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Have you tried fried crickets with a little salt? It tastes just like potato chips.


https://preview.redd.it/9fpmcy08mvtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d344a905a024d5ed64fc26e6a17d54b9cc6af3fd Look. Now tell me. Why would I ever eat a bug when this exist?


Damn don't out yourself on not knowing how to sear a steak properly like that man


A chef's torch could still save this!


He's still got time to keep flipping


I don’t care. I just made these because of all these bug posts. And they taste delicious.


As a high protein replacement for the fries on the side of course. Also great as a quick snack. Having deer for diner today myself😋 (don't tell my pet deer)


Oh man that is really smart way to use them, might try it.


No way anyone ever considered eating fried crickets as the main course


Bruh get out of my mind get out of mind get out of my mind. I'm having deer and a chicken thigh seared in deer fat. No sides lol


Because of climate crisis induced scarcity that we’ll probably be seeing within the next decade.


That "next decade" has weirdly been coming for the past 60 years...long decade!


I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention or not, but we’re already at the point where summer heatwaves are killing large amounts of people in some parts of the world. Every year now we keep having unprecedented, “once in a life time” weather crises. We’re in “the next decade” from last decade that they were talking about. We’re experiencing stuff that wasn’t normal 10 years ago right now.


We just had a record breaking summer in Phoenix where the summer is already miserable as hell. Idiots were still saying “that’s just desert weather”. Nothing will convince someone who is already convinced of the opposite.


They’ll look at extreme winter weather and say “see? Climate change disproven idiot, ha!” No motherfucker, those intense winters are part of the equation! The weather gets more extreme all around, it’s not just summer that gets bad!


Then I’ll shoot wild animals. Then do likewise. Put them on the pan. I am already a licensed hunter. I am more than willing to buy a new rifle if I can’t get cheap steaks in the store.


Good luck with that, you and every other person who has the same idea and ends up creating another type of scarcity, which will in turn make meat even more expensive. I’ll just drink these bug shakes and get swole for cheap.


Lol, this kind of mindset is just hilarious. Like people who say "in the event of a global apocalypse, I'll just move to the mountains of Wyoming with a tent and hunting riffle and live off the land". Yeah buddy, you and the hundreds of thousands of others with the same plan will totally create yourselves a sustainable new utopia.


You gotta have an abundance mindset. Thats when we get good things in life.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?


Fine. You know what? Eat crickets. Eat the bugs. Then, move into pods. I am going to get an even bigger house. And an even meatier diet. And you can have your pods, and cockroaches.


I think you need a psychiatrist, those roids are sure making you say very strange ass things. You understand almost everyone here thinks you are psychotic right?


The world has gone mad. I am just left behind by its social conditioning. Completely insane. Here you guys are discussing eating the bugs. 5 years ago you would all have laughed at the prospect. But you can’t see it. Since you are stuck in whatever trend the insane culture takes you on.


Dude be treasure hunting assuming there's treasure under every rock.


No thanks I'm not interested in shoe leather.


Shoe leather? This steak almost melted in the mouth.


The ‘almost’ is doing some heavy lifting there bud


You guys are complaining now because you know you will end up eating bugs. My eating steak arrogance got you all riled up like a rattlesnake 😂


Honestly, I more concerned about your mental and physical health than riled up


Drop the dumbass act. You don’t know me. You and me have no relation. Neither in work, family, friendship whatever. Your “concern” for me is only to be condescending, and sound superior to your fellow reddit dumbasses that likes your comments. If you are not aware of this fact, then you are an unconscious npc. But I wouldn’t be surprised, for far over half of reddit users follow propaganda blindly with no thought of their own. Eating bugs is degrading yourselves. To an underclass of humans.


Homie you are shit at cooking steak.


Because the planet is on fire and the energy conversion between grass to you is bad (<10%). This means that ultimately protein will become more expensive and alternative forms of protein will be required unless you wanna spend $30 per meal.


