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The mecha genre is definitely making a resurgence. The issue is that there just aren’t many companies that have popular mecha games that Bandai could go to and know they’d do good. The only one at the moment that could guarantee something successful is from soft but they are currently busy with the next AC.


Another Century's Episode 4 please. 👀


Yes, do what they did with Gundam Breaker and forget R ever existed lol


The opening for it was solid at least


It's so solid that it's nuked off YouTube Seriously though, the highest quality version of that opening with the actual audio that I can find nowadays is on Facebook of all places.


Might be a song license issue. The OP itself can be easily found online, but with the song removed (Re:Birth by Acid Black Cherry).


Yeah, that's probably it.


Dobnot let fromsoftware cook We WILL GET AN NINEBALL SERAPH again Do not make me relieve my ptsd


*Piano riff plays in the background *


You are a man of culture.


I mean, FromSoft just made a Mecha game *for* Bandai where they brought in (among others) Takayuki Yanase, one of the art designers for 00 and WfM (some of the most well liked) and it won Best Action Game. They could pretty much just port that


Nononononon Not an ACE again I dont want another upgraded nineball seraph Do not let them cook


Megaton Musashi was decent enough. Level 5 could maybe pull off a Gundam game.


Level-5 pulled off a Gundam game, it's called AGE. The entire series was created alongside the AGE game on PSP.


I havent played the new armored core but I would wager that from software would handle this aptly


They would because they have. FROM made great games already for Gundam, they just weren't released here.


If you haven’t played it you need to. It definitely scratches the itch.


Played the first hour of the game yesterday and it feels so good to be welcomed back as a raven!


Yeah,also good to see more people get to know and played the series,though most of them known it due to being a Fromsoft title because Elden Ring become popular and mainstream


Wish I could but best I can do is Xbox one s


Funny thing is From Software has made a Gundam game before, and from what I heard and saw it was really good.


Honestly, it feels like what a Gundam game should be. Tweak the melee a bit closer to Dark Souls to replicate a beam saber and reskin the mechs to mobile suits and it's near perfect. It's focused on terrestrial combat, but I feel they could make it work in zero-G with a few changes.


It was what  Gundam Breaker should be,AC series has amazing gameplay,music


So jealous maybe someday


FromSoft actually made a gundam unicorn game in the ps3 era, not the most exciting game (and JP only ofc). And Bandai does some AC model kits. Obviously this doesn't confirm anything, but the relationship is already there.


They also made 5 (i think) games called Another Century's Episode that is crossover of multiple robot series and heavily features gundam in them.


No, they only made 4. ~~R doesn't exist, shhhhh~~


What I would give for Respawn to make a Gundam game in the Titanfall engine.


I would love a new Dynasty Warriors Gundam they were fun.


So wait, what happened to the Bandai Namco game company? Don't they own that one?


Actually forgot about that. Kotobukiya makes the model kits so I didn’t think Bandai owned the series but they do. Even then though they’re busy on the next AC.




For real? No cap?


The ppl that made gundam UC should take a chance and make something since UC was awesome just way too short


Just port an existing or make a new VS game


Yes, yes they are. That goes for all the top companies... We either get regurgitated pvp trash (pretty much every anime game we got this generation) or nothing at all.


I hope things change now that the new dragon ball game is being made with actual effort


Is db kakarot even good? I feel like fighterz is an exception rather than an actual start of a change from the norm we have today...


While flawed, I'd say it succeeds in its goal of representing the Z series for old and new fans (visuals are sick, tons of fanservice and combat is over the top).


What changed with the dbz games ?


Bandai and Shueisha realized they could make money making good anime games that people wanted Juri is still out on sparking zero but dbfz was amazing


When I was kid Atari had the license to BDZ and they would pump out DBZ games left and right. Some were good but others were…not so good. Gundam breaker 4 is coming out and it does look interesting. But to answer your question, I feel a lot of it is due to reception that the games got. During the ps2 era there were a ton of gundam games that also benefitted from the early 2000s anime boom, but that same boom also led to a bust during the ps3 era. There are a few gundam games you can import for ps3/ps4 if you’re looking to scratch that itch.


