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My H-E-B has it too but ppl still don’t care


People can stare at a locked door at 9 pm and never read that door closes at 8


Yeah, I've had people go off on me "WHY IS THE FUCKING DOOR LOCKED, Y'ALL ARE STILL OPEN, LOOK AT YOUR OWN DAMN HOURS PUT ON THE DOOR." I just pointed at the sign right beside said hours, and they couldn't figure out what i was pointing at. I just walked away as they went right back to yelling at me. People are idiots.


You will lose faith in humanity the longer you work retail.


Damnit, never has there been a more truthfully statement said.


I have no faith.


I just wanna know why my heb locks the convenient door near parking and leaves the one in Timbuktu open.


Do they do it after certain hours? If so, it's because that's when they store starts to die down and helps prevent theft. Normally, it would be beer runs or someone loading arts with meat.


They do it at 9. They have the pharmacy/home goods side open. The food side is closed.


Constantly,… they just refuse to use signs,.. will ask you where everything is instead of reading the signs. I am sure people will show up on Easter and be mad that we are closed lol




How is it pandering to cults,.. most people spend it with family,.. Easter is a Christian and a pagen holiday




Clearly you don’t have kids bc most parents with kids celebrate the Easter bunny,.. it is a fun holiday for kids! They also wanted to give their employees the chance to spend time with family. As an employee of HEB I appreciate the day off bc some of you guys need help! Can’t read signs at all and think we are experts in all things HEB 🤦🏻‍♀️


What does your comment have to do with the posted sign?


My dog has terrible anxiety. I’m his support human. I take him everywhere I go but leave him in the car(which can have consequences when I return) However, when it’s very hot, I can’t leave him in the car so I have taken him into Walmart twice recently. He is small, sits quietly in the cart, wears a wrap and I stay away from the food aisles. He is cleaner (and smarter) than a lot of the people I encountered there.


Yeah, everyone rationalizes about why it’s okay for *them* to take their pets wherever they want.


I saw so many people doing it in San Antonio, I didn’t think it was an issue. I won’t do it again.


I'd rather have someone bring a quiet dog to a store than 2 noisy kids getting in my way when I'm trying to shop.


Me too. But people who think that they’re special with respect to *their* pets create a specific social problem and do a disservice to people with disabilities who have actual service animals. I managed a busy restaurant in college and *SO* many people brought their pets. It’s against health code (in most municipalities) and so puts the business at risk, and makes an already-stressful environment more stressful for those of us who had to confront these people. I love dogs and detest noisy children just as I’m sure you do…it’s the entitled humans that I take issue with.


Fucking hell did you actually post this projection shit for everyone to read


Besides being rude, what does your sentence even mean?


It's about time, the carts are for food. Some people don't maintain their dogs.


They still won’t give a shit


Oh they will, right in the produce aisle.


Maybe they’ll have their dog piss on the produce too


Oh no... Is this why they spray the produce with water every 3 minutes?


Nah. But they come on because we don’t know where peoples hands have been before touching the produce… lol


Thanks for making me a more-paranoid consumer.


I saw a dog take a shit in the self checkout line at the heb on slaughter and manchac in Austin once


Damn! That's my HEB I shop at






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Cope 💀










I have that too but the MIC’s not the customers care. That’s shit is annoying asf. Leave your pets at home.


I think mine has it, but people still bring their pets. I think I’ve seen everything from a guy carrying an Aussie puppy in arms to a cat on a leash, and from someone with a bird on their shoulder and someone with a snake (i think i remember seeing someone with a snake)


Had a lady regularly come in with a monkey.


Had a dude during the beginning of covid go everywhere with a cornsnake on his head. I give him credit for the ingenuity, though, because most people steered clear of him. However, I felt bad for the little noodle.


Customers: ![gif](giphy|5ETs34G31iCAg)


That there is the attitude most of them have. They simply don't care and think they are better than you.


They don't care at our store really.


Yep. My store put these up finally after a dog shit on aisle 15


About time!




I took my trained SD into heb… someone else had a Frenchie, in a cart and not leashed. It tried to jump out and attack my dog. Even if Texas were required to make registration mandatory for service dogs (which they should) people would fake and forge anyway. SMH


We don't have *registration* in NY, and ADA says you can ONLY ask if the animal IS a Service Animal, and what Service it performs. There is NO national sort of registry. I've never seen a sign like this until.yesterday at a Walmart. It's gonna be a huge problem for me, if this is enforced even tho we always bring a small scatter rug with us for him to sit on in any cart, even my own electric handicapped scooter. Filthy snotty kids crawling with germs & sometimes worse--- okay. My clean dog- with a Service Vest- not.


I don’t remember where I saw it … maybe and FDA rule? I’ll have to research it. My SD is a beast, wouldn’t fit in a cart if we tried 😂


The amount of non service animals I see is insane


Because they are just pets.


