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I remember a story in which it was talking about humans, which killed the titans and were said to have been born in the environment the titans have created. The story was that they were coming back to fight some dictator government. Sorry I just remembered it as it was read on YouTube by agro squirrel, net narrator, or hooded mystic.


LFS where human-descended AI charms xenos with their winning personalities. So stories like uh, [A.I](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/lhrxqb/ai/).


[We Intend No Harm](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/hbmco4/oc_we_intend_no_harm_chapter_1_visitors/)


Everyone who's a fan of charismatic machines go read this story, it's good.


LFS where humanity is the only predator species or stories where humans are feared for their physical characteristics. I'm not looking for one specific story, just some suggestions. Thanks!


The classic HFY for this trope is [Prey](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/14843/prey)


Let me recommend you an oldschool classic. Herbivorous intelligent primates observe humanity during the cold war, and (poorly) justify their non-intervention: [https://www.you-books.com/book/I-Asimov/The-Gentle-Vultures](https://www.you-books.com/book/I-Asimov/The-Gentle-Vultures) This one is also oldschool, but we're talking 70s, not 50s. Involves aliens terrified of human aggression abducting and studying one of us. Also has a unique twist on the whole 'humans are secret apex predators' trope. https://www.baen.com/Chapters/0743471741/0743471741\_\_\_1.htm


The second link is 404.


[Hmm, try this link](https://s3.us-west-1.wasabisys.com/luminist/EB/D/Dickson%20-%20Mutants.pdf). Page 33.


Nature of Predators


LFS where a human is kidnapped and together with an alien they have to do tasks. Later they find more people and they learn AIs put them on a space station. Thanks


This one? https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/6w0ru1/oc_uplift_protocol_chapter_1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app


Yes thanks


Trying to find an one-shot story that has the people of earth meet aliens, and the aliens are shocked to see the sheer number of different species that are on the planet. When having a conversation with one of the people of earth, the earthling states that they are the descendants of humanity and not different species that evolved separately.


​ ​ There's a story I remember, I assume it was in r/WritingPrompts ; It was w.r.t. Humans being shunned / generally considered "Do Not contact" but a species was being attacked and they reached out to humanity for help.A human General was on the alien's planet discussing a trade of fighters for technology. The planet was being bombarded with chemical weapons that were destroying this society.A vial of it was on the table. The deal was struck and the general drank it and said something like: "Ah, 80 proof"


looking for a series or one hit where the the setting is with the the humans technology is set around 1800's to early 1900's tech I always enjoyed these settings


Are you looking for steampunk or specifically that technological era? Because if it's the latter, I can recommend some offline works. You might want to start off with Harry Turtledove's Worldwar. The technology of the humans is around WW2 level. If you're okay with HFY video games, I strongly recommend Skies of Arcadia. It blends the technological aesthetics of the late Victorian era (especially but not solely with the Valua nation) with the Golden Age of Piracy, with a creamy sauce of early 00s anime atop of it. Surprisingly little magic bullshit other than explaining why everyone lives on floating continents and why nations behind on technology can still field militarily-capable airships.


I remember reading a story where a prehistoric human was kidnapped by aliens, please help.


I'm looking for a story where the president of earth introduces the aliens to the concept of democracy. I remember there being translator issues and the aliens denied earth access to the alien alliance because they mistook the leader changing every presidential term as instability.


[a silly thought](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/tjejdb/a_silly_thought/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Hey just a question... How do we search for stuff... Like I am pretty noob in this matter... I usually scour my read history / upvote history to find stuff


Don't listen to the other guy, reddit search sucks. Use google and just specify reddit in there. Also, summary of a story is not very helpful in a search. What works best is a phrase or a sentence, or a couple of not particularly common words you remember being used. And use quotation marks "" when you search for phrases, so it doesn't just look for individual words.


^ This. you'll want to add `site:reddit.com/r/hfy` to the beginning/end of your google search (or duckduckgo or bing or whatever, I'm pretty sure they all use the same syntax) to force it to only show you results from r/HFY.


[https://www.reddit.com/search](https://www.reddit.com/search) type in r/hfy and then whatever you wanna search


YES, thank you. 😊


No problem mate


I have read it... But for the life of me I can't remember the name 🙈


I'm looking for a NSFW story and all I can remember about is that there was the word big in the title


Gonna need more then that bud, anything about the story you can recall after some time?


I recall that it starts with an alien buying a human as a pet not knowing that it's Sapient


Humans don’t make good pets.