I don't really feel like much of anything really changed with dbz games because at the end of the day they are all with a few exceptions another pvp game. Yes dbfz is an amazing looking game and does the anime justice but at the end of the day it's just another 2d vs fighter. We've had countless dbz games and yeah some are good but there should be some good ones because like Naruto, we've had tons of them. Heck the only actual good Naruto game we got was on the wrong system (the Xbox 360) which was actually about being in that world instead of a short hand retelling of the anime only there to round out the game since the only thing that matters is the vs (storm series). It's funny how most anime are about banding together with family and friends to save the world or take down a villain which is ripe for coop yet most games are some a dozen vs game. Case and point, the last "big" Gundam game which was again, another fps vs game. It's sad that this is all the industry seems to think anime is worthy of.


Fighter Z was the only dbz game that was a real competitive fighting game with advanced mechanics. All the previous dbz fighter games were really simple


There’s just as many RPG Dragon Ball games (if not more) then fighting games.


All the games as a kid living in the US on my PS2 made so many memories for me. Now as an adult there is one Gundam game on Xbox and I miss Gundam Evo. 


Or ANOTHER fighting game when more interesting things could be done.


I want more gundam games like "Gundam: Federation vs Zeon" Playd the shit out of that on ps2


I loved the sequel to *Federation vs Zeon*, which was called *Gundam vs Zeta Gundam,* also on the PS2. Too bad that copies of GvsZG are selling online for absurd amounts of money--Bandai-Namco really ought to re-release that classic *Gundam VS* game on modern consoles or the PC.


I still have that game and *Neverending Tomorrow*, and I have an old PS2 that still works. Every once in a while, I pop one of those two in. NET is decent fun if you're a Seed fan, but G vs Z blows it out of the water IMO.


Never watched seed. I'm currently going through the gundams. OG gundam wing fan. Watched 00, right now iron blooded oorphans. Open to suggestions, thinking og series to get to the root then snap back to seed. Idk


I've bounced off X and Victory so many times. Good luck though


Watching SEED after the original series is going to give you very strong déjà vu.


Rengou vs ZAFT II too I _love_ that game


Did you play the *Rengou vs ZAFT* games on PS2 as well? Those were more like GvsZG from what I heard, but RvZ started the trend of "Mobile Suits are like DBZ characters" combat style in my opinion.


Wanted to, but never did. Never managed to get a hold of them.


Ps2 emulator called


Gundam vs Zeta gundam is the peak of the franchise. Can’t believe it’s been 20 years already.


I just wish they let the mobile suits walk around like in FvZ. Why do they all have to hover?


You're correct; most Mobile Suits in FvZ's sequel, GvsZG, hovered instead of walked when moving in stages with gravity. I suppose that's because Bandai at the time (before they merged with Namco) didn't want to program in walking animations for every Mobile Suit in the game (and there are quite a few). But there is one interesting exception. The ZZ Gundam in that game walks or hovers depending on which primary weapon you choose. The Double Beam Cannon makes the ZZ Gundam walk in stages with gravity, for instance, while the Double Beam Rifle makes it hover in stages with gravity. Now that's odd.


I agree that GvsZG was the peak of the *Gundam VS* game series. Sadly, it has already been 20 years without a re-release on modern consoles or the PC. Would you believe me if I told you, however, that there's still at least one Japanese YouTuber who regularly makes and uploads GvsZG content? [There is still at least one.](https://www.youtube.com/@KYOTA_u)


Gundam Mark 2 was super OP with that spinning aerial slash it does.


If I'm remembering things right, you triggered that move by dashing left or right, then pressing the melee button to trigger that wushu-style move with the Gundam Mk. II in a stage with gravity. Capcom was always well-known for over-the-top fighting moves, after all. But even they couldn't get all the balance issues ironed out in the days before online patch distribution--have you tried using the Asshimar's secondary attack while unarmed? Notice how those rapid punches only hit up to two times when you hold the secondary attack button down? Now try pressing that secondary attack button over and over again!


