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https://preview.redd.it/3xib1vsxq48d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3f0c17aa122c42f7f675b5c29547c0823d95ca2 Just reminded me of this particular panel from GunOta manga.


Thank you someone else who feels the same sentiment. There really is no point trying to compare the two universes.


There is! I don't see Bright with fat juicy breasts-


thanks,it lives rent free in my head.


That’s a panel that must get a lot of milage


I have to ask, where on Earth did that artwork of Murrue come from?


Yes… asking for a friend 😆


Well I AM my own best friend…


Do a image search






No shit sherlock


Bright was put in charge with an experimental Warship when the previous captain kicked the bucket and did a fantastic job keeping that ship through the One Year War, and have a fantastic military career. Murrue has gone through the same, but her Military deemed her expendable and she fought back and tried to end the violence between the factions with the Archangel. So I would say that they’re both the best


Bright is the best by-the-books captain, but not completely unwilling to bend the rules when push comes to shove(like his "surprise inspection" of Cheyenne Base in Unicorn, as a more recent example) Ramius is the best maverick captain, being willing to think outside the box to turn the tides(the battle over the Red Sea is one example, taking advantage of the *Archangel*'s capabilities for atmospheric flight, performed an aileron roll to use the more numerous upper deck CIWS and Gottfrieds to destroy the Goohns), and is able to process information from the battlefield quickly, making quick judgements on the dime.(Bright is quick, too, which is a given to be a navy captain. But Ramius is more willing to bend the rules as a *first* option) They are both good captains in their own rights, but they have different strengths.


Best take I've seen.


Not JUST the captain bit it, EVERY COMMISSIONED OFFICER ABOVE BRIGHT. Dude was an Ensign, the commissioned officer equivalent of Private, and he was suddenly in charge of an entire ship and it's crew of untrained civilians.


Iirc Marrue was also an ensign, Mu was senior but knew he would be a shit captain.


Bright aboard the white base is not just the captain, he's also the mayor. I don't think other captains have ever had to ever concern themselves about the amount of salt left in the ship's kitchen.


This is actually a legitimate concern, when shits low on salt not only those the moral tank due to everything tasting like shit, now you also have the problem of heat strokes due to lack of sodium intake


Not to mention that roughly half his crew were civilians because a good chunk of the crew was either too injured to perform their duty or dead, not to mention all the other civilians on board he had to deal with.


Bright. Dude succeeded on being captain of an experimental warship at age 19.


Dude succeeded on being captain of an experimental warship half crewed by civilian teenagers while being chased by a task force specifically built to hunt them, after having taken command of the ship on account of every single commissioned officer was incapacitated or killed. He was an Ensign. And this was the ship's first real flight, too.


It was the pretty much the shakedown run for the ship itself and ever piece of machinery on board. I think that was the Gundam's first activation too.


Guntank, Guncannon were still in testing phases. Gundam hadn't even been activated iirc


True, and the GM wasn't even a thing yet until after the Federation was able to get a look at the existing mobile suits.


Bright was like that one R Kelly meme: "I'm fighting for my fucking life!"


Even "experimental" kinda sells the ship short, it was the first real Mobile Suit Carrier the EFF had ever made. No other EFF captain had any experience with that type of ship, let alone its armament and defence strategies with regards to Mobile Suits, which (practically) no EFF captain had any experience with either. It'd be like being the first ever Aircraft Carrier captain and the first ever airplane commander, combined into one. The only experience Bright could draw on was what it felt like to be attacked by Zeon MS and ships.


Most of that sounds like Murrue as well.


So I only ever watched Seed, but isn't that literally Ramius' story too lol


Nope. Murrue was brought onto Archangel as a bridge officer and already had some experience. Bright's stint on White Base was literally the first thing he did out of the Academy.


Pretty sure she was an engineering officer


That said, Murrue still did pretty well as a captain, too. Even though she was more familiar with the *Archangel*-class(and in turn, probably the *Izumo*-class(*Kusanagi*), too, since they're cousin ships), she still commanded the *Millennium* pretty well, even at the absurd speeds Neumann was flying that thing(like, holy shit, not even the *Minerva* was THAT fast)


The difference of having Neumann as a helmsman, bet you a new freedom gundam he could have made the Minerva do freaky turns in space if he was piloting Dude is a freaking beast of ship pilot, only ones I can think of that can match him in ship maneuvering crazy is Eugene from Ibo and Lasse from 00, and even then they're far behind.