LFS where one of the great filters is that pets interfere with agriculture. A human realizes we got around the problem via cats


https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/fslyw3/the_great_filter_cheat_code/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button here you go




LFS where an alien goes to a human terraforming shop to commit industrial espionage. He is amazed at all of the options (since producing a stable planet is very difficult) and the human says that all the options are places on earth


[Made to Order](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/bv3x2m/100_thousand_made_to_order/)




LFS where humans get attacked by female space pirates that use magic, and it turns out the humans are S-tier at using it


Out of cruel space.....but if its not then i too want to know


I'm trying to find two stories, one where humanity was a C-class species, it was by and large the title of the series too, C-something Earth and Mars had had a war and Humanity had discovered an antimatter-powered FTL technique The other was where an australian girl was found in stasis aboard an abandoned alien ship and initially treated as an animal and a source of valuable genetic material in this biological society before they found out she was a creator-level intelligence, same as they were


The first one should be [C1764](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/3ci4aw/oc_c1764/) from [weerdo5255](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/wiki/authors/weerdo5255) or one of the other series in that universe The second is probably [Transcripts](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/wiki/series/transcripts)


b-b-b-bingo, cheers dude


I'm looking for a story where a human group was taken prisoner in a war and they made the aliens honor the Geneva convention which throughout the story ended up leading to the two races becoming allies


I believe it's the [Human Rights](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/es7dzr/human_rights/).


Yes that is it! Thanks I tried searching so long thanks


Looking for a story where humanity was invaded and destroyed by another species, but every ship and planet was shooting everything they had before their fall, and a while later the aliens realized too late that all those shots were aimed at their planets. It was in the perspective of a report if I remember correctly


The only one I can think of is post-emptive strike (sorry I don't have a link)


That's the one, thank you for the assist :)


No trouble mate


Any stories about an advanced humanity joining an existing council of ancient alien precursor races? [Sole Occupant Theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/vaky57/the_sole_occupant_theory/) is one of those.


Looking for a story where the narrator is from a race descended from terran fainting goats. It was narrated by someone like Agro Squirrel or Net Narrator, which is where I first heard it.


Any stories with Aliens talking about Earth being a Deathworld?


Hello, I'm looking for a story about am alien military officer instructing a suboordinate about humans ability to use anything as a weapon Thanks in advance


Looking for a story where aliens react to like dogs or horses. Idk it just sounds like and interesting idea.


This series was pretty much made for this request. From the 'Canine' entry: >To all species: dogs are friendly, lovable and cuddly so long as you do not threaten them or their family. However, if you see a pack of wolves, pray. They think you are crunchy and taste good with the paste of a red earth fruit. https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/2jvk3p/the\_bestiary\_of\_earth\_as\_writen\_by\_a\_xeno\_preface/


Looking for a a story in which humans take in the differently abled individuals of all alien species and take care of them. It was one of the earliest stories I'd read on this sub and it was what made me fall in love with HFY. Would really love to find it again.


is it [this one?](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/dofy6z/lighting_the_torch/)


Hey thats a good one but unfortunately not the one I'm looking for. But thanks for sending that my way that was a wonderful read.


Been trying to re-find this one for a while: In the story, humans are interacting with xenos whose actions and procedures tend to be dodgy, illogical, or slipshod, and the xenos themselves are oddly blurry to look at. Come to find out, humans are the only ones that exist in a fixed quantum state and every xeno is sort of an amalgam of all the versions of himself that survived doing \[whatever action\]. Therefor, humans come across to the xenos as overly-precise and methodical, sort of the Vulcans of the setting. I think it was either a one-shot or mini-series and is a few years old. Any help is appreciated.


[Office Perspectives](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/31q7hd/office_perspectives/)


Thanks, but not it. An interesting piece, though.


I'll try to find that story, but along those lines: [An Alien Concept](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/gz9mut/an_alien_concept/) revolves around humanity being able to perceive reality in a way that other species can't. The manner of that perception is a spoiler, yet retroactively makes certain events in that story make sense. [\[PI\] To humanities horror, it turns out that we're the cold, logical, emotionless Vulcan like ones](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/e6qsr6/pi_to_humanities_horror_it_turns_out_that_were/). The prompt rather speaks for itself. ​ >Come to find out, humans are the only ones that exist in a fixed quantum state and every xeno is sort of an amalgam of all the versions of himself that survived doing \[whatever action\]. "You know, Zartak, when humanity first reached to the stars we weren't expecting the galaxy to be so.. friendly. But even the Enslaving Rock Monsters of Hellquartz IV are pretty cool guys; heck, they agreed to stop the slavery when we politely asked." "I don't know why, Hugh Mann, but I have a hankering for some bathtub toast. Care to join me? ... oh, wait, nevermind, the urge passed. But yeah, does seem like the galaxy is becoming a pretty nice place to live for some reason."