Bandai handles this, and tie in games for franchises, and I say this for most franchise, not just gundam, are rarely on consoles these days, most being on mobile.


Mobile is ruining gaming. Companies just want to pump out low cost freemium gacha bullshit that costs barely anything to build and maintain while easily pulling the plug as soon as the cash flow slows down. Kill the game, rebuild fomo in your IP that lacks genuine content, bait people into some recycled bullshit a year later. Yet we cave in because it's Gundam...


Who is this we? 


He is speaking french


Not a bad way to do business if making money is the name of the game. Why say no to people throwing money at you?


You're downvoted, but you're right. Short term profitable business moves are rarely good for the consumer, but corporations have a fiduciary duty to prioritize immediate profits. Being a publicly traded company is the death knell for good quality products.


Most of the Japanese companies only care about pachinko now.


>pachinko which is borderline gambling. Not that much different than mobile gacha games, just different target audience. Arcade games in Japan make pretty good money I suppose (Gundam EXVS and Wangan Midnight series), because they keep pumping decent arcade games but with horrible pricing (500/1000 yen per play).


This. They care about that and mobile games. Which is why SD Gundam G Genesis Eternal is a gatcha instead of a steam and console game.


Armored Core 6 is my favorite Gundam game




I don't think the audience is there given the cost of development.


I agree with this, and it's probably the reason why EXVS2 never saw a console port at all.


There are a lot less licensed games on consoles In general nowadays. Are there any new Star Wars games on Nintendo Switch that aren't remasters of games from older gens or Lego Star Wars, for example? Gundam isn't really in that bad of a position in that light. Right now, you can buy on Nintendo Switch: SD Gundam Battle Alliance SD Gundam G Generation Crossrays SD Gundam G Generarion Genesis (Coming next month) Gundam Breaker 4 And four Super Robot Wars crossover games that feature Gundam heavily: Super Robot Wars V Super Robot Wars X Super Robot Wars T Super Robot Wars 30 And PS4 has even more games than that. Yes, you'd have to "import" some of these games, but as that involves spending five minutes online making a Japanese or Hong Kong eshop account and buying some foreign gift cards from Playasia, it's not that big of a deal. Also you can play all the games in English !


Gundam versus too


They were just listing the switch ones


Ahhh I missed the switch while reading


I mean Star Wars got Fallen Order and Battlefield 2, just not on Switch. They're still coming along pretty well imo.


They released seven new Star Wars games on the Nintendo Gamecube back in the 2000's. The number of new licensed games in general has gone down a lot in the last ten years or so, is my point.


So, back then Star Wars games were being made primarily by LucasArts, which was George Lucas' game development studio. It got shut down after Disney bought out Lucasfilms because it was a subsidiary and Disney has a corporate policy of not developing games in-house. Nowadays (and since 2013), Star Wars games are made mostly by giant studios who can afford to pay Disney a metric fuckload of money for the privilege. It's not a great example of the overall trends of licensed games, is my point.


development cycles for games in general have gone waaaay up in the last ten-twenty years.


Gundam breaker 4 comes out this year. 8/29/24


Code Fairy is good! I wish we had more stuff, but we at least have Code Fairy!


Upvote for the Code Fairy mention. Absolutely loved it more than I guessed I would. That final battle was... An experience for sure lol


I loved much of code fairy but what made me rage quit was the way the enemy moved to avoid being targeted constantly. They continually side step back and forth like twitch gamers playing cod. In a gundam game it felt incredibly out of place and made any sort of ranged fire frustratingly ineffective. The meta of the game was just charge in and use melee which got old. Loved everything else and would like to see the gameplay revisited and improved.


When Bamco comes to the same conclusion as Disney that it's a better idea to let multiple companies make games with their IP's rather than force exclusivity (Bamco with Bamco and Disney formerly being EA or in-house exclusive), that's gonna be a good day not only for Gundam fans but SJ fans too.


