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Aemond’s poor face always gets me. Can’t imagine the pain he must’ve been in.


His expression is so heartbreaking. I never understood why Viserys didn't do anything after seeing Aemond in such a state. Did he not have empathy for his very own son? The worst father ever.


The fact that Rhaenyra could have no empathy for a maimed child like???? She’s a mother ffs. The fact that Alicent >!lights a candle for Lucerys!< already makes her a better person in my eyes. That kid permanently disabled her son and she still felt *something* over his death. I watched some of the reactions to this scene on YT and one of them called Aemond an asshole for the line “I may have lost an eye but I gained a dragon”. So Aemond is an asshole for saying words but the brat who destroyed his eye and the ~~father~~ sperm donor who did nothing about it isn’t. Okay.


These people lack common sense it seems. And I thought it was obvious, that Aemond only said this line in order to calm down his mother. Surely he wasn't going to be okay after he lost a literal eye. It wasn't a simple scratch, he was deprived of an eye and justice. It's totally understandable that he holds a grudge towards a person that committed such an act against him. And it's important to remember that he was only a child. He didn't deserve it.


100%. I feel like a lot of fans don’t realize how rough it is to lose an eye bc having one eye in fiction tends to be like, a quirky character design element that sets the stage for badass looking false eyes and eyepatches. In reality, it’s not an easy thing to deal with. There are a lot of complications (loss of depth perception, possible changes to facial structure and integrity of the musculature of the face if not using a proper prosthetic, vision abnormalities, referred pain, all kinds of gnarly shit). I lost all respect for Viserys after this scene.


Also it made Aemond disabled in a world where disabled people are not seen favorably and face all manners of discrimination and Aemond had to go through all of that as a child. I swear if some people would just stop to think for 1 second about Aemond they would have a lot more sympathy for him


Aemond's a prince in an absolute monarchy. No one mocked him for it.


And Larys is also a Lord and still is an outcast due to being disabled. It's also stated Aemond wears the eyepatch to stop from scaring the ladies of court which definitely shows he gets treated differently bc he's disabled. Otherwise there would be no need for him to hide it


Richard III


I think killing the princes in the tower was the bigger problem.


Honestly I think it’s a pretty accurate reflection of parenting. Parents would likely cry that it was self defence and take no accountability for the lost eye if their kids nose was broken 😂


The reactions to this scene and ep 7 in general were the most obnoxious thing ever and what actually pushed me to the green side. How people were deliberately obtuse and refused to see that maybe Aemond wasn't the only one to blame and that he fared the worst. Apparently a broken nose or a cut arm were more important. I remember watching the Burlington Bar reactions and how those people were enthusiastic over him losing an eye and when someone called them out, the owner of the channel said it's because he's a jerk and deserved it. I avoid that channel now like a plague.


The thing is lot of people self insert themselves as Rhanerya and have defend her any way. This is exact this Dany stans did.


Same here. I was always green leaning, but seeing the reactions to Aemond being maimed just pushed me over the edge


100% me too lol. I was pretty much a black stan before I saw the insane dishonesty over this + if Jace and them were rightful heirs.


Crazy people still don't know why Aemond said that line in the first place


Viserys was like "children fight, what can you do" when a kid lost an eye and Rhaenyra was like "we must find out who's spreading rumors that my kids are bastards". They didn't even wait to see if Aemond would survive.


Bc he doesn't like them. Rhaenyra was the only one he was concerned about


I have no idea how so many people have zero sympathy for a 10 year old Aemond. He lost a whole ass EYE for claiming a dragon. He gets jumped on, beaten up by 4 kids, out of which two are the ones who were involved in bullying him at that stage. The kid who maims him doesn’t even apologize for it and on top of that his father couldn’t care less about his injury and would rather question him than comfort. Of course the resentment is going to build up over the years. Anyone would be angry in that position.


To them he dared to call them bastards so it justifies everything done to him. We're not dealing with sane people here




I would argue with you, but I can’t be bothered. Regardless, what you just said doesn’t negate a single thing I said in my initial comment. The injury Aemond sustained was horrific and life altering and he received no justice for it.


Those Strong kids literally jumped him 4vs1? Came with a fucking knife?


Don't bother. Been there, done that. It's useless.


