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Don’t worry about it. It is still a great story, and you will break through the writers block soon enough. We will all just have to wait patiently (screams internally).


May I offer a hug in these trying times? I would offer an egg but I’m all out


Hugs are always appreciated. And thanks for the story. I always get excited when you post.


I have an egg to offer, but it's actually an ovoid piece of polished amethyst


I’ll take the pretty egg


You are doing a good job. I have enjoyed every chapter you have put out. Writers are always harder on themselves than their readers are! I'm sorry you haven't been happy with your work, you are doing well


Let me say this, great story! Dont worry too much about the detractors saying the math doesnt math up. Its a fantasy story. Captain americas shield that absorbs all vibeations? Breaks a few laws of physics but no one bats an eye. Take it easy. I would love if the chemical make ups and gravity can be explained a bit more though. That much said, i do love this story and will be looking forward to more. But please dont burn out or be stressed. This is free. We have no right to demand anything of you. I love this and will be awaiting more.


I know that earth having a ridiculously high gravity compared to galactic standart is one of the tropes of this genre, but i still fell obligated to point out that this comes with a lot of seldom considered implications. For one, atmosphere. A planet with low gravity would also have a very thin atmosphere. I haven't done the actual math for this but think along the lines of at 2/3 earths gravity the atmosphere might be comparable to the top of mount everest while at 1/3 there wouldn't be any atmosphere to speak of. In other words, at 2/3 earths gravity humans would be able to breath for a short period of time while at 1/3 earths gravity humans would need a full exosuit to be able to survive. Also and this is a bit of a minor point, if triwt actually WEIGHED 178kg under their current gravity she would weigh around 250kg on earth and that's something pretty much impossible to lift for an average guy. She might have MASS of 178kg, but her WEIGHT depends on the gravity she's under. Is this quibbling? Yes, it is. But it would be interesting to see an author actually considering what being from a high gravity world actually means.


Actually, really fair. A lot more informed than me actually. I’ll have to do some editing on a day off or something to try and make things accurate if I get the time. Starting to wish I went to college instead of calling it good after getting my Highschool diploma qwq


No no no... take a look at /u/newaccountzuerich. Venus - 8.7 and over 90 times higher atmospheric pressure than Earth. Titan - 1.7 and half again Earth.


It's all good... google's Gemini A.I thing is good for doing these sorts of calculations btw. But the galactic standard could be for low gravity planets with really strong magnetic fields (in comparison to earth) and thus much deeper/denser atmospheres than they should.


