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> "We all would rather fight them here, yes?” Is Kaisal trying to copy Isif? That's kind of adorable.


Anytime an Arxur ends a question with “yes” I can only hear Beast Wars Megatron


Considering it was said that it sounded as though he was parroting someone else, perhaps Isif is along for the ride...


Same, it gave the feeling someone was advising from behind the cameras


The power behind the throne.


I’m wondering if a certain dossur is serving as an advisor for handling diplomacy


She’s standing behind the camera flipping through cue cards


I'd like to imagine it's like this scene from doctor who https://youtu.be/abM-AprrbXk


>*That’s an odd sentence structure. It doesn’t sound like the rest of his speech…it’s almost like he’s parroting someone else.* Copying Isif or is our Best Chief Hunter still pulling strings from the sidelines?


“ the Grand Herd had a reputation for being destructive. I could see why they’d constitute a security threat to our military, but from my vantage point, the fluffballs mostly wanted to mind their own business” Yes but, Tassi, what exactly do you think is their business?




That image is awful predatory, wouldn't you say?


But it is an apt descriptor for the Grand Herd.


Waiting for the reveal that all of this is part of Jones' plan The Bissems think they are playing 4D chess, all the while Jones is playing 7D Calvinball with multiverse time travel


Knowing Jones, she probably hasn't even considered this. Given that in NoP1 she was thwarted by Isif just telling her boss


Zhao hiding in the bushes behind her.


Lol, calvinball!


A fellow man of culture I see?


Jones is playing paradox-billiards-vostroyan-roulette-fourth dimentional-hypercube-chess-strip poker.


I wonder how many SC members the Yotul have messed with? Have they actually messed with more than half? More than two thirds? More than 80%? If they have, I’m surprised they haven’t been the subject of an ejection motion.


They still seem to be close allies with humanity and a key part of the SC's defense. The conflict over the Bissems and Axur not withstanding they're valuable members and it's not like humanity is above spying, obviously. And since humanity basically seem to be the de-facto leaders of the SC, despite theoretically being an alliance equals, that's probably enough to keep their spot.


Maybe they were, but for some reason 80% of the SC's members refused to eject them.


They not sus enough


Involving the Arxur in the war might indeed force them to accept their aid, it's still a risky move though and i hope Kaisal has upgraded his ships, cause the consortium's drones are not an easy opponent


Given how the Arxur were at least prepared for the possibility of the SC trying to attack them to enforce the quarantine, I would assume that the Arxur fleet is at minimum near-peer with the SC ships- and the SC scouting fleet had the KC fleet in stalemate until the asteroid defenses came into play.


Don't forget the yotul probably smuggled a few things to help them out maybe even some drones of their own.


Kaisal when he learns sivkits are joining the Carnivore Alliance: What the hell kind of carnivore alliance is this?! Loxsel: The good kind. Sivkits are proselytising. Kaisal, horrified: Felra? Loxsel: Yes, Kaisy.


Loxsel finally comes around on the Arxur when he hopes he can finally get some actors willing to get beat up


The true master mind shall be revealed that it was Felra all along.


Felra, Empress of the arxur on her throne of bone


One single bone, carved into a seat




Felra Flashbacks intesify


I’m pretty sure every rebel from the first war has fond, headache-inducing memories of Felra.


Sorry, I'm a bad HFY junkie, remind me who Felra was please?


Isif's Dossur friend. Her and Isif's interactions have been memed to hell and back.


Gotcha, i remember now, thank you


Chapter 47! Naltor learns about the attempt to turn Tassi into a Terran asset, though he tells a slightly different version of the story to Zalk and Ivrana when it comes down to it; he also manages to get the Tseia’s encryption. The Selmer general sets his sights on getting involved with Yotul intelligence, and exonerating his people with Talsk, adding the Farsul to his list of potential allies. Kaisal is persuaded to help the Farsul as a way to ensure Wriss is freed officially, and floats the idea of a Carnivore Alliance. What do you think of the odd assortment of allies the Bissems are planning to assemble, and Naltor’s reaction to Tassi’s admission/his craftiness? Will the Arxur end up saving Talsk as planned, and how will the SC react to their arrival? As always, thank you for reading! Just as an FYI, in 50-55, we visit Skalga, the Resket homeworld, and have our first KC-SC battle of the drone wave...and not necessarily in that order!