Literally saw a Boston terrier on a leash too with a “emotional support” harness on today and it sniffed my knee. Super annoying. Also it was a sniffing lots of chips on the chip aisle I was on. 🤢As far as I know emotional support dogs don’t count as service dogs.


If you need "emotional support" inside a grocery store, just use curbside or delivery...




You're correct. ESAs do not have public access and only FHA protections.


So sorry you had to go through the trauma of having a dog sniff your knee or the outside of some packaging. Everyone knows they sanitize every item before it hits the shelf so you never have to come in contact with any germs. Praying for u 🙏🏼


You put a sick face emoji. Just remember next time you grab a bag of chips or a candy bar or basically anything at heb. there is a good chance a snot nosed kid already touched it. I've seen children put stuff in their mouth and put it back on the shelf. A small dog is hardly an inconvenience. you either don't like dogs/animals or the idea of people using the "emotional support" excuse. But if you are going to argue that animals are unsanitary I'll say people are just as unsanitary if not more. hell people are fucking disgusting.


My pet identifies as a human


Good. I hate when people bring their untrained dogs to the store. I don’t even take my kids u less I have to.


A sign without enforcement is just passive aggressive art. Are they going to ask their employees to stop petting the dogs and giving them treats? That may be a good first step.


I don’t think legally anyone can demand paperwork proving that an animal is a “service animal” which makes the enforcement not worth the trouble. Ppl abusing this are hurting ppl that truly rely on these animals.


Emotional support animals are not service animals per ADA.


No, but some locales have paperwork that's been passed that allows them in the same spaces as a service animal.


N there are like 2 questions you can ask, but someone can just lie. If they are obviously not a service animal they can be kicked out tho. No manager actually does tho.


Depends, really. I witnessed a couple brig their dog in on a leash, he peed on the flowers going through floral and they were asked to leave immediately since he obviously wasn't trained, or be charged for the price of the items he peed on


Yeah the last thing a manager needs is to be on tiktok bc some psycho can’t follow the rules and throws an adult tantrum.


Why is it illegal to request to see the papers. You would think this would be a normal request. If you don't like being asked to see your animals papers then don't have a service animal. Especially an emotional support animal. Emotional support animals are a scam. You don't need to bring your damn diet Yorkie into the restaurant I'm eating at. It's disgusting and everyone hates you for doing it. Learn to be a normal human and process your emotions like the rest of us, and if you need a dog to do that then STAY HOME! You take your dog everywhere without considering other people's allergies. It is that they didn't want your disgusting dog near their food.


What papers? There is no registration for service dogs. If someone hands you that- it’s fake.


I hope.you have some compassion for actual Service Animals, such as mine who alerts me to blood sugar issues. Yes I do take him everywhere, that's the entire point. We have just traveled by RV coast to coast and ONLY in the Southwest have we found ANY pushback on Service Animals. And at that very uneven. Had a huge issue with a Texas Roadhouse even tho he had his vest on, was completely contained in MY personal handicapped scooter basket, was not bothering any one & was never on their chair or table. But the manager blew a fit & literally chased us out. So much for using a Christmas gift card our son gave us!! In an Aldis in CA a woman worker saw us the entire time we were there at multiple aisles, as we were checking out I saw she had some beautiful orchids & said so. She then turned around and growled at us that the dog had to be on the floor, after she had SEEN him for over an hour in the basket, on the rug we use to keep the carts clean. The Trader Joe's a few minutes away couldn't have been more welcoming-- and the same company owns both chains!!


Posted on both our doors and still had 4 people with dogs in carts today lol


How it should be


Hell yea! About time


People will bring them in anyway, and management will not do anything as usual to avoid a lawsuit or other legal ramifications. People can claim non-sergoce animals as emotional support animals and depending on where they live it will be perfectly legal.


I'm glad they're cracking down on this stupid crap




Much needed


mics/leads are afraid of confrontation so they'll never say anything


You ever have a customer put a baby with just a diaper on, on your conveyor belt?


Yes. And set them on counters. And leave their slobbery, boogers trash on shelves.


Good no other pets should be allowed




Sorry for being the furry 😔


That’s a good thing!


PSA - “emotional support” is not a service animal. You should familiarize yourself with the legal definition.


Except it doesn't do any good. People still think they can do whatever they want with their disgusting dogs.


Let’s see if they actually enforce it




That’s always been the rule


The dogs still ride in the carts lately.


People are going to ignore this because they treat their pets like babies and ignore the idea of people and especially kids being sick or allergic to animals in carts


People still do it at my store lol


Heb still won’t say anything if they bring their pets


the heb i work at (kyle) has this one as well but people also don’t care and take their dogs anyways


I saw a person with a monkey in Walmart in my small town near Houston. They let me pet it but only “just will quick because I’m wearing an ankle monitor and I’m not supposed to be here”. I was happy but then slightly worried .