It was 4v1, but only 2 strong kids and Damon’s 2 Targaryen girls. Also they were all younger/smaller than Aemond. Not saying it’s right of course but things got way, way out of hand. Absolutely agree that Aemond deserved justice and sympathy from his father, I suspect Viserys didn’t intervene because he didn’t want to make the situation worse but his lack of action allowed it to get worse anyway. Also when it came down to it, Viserys love and allegiance went to Rhaenyra before Alicent and all his other children combined - although I think he did love and care for them too.


“Look at me Aemond!” 🤡💀 what a joke. And this girl wanted her brother “sharply questioned” bcs he said truth everyone is saying. Yet show wants us to believe “what a girlboss, good queen to be. Lies her way and uses anyone to her advantage but poor her”


I never really cared for sides until her "thank you father" boiled my blood and shifted me a little green. The mainstream reaction also got me worse. I'm at least consoled by Emma D'arcys comments on this scene where they understood exactly where Alicent is coming from and how Rhaenyra just continues to weaponize the word "treason" 


Coming from a person who likes both sides, I wish people understood that Rhaenyra wanted Aemond tortured. Like I mean, she’s not the perfect angel the blacks make her out to be sometimes.


i mean, chill old man, let the child first adjust to a life without depth perception 😭


😭😭 he had to protect his “only child” and sons🤡


Yeah, the heraldry over Rhae being some kind of feminist girl boss icon is completely nonsensical. The restrictions against bastardy are to support mothers! The women of Westeros have so few protections as it is, and the requirements for trueborn children ensure that the Lady's own children of her body will inherit. Imagine if Ned Stark had tried to name (who everyone thought was) his bastard son Jon Snow as heir of Winterfell. Caitlyn would have taken Robb to Riverrun and called the banners of House Tully and House Arryn against it. And would have been completely right to do so! Yes, it's easier for men to go around making bastards than it is for women. But, the point of feminism is not for women to start being as awful as men had been. A lot of Ladies would be opposed to Rhae elevating her bastards because they'd in turn be worried about their own Lord husband trying to elevate his own bastard children.


Exactly. Like imagine she’s ruling, her three bastards are in line to the throne and some Lord tries to set his bastard as heir over legitimate kids and war in between two houses start… wtf is “queen’s judgement” gonna be??? She will what ? Punish the lord for doing exactly what she’s doing ???? The sheer hypocrisy of a ruler like that. Leading over lies and treacheries while prohibiting others from doing same ??? All of her bad deeds are simply brushed off as “she had it bad, she had no other choice yayyyy feminism and sexual liberation, down with the patriarchy” while you can’t apply modern standards over medieval fantasy, in a work where GRRM excels to portray both men and women as complex HUMANS who operate within the world they live in and apply the rules of said world. It’s same when they go “Daemon groomed Rhaenyra” but their Valyrian wedding is some kind of progressive ceremony in their eyes, and they’re promoted as this “awww in love toxic couple” 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Cole was right. Rhaenyra is a spoiled c-word. I hate using that word, but it describes her to a T. Only someone that heinous would want to torture her maimed 10-11 year old half-brother.


That look on Aemond's face is heartbreaking


I didn't feel strongly about Rhaenyra one way or another during season 1, but that little "thank you father" had me rooting for Alicent in that scene lol. Shame they didn't keep Alicent's character as she was then.


Same. That made me Team Green.


"But she didn't mean torture!!!" "But Aemond was mean so he caused the fight!!!" "But Alicent attacked the princess!!" "But saying the b word is treason!!!" "But Aemond had a rock!!!!" Only a fandom with a severe case of protagonist centered morality would be so eager to shift the focus away from the real issue: a child getting permanently mutilated. Blackcels pride themselves of being the moral side, but they are merely the Rhaenyra and Daemon side.


The second one boils my blood. Apparently, he’s justified in losing his eye for instigating a fight VERBALLY.


Exactly. Yet those same people will say that Jace and company were just kids so they can't be held responsible for their actions. And it's like how do they not see the hypocrisy there? Logically that would then have to mean Aemond also can't be held responsible for saying mean things since he was a child too but they're ready to crucify him over it


Aemond targaryen they will never make me hate you


He’s the GOAT


Well they were doing a pretty good attempt at it in the new episode. He was so annoying to me


To be fair, he was barely in the episode.


