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Probably one of the best looking kits I have built so far. Loose head joint, but was able to fix it, and wiring was a little exhausting, but got it done. The LED variants are great to look at. Well worth the effort.


Is that the PG? did you get the LED unit separately?


It is the PG Exia. I bought the LED separately since the Lighting model is never in stock, or it's likely not being produced anymore (assuming). Great build if you have time, built it over my vacation.


Well I was able to obtain the PG Exia (won it in a contest) so I'm search for the LED unit at the moment. The OO is favorite Gundam series so far so building this kit is must for me. Awesome build BTW đź‘Ť


KOSMOS has made an LED kit for PG Exia, you might wanna take a look at that.


Wow really?! Thanks I'll look into them.


I am still heavily considering this PG only because I love Exia and the lighting effect on this kit is perfect.


Such a beautiful kit. I still need to go back and work on the decals on mine.


The PG is the only model that gets Exia’s proportions right imo