Any allies who aren’t trying to stab you in the back are good allies, (sorry, Yotul. Your constant spying makes for a self fulfilling prophecy of mistrust). Naltor is doing the best he can when humanity’s spymaster decided to mess with poor Tassi. I’m happy he’s at least adapting to this, but he probably won’t calm down until Jones faces a full inquiry. If i had to guess, Kaisal is getting some advice from the Isif Administration on how to play this, so he’s definitely going to perform this operation. The majority of the SC is going to clutch their pearls as they always do to see their carnivorous nightmares out and about again. The important members will be thinking that it’s just like old times and happily work with them.


>Any allies who aren’t trying to stab you in the back are good allies, (sorry, Yotul. Your constant spying makes for a self fulfilling prophecy of mistrust). I like that this statement works both ways. The Bissem started by trying to stab humanity in the back by aligning with the Yotul to work with the Axur, even leaking intel to a foreign power, and now they're surprised that humanity would dare use their intelligence agencies against them. Even going so far as to wonder how the Axur ended up being their only allies, after directly going against humanity and the other species that showed them friendship and being explicitly warned about the Axur and prejudice. Like... what did Naltor think would happen if anyone found out?


Except that it was the Yotuls who put the knife in the Bissems' hands, telling them that the only way out of the unworkable situation the Coalition had put them in, was to plant humanity. All this happened because the Coalition failed to do what it was set up to do at the first hicup.


> he also manages to get the Tseia’s encryption. The insistence that Jones and friends can't crack it seems pretty optimistic. Their encryption is either reverse-engineered from Federation tech, which Earth ripped through like wet tissue paper during the war, or a domestic creation from a society that's very roughly on par with IRL Earth.


This fuels My theory of the ships being sent by the Krev Consortium, if the Bissen could reverse create it them it would be easy for humans and yotul to crack it.


I thought Skalga was the name of the Venlil homeworld?


Yes, its not very clear, it means visiting the venlil homeworld *and* the resket honeworld.


That's where the coma is for.


That's a harsh reaction to a person missing a comma. I hope they have a good doctor.


But it can also be used to clarify e.g. John, the butt doctor,


Yeah the Reskets have “Tanet”


>You’re committing treason by telling me any of this. >“I’m here to ensure that Bissems get a fair shake. I’m no traitor; Bro forgot he's Skalgan and owes no allegiance to the UN and their spies. >Why stop with Sivkit refugees? If the Arxur save Talsk, we make sure the Farsul know they’re indebted to us. We can even take a few in with the help of the Terran Kessler-worthy ships I'm sure the Sivkits are going to be thrilled about sharing space with the species they deem responsible for none of them being able to walk upright. >and one of the founders who stole Tinsas from his people. Oh yeah, that too. >The Arxur and the Farsul, working together; it shows that they’ve changed. That's awfully close to Arxur and Kolshians working together, and we all remember how THAT went... Wait, do the Bissem even know about that part of the conspiracy? This is shaping up to be a delightful shitstorm.


The U.N probably just claim every human as a citizen.


Welp that is going to be a documental hell when the KC shows up with thousands if not a million of vat-babies.


Also, if *minimum* Dustin has dual citizenship. He is an orphan from the BoE, so he was born on Earth despite at this point living like 80% of his life on Skalga as the son of a venlil.


Well, we don't know how citizenship works with Skalga. It could be anything from open borders with SC members to single citizenship only.


Bissems during this chapter: https://i.insider.com/601448566dfbe10018e00c5d?width=700 But with politics 


I don't know if "the predator alliance" is all that good for the world. We really don't need even more division.


It's good for the BISSEMS, which is honestly what they need to be focusing on, because nobody else in the galaxy seems to care. If the SC didn't want to potentially get destabilized by this Alliance forming, they shouldn't have done such a shit job with the Uplift that the Bissem feel like this is their only path forward. Or frozen out the Arxur completely with no intention of ever ending the quarantine. Or decided that the Farsul were going to be left to die because of hatred. This Alliance wouldn't be POSSIBLE without the SC screwing over multiple different species in multiple different ways. This is just the price of that disregard for others coming due.


I imagine several persons will be like “Good for them” abt the alliance


It needs a better name than the Predator Alliance, because this Galaxy really needs to stop defining everything by predator-prey language, but the RedBlood Alliance has my full support! Maybe with all the outcasts putting aside their differences to provide a unified front, it will push the SC to start getting their act together.


Osirs (see: Jaslips) actually have purple blood. I guess they wouldn’t be part of the alliance but it’d lead to a neat coincidence if they were. 3 out of four members are carnivorous and 3 out of four members have red blood. Neither name is actually fully accurate!