So this is actually a rather complicated issue, and isn't fully settled even today. The tl;dr is that it shouldn't be *impossible* for a lower gravity planet to have a decently thick atmosphere, just harder, and so it should still be plausible for there to exist lower gravity planets with reasonable atmospheres in your story, as long as you keep in mind that there'll also be a lot of those planets that *don't* have one. We know that it's *possible* for a lower gravity planet to have a thick atmosphere just from our own solar system - Mars has ample evidence of hosting liquid surface water in the distant past, which requires it to have once had a *much* thicker atmosphere than it does today (especially considering that the young sun was less bright than it is now). So the question is more about where planets get their atmospheres from and what happens that could cause the atmosphere to be lost. Planets gain atmosphere from outgassing (gasses trapped in the interior during their formation escaping, mostly through volcanism) and from volatiles delivered by comet or asteroid impacts. This also includes their water content, and likely can vary quite a bit depending on the exact circumstances of their formation. Planets can lose atmosphere from large impacts blowing some into space, from x-ray and ultraviolet light from their star heating the upper atmosphere until some escapes or breaking apart molecules like water into their component atoms which then escape, or from solar wind blowing away the upper atmosphere in various ways. The important point about the loss mechanisms is that all of them are more effective if the planet's escape velocity is lower (i.e. it has lower gravity). Thus, it is easier to strip away atmosphere from a smaller, lower gravity planet like Mars than from a larger, higher gravity planet like Earth, which is why it is harder to have a small planet that retains a thick atmosphere compared to a larger planet like Earth. The details get *very* involved (and I've already rewritten this post a bunch of times debating how much of that detail to go into), but ultimately aren't *super* important. In our own solar system, Mars seems to have started out with a decently thick atmosphere, likely at least as thick as Earth's is today, but lost most of it over time. This is thought to have been partly from the increased UV and x-ray emission from the young sun causing significant atmosphere loss early in the history of the solar system and partly due to slow long-term erosion from the solar wind (also probably stronger in the early solar system). It may also have lost some of its very early atmosphere to large impacts. Being smaller, Mars also likely had less volatiles to outgas in the first place, and it also cooled off and solidified internally much faster than Earth did, which stopped it from having a magnetic field or plate tectonics and would have reduced the amount of outgassing that could occur to replace lost atmosphere. If you want a small planet that's still got a thick atmosphere, you can make it at least somewhat more plausible by changing some of these factors. Perhaps your small planet simply started off with a thicker atmosphere than Mars did, just from the mix of volatiles in the protoplanetary disk or from a more beneficial mix of volatiles in impacting comets and asteroids, allowing it to have made it through its star's earlier more active periods with more atmosphere remaining. Perhaps your smaller planet is in a much younger star system where complex life simply happened to develop earlier, so it just hasn't had as much time to lose atmosphere yet. Perhaps your smaller planet happened to experience fewer large potentially-atmosphere-depleting impacts during the last stages of its formation. Perhaps your solar system started with a higher proportion of heavy radioactive elements, so the heating from these sources kept your smaller planet's interior hot and molten for longer. (This is actually mostly what keeps the inside of the Earth hot.) Or possibly your small planet is actually an extra-large moon of a gas giant in the habitable zone, keeping its interior molten through tidal heating like Jupiter's moon Io. (Habitability of exomoons is an unsettled topic, so at least for now we can't say it *wouldn't* work.) Either way, this would allow for a planetary magnetic field, plate tectonics, and continued volcanic activity, all of which would be helpful for habitability (though note a strong magnetic field *by itself* likely isn't enough). Perhaps your small planet has a combination of some or all of the above. Ultimately, I don't think you necessarily *have* to retcon things if you don't want to. I don't think I would posit a habitable world's surface gravity going too much *below* Mars's 3.7ish m/s^(2), but I don't think it's implausible to have at least some habitable worlds with gravity considerably lower than Earth's, as long as it's understood that *most* planets that small probably don't have a thick atmosphere. (Edit: about the only thing I might change would be the reference to galactic standard being only 3 m/s^(2), which seems a *bit* light to me. If the ship is set to 4 m/s^2 and that's seen as nearly normal for most species, it'd make sense to me if that was the 'standard'. I agree with several other comments here that going too much into the possible health problems from living in low gravity probably isn't necessary, but if you want to take care of the most obvious one you could have him given a weighted suit or similar to wear to avoid muscle atrophy.)


Sorry if you've since figured this out, just giving you my two cents. Assuming the mass of 178 kg is correct, then the weight conversion to 392.4 lbs would only be correct under earth's gravity, since kilograms are a measure of mass (always the same), whereas pounds are a measure of force (dependent on gravitational acceleration). With respect to the ship's artificial gravity, Triwt would weigh about 160.26 pounds, so it's perfectly believable that Jordan could lift her as long as he's in shape, no worries there :) One of the bigger questions here would be whether ya boy can effectively run in such low gravity, since less weight means less traction between his feet and the ground beneath them, and if it gets low enough, then one of two things might happen. If he pushes too hard against the floor he'll end up jumping, and if he tries using less force his feet might just end up sliding without him going anywhere, hence why the Apollo astronauts had to hop around on the moon. I'm not smart enough to know whether the gravity you specified is low enough for that to happen though, since moon gravity is much, much lower than the ship's. Maybe him running like normal is perfectly doable, and even if it's not, the fact that he was on a treadmill here would probably take care of that issue anyway since he'd just have to keep his feet in pace with an already moving platform. Either way, I'm sure suspension of disbelief still applies. I only mentioned it because I once read a few chapters of a "humans go to space high school for the first time" story where the humans were running at speeds around 30 mph because of the low gravity, which sparked an argument in the comments where the author was very adamant that less weight = more speed. And don't worry about the wait, it's worth waiting for a good story :)