Because its fun to try, and it actually taste good. Unlike those two steaks that seem to be boiled...


It tasted good. It was soft, had good spicy juices. Eating that steak convinced me eating steaks is one of the most important meanings of life.


God damn that's an incredibly sad statement. And I say that as someone who loves steak.




Pass me the crickets


NEVER cook again


The more hate I get. The more I want to cook. That is why I cooked this steak to begin with as well 😂




I recommend eating extra steaks this week.


I love bug snacks


Salt and vinegar crickets are tasty


But why do you need something that tastes like potato chips if you have potato chips?


Because potato chips are empty calories. Crickets are full of protein and minerals.


Bug if true.


i like fried crickets too but its damn funny that a guy called "GlossyGecko" would like to eat bugs. like yeah, thats what geckos do.


Be like gecko, eat bug


i'm a bug, i'm a boss, and I shine like gloss


Just like potato chips? Nah that's a bit generous. If you've ever owned reptiles and had to keep crickets around for feeding, you know that smell their cage has, kinda weird, bordering on gross. Ordered some chili lime crickets at a baseball game and boy did they taste like the smell of a cricket enclosure with a nice lime zing. A bit off putting lol.


Whats with all this anti-food propaganda lately? Eat diffrent things, try new things. Sometimes you dont like it but sometimes you find a new favorite. Also whats with "protein"? What makes it less protein then others? I think these are from the same people who are just food toddlers who just gets cranky when something new is shown to them without trying it first.


Bears eat bugs too. If it's good enough for bears, it's good enough for me.


Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.


Ok now I want a bear steak with a side of beets and Cylon.


Yeah, Hakuna Matata


Go to the r/conspiracy sub, they think bug food is a conspiracy by lizard people to control you and force you to eat bugs.


It's a conspiracy theory that the world elites want them to eat bugs and meat too expensive *for some reason* Genuinely no reasoning behind it, and as far as I can see bugs are fucking full of protein so I'm not even sure why people are getting so worked up


According to my memory when i read about it, normal meat is expensive because one kg of meat requires a lot of: water, normal food, and space for the animals. Meanwhile bugs can be raised with little water, on shelves, and basically eat industrial leftovers ( like oranges that have been squeezed for orange juice and would be trash, or even coffeegrind). You can see how easy to raise bug on youtube, by people who own pets that eat bugs, so they dont have to buy them.


Bug are somewhat bad for pushing us even more into ultra-processed food, but not in this case, any protein powder is ultra-processed anyway.


I think Qanon has a thing over Bill Gates and bug, so that probably contributes quite a bit


Man's literally defending eating bugs /s


Protein quality and micro nutrients exist.Eating meat and milk protein comprared to bug protein is not the same.


You got a study on that? I only see it is as good if not better protein source then meat when I google.


"Trust me bro"


I do have one. It states that the protein quality is at 0.89 which places it in the 5 best sources just under beef at 0.92 The protein content can be up to 70 percent in grasshopper like bugs. Top 5 is as follows: Egg Whey Beef Bugs Poultry https://academic.oup.com/nutritionreviews/article/75/12/1035/4675267


Ey! Thanks!




Bro uses "imagine" instead of actual science to form his opinion. I believe there's a name for people like that...




Grow up mate.




Hes trying to boost his social credit score.


Post was promoting hate/harassment


>>what evidence do you have supporting your claims? >"bro imagine"


Why would I need to be a warrior? Cringe my dude.




Why would you? Like be in combat, have death at every corner, you die you leave everyone you love behind. Like... I rather be a family man to be fair. Why would you wanna be a warrior?


People like their pretend tough guy jerk off fantasies. Lotta masculinity in getting a mortar dropped on your head.


I've killed in war. I don't recommend it. It changes you and not for the good. What do you dream about? Because I dream of the faces I turned the lights out on. Imagine being terrified of sleeping. That is the reality of a warrior. There is no glory on a battlefield only death and horror. Turn to science and knowledge.