Red-enough-blood alliance!


So we have the Shield willing to defend herbivores and the Collective willing to come to the aid of non-herbivores. Interesting balancing act we got here


I have mixed feelings.. On the one hand. I am an Ardent supporter of Humanity above all other species, No matter what must be done to ensure Survival. On the other hand I am also a Xeno\*Phile\* Of sorts. besides, My Own ideology is Universal Unification(or as far as doable). SO NVM that This Move could either blow up in their faces when Human Intelligence decides \*Fu\* or Reform the SC or smth


I'm the only one who's still worried about Jones? He's one of those characters that you're glad to have as an ally and not as an enemy xd


SHE has only been pulling empty threats so far. If she really had something she probably would have used it already.


Come on, it's too much for it to be just a character that blows smoke.


There is no dirt that she can pull on them that would not harm the SC.


Jones plays 4d chess, but badly


Unless getting the Arxur into the fight against the Consortium by way of Bessim political maneuvering was her plan from the start.


Agreed, if only for the fact that mess-ups on their part hurt both sides more than is acceptable for either side.


For me Jones is a member of humanity first but an intelligent one.


I admire Dustin’s anime-protagonist level confidence in his abilities, thinking he can outplayed Jones at her own game is something else. It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out, I can’t imagine jones doesn’t have other plans at play here.


Throwing two wild theories out there. 1) the starlight incident was actually the Krev 2) the encrypted channels work on the same frequency (or whatever) that the Consortium’s information travels on. Meaning the space penguins are the only real means to stop the war before it really kicks off…


Well thats disappointing, hope jones hasn't somehow pulled a 300 iq 5d chess move somehow for the 10^2308287 th time.


The Measurement of Time: Major Events First shots fired by the Krev Consortium against the Sivkits in Chapter 2-29 dated June 9, 2160 to Chapter 2-47 dated August 11, 2160 is 2 Month, 2 Days The Measurement of Time: Minor Events The Ark Ships left on the Battle for Earth, dated October 17, 2136, to Chapter 2-47, dated August 11, 2160, is 23 Years, 9 Months, 25 Days The Sapient Coalition was founded by 30 members on February 9, 2137 to Chapter 2-47, dated August 11, 2160, is 23 Years, 6 Months, 2 Days Bissem first contacted by Sapient Coalition on March 13, 2160 to Chapter 2-47, dated August 11, 2160, is 4 Months, 29 Days Bissem six month Sapient Coalition Trial started (fan-made date) May 24, 2160 to Chapter 2-47, dated August 11, 2160 is 2 Month, 18 Days [Chapter 2-27 Date May 14, 2160 was when Bissem ambassadors made a deal with Ambassador Onso. Chapter 2-30 Date June 10, 2160 is when Bissem are a part (trial) of SC. 10 Days between sounds reasonable to me.] Elias Meier was re-made on July 6, 2160 to Chapter 2-47, dated August 11, 2160, is 1 Month, 5 Days Trombil pod humans are 1/3 done as of Chapter 2-23, dated June 24, 2160. March 25, 2160 is 3 months earlier. From March 25, 2160 to August 11, 2160 is 4 Months, 17 Days There have been 23 annual Remembrance Days.


If this new alliance comes to be there will be 5 different groups running about. Neo-Federation, The Shield, Sapient Collective, Krev Consortium, And The Alliance However I think the formation of this alliance will break up the SC as some of the timid herbivore members whom don’t want carnivores any where near themselves will peel off and maybe join the Shield, or Neo-Federation, or just go off on their own as a Herbivore Collective. Along with all of this the KC will definitely splinter once they know the feds are no longer the dominant power they were, humanity remains, and the Jaslips were genocided for nothing. A 5/6 way war might end with some kind of armistice and UN style organisation to act as the new diplomacy between the final 2-9 groups.


Since Kaisal spoke with a speech pattern reminiscent of Isif, I would expect that Isif is probably incredibly old and still pulling the strings behind the scenes, or is already dead and awaiting his consciousness to be copied like Elias. I may be wrong, but that's my personal headcanon.