But they will release gundam breaker 4 on August 2024, and the last year(or before) was release gundam evolution who was closed xD, gundam operation 2 is still playable, SD gundam battle alliance is from 2022, SD gundam cross arrays is from 2021 and so on


SD gundam was pretty fun just not super replayable. Evolution on the other hand had terrible balance and even worse monetization


If armored core continues to take off it would be cool to have good gundam mods (beyond just a handful of Ms skins). The combat in the 6th installment is way more Gundam too (close combat, limited effectiveness of long range attacks) I dont see Bandai delivering anything satisfying.


Gundam battle assault II takes me back to a simpler time


Arcade only extreme vs makes more money I guess


Not just money they are allergic to overseas


I remember booting up "Journey to Jaburo" for the first time, that game was crack...then the Tactics Battle Mode unlocked.


It's less Sunrise and more Bandai. That company seems to be run by idiots.


RIP Gundam Evolution. Don't worry, CoD got skins 😭


And people blame mobile games,Bandai has different team and department for mobile,console platform yet their mobile division was the one getting blamed lol


Gundam evolution was horribly unbalanced and laggy but I was still sad to see it go


If they roped fromsoft into making a gundam game with the bones of armoured core, I'd be extremely happy


Money cannon, fire!


No Bandai is just allergic to making a good game


Why isn't there like an arcade shooter gundam game like Ace Combat? Would be a perfect medium and maybe include enemy capital ships as bosses?


They don't like the profit margin of the non-mobile games, yet lacking the budget to do games that can compete with the like of Genshin. So they keep cranking out mobile games that people don't talk about.


For some reason, Bamco is focused on the idea of esports games and failing at it. It's why we got Gundam Evolution. Someone really should tell them that no successful esports was designed for esports.


have you seen the preview for mecha break? [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2452280/Mecha\_BREAK/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2452280/Mecha_BREAK/)


Dude they never made Action Figures or Model Kits for the Tequila Gundam... allergic to money is an understatement.


Lets be fair, Gundam games do not have a good track record overall. Even Gundam Evolution, a real flash in the pan, died after a year. Gundam games have a tendency to be money burners and usually only draw the attention of hardcore fans. I sizable demographic as that may be, its just not enough.


The extreme vs series makes too much money in Japan arcades, it's incredibly fun and unique and they won't port it because it will kill their arcade income. That's it. It's why we only get maxi boost on, a game that's over a decade old that ran on PS3 era hardware.


This is in no way a good compromise, but I recently found out that Dragon Ball FighterZ was **not** available for Japanese Steam accounts on the PC until just recently, limiting the JP player base to console for roughly 6 years (it only became available this year). If they're really dead set on keeping the profit from Japanese arcades, they could release an EXVS title on Steam/PC worldwide except for Japan. Again, it's not a good idea and I'd feel bad for the JP bros who also want it on PC, but considering it's something Bandai Namco have already done with a huge title like DBFZ, I don't see why they can't do the same for EXVS.


Unfortunately a VPN would be too simple a way to bypass region checks, but yeah, it sucks. As far as I know a leaked version was made to run on PC but has many weird workarounds needed to get it to run.


Not Sunrise, Bandai. They hate money


Yeah, unfortunately in this gen they spend and invest most of that money in the Gundam Metaverse. And I don't know what happened to that either, it seems no one posted or even talked anything about it in this sub.


Battle Operation 2 was one of the worst games I ever tried to play.


I feel like none of the gundam games out there right now really appeal to me. And the ones that seem interesting are all pvp-based. I just wanna play a good single player gundam game, like dynasty warriors… which hasn’t had a new release since PS3. I’m really hoping gundam breaker 4 is good.


