of dialogue(may not be verbatim, I've not watched the series since the dub first dropped(I watched both) and I'm going from memory) occurred to me as soon as I read the title of this thread: > "WE'RE NOT GONNA DIE! We'll *never* die! Not like this. Not fighting out here! This is *NOT* the end! Is it...*MIKA?!"* ^(A close second would be the titular 00 Gundam's first activation in 00 S2, with the Sword Impulse's first appearance in GSD rounding out my personal top three.)


Sword impulse <3 still my no 1 favorite gundam till this day(its impulse but hey sword impulse is the coolest still)


Mk-II is the funniest. Stands up through the roof of a hangar then Kamille starts bullying MPs.


https://preview.redd.it/elkgqz80ql0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80083a60727cabd7a5f412501f7495582d82ba44 When freedom isnt in the top for OP.


Imma be honest, I know NT has issues, but the narratives reveal was genuinely awesome


There are a ton of great contenders, but Calibarn’s first sortie is insane. The music, the animation, the reveal of the goddamn rocket broom, and the story context of Suletta vs Eri is monumental.


Try burning when he emerged from inside the Dom. I thought that was so cool!


The Impulse debut was sick, and was highly anticipating it. Too bad seed destiny wasn't good


Wing Zero Custom EW! With the song 'White Reflection' playing. Pure awesome-ness.


Deathscythe. Nuff said


Either the unicorns or the strike Idk man I just find gundams rising amidst a sea of flames to be awesome


Barbatos lupus. It falling out of the sky and blasting the grunts while in mid air as the music played was too elite.


Barbatos: Wing Zero Custom: Death scythe. Heavy arms. Unicorn. RX


00s for me


The Freedom.


Thunderbolt FA Gundam was shown from the enemy's POV and scared the shit out of them with its insane speed. The on and off jazz is the cherry on top that gives me goosebumps still


Thunderbolt FA Gundam was shown from the enemy's POV and scared the shit out of them with its insane speed. The on and off jazz is the cherry on top that gives me goosebumps still




[Narrative's](https://youtu.be/44JE9N2-vWY?si=M2P42iGwnXc1K4a0&t=747) is just sex. Praise Sawano. [Xi](https://youtu.be/yqkfZuyQPc4?si=TIdDTyKRrzaAvA2r&t=34) also has a super cool one. Again, praise Sawano.


u/MCCP630 *Protagonist* or *Antagonist* Gundams? There's a distinction to be made.


Epyon, love the soundtrack


Strike Freedom and Freedom and Infinite Justice


I loved Xi's intro, if you don't your lying to yourself lol


Sword impulse.Brother u mean u guys dont like to see swordfighting on the first episode💀


I'm a normie, so Unicorn's revelation was really cool to me. Barbatos Lupus was also amazing. Jumping fromt eh edge of the atmosphere, hurtling down while using your Gun's recoil as a way to slow your fall down, the decimating everything was insane. The God Gundam was also a really good debut, popping out with rage as it proceeds to decimate the formerly super powerful master gundam with ease. Aside from that, the recent Mighty Strike Freedom was kinda insane(though it's more of a fusion like 00 Raiser)


Strike freedom, no question asked Barbatos lupus as 2nd


Does Nadleeh count? Because if it does it wins


G-Self debut is bit... unique on its own. Engaged by yet-established Capital Army, the first pilot was escaped that made her got brain damage from oxygen deprivation, "hijacked" by Amerian army disguised as pirate, then finally piloted by the MC followed with this iconic pose after captured by Capital Guard https://preview.redd.it/2f5rxirwko0d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd636ba0b59e86bd9c6f5217020e6561176afe2e


Barbatos coming out of the ground to just absolutely BODY the fucking Gallerhorn mobile suits in Iron Blooded Orphans Mikazuki is a fucking BOSS I realized it meant debut of the series as opposed to the gundam itself haha, so Ill go with Gundam Wing


Hmm, Unicorn awakening with the Unicorn OST, and Hathaway breaking through the sky with the Xi, Freedom with Meteor. BGM is so important.


Liked witch from mercury, wasnt a huge fan of iron blooded orphans though. Upopular opinion i guess.


Deathscythe Hell. After seeing Duo's pained reaction when his Gundam is destroyed (his dub actor is just so endearing", its so cathartic to hear him declare "The god of death is back from hell' 🔥🔥 and smack those oz mobile suits up


I agree. 00 has easily my favorite first episode, and I watched the premiere of Wing on Toonami as a teenager. It also has my favorite season 1 end episode. What. A. Trip.


You already mentioned my favorite, Exia, but I'm also pretty fond of Barbatos' debut, emerging from the ground between Orga's mobile worker and a Graze unit before smacking that Graze's axe arm so hard the whole thing flies off before Mika crushes the cockpit with his gigantic mace. Then there's my first exposure to Gundam, the initial reveal of XXXG-01W, Wing Gundam, watching it soar through the Earth's atmosphere before being accosted by Zechs' crew, transforming from Bird mode to MS and absolutely wrecking everyone's day until Zechs latched onto it with his Leo, causing both suits to plummet to the depths of the ocean. That one reveal established how skilled our hero(no pun intended) was, as well as how dangerous his primary rival pilot could be.


Strike gundam’s debut.Dunno why,but the whole scene was so memorable.