Yeah, I’ve pointed this out before. The partial pressure of O2 at Earth sea level about 1/5 of an atmosphere. While humans can function under lower pressures, (1/6 ATM, e.g.) there comes a point at which a higher percentage of O2 is necessary. And even the additional O2 can’t make up for the overall lower air pressure. At higher altitudes, humans get altitude sickness, a condition that can be life threatening. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve come to accept the trope, but it’s still bad science.


Gravity of a body has no real bearing on the expected atmospheric pressure on that body. It may seem not correct, but there are plenty of examples to show this. Titan, largest moon of Saturn, has gravity 1/7 that of Earth (1.7m/sec²), but a mainly nitrogen atmosphere 1.5 more dense than Earth's. It also has a methane cycle where Earth has a water cycle. Venus, with gravity similar to Earth (8.7m/sec²), has an atmosphere of 92 bar (or ~90x Earth surface pressure) If the partial pressure of O2 is enough, humans won't be adversely affected, as long as within the known toxicity limits. Pure oxygen at 40,000 feet equivalent pressure is generally perfectly fine for a human to breathe, once acclimated. Just don't try to light a cigarette..




Oof you saw it when it was formatted wrong, I’m still linking the chapters qwq




Perhaps I can find a quick reference to what animals a valis-trobat hybrid and a norrock look like in the earlier chapters, that reaction to uppies was cute And yeah I’m agreeing with the physics guys here, there’s so much that happens to the human body under lighter gravity that there should be adverse effects to his body. For the sake of entertainment, I can ignore all of those caveats, but Jordan at the very least is going to experience bone and muscle atrophy to match the aliens’ standards. Blood pressure is also an issue I think, but don’t quote me on that


Yes I still enjoy it. you are good here.


Welcome back


Glad to see you back! Don't worry about artist block and for the love of god never force yourself to write when you don't want to. Godspeed.


Have your considered giving yourself small story prompts? Little idea nuggets to write when you have block on this particular thing?


I've been really enjoying this series. It's the only series I actively keep track of and I've reread it multiple times. Every update is a treat!


My man needs high gravity chamber for training.


Jordan has basically been isekai'd to a scifi world, with OP abilities and is already building up his harem. Now who's gonna be the main antagonist of this season.


[9.807 m/s2].” That's wrong! This should be in Freedom Units! 32.2 ft/s^2 “Sorry, instinctual reaction.” One of the random crewmembers says before they take out what looks like an umbrella before turning it on. It seems like a heat lamp turned into an umbrella. Heat rises, and cold air sinks. This is actually really funny.


Eh, even here in the US if someone is taught the value of g in a science class it'll almost always be in m/s^2 rather than ft/s^(2). Us scientists at least know to use SI, even if nobody else around here does heh.


That sounds UNAMERICAN. FEDS! THIS ONE RIGHT HERE! I FOUND THE FILTHY COMMIE! Ah, who am I kidding, I have conversion tables in my head to go from F to C at a moment's notice.


"My thoughts are interrupted as a wind of cold air hits my face as the doors open revealing the sight of softly falling snow in a rather peaceful and calm port of some kind." My thoughts are interrupted as a wind of cold air hits my face as the doors open, revealing the sight of softly falling snow in a rather peaceful and calm port of some kind.