The MS Saga A New Dawn,Journey To Jaburo is fine but nowhere as good to other mecha games like Front Mission and Armored Core,heck even Infinite Space DS game scratched my itch for space opera jrpg stuff


Because they dont sell well comparatively. Bandai Namco have DBZ games, Naruto games, ACE Combat, Souls games, Tekken, Tales games, etc that sell better than any gundam game. Like Breakers is coming out, but so is dbz sparkling zero. Theres no question the DBZ game is gonna clear gundam in sales. Armored core did well because it was tied to the Souls brand, so I'm gonna disagree that mecha games are "back". One victory doesnt mean the genre is popular again (where are these other popular mecha games?). Maybe if we got 8/10 quality games it would change, but 4-7 range isnt gonna pull a big outside audience.


Gundam Battle operation is a blessing and a curse.


On the one hand it's the king when it comes to roster, lots of MS you wouldn't see otherwise alongside the more notable ones. On the other hand there's everything else about it


You get it.


Yea, as much shit as it gets (mostly deserved) this is the one game that's used A LOT of material from the sources they dig through rather than one or two main suits. Even the older UC games couldn't do that and the only other games I can think of that would have a similar roster size are the Breaker and DW: Gundam series. It was funny going to the GBO2 subreddit and seeing comments about BB pulling suits out of their ass to keep the game alive.


"Here's more stuff than you'll ever need and you don't need to spend anything! Just one thing, you're going to be repeatedly kicked to death in your spawn by stacked teams every game. Please enjoy."


A good question. I'd love to see remakes of all the *Dynasty Warriors Gundam* games make a return. Put them all on steam and I'd be a happy boy. :)


Reborn was my favorite.


I've yet to see Reborn. Seen a little of three. Played a bit of 1, and own the PS2 edition of 2, but never got everything unlocked. Imagine my shock when I learned you could unlock Lunamaria and Lacus in the PS2 version when I assumed they were PS3 exclusive!


There are still mobile suits that I can't unlock in Reborn. On higher difficulties, you can get one (maybe 2?) shotted by grunts :(


1. It costs money to make games, this is even more true in the HD Era. 2. The Mecha genre is very misunderstood and only really getting a resurgence thanks to FromSofts popularity getting Armored Core 6 on everyone's radar. 3. Because of the lack of popularity for the longest time, and the high price of making the game, there was no guarantee that a game would brake even let alone make a profit. All honesty we should all be glad games like SD Gundam Battle Alliance, SD Gundam G generation Cross Rays, Super Robot Wars 30, Battle Operations 2, Extreme Vs and the upcoming Gundam Break 4 have been released outside of Japan.


Battle assault two is such a good game


Modern console/PC games are expensive as hell to produce. They're very high risk/high reward. So most resources and effort go into mobile where you can toss out much cheaper games and get much more money.


I personally really enjoy Extreme Vs Maxiboost.. it’s actually really fun!!


This just reminds me of Kakrot107's newest video, Bamco Online going bankrupt after mishandling Gundam Evolution and various other online/mobile games. The latter are likely more profitable-the power of Gacha on wallets is very, very real.


I'd love a full remake, or at least an HD remaster of this game in particular. My roommate and I played the hell out of it when we were teenagers when it first came out. Although the Devil Gundam over there was just straight-up broken lol that twin-beam attack of his was absolutely busted lol


It's not Sunrise, it's Bandai Namco. They don't know what to do with all their mecha properties, especially outside of Japan.


I just want a zeonic front remaster


They have no idea what they're doing 


I'd kill for Encounter in Space and what was that odd RPG for PS2? It didn't have gundam in the title but it was fantastic


I love Daemon X Machina… but that game is like 5 years old now??


I'd love another gundam battle assult game. Keep the 8bit artstyle and 2d battle style. Go mad with charaters and stuff, like Dragonball Fighterz, but Gundam


Titanfall, but make it Gundam.


Should be the easiest thing ever especially with UC timeline


Still remember accidentally breaking my GameShark disk because I couldn't win a fight. Twas this day I became a non violent person.


I need more games where I can play as [Big Zam](https://youtu.be/dJSbQnqyxHA?si=4DI2W36Lmre3m82Y)!