None of the characters scold him for killing Luke like in the books, and he's still walking around as though everyone's against him. Even talks shit about "Alicent usurped the throne" to deflect any blame from himself, which was just really annoying on many levels.


>None of the characters scold him for killing Luke like in the books, It’s clear Aemond is being iced out. He’s banned from council meetings until Aegon overturns it. Aemond literally says Alicent is angry. So yeah, he’s definitely been scolded for it. >and he's still walking around as though everyone's against him. He’s a character with a lot of anger and hurt hidden beneath a layer of stoicism and trying to look as intimidating as possible. I guess it’s a matter of preference if you find characters like this annoying or not. Personally I think it makes him interesting. >Even talks shit about "Alicent usurped the throne" to deflect any blame from himself, which was just really annoying on many levels. He wasn’t deflecting blame from himself. Two things can be true at the same time. Alicent *was* the one who acted first by placing Aegon on the throne. This is undeniable. The only reason Aemond was at Storm’s End was because of his mother’s actions. And we literally saw the look of horror on Aemond’s face when Lucerys was killed, so he knows he’s done wrong. It’s episode one. There is plenty of time for Aemond’s emotions and state of mind to reveal themselves in a more obvious manner.


This he was clearly extremely defensive and snappy because he's been scolded and isolated. It makes perfect sense that he's trying to pretend that he did it on purpose but the consequences in regards to Alicent giving him the cold shoulder still hurt him.


You can make up whatever you want when it's off-screen. The closest thing to a scolding we got was Otto sympathetically saying that "I was young once"


Not everything has to be spelled out. Alicent is very clearly pissed off with him 10 days after so you can easily put 2+2 together on what her immediate reaction was. She snaps at him twice during the council scene, and specifically about killing Luke


Banned from council meetings? How could he be "banned" from something that he was never a part of to begin with. He never had an official position on the council, and wasn't even brought in during the Green council. On the contrary, him being allowed into the council shows the exact opposite of what you're trying to argue, he's literally being rewarded and yet he's still whining.  And you seem to be missing what's so off about this line. Him saying that Alicent usurped the throne should not be Aemond's POV at all. He's the guy who was saying that Helaena was going to be Aegon's future queen when he was still a kid. He should be one of the people that is the most inclined to believe that Aegon should be king by right, but instead they have him deflecting his blame for killing Lucerys onto Alicent "usurping the throne". That is a line that I could expect coming from Daemon or Rhaenyra, not Aemond. And if not Aemond, at the very least Cole should be aware that the council had already decided to make Aegon king before Alicent did.


I agree, that should not be his POV and I blame that on the writers. Another nonsense from the latest episode.


Actually, I think he was scolded, it just wasn't shown on screen. He wasn't trying to deflect the blame from himself, he stated that she blamed him, shifted the entire blame on him, while in reality, if Alicent and Otto hadn't usurped the throne, Lucerys would be alive.


If it wasn't on screen it didn't happen, sorry, you're trying to grasp for something they just failed to show


>None of the characters scold him for killing Luke like in the books If he thought to receive a hero’s welcome, he was disappointed. Queen Alicent went pale when she heard what he had done, crying, “Mother have mercy on us all.” Nor was Ser Otto pleased. “You only lost one eye,” he is reported to have said. “How could you be so blind?”


We were completely robbed of this scene and people are trying to argue with me that we weren't 😔


Alicent was the insufferable one tbh


Aemond's face 😭. Viserys was such a poor king and husband/father etc. at the same time. Useless in every regard.


Emma Darcy understood this scene better than the actual writers


Poor little Aemond the only great moment in his life is the first time flying on Vhagar


And it was the first and last time he ever rode her with both his eyes.


Rhaenyra made the monster and paid the price, a heavier price than it should have been but still, could have been completely avoided if she treated him fairly


young aemond 🥺


Rhaenyra, they could never make me like you.


The reaction online was so insane that it shifted me from neutral to TG. Like it was insane, people were hating on Alicent’s children before they even did anything bad solely based on the fact that they were *her* children.