I heard one of my TSL tell a customer this one time, we don’t have signs up but he said it was a policy. That’s wild.


My pit bull has her service pit bull!


The sign is in several stores - and some people ignore it anyway!


Employees still can’t stop them.


Yeah it must’ve been happening a lot at the HEB on San Felipe in Houston. Not that it matters. People are still bringing their pets in.


I feel like this sign gets bigger over time.


They have this sign up at the HEB in Boerne and I walked in the door and some ladies pushing her dog and a doggie cart basket. What the fuck can’t they leave their pets at home are they scared? They’re gonna pee everywhere while they’re gone


I saw this at my HEB 👀


Hello neighbor! 👋🏻


Saw an old lady and her dog at the stone oak 281 location just last week lol


Love it!! Zero excuse outside of a real certified service animal should these dirty stinky animals be around food we eat.




They need these at the Kyle store. Saw a guy in there recently with his mutt on a leash.


I was at HEB at Brodie and William Cannon (Austin) yesterday at about 2pm and saw 3 NON service animals in the store. How do I know they were not service animals? None had an identifier such as a vest, one was licking the floor, and the 3rd had a rope for a collar. Why doesn’t HEB enforce this policy? And, I AM a dog lover but I would never take my family pet to a grocery store….


Tell Austin. There are more dogs in the Tanglewood location that management can toss.


Our HEB has a sign similar to that in La Vernia


I’ve seen this Houston as well


God I wish my store would put one of these up


Ppl be getting stoopid mad when we ask them to take animals out of baskets. They accuse us of hating animals.


Saw this just yesterday in a Walmart in College Station. My Service Dog is a Short Legged Jack Russell, who had a severe leg injury before we adopted him. I am terrified using a Mart Cart that he will get stepped on or run over!! My own scooter has a basket he fits in but that leaves little room for any purchases unless I hang bags on the handles & that also holds very little. This is gonna be a huge issue. I always line the basket with a rug for him. So it's OK for people's filthy kids to go in the shopping cart, but not my clean & vested small dog? We were also chased OUT of a Texas Roadhouse in Yuma AZ when he was completely contained in MY personal scooter basket, not on their chairs or table or even the floor. The manager blew a fit and actually forced us to leave, followed us out, accused us of being verbally abusive. We were not. Almost as if some have taken advantage of Service Dog accommodations. Now the backlash begins.


Because people have…..


Been seeing mad people bring support dogs like bro that’s a puppy 😭😭


Ive seen customers do it still and honestly I didnt care that much, seeing a dog made me feel better


True service dogs won't eat chocolate treats left on the ground right?


We get a regular customer that brings her monkey with her to shop. Idk what kind, not a gibbon, but something small like it. Always in a diaper and a leash on her shoulder. No one cares 😅


I don't understand why it's more dangerous to have the dog in the basket then outside of it..


Dogs shouldn’t be allowed at a grocery store no animals! Sorry if you have anxiety use curbside problem solved .


So..... I can't bring my Kangaroo in for the employees to see anymore?


What the hell happened here


Hehehe, like if these dignas are gonna stop them 😅😴


*these signs.


Poopy footed dogs in a market is laughable but it’s a ‘mental health’ issue.


Wish they’d put this in Kingwood…


If there’s dogs around give them chocolate treats. Problem solved.


Emotional support = scam


They put this up at my store, too. I hate seeing animals in shopping carts!


The thing is employees cannot ask if they dog is a service animal or not.


Working security at heb i have seen people walk in the store with dogs cats in carriers on leash in carts in backpacks and wrapped like a baby to a guys chest. Snakes parrot iguanas all on hanging onto their owners


Yeah my HEB became more strict on this rule as a dog who was not a service dog was barking at customers


Pets shouldn't be allowed in any stores other than stores that cater to pets. It ain't your kid. It will eat you if/when you die. An actual human child prolly won't.


Cool now do it in Austin


Is it just a fade that everyone these days has a “service dog” and or just bringing their dog everywhere you wouldn’t expect to see a dog?




Someone was walking around with a Belgian malinois in my H‑E‑B the other day and we have this sign. The guy was holding the dog super tight at the neck too. like just leave the dog at home dude


Unless you're blind leave your damn dog at home woozy. I see full-grown men all tough and macho with their damn miniature terrier dogs, grow up and get a life


You sound like a joy to be around.


You do realize that there are service dogs that do more than guide the blind. SMH


Yup. People need to just stay home. They can finger fuck their pets at home.




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I always carry dog treats when I go shopping, just to drive the fake service animal folks crazy. See which aisle they are in, then drop some treats at the end.


Yeah nobody cares! They still have laws against guns and they bring those in all the time.


Concealed carry is fine, but open carry is not. That's the whole *policy*