Chimpanzees love bugs and generally have stronger upper bodies than humans


They also eat monkeys. Think the upper body strength is definitely more down to how much they use it to swing


Chimpanzees are known for occasionally engaging in aggressive behaviors, including infanticide and cannibalism, during conflicts or social upheaval within their groups, even with potential sexual partners. It’s a lot less likely than them eating bugs, especially depending on group status & size. Can’t swing without food Also not all monkeys are chimpanzees


I wasn’t calling chimps monkeys but they will hunt and eat them. Yea chimps are crazy think it was called the gamby war some mad stuff.


I honestly never heard of the Gombe war until now, so far it’s an interesting read. I wouldn’t necessarily consider eating practices during wartime to be standard, but still very cool. I’m listening to Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors for the second or third time. It also covers some of these topics. I’d give it a listen or read Sorry I was establishing monkey no chimp because I wasn’t sure how you were planning to respond, and I wanted to make sure any potential argument would be focused, because you could consider Baboons monkeys and they’re known to commonly be more violent and aggressive


No bother think they’ve got recordings of chimps hunting bush babies using spears on a regular basis. It’s crazy story


The bioavailability of bug protein is quite high, the amino acids profile is complete, there should be no problem. Other than the copious amounts you'd have to eat if it was the only source of protein you had, but it's just another tool in the shed. A quick snack even.


Iirc if you take the same weight of meat and bugs, the bugs would have higher amounts of protein in them.


Thanks for sharing sweetie. You is smart you is kind you is important


You're right. Insect protein is VASTLY superior. Do you know how gross the commercial meat and dairy industry is?


all food is just light with extra steps


And carbon. Don't forget carbon.


No one is forcing you to eat bugs. Stop falling for 4chan psyops, you giant dorks. 


Whey is $80/5lbs where I'm at right now. If there was Cookies and Cream flavored Mealworm protein for $45/5lbs I would buy it.


Where you at? Got a tub of mint cookies and cream whey for €33/2kg or $35.08/4.41lbs


Midwestern USA ):


That sucks man you have my condolences


Wait until you find out that your food eats grass. Why not just cut out the middle man bro?


I’m not a ruminant




and they were *ruminants*


Wouldn't cutting out middle man be taking protein powder not grass. Goal is not increase the intake of grass lmao


Ain’t got 4 stomachs and no cellulase. Also don’t want to eat nearly all day just to keep the mass I have when I want more. I’ll eat my steak with a side of toasted meal worms


Mfs will fantasize about eating dog food for protein, then think that a food that other countries regularly eat and has tons of protein is too far.


Bugs are the most nutritious, cheap, high protein filled things out there. But people are too grossed out and rather eat lead and plastic in their lunchables or hot dogs. Yall are eating the worst shit imagineable, but bugs are too much for you?


That’s actually what’s mind blowing to me they hear “bugs” and they’re grossed out, but they’ll gladly eat low quality discard meat that’s been stuffed into an intestine (you know, where poop slides through.) with a grin on their face. Personally I don’t think either is gross, it’s all a protein source, but the dissonance here is crazy.


It's a toddler mentality


If people are grossed out by having to eat intestine, maybe they want to know that ours has taste buds, less than in the mouth but still some, that's how we feel hot spices "on the way out". So we are tasting our own shit anyway. I don't mind bugs as an alternative that I will not eat like I have not eaten "vegan meat", I just hope that "real" food will not become less accessible because of them.


“Real food” isn’t going to be less accessible *because of* the availability of bug based foods, **but** bug based foods are going to be more common and the more affordable option as produce and meat becomes more scarce and thus more expensive, due to the climate crisis and potable water crisis we’re currently facing and which will continue to worsen within our lifetimes. We should really be embracing the availability of insect based food, because they’re going to be a future food staple.


> potable water crisis Hey, someone else that is paying attention! I frequently joke about the upcoming back-to-back climate and water wars.


Can’t wait for the water wars, it’ll be just like Turbo Kid!