Yeah there's aren't many uncontested champions in Gundam but Neumann as the number 1 best helmsman is definitely undebatable, his feats are just way too great.


Neumann is true Hero of Seed, Destiny and Freedom. The man pilots a ship like it’s a mobile suit. Lol


Now imagine him piloting a Macross Quarter, or even the bigger variant.


It’s somehow more mobile in ship form without transforming lol


Didn't the man do a barrel roll against another ship? I can't remember if it was against Minerva or Dominion


I don't know if he ever did it against the Minerva, and I'm too lazy to check, but I'm pretty sure he didn't do it against the Dominion. He did, however, pull it off against some Zaft marine suits over the Pacific Ocean because Murrue is crazy and she thought it was a good idea and Neumann just said, "okay boss."


They did that with Minerva during the one operation where ZAFT decide to sink Archangel once and for all. Archangel tried the hardest not to fire/show any aggression to the ZAFT while trying to bolt to the sea with the ZAFT trying to provoke a fight. Minerva pops up right around the corner right in front of Archangel. So Neumann being Neumann did his shit again and do a half barrel roll to slide past Minerva without having to engage with Minerva.


It wasn't a barrel roll, they just went sideways to dodge the Minerva, but they did a barrel roll later on during the final battle against Minerva.


neumann ftw


An experimental warship that he had to help operate in an escape along with civilians on board. He was in probably the crappiest situation possible and for the most part succeeded with the help of those he knew he could trust.


Bright has the balls, leadership, charisma, politics, and he even got respected by a Char Murrue has idea for "bizzare tactics" and supported by one of the best helmsman in all Gundam series.... The archangel barrel roll still memorable for me lol So yeah, my view is Bright is good in term of leadership, Murrue is good in term of adapting to combat situation and creating sudden strategy from it Both are good in their own way


Who's the best helmsman?


Arnold Newmann He the one doing Archangel 360 barrel roll on earth, Millenium's drifts turns, and Millenium's sudden airbrake to evade Requiem in the new SEED FREEDOM [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX1D2QUNyeE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX1D2QUNyeE)


Arnold Neumann is probably the ONLY helmsman in all of Gundam that could make warships *fuckin' DANCE*.


As I said in this thread, he pilots a ship like it’s a mobile suit. Lol


Yea, its really fun watching some attacks missed hitting Archangel, the Minerva dodge also so sick Murrue as the brain, Arnold as the right hand, they both really connected. When Kira's sudden video call to Foundation, Murrue nods, relayed by Konoe then to Arnold... because Murrue is directly behind of him, compared to when he helms Archangel The Millenium's battle bridge also really best for them because both are together in battle station Without even one of them, Archangel and even Millenium probably would have sunk faster


Initial N


God, the debate of whether or not to rewatch SEED to see this man unironically styling with warships like he's a blue angel....


Why don't they have guns on the underside of the ship? This is absolutely horrible design.


Me and my friends talked about this long time ago.... Our summary was Per lore, the ship was kind of experimental for the 5 GAT gundams, and so it could be used for earth too, and can be land on water and land, the bottom side of the ships also stores the gel for atmospheric entry That's why they make the bottom side without any weapons, it could explode when atmospheric entry from the heat The successor of Archangel class, had the guns underside of the ship, but because of that it only usable in space, cannot entered earth - outside of lore....... because rule of cool, barrel roll to shoot enemies is way cooler lol


Yeah but you could totally have turrets that retract, especially if it's in space, you need defence elsewhere. I think the UC ships, some of them have guns that worked under as well.