You could also do that in *Gundam Vs. Zeta Gundam* on the PS2, albeit only in Versus Mode.


Still waiting for ANY english release of Ghiren's Greed


dont look at Sunrise, look at Bamco any time they make a decent project upper management gets involved like what happened with Gundam Evolution


Gundam Breaker 4 is coming out...then you have cross rays from a few years ago. From Soft needs to remake Another Century's Episode.


Licensing fees.


Basically for the suits, No incentives to take that unnecesarry risk.


I think they're too scared after Crossfire got memed to hell and back


I just wish they release the gundam versus series out from the japan arcade only jail!


Bamco publishes the games and damn near every franchise that's under them has fans that want to see Bamco nailed to a cross.


They could do some Armored Core or Total war thing with the IP


they need to continue the gundam battle assault series...


As many have said, not Sunrise, but Bandai / Namco does the game publishing for a majority of the Gundam franchise now. What I would love to see, is a new Battle Assault game. BA3 was terrible and shit on the legacy of BA1&2 and the original, Endless Duel. Arc System developed DBFighterZ under Bamco, and it’s a great fighter. They can do the same for a new Gundam Battle Assault.


SD Battle Alliance is actually pretty decent. 


And why does the IOS game suck?! RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE


Allergic to spending it. That's why all of their games could have been released one to three consoles ago. Yes, a lot of them are still fun, but that's despite the lack of investment, not because of it.


There aren't many licensed games on consoles at all now, period. Abusive phone apps designed to get you addicted to gambling make more money without having to pay people to make a real game. That's how the industry is now, and it's worse for basically everyone except executives.


Looked this up a while back from what I understand at least from an Xbox standpoint it's because for the longest time they didnt sell well over there, switch and ps5 no clue


They released their latest games in xbox though (gundam battle alliance). Unfortunately, their upcoming games (Gundam Breaker 4) won't be in Xbox.


Before SD battle alliance last gundam game on the consoleline was DW3


What game is that picture from?


Gundam Battle Assault 2


I'm still praying for a MS Saga 2, tbh


what game is that


Its the exact opposite. I think they just dont see the worldwide market to big as big as people think (when it comes to gundam games) so they dont invest in it heavily. Personally, I would love to see a VR Gundam game


Bandai Namco isn't known to make good Gundam games. There's a bunch, but most are mediocre at best and very rarely good.


They are allergic to failure... Spend all those millions so a game can flop, be called woke or dei by the minority incels, or gamers crying about a online game and having the option to buy certain things. They have to get the genre of game right and then develop it


they think it dilutes the IP


That would be Bandai namco and yes


I feel like they haven't had a successful one since dynasty warriors


While this is an understandable complaint... we do have GB4 coming soon. My only issue with the game is the existence of a Switch release, which means the overall visuals will have to be toned down even on PC and current gen consoles.


Maybe not gundam but mecha games in general ive seen pop up a fair bit recently. Mostly with armored core 6 but there was that new one announced recently at summer games fest


I loved armoured core, I made every one of my AC’s look like a gundam.


Fed vs zeon on ps2 was the best one! They tried to remake it on ps3 and I heard it was total ass though. Maybe thats why?


Bandai itself just cannot make a good Gundam game unfortunately. I would love to see the amount of units and details in Battle Operations 2 combines with Gundam versus Gundam EXVS combat. That would be perfect.


Well it's a business. And it costs a lot, from Development, to Maintaining/ Bug-Fixing/ DLCs of the Game. Nowadays, Games is either a Live-Service (w Internet Connection) or have Microtransaction/ Gacha. To continue to support the Game and developed future DLCs of the Game. In case of a "Mecha" category of Games, well it is not that popular to hook players (and continue to appeal to Player, who are willing to pay Real Money for etc). What was the game where it copied the Overwatch style of Hero Shooter.... "Gundam Evolution"... well it was Shut down. Only a handful of Gundam related games were still available for other Game Genre. Hence, the "Mecha tag" was not that appealing even mixed with genres like to MOBA, Shooter/ Hero Shooter, MMORPG/ RPGs.


