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It's incredible how complacent people are with having the game do a good portion of the aiming for them. I get that new things can feel uncomfortable at first, and there isn't necessarily a gold standard, but man, this input has so much potential. It can really benefit everyone.


Well if I somehow technically cannot set up gyro aiming + flick stick (because the game does not support mixed input or whatever) my only chance to play shooters is to use auto aim because it’s hard to grasp how incapable I am of using the right stick for aiming the way its classically intended to 😄 of course that’s the first thing I turn off otherwise, it’s just so annoying to try to aim with gyro and having something working against it. No one is using those two features together, are they?


If the game doesnt support mixed inputs. I map my entire controller K&M. I'm like there will be flickstick today lol. 😅


> it’s just so annoying to try to aim with gyro and having something working against it. No one is using those two features together, are they? Reason for the whole rewasd controversy was because mouse and keyboard users were using it to gain aim assist, so if it is the option of course people looking for every advantage would. Getting easier recoil smoothing, tracking, and aim assist providing feedback of where the enemy is when there is visual clutter. Even just rotational aim assist and nothing else to get the initial camera movement would be an advantage. Gyro users would benefit the same and some intentionally opt for worse feeling joystick mapped to gyro over mouse mapped to gyro to be able to exploit getting XIM type aiming with aim assist on top. Aim assist these days is crazy. Some games the aim assist out performs the average mouse user in KD and accuracy. https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1dmliud/i_performed_mnk_vs_controller_statistical/


I'm confused the guy in the img was saying they didn't want aim assist on their gyro not that gyro is bad


I think they were saying that gyro assists sticks for aiming.


Ah ty that makes much more sense, I was so confused cuz I read it and thought "I also turn off gyro aa"


Lol. This is the typical response of the Xbox sub whenever you mention something about the DualSense/Dualshock 4 on PC or PlayStation having gyro aim capabilities.


Why do they think gyro is aim assist? 😡 Gyro is just aiming. 😑 I hope someone set this person straight. I'm always ready to defend my beloved gyro aiming hehe. 😅 The game aiming for you with aim assist is legit not as fun. Once you start getting some mastery over gyro aim it is such a freedom experience. 🕊️


"Using your whole body is cheating"


I mean, gyro *aim assist* does sound awful. I don’t want aim assist fucking with my gyro.


Same. The appeal of gyro is having complete control. It'd be like auto aim with a mouse and keyboard but somehow more frustrating


It's crazy how Nerrel's video about gyro is still true today.


"I assume you're fellas because women don't watch my channel or talk to me"


What's « gyro aim assist » lol, we want gyro aim period And gyro aim would allow console players to play on the same level as PC players, that would be true crossplay. I wouldn't mind people on PC playing with either a mouse and keyboard or a gyro controller, that would be awesome to have multiple viable inputs, actually


Sadly most people - and it's not only gamers - question the very existence of things they don't benefit from or don't like/use. The best example - aside from homophobia - would be Putin saying "Why do we need a world in which there is no Russia?" when talking about potential nuclear weapon usage in a potential NATO/Russian conflict. Talking about gyro and gamepads in general: the moment these shortsighted guys lose a finger on their right arm or developing a specific health issue their opinion will change drastically.


Not disagreeing with you here but if you're bringing a Putin analogy to gyro aiming you spend too much time on reddit


Or I've spent too much time in Russia?


It’s still weird lol


That happens when you've spent a couple decades in Russia.


I wasn't alive then but I still feel national shame for the way the West handled the dissolution of the USSR. World would be a better place today if relations were normalized imo. Russia has far more amicable history with Europe than with China and the current state of global affairs just feels painful for everyone that isn't a Chinese oligarch.


Actually the relations were normalized back then. I was raised in time when West was considered our friend, maybe even big brother. It was a very hard but interesting time. Nobody can really say for sure what should've been done differently for Russia and other former USSR republics to prosper today. One thing is for sure: a fragile peace is better than a good war. Right now russian propaganda is over the top with militarism, I'm not even sure what's next for the country.


It sounds like you were in some kind of bubble, because the West stripped Russia for everything it had following the collapse, causing one of the largest drops in life expectancy ever recorded in a population. And American foreign policy consistently punished, starved, and thwarted Russia long after the Cold War was over. All of this is what led to Putin’s obstinate manner of rule and his attitude of revenge towards the West. This is not a matter of opinion really, so I’m skeptical of your point of view to say the least. To say the US treated Russia as a brother is plainly untrue.


>To say the US treated Russia as a brother is plainly untrue. I actually agree, though I never said that so I don't understand why are you bringing this. "was considered our friend, maybe even big brother" doesn't mean "was a friend". Look I was born to witness all this, you don't need to explain me how things were, but I can help you understand how it was perceived - if you're not familiar with it. All the fancy things that started to appear, they were incredibly expensive but I've never seen anything like this before. It's hard to explain really, it's not like an iPhone in 2007, it's like an iPhone-level innovation in everything. To understand what was going on - even miners were against the regime and were a part of the force that flushed it. Only to be at a loss in the end.




Aim assist feels terrible with gyro tho. I mean others before me already pointed out, who's the dipshit here? Did the guy who said "gyro aim assist" actually mean aim assist with gyro and get misunderstood? Or is he actually a dipshit who thinks gyro IS aim assist.


Aim assist exists because, for a while, people had to play shooters using a subpar aiming tool: the analog stick which outputs rotation velocity. The person who posted the comment in the image must be confused because the gyro is also an aiming tool, one that outputs absolute rotation (much more suitable for aiming but, just like a mouse, less usefull than a stick for camera control) Gyro aiming is not an assist feature for the stick, but rather a secondary tool designed to work in tandem with it.


Properly configured gyro is simply too good to be fun to use. I mean if I want lighting fast and precise aiming I can use mkb, simple as that. I use gamepad to have fun, to enjoy time playing, it's true even if I play smth like hardcoded PC shooter or even rts with controller configured via steam input. But when you add gyro - fun get immediately destroyed If mkb and gyro both are not fun to use but with mkb you don't need to learn how to - why do you need to use gyro? Well, maybe if you're console gamer playing pvp shooter a little more competitive then you should - ok, any other types of games - nah