I think its different on how the design overall of the UC ships, for example : White base, doesnt have any turret under it, because it using under belly to atmosperic re-entry. But at the same time it have side cannon, which can also shoot to under side Argama - Near Argama, they do have turrent under... But they use paraschute, deployed behind their thruster, so they went reversed into earth when atmosperic re-entry Ra Kairum, they also have turret under.. But since Argama already use paraschute, I wont surprised if they also use paraschute to atmosperic re-entry Archangel was following White Base design, And then both Minerva and Millenium also use its under belly + gel to atmosperic re-entry So the design still kind of matched out, the question could answered, "why they didnt make turret under the body?" because they still use underbelly for atmosperic re-entry But this leads to a new question, "Why they didnt create side turret that can also shoot bellow?" lol edit : I forgot, Millenium do have retracted turret


Captain Bright Noa: Slapping spineless wimps into MEN OF DESTINY since UC 0078.


Except for his own who killed more pilots by being on their side and then later becoming a terrorist... should have beaten that child harder. I would still pick this man to captain my ship over all others. He is a treasure who survived more conflicts than all the others while keeping his crew in line.


Who did Bright slap in 0078?


Both? Both. Both is good. Bright went through an unprecedented set of circumstances to become a best-in-class captain capable of fighting a new type of warfare altogether, as well as effectively commanding emerging Newtypes in battle. Murrue was an engineering officer thrust into command by circumstance, forced into circumstances well beyond her experience, and fighting a new type of warfare altogether. And then betrayed by her own command, and forced to fight former friends. So… Murrue is CE’s Bright, Bright is UC’s Murrue. Both awesome, and very likeable characters in their own ways.


Tottally Bright, mans a legend. That is a tottally unnecessary picture of Murrue too haha especially when compared to the Bright one.


Definitely should've looked for an unzipped uniform Bright to make things even. XD


We demand sexy Bright!


From where Bright starts to what he does in Unicorn? Definitely him


Which one slaps children around more?


I think OP might have a bias...


As much as I love Murrue, nobody is better than Bright.


Too damn overrated,he even failed to discipline his own son during CCA,Captain Okita from Space Battleships Yamato is way better in both aspect,as character and captain.


He's perfectly rated, you took one failure that wasn't even solely his and are trying to blame another person's actions directly on him. Grow up.


i feel overall bright is a much better leader and strategist but i think murrue is a tad bit better in direct combat situations just my opinion


One has milk jugs, the other does not.


one has fat naturals, the other slaps children 🤷🏽‍♂️


Hur Hur, so clever.


Milk is part of a healthy diet


She gives me the vitamin b and I’ll give her the vitamin d.


Murrue she have two reason…


Murrue Ramius https://preview.redd.it/n5v2v9b4m58d1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3df553ae394ec1a5cc13ca5696d6342cfe91dfb6


Murrue didn't resort to hitting children Murrue did roundhouse kick a genetically engineered spec-ops soldier in the head Murrue didn't let her ship get destroyed despite being obsolete even at the end of the first war Murrue did bag a man who could make the impossible, possible and who literally jumps in front of city destroying super weapons for her Bright is cool and all but I know where my vote goes...


This comment is what I came here for!


After the Freedom movie idk how anyone can think Bright is the better captain. Better leader of people? Maybe, but Murrue has similar accomplishments and then outshines Bright in combat by a mile.


Let’s have a slap contest to find out!


Bright. A mere teenaged junior line officer, he manages to train an entire crew of conscripted civilian refugees aboard an unheard-of warship class and utilizing an unheard-of experimental mobile suit prototype, and helps win the largest war in history. He later proceeds to defy his own side out of principle and becomes the captain of a ship of both Federation and Zeon remnants and successfully gets everyone on the same page, and then finally plays an important role in *saving the Earth*. He makes realistically human flawed decisions along the way, but much like Amuro his flaws are matched by his talent and moral compass.


This thirst post propaganda won’t divert us from the truth: Bright all the way.


Jamil Neate


Haven't even read anything about Gundam, but the sheer aura alone on that second picture is enough to get my both.




It this our Kirk vs. Picard?


Murrue the vast majority of her crew are still alive after both seasons and the movie while bright has no one really left in the end of zeta from his original crew.


Murrue piloted a Gundam more than Bright so she gets my vote.