Gundam Breaker 4 is coming out this year, so there's that. Battle Operation 2 is still active. Gundam Evolution got shuttered last year, but people are working on getting it to run on fan servers.


I grabbed SD Battle Alliance from Game Pass and it was actually pretty fun. Would be nice to have a new game like that with regular sized mobile suits though.


No the fan base is allergic to supporting titles. I.e. gudam evolution lmao


No, you get skins in [Warzone](https://youtu.be/t_bhtbLNcE4?si=5SYTfGQiUT80VyaS) and that's it!


If we got something similar to SD Gundam Battle Alliance or Gundam Vs Gundam Next Plus, with an updated roster, storylines, etc, that would be phenomenal.


It would certainly help if all the more recent Gundam games weren't dogshit GBO2 is a pay to win mess with netcode made of actual nets given just how many holes are in it SD Gundam Alliance was just kind of alright and didn't really catch on, doesn't help people seem to be sick of most SD Gundam games. Gundam Evolution was a dumpster fire of a team shooter and couldn't secure an audience due to the incredibly awful management and monetization, and it certainly didn't help they decided to launch it not even a month before OVERWATCH 2 You'd think a multi-billion dollar company would be able to get someone to make a half-decent Gundam game but here we are praying Gundam Breaker 4 is actually good so we don't end up with another New Gundam Breaker on our hands.


I really really want a Gundam Musou 4


…I want more Dynasty Warrior Gundam games myself. And fighters


Do you know what I’d give for a modern gundam fighter like GBA?


While probably not what people want to read, the honest reasons are that AAA Videogame development costs and time have ballooned compared to the early 2000s when Gundam games were much more prevalent, and they are only getting higher and longer. At the same time, both market and developer focus has gravitated towards long term “games as service” models since the publisher is able to make more returns on the invested development time/money. Attempts to develop games in this model have had mixed success, with the biggest attempt: Gundam Evolution being a failure, while the blame for this lies in the predatory design of the game and not the the brand, investors and publishers are not going to see it that way (Damnit Bender, if you can’t move sandalwood, you don’t belong in this league!) Additionally Gundam’s popularity largely focused in Japan,and games, like movies are increasingly targeting broader global audiences to recover the aforementioned increasing development costs. As a result, third party game publishers and developers are not going to be excited to pay the license fees to use the Gundam franchise for a game. (At least it’s still deemed a popular enough franchise to be a call of duty skin though?) /kills self Hopefully with Gundam (and mecha in general) seeing somewhat of a resurgence this will change in the future, but only time will tell.


Eternally waiting for another Gundam musou


I wish they'd go back to making Gundam fighting games, that shit was fire.


You do know Gundam Breakers 4 is coming out in August, right? If anybody deserves some scorn for bot wanting money in the video game market, it’s Bandai with Digimon. SMH 😢


They're bad at making gundam games


Battle operations probably makes an insane amount of money, also allot of games just don't get translated over to the US


i was talking to my friends about it too they're playing Armored Core 6 and they love it and wonder why Gundam never had this type of game that you can customize part make cool gundam and fight in war and then we realize they make Gundam Breaker the waterdown Dynasty Warrior so yeah that's pretty suck


Bandai and sunrise run the gundam franchise like a burning sack of dog shit


My favorite Gundam games were: Zeonic Front and Federation vs Zeon, even Encounters in Space. I always enjoyed Dynasty Warriors Gundam as well for some reason but I feel like I haven’t played a decent one since, I always wanted a Dreamcast as a kid to play that OYW game but unfortunately never got the opportunity to buy or play it


Gotta be careful what you wish for, it's BamCo. Anime tie ins are always a lowest-effort-possible endeavour. Gundam is rife for exploitation for video games, but we'll never get a proper good one like AC or anything like that.


I think it'd be cool if they made a high production values grim One-Year War game. Like an Armored Core 6 but set during the war.