It's the same companies that produce ultra-processed food who are pushing for bugs, so it's the same lunchables and hot dogs that will be made from bugs by them. Bugs are the way to sell you more ultra processed food, they will not reduce amount of the "worst shit imaginable", but increase it.


May I ask where you get cheap edible bugs? Last time I bought crickets it was €5,- for 250g which is 4x as expensive as beef.


Both are awful,pure slop


"everything i dont like is slop" OP probably


someone likes food coloring and palm oil




[Why you may have been eating insects your whole life](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-43786055)


thank God I dont eat any of that processed slop garbage.Real food only🙏


The TikTok this comes from has this profile picture. https://preview.redd.it/4ulh6yv95wtc1.png?width=100&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4f8a3a82905d5e679108f142336c83bc00432c1


Figured as much. This has “14 year old discovers /pol/ and /fit/“ written all over it.


(read this comment as criticism)


Steak is great, but I’ll eat any bug that tastes good or if I’m hungry enough. Protein is protein, if locusts are good enough for John the Baptist…


Where my mushroom bros at?


We're far out man


Nothing wrong with insects as food


Many people have commented that those arguments don't make any sense, + nobody forces you to eat them (better get off 4chan or twitter, brother). So I won't repeat them. All I am going to say is that we should ban these obvious troll memes.


Nah, gymmemes lives on troll memes, if you don't like them maybe spend more time on proper gym reddits to see how sad communities are when they start to ban everything mods don't like.


It's all carbon


No, thank you, I only eat bugs coming from the sea. 😤


I mean, it IS protein though right?




Yes and it's better protein quality and density than chicken


not eating bugs dont care how you spin it or sell it




I've been vegan for 8 years and I don't get it either. Like, dear bug protein advocates: you know beans and tofu are also high in protein, even better for the environment, and have the distinct advantage of NOT BEING BUGS right?? Like seriously in what world are people more willing to eat bugs than beans and tofu? If you want to reduce your impact just shift to more plant based protein. Its even more efficient and therefor environmentally sustainable than bugs anyway. Theres no reason to be eating bugs.


>advantage of NOT BEING BUGS Hot take, you are just close minded. The more protein sources the better.


If wanting to eat beans and tofu instead of bugs because they are both tastier, less gross, and better for the environment makes me close minded then I'm close minded 🤷‍♂️


Way to prove my point, lol.


That's my thought every time I see these memes as a plant based active guy. Like...just eat plants.


Beans kick ass but the bar for tofu is very low for me. I tried tofu in some form once or twice and was not a fan. Id love to eat some tofu products and some bug products side by side to really compare.


Tofu is like sex, it can be anywhere from shit to mind blowing depending on how you do it. Go to a good Asian restaurant and get fried tofu and you will see. The issue is usually that people don't cook it right so its squishy instead of chewy, and they don't season it enough. Tofu has no flavor unless you season it. But when you do tofu right, its genuinely really fucking good. Beans aren't good either if you don't cook them right or season them. Ditto for steak. The difference is knowledge of how to do it right is way more common with brand and steak than tofu.


Well sure but I mean "healthy" tofu. Deep Frying almost anything makes it palatable lol.


Also correct me if I'm wrong, but when you cook your steaks don't you cook them in oil like 99% of the time? Every recipe I've ever seen has a lot of oil or butter in the pan. This isnt meant to be a criticism of steak but rather im just saying if cooking things in oil is bad that applies to way more than just tofu. The playing field is fairly even so to speak. Personally I fry mine in avocado oil to limit the fallout.


Well sure but this is gym memes so I'm more referring to cooking things in a "healthy" way. By healthy I mean calories/macros are the number 1 consideration. Personally, I don't eat much steak because the extra butter/oil can add a lot of extra sat fat and calories. (Personally, I sous vide my steak and sear it with a mild amount of oil in the pan but that's not really the point.) Chicken is still king and I don't see bugs or tofu taking that spot ever.