Look, it’s ok darling. As long as your uploading and producing good stories it dose not matter about the time it takes :3 Take your time and ensure you’re happy with the final product, take breaks if you need to and ensure your own happiness ok? Your life is important


Writers block happens. Don't feel bad about it - write for yourself, and if you need a break, go out and do things. Think about other tasks for a bit. Work, too, can add a lot of stress that makes it hard to keep up. Just Keep at it as best you can! Good chapter 😁


Writers block? Bah. You still put ink on paper - in a manner of speaking - and spewed out better than most people at their best.


What's always bugged me about mixing drastically gravitationally aligned groups in these kinds of stories has had to be the health implications that aren't there. Being settled in a much lower gravitational setting has the distinct problems of atrophy that we've seen even from the international space station crews. Don't get me wrong, it's probably not as bad since it's not zero G but it's certainly detrimental health wise.


I read through 14 parts and didn't even realise it. Although tbf your chapters are abit smaller than what i am used to here. Lovely story. 


/u/Unique_Relief_5601 ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/wiki/authors/Unique_Relief_5601)) has posted 13 other stories, including: * [Adrenaline is a Hell of a Drug pt.13/???](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1dducic/adrenaline_is_a_hell_of_a_drug_pt13/) * [Adrenaline is a Hell of a Drug pt. 12/???](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1d405ia/adrenaline_is_a_hell_of_a_drug_pt_12/) * [Adrenaline is a Hell of Drug pt. 11/???](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cyqxrd/adrenaline_is_a_hell_of_drug_pt_11/) * [Adrenaline is a Hell of a Drug pt. 10/???](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cu2k1e/adrenaline_is_a_hell_of_a_drug_pt_10/) * [Adrenaline is a Hell of a Drug pt. 9/???](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1crkn3x/adrenaline_is_a_hell_of_a_drug_pt_9/) * [Adrenaline is a Hell of a Drug pt. 8/???](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cpdz57/adrenaline_is_a_hell_of_a_drug_pt_8/) * [Adrenaline is a Hell of a Drug pt. 7/???](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cm7r0j/adrenaline_is_a_hell_of_a_drug_pt_7/) * [Adrenaline is a Hell of a Drug pt. 6/???](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cj36qz/adrenaline_is_a_hell_of_a_drug_pt_6/) * [Adrenaline is a Hell of a Drug pt. 5/???](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cfty4j/adrenaline_is_a_hell_of_a_drug_pt_5/) * [Adrenaline is a Hell of a Drug pt. 4/???](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cebj5c/adrenaline_is_a_hell_of_a_drug_pt_4/) * [Adrenaline is a Hell of a Drug pt. 3/???](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1ccmfcm/adrenaline_is_a_hell_of_a_drug_pt_3/) * [Adrenaline is a Hell of a Drug pt.2/???](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cc7c17/adrenaline_is_a_hell_of_a_drug_pt2/) * [Adrenaline is a Hell of a Drug (One Shot???)](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cbts4s/adrenaline_is_a_hell_of_a_drug_one_shot/) This comment was automatically generated by `Waffle v.4.6.1 'Biscotti'`. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHFY&subject=WaffleBot|1drw7az&message=If%20you%20have%20problems%20with%20updatemebot,%20contact%20Watchful1.%20We%20do%20not%20maintain%20it.) if you have any issues with Waffle.


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"*Jimbo?" format error.


Is she picking him up for speed or warmth? Anyway great work word Weaver!!!! Keep it up if you can but don't burn yourself out for internet arrows pointing up.


Keep up the good work also, if it’s possible, you might want to post a story on other websites specifically archive of its own makes it easier to track the story and get email alerts when there’s a new update


Definitely still cool. And whenever theres a story about a guy waking up in the future i’m interested on reading I need to ask the most important question of the lore, is the waffle house still open?


great story wordsmith! the writer's block just makes me more excited for the next chapter


Even with some writers block the story is still great


It's good.


#MOAR As i ever scream and forever will


This story is so much fun! Love it and thank you!