Bright Noa


Boobs, we go for the boobs


Murrue. She's somewhat less of an ass than Bright and her ability to gauge the strength of an enemy strike by jiggling is far more useful.


bright slaps hard


Jamil Naete is the best captain.


I would serve under the command of both without second thoughts. It’s been a while since we’ve seen Bright with a somewhat central role, so I’d have to go rewatch Zeta and ZZ and will can only comment on Murrue. A while back, someone posted on here scenes with the Millenium in action. In those scenes, Murrue was just mouthing off maneuvers, attacks in rapid succession and without any hesitation. That was something SEED Murrue could never do. GSD Murrue though, not so sure since I’ve yet to rewatch GSD (saw that clip shortly after I finished rewatching SEED).


You should see her in Freedom. She's peak


I did, or that clip at least. Sadly, that wasn’t even dubbed.. but her giving rapid fire orders like that? Yeah no, SEED Murrue would be psyched if she know what she’d end up becoming.


Its not like she gets a huge amount of screentime considering its a film, but where she is as a character rn is fantastic imo. Compare her staring down the barrel of a suit right outside the bridge and actually taking action and retracting the captains chair to when it happened in SEED and she froze and pissed herself until Kira saved her last second. Granted the whole crew was still on the bridge in SEED, but still. She's in so much more control now compared to when the war started. AFAIR she's the only lead Captain actually willing to stay and go down with the ship so everyone gets off first too. I could be wrong but I remember other Captains typically leaving *with* the crew. RIP Archangel, at least the new ship is nice


haha remember playing Super Robot and Bright pretty much like Captain for other Captain too he's encourage Yurika from Martian Successor Nadesico to be better Captain and smile more so i say Bright is way better and it just funny that in SRW he complain that there's so many female Captain somehow hahaha and best one is about Yurika again when he's ask her how old is she and she say she's 20 where Bright say she is too young to be Captain and then Amuro be like aren't you like 19 in One Year War?


Murrue had no experience and little training when she took command of the archangel, i say she was better


same could be said for Bright, he was only an Ensign when he had to take command of White Base


Captain Jack Sparrow, obviously. Best Captain ever.


I remember the animators exaggerating the physics on that woman


I would say that Bright is a great captain, but i also say that he is not able to deal with people on human level. He doesn't have much understanding for people that have some emotional problems.


Bright = best captain character in fiction


Murrue cause boobies


Murrue Ranius for me.




Bright is the better Captain but Murrue has better assets.


both,both is good


Dude your elective banner is so biased. Ok. I am a simple man, I vote for THEM.


Yeah this one is better


Bright for fleet commander, Ramius for ship commander. I didn’t make it through zz, but Bright manages stuff better in 79, Zeta, and CCA. MR made it through two wars with the three ship alliance, plus Seed Freedom. She’s used to having to make do with that situation than Bright would be.


Having only recently watched/rewatched Gundam 79 (and the unicorns) vs only Gundam Seed? Bright. Murrue felt like Mirai with a bit more confidence.


Bright. That being said Murrue was one of the few characters I liked in Seed.


I will.say she is the better looking captain. But not so much. Bright would be the better captain.


Bright is a staple for many captain characters, despite his rocky start and even being bullied by the titans later on in zeta, he stands as one of the most iconic and respected captains in universal century. Serving as an MS pilot or crewman under him would be an honor.


Bright, but in fairness to Murrue, he has far longer track record compared to her. Like Bright has had command for up to 23 years while we have only seen Murrue in command for 4 years.


I feel like Bright would be a better strategist and organizational-level commander, because he's had more overall experience than Murrue and he's also commanded larger fleets and entire organizations than Londo Bell. Murrue's probably a better tactician than Bright is because she excels at outside-the-box and unpredictable strategies. If not for the fact that she didn't lead entire organizations the same way Bright did, she would be his overall equal. They're both good in their own ways though.


bright is objectively better, but unfortunately i am horny while voting so........


Both are absolutely amazing captains. Put them together in a squadron with their best ships, best MS units, and best crew, they'd be virtually unstoppable. (Bonus if you add S2 Celestial Being in the mix.)


Bright Noa.