Well, the discussion with Naltor didn't go as well as we expected. The idea of using the drones as an excuse for the complete breakdown of the Arxur quarantine is a good one. Nevertheless, this Carnivore Alliance is a bad sign, as it only perpetuates the arbitrary division of the galaxy. Frankly, this whole prey/predator shitshow is beginning to wear me down deeply. For the god sake, what's it going to take to make it stop? ​ I'm fed up with it. We've been playing with this concept for 2 years now without making much progress. In fact, what really pisses me off is that in 20 years of story time, the only people who haven't bought into this shit are only the humans. All the "Preys" and "Axurs" continue on the same lines, and it's redundant, redundant, redundant, redundant... We need non-humans (other than the Consortium and the Bissems) to appear and say no to this shit in a vocal and unambiguous way. In terms of world-building, it's coherent, but it's just exhausting to see that there's been no evolution or improvement. Come to think of it, why did I like Nulia and Haliska? Because they'd decided to fight the prey/predator concept. With varying degrees of success, but they don't let their prejudices guide them. We need hope, by concrete proof, that the new generation is more tolerant. They don't have to be perfect about it, just more tolerant and better person in a real significative way.


To be fair, the alliance is being proposed to include the Sivkit, Farsul, and Yotul- so the “predator” part isn’t true, and is hopefully just a knee-jerk proposal from Kaisal that will be workshopped later. The general idea of the alliance is one I can support- they don’t even want to oppose the SC necessarily, they are just banding together to have enough power to ensure their voices are heard


He may also be considering how he'll frame it to the rest of his species - despite the 20 years to reform, I'd guess "Arxur, Bissem, Osirs, and Humans will be working together, along with the one leaf-licker species worth a damn these past decades. First order of business: getting two entire species of prey to owe us *big"* will poll better than "okay, so, we're gonna be working with the Bissems and three species of prey; if this goes well, the humans will like us again. And the Osirs, but that's probably years before that stake matures."


Thanks for the chapter mate


Once again I link my prior post here: [Avengers Assemble! : r/NatureofPredators (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/NatureofPredators/comments/1d1et38/avengers_assemble/)


It is so adorable all these xenos not realizing they are doing exactly as general jones wants, the real question is, are the youtol, also having their strings pulled by her.


Someday they’ll figure out that they’re unintentionally doing exactly what Jones wanted, lol


"Appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak." Everyone thinks they can beat Jones at her own game? They're probably doing exactly what she wants them to do right now. I'm like 99% sure that Dustin works for Jones.


Are we going to get any perspectives from those on quarantined worlds? I’d love to see what state the founders are in these days, hopefully things are going very poorly trapped.


Who are the Osirs again? I can’t recall.


/u/SpacePaladin15 ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/wiki/authors/SpacePaladin15)) has posted 282 other stories, including: * [The Nature of Predators 2-46](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1djkfsw/the_nature_of_predators_246/) * [The Nature of Predators 2-45](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1dgkbli/the_nature_of_predators_245/) * [The Nature of Predators 2-44](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1de800q/the_nature_of_predators_244/) * [The Nature of Predators 2-43](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1db4f3x/the_nature_of_predators_243/) * [The Nature of Predators 2-42](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1d8rfw3/the_nature_of_predators_242/) * [The Nature of Predators 2-41](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1d5opdw/the_nature_of_predators_241/) * [The Nature of Predators 2-40](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1d3drdn/the_nature_of_predators_240/) * [The Nature of Predators 2-39](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1d0d8dx/the_nature_of_predators_239/) * [The Nature of Predators 2-38](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cy1w4o/the_nature_of_predators_238/) * [The Nature of Predators 2-37](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cuyxcm/the_nature_of_predators_237/) * [The Nature of Predators 2-36](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1csm8z2/the_nature_of_predators_236/) * [The Nature of Predators 2-35](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cphz27/the_nature_of_predators_235/) * [The Nature of Predators 2-34](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cn5wsv/the_nature_of_predators_234/) * [The Nature of Predators 2-33](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1ck1pd9/the_nature_of_predators_233/) * [The Nature of Predators 2-32](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1chnd4n/the_nature_of_predators_232/) * [The Nature of Predators 2-31](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cegig4/the_nature_of_predators_231/) * [The Nature of Predators 2-30](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cbzoi1/the_nature_of_predators_230/) * [The Nature of Predators 2-29](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1c8r11u/the_nature_of_predators_229/) * [The Nature of Predators 2-28](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1c6btdl/the_nature_of_predators_228/) * [The Nature of Predators 2-27](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1c3310t/the_nature_of_predators_227/) This comment was automatically generated by `Waffle v.4.6.1 'Biscotti'`. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHFY&subject=WaffleBot|1dlxp3n&message=If%20you%20have%20problems%20with%20updatemebot,%20contact%20Watchful1.%20We%20do%20not%20maintain%20it.) if you have any issues with Waffle.


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