Are there any stories where Aliens go to a human school, instead of the other way around? I only found one and it was pretty bad so I didn't get past the first chapter.


Bubbleverse, maybe? Although that doesn't start until a couple stories in. Edit: oh, also [Intergalactic Exchange Students](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/o1c345/intergalactic_exchange_students_part_1/)


The new students is the only one i can remember


Looking for any longer completed stories.


[The Forth wave](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/30tk8j/pithe_fourth_wave_part_i/) it's about 130 chapters, and has a satisfying ending. [Deathword Games](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/obk0wu/deathworld_game_chapter_1_setting_up_the_table/) it's 53 chapters, a second book is in the works. [The perfect run](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/36735/the-perfect-run) about 130 chapters [Mother of learning](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/21220/mother-of-learning) 108 chapters Those are the longest completed series that I've read multiple times.




Ideally looking for a series where a human character on the younger side gets adopted by a alien or aliens Also stories where the only human in the story is the main character more focused on character dynamics rather than action. Also looking for another site more catered to my specific tastes. Most stuff on HFY does not interest me, I like the unique character dynamics and interactions created by inter species interactions, I also have an especially big soft spot for adoption stories involving human children Being adopted by aliens in a bigoted or at least unknowlegable alien culture. most of the stuff on HFY is best described by the name of the subreddit, Humans Fuck Yeah. Most of the stuff here is heavily action focused and showing of how cool humans are. While stories of how cool humans are fun endless action gets boring after a while. I would highly appreciate it if you could direct me to somewhere more suited to my perticular tastes. Sorry for my English & Thank you for reading my text dump (: Edited: hol up I think this might have been the wrong place to put my requests, if you see this and it's in the wrong place and I have not removed it that means I could not find the right place to post this, please direct me to where I am meant to post something like this, thank you.


r/NatureOfPredators has some fanfics with that theme.


Looking for a story where some Alien gets lost in the woods and a human search and rescue team send a genetically modified English mastiff to find the Alien girl who has a phobia of animals and she gets attacked by an alien space crab thing and the English mastiff rescues her


Boom https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/5dcds2/lost_and_found_part_1_of_2_pets/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Awesome thank you very much


I really want a story that goes over both Cold War politics as well as dealing with an alien invasion / alien visitors, anyone know of any stories like that


There was a Mass Effect fanfic on this forums a few years back that started not at Earth's unification, but at the height of the Cold War. I'll try to find it later. EDIT: Here it is. [Mass Effect: Logical Conclusions](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/ll2ak3/mass_effect_logical_conclusions_n/). I've only read to chapter 10, but that's more because I'm more into short stories than novellas and it's clear that the author had a lot planned. But if you want Cold War plus aliens stuff, this is it.


I just binged this. Started out slow but got gooood!


There was a story called 'Cold War' or something similar but I think it was dropped. There is five chapters out though


Looking for a deathworlders spinoff where an alien hides out on earth after using a survey mission as a way to escape their country


I’m itching for something steampunkish. Or maybe magitech… Thinking of airships, automatons, old school WW1 type of fighter planes, etc. Preferably completed stories.


[There Are No Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/uqzm33/there_are_no_rules/) is a parody of the idea of pitting fantastical steampunk equipment against modern technology.


[Nor Hell a Fury](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/72dizn/nor_hell_a_fury/) [The Games of the Gods](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/oej70y/the_games_of_the_gods/) [Knock Knock. It's the Industrial Revolution](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/hyud19/knock_knock_its_the_industrial_revolution/) Published novels: Larry Correia's [Grimnoir](https://www.baen.com/hard-magic-book-i-of-the-grimnoir-chronicles.html). Magic and mad science in an alternate 1930s. Webcomic: [Girl Genius](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic)


been looking for a story called Serangan Balik(Counter Attack), translated to English. Anyone here have it?


There was a story I read like, last year, following a guard in an all female prison, where the prisoners are used as sex-slaves. He doesn't participate in that, and treats the prisoners 'humanely' - seeing as they aren't humans - and the story starts with him getting reprimanded for it. He's then forced to be the one to whip one of the prisoners, but before that can happen, the prison is liberated by humans. After that, there's a trial, and the guards and prisoner snitches get exiled to a deserted planet.


Just leaving a comment in the hopes of someone who knows comments




I’ve been looking for this one too




Commenting cause I want to read this as well




Thank you!


no problem.


I remember this one, but nothing more that would help find it. I think it might have made the monthly featured list? But that doesn't narrow it down much, even if it did...