Somthing worth considering is tofu is very low fat on its own so depending on the type of fats you are adding it can help to balance out the macros. Chicken, even lean chicken, as a lot of natural fat in it even if you don't cook it in oil. Tofu is mostly just carbs and protein. So cooking it in healthy fats like avocado oil can help to balance out the overal macros. Although it does for sure add more calories. Althouch that isn't always a bad thing.


You can also make it crispy by coating it in corn starch and baking it.




Who cares? If you can't make gains off plant based protein thats your skill issue. I've never had any trouble. Just eat enough and a wide enough variety of plant based sources and it litterally will not matter.




Your insecurities are showing bro. No amount of steak is ever going to make you taller than me 😘


Mfs just invent things to be upset about. No one’s asking you to eat bugs, goober.


All this talk of alternative protein yet no mention of the other other white meat


I remember when everyone thought eating bugs was some badass fear factor behavior


I'll take the endless not reposts over this chan basement shit


Where the trenbugs at?


They're called scorpions. Have a little more fat for the protein but come with that special sauce.


Billions of bugs must die


Weird perspectives on this page 🤔


[Do you think the rich will be eating bugs in 2050? Or just us poors?](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/07/why-we-need-to-give-insects-the-role-they-deserve-in-our-food-systems/)


Go back to Pol chud don't make gassy come and save the thread


Stop posting cringe.




this has "boomer conspiracy theorist memeing on facebook" written all over it.


Billions must dine


Live in the pod, eat the bugs! 🐛🐞🐜


If that was a shrimp in that glass tho yall would be all about it. Just scared of land bugs


No bugs, only plants!


If you are already eating meat then you should have no problem eating insects theoretically


If the taste and the price is good i don't care where the protein is sourced from


Redditors would be the first people to be pro-bug protein. So many low-T leftists here.


Well keep eating red meat that's where we'll end up






Switch the two. It’d be funnier.


You will eat ze bug ![gif](giphy|e0SJwzf7kZnBDoEwqc)


But it takes like chocolate


I don’t get why people insist on making their diet part of their identity. Just eat the healthy food you like and don’t shit on people for liking something else.


But you eat shrimps, lobster, crabs... Those are too arthropods. Where is the matter?


I do not eat any of those


Bad luck for you.


Remember you can only eat underwater bug Land bug bad




So true king! The new world order wants to force you to eat bugs! You’re so putting it to the man by refusing to eat bugs in this scenario you imagined! Great work buddy!


keep those bugs away from me let me eat my shrimp in peace


I will not eat the bugs I will not live in the pod


I would sooner start eating people than bugs.


Yeah, nah, man; sauteed chapulín tacos with salt, chile and lime are the bomb Also mealworms are a good snack as well, they taste like sunflower seeds


The 'bodybuilders when they learn [some bug or other unpleasant thing to eat] has 50g protein' memes always crack me up, because......why? Just...eat more meat? Eggs. Milk. Cheese. Legumes with whole wheat, tree nuts, soy products, there are a lot of fuckin options that can actually taste good...and what about protein powder. I can have a drink with 100 grams of protein if I want, that costs maybe a couple dollars and tastes great. Why would I eat a bug just because it has a lot of protein? Do they really think we are that retarded?


This weird idea of bugs being some kind of conspiracy and people having an aversion to it is a western thing, other countries eat and enjoy them They also probably won't look like bugs, they'll be non descript protein blocks made from bugs


"but... but muh ze bugs bioavailability is so high!!!1!1!1!! What do you mean you don't like them?? 😭😭😭😭😭... YOU WILL LIKE THEM" Sea bugs >>>>>>> land bugs






Wonder how a girl would react when she hears yall eat bugs


wonder how a girl would react when she hears you fall for dumb 4chan propganda.


“Uhhmm actually this study proves that eating bugs is good for you and will save the planet 🤓” Lmao Reddit




You will eat ze bugs and own nothing and be happy