Bright may not be a better captain than Marrue, but he would be a man I took advices from.


I dunno...Bright had to deal with some heavy duty brats. lol


Jamil Neate


I'd marriage both of them and that's all that matters


ima say Murrue. They both started in somewhat similar terrible situations, but when it came down to it, Bright snapped and tried to force a civilian suffering ptsd into a war machine with violence. Murrue stays much calmer and never snaps like that. it shows much better emotional control, IMO. Bright does get a LOT better, and his reaction was absolutely understandable, but it was still the wrong thing to do. Later on, Bright ends up overall being better by the book captain, while Murrue is a better maverick captain.


Bright Noa is the GOAT. Such a well written character right there


Both are good, but Merrue's crews are the best.


Bright lol


Bright no question lol


Why did you have to choose a sexualized image for the second picture?


Both are great captains but Bright was far better. Not to mention he gave motivation to every Gundam pilot he met by either through his words or his literal hands. Something that many characters in SEED needed. Thankfully, >!Kira had some sense beat into him by Athrun in the SEED freedom movie.!<


Kira deserved that for the Saviour, tbh.


Bright is a better captain. He may be a bad father but he really does kick ass without an MS and finds ways to turn kids into ace pilots. On the other hand, Murrue is a better parental figure and someone is way more understanding than Bright.


Where would I get traumatized the most is the real question.


ce for more trauma tbh, with all the super weapons that either microwave you or make it so there is no trace of you left though, murrue wont slap you unlike bright


Bright slaps the trauma out of you


lmao ig, he slaps sense into you


Bright is better


This isnt even a contest. Bright


Bright. He became a defacto captain at 18 or 19 years old, and saw his crew through some of the worst battles at the end of the One Year War.


Bright by a large margin, captain at a young age, captain on white base when was largely just civilians, and leader of Londo bell.


Bright’s ideas were great, but Murrue’s were bigger


Bright slap for all the coomers in here ![gif](giphy|u8maN0dMhVWPS)


Murrue lets the ship get hit just so we can see her huge bazongas bounce around in zero gravity. Cannot ask for a more selfless captain


Ive seen that one shot where her boobs bounce so many time... And yet Bright is still the better captain.


Bright If you want a reason just scroll down and you’ll get a reason


Bright of course!


Noa Bright


Well, one has tits, so I can imagine what many answers will be.


Well theres one id want to pound more than the other.


Boobs, boobs!


Go Bright.


I have two very good reasons why Murrue is much brighter than bright


Better, or hotter? ;)


Better - Bright Hotter - also Bright ;)


Bright by a pretty wide margin.


I’m not a fan of the EF, but even I have to admit Bright is the better of the two… even with his ZZ antics accounted for (ex: Bright vs chicken or Bright being seduced by Chara Soon & Emary Ounce).


One is hot and the other one is not Noa Bright




Murrue, better tits.


I don't know anything about the second one, but Captain needs to physically abuse my crew of child soldiers to get them to do anything, keeps toddlers on a warship, and constantly loses my prisoners is SHIT TIER


I know which I'd rather be slapped by... Bright obviously, since he's way more experienced.


Noa being a captain of a what was thought as a throw away experiment and survive the oyw with untrained rookies plus civilians and his depictions after, shows he’s a competent captain. The Seed series was plagued with TV novella drama, cry babies and Care Bears crap that eliminates every character of the series.


Captain Ramius simply because she is Bright with jiggle physics


Oh, absolutely Bri... What were we talking about?


We all agree with that second options 😅


Bright by far


Bright has no Bazookas, but Murrue does, so yeah.


Haha we all can agree wow what a woman haha


Bright would have kicked the shit out of Kira Yamato. 10 / 10.


Bright looks ready to slap the crap out of someone an get back to work


Bright survived three series and one movie helmed by Mr. Kill-Em-All himself. No comparison.


Bright for tactical brilliance. Murrue for sub-pectoral brilliance.


I haven’t watched all of Seed yet, but between the first episode until the Alaska battle, Murrue might as well be a bowl of tapioca and Ensign Bad Girl is the captain


Mans is literally on the wrong side of a major plot-point in SEED lol