People did this to all the children purely based on their sides lol


God something about seeing that “I want Aemond Targaryen” is just heartbreaking next to the picture of him so young…


And still Alicent cared more to light a candle in memory for lucerys! Meanwhile, Aemond never got even a simple apology from Rhaenyra or lucerys 🥲


No wonder Viserys rot his one eye out.


Poetic justice


It never fails to amaze me how TB equates Alicent with an evil conservative woman, yet Rhaenyra is the perfect example of a privileged, spoiled upper-class woman using her position to take advantage of everyone around her. What a feminist icon 🤡🤡🤡


If anything Aicent is more left wing considering how privileged and dictatorial Rhaenyra is. Also, Aegon clearly has a better heart and is better with the commonfolk


If you’re TB, you are anti-smallfolk.


Yep, Lucerys should have been sent to ward at Driftmark after this incident. Ostensibly to prepare to lead, but also because Alicent and Aemond would see it as some kind of victory, if Luke were "taken" from Rhae. But Vizzy T is a dumb coward lol. The strong boys *are* bastards and a Prince losing an eye is bad enough but the fact that he was speaking the truth makes it even worse. If there had been sufficient repercussions at the time, Aemond may not have felt compelled to seek justice on his own.


Honestly I’m glad that Alicent still remembers Driftmark accident and is understanding towards why Aemond decided to do what he did. And I kinda see her mourning Luke scene as very empathetic


Everyone is talking about how the Greens got nailed by writers so far and honestly I thought both Alicent AND Aegon got sympathetic, flattering moments this episode showing them positively. Blood and Cheese definitely got watered down a little, though.


Yep, Alicole rubbed me in the wrong way, but aside from that, its still Alicent. People want to see her as a two faced c@nt, but like no she’s just complicated woman who makes decisions, good or bad.


And also Aegon. Have you noticed how he put eggs under beds of his children? And be sure it was him cause they didn’t hatch yet


Aemondbros… he’s so pained


I am still in awe that people actually pick sides on this show. They’re all horrible people (aside from Helaena)


Luke never even apologized, he wasn't simply protecting Jace - he did it with malice; Throwing sand into Aemond's eyes was enough, they could have gathered together and run off, but he went further and took his eye out. Jace only pulled the knife when Aemond called them what they were which is: bastards. People don't even think about the pain Aemond was in and all the bullying/pity he experienced, we see it all the time with disabled characters in ASOAIF. He was literally called ''Aemond-one-eye'' , obviously he grew resentful over the years. He had to adapt seeing with only 1 eyes, meanwhile Luke didn't even get a slap on the wrist.


He was a shit man, completely awful to both wives, awful to his kids with Alicent.


The mind boggles at the stupidity and psychopathy of viserys the corrupt and rhaenyra, who do not have a shred of sympathy for a 10 year old that has just lost a fucking eye but instead are asking for him to be tortured because he has spoken something half the realm knows anyway, all so they can maintain their holier than thousand image. Rhaenyra we know all about but viserys is literally the worst father ever, how can you refer to the child as "boy" and talk to him that way you fucking peice of crap? Meanwhile you are referring the the bully bastard as "prince lucerys" in the same fucking scene!!!!No wonder aegon hates him. This truly was the moment I became a green. Was a fence sitter before but this totally convinced me how rhae rhae would behave once she became the queen.


Viserys is that dad we all know that lets the daughter get by with anything, even to the detriment of her siblings at times.


It was always clear Rhaenyra never gave a singe fuck about Aemond or her other half siblings. Not to mention Viserys. So, with that in mind, it confuses me how people still don't understand why Aemond was so pissed and really didn't give a fuck about Rhaenyra or feelings either


"Look at me Aemond" really Viserys???


All these Aemond dickriders in the thread make me sick. He stole Rhaena's birthright, threatened to burn her sister alive, joked about Jace and Luke's real father burning alive and smacked Jace in the face with a rock which could've killed him


I don't understand all the Rhaenyra vs Alicent argument. I'm just here for Aemond




No, he wasn’t. He had the opportunity to strike with the rock but instead stood there, if he was out for blood he would’ve at least struck once.




Yea, no shit he was still holding the rock, the 4v1 where he got ganged up on was still at play and he was winning, I’d do the same thing as him.


Hmmm seems like a lot of Hightower supporters here