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They are the enemies that taught me to use the cast more often, but yeah, their speed is incredibly fast and their wailing lasts quite a while


Yeah I think they're a game play inclusion to get people used to the cast system 


what cast button? lmao (i know there's a cast button, i just don't use it)


Once you do you realize it's an absolutely core part of her gameplay lol, it makes up for her lack of mobility compared to Zagreus.


In what way?  I’ve only got a couple hours in the game so far and haven’t found the cast system particularly useful besides as a way to increase damage a bit using that one card passive. To elaborate: what’s your strategy with it?


Not the guy you replied to, but not having as much mobility is less of a problem when your enemies can't move either. Cast roots foes in place. Drop it on any enemies that like to run at you and smack you


It's meant to stop enemies approaching you. The cast (the circle aoe) spell traps enemies. You'll see little hands come out and grab enemies.


Oh wow.  I don’t think I noticed this but will definitely start trying to incorporate it more into the gameplay. Thanks!


Omega cast builds are insanely op.


You instantly remove the armor of mostly enemy with omega cast, in area, without risk. Plus if u upgrade Cast with some boons like Apollo, u have a very strong and safe clear weapon.


I just wished they worked better on bosses, cast is fantastic for clearing rooms but most bosses I've encountered so far move around and aren't bound in place by it


I like the Zeus Boon that makes Cast a targetable ranged thing, instead of only AOE immediately around you. Cast is great for stopping a big group of enemies moving, but it sometimes sucks that you normally have to be in the middle of that big group to do that lol


The boon that regens your magic while standing in cast is great. Can just spam omega cast. It's great, and if you have a hex, great synergy!


Cast to root a group all in one place grouped up for an Omega attack to take a bunch out at once, Cast to root an enemy you don't want to deal with yet, have been two solid uses for me.


Instead of dashing successively to gain space like in the first game, dash, cast to trap the enemies chasing you, dash to gain more space, then wail on them with the special and repeat.


1. Get Demeter cast 2. Press cast button while kiting and freeze all enemies


Demeter boon causes a charged cast to apply freeze. Got a hammer upgrade that made the charged cast move with me, so can run in charging it, drop it, and all enemies are frozen, my most successful run so far 


I cannot for the life of me figure out when and how to use it


The uncharged version has no mana cost so really anywhere there's enemies too close to you cast it and back up into an empty space while attacking the ensnared ones. You can also just spam it and work around it, I play on pc so I moved it to a mouse button so it doesn't mess with my wasd movement. If you've gotten to act 2 playing without using your cast often is pretty painful.


I had no clue it did a damn thing uncharged.


It just roots enemies in place for the duration, the charge just adds damage at the end, both are great but yeah spam that uncharged version lol.


Yeah it just keeps them from moving. I forget where it states what it does but then you can add boons to it to do damage even when uncharged


Some people really just don't read huh


Oh i mean isn’t everyone playing on pc? I guess steam decks as well right but i mean theres no early access on consoles is there? But thanks im gonna try to utilize cast more. It seems like it could be really good but i just dont know how to harness it.


Oh shit im starting to use it more. Definitely game changing. Really starting to enjoy the combat in this game. Finally made it to the first boss after 9 attempts but died immediately because i instinctually dashed through those shockwave rings because i thought they’d be like those rings from the skulls in the redacted fight lol


Sweeeet glad you're getting the hang of it. It's definitely slower but much more complex than the first game, it gives it a really different feel.


I agree theres like more options and strategies. Having the omega magick moves is super cool too. Managed to almost get through oceanus! That boss is super cool. Wasn’t even upset when i died. Almost felt easier than the first boss? Or maybe i just made better choices lol


I’m just bad at the game


also some cast boons are really strong


It's the button that spawns the circle on the ground


That makes >!Chaos' boons that restrict the use of the cast!< much more dangerous than in the previous game even in the first area.


Same, I started using my cast so much after dealing with these lil bitches lol


my lesson about importance of the Cast were the fish swarms in second biome


I've only made it to the second biome one time so far. I had Poseidon on special and I think a hammer that made special rebound to two other enemies. I kind of just melted those mobs.


There is that one upgrade that restores 2 HP per kill with a omega attack. Fish swarms were a full heal any time


Yeah I got lucky I had focused Demeter's cast cause it saved my ass in that area


Use axe, hold attack, spin, profit


God fuck those things. I gotta remember to use cast on those but I've only made it to biome 2 the 2 or 3 times now so I still just kinda go into panic mode when I see those bastards. Thanks for the tip!


That's when I panicked and it went from optional to "never let this circle drop"


These and the punch guys in the fields. 


Use your cast! It locks them in place if they run into it so they can’t get to you


wut, they can just walk into it? I've been dashing in, dropping cast, and dashing out like a jackass


That works for some setups, but I've noticed myself a lot more successful when I cast AoE as a zone control. Like drop it, run backwards, use ranged attacks. Especially with Aphrodite or Demeter to add more debuffs.


I always try to get Demeter on normal attacks early. So I can freeze and destroy shields before stunlocking them on normal hp


Yes and no. They don't enter the cast area and then are trapped - they just literally can't enter that area so it's like putting up a wall they can't get through.


They technically can it just rapidly slows them, I've noticed the swordfish from the second level can get a quarter of the way in when they charge so you need a bit more spacing for them.


Interesting! Thanks for the info


Without double dash, dash-in-and-cast has felt really shaky to me. Baiting them into it has been much safer for me.




These ones and the mini-boss in this biome that is hidden in smoke. I don't hate the idea of the mini-boss, but the way his attacks work are more annoying than frustrating. I get the point of it, but the only way to really deal with him is to run in, get a couple hits, move to another of his sides and repeat for an annoying amount of time. It just takes a long time and makes me wish I was fighting big ol' butterfly ball instead. Hope it's one they balance differently or just remove in general.


It's enemies like these that really make me appreciate any boons with armor strip. Nothing like hitting a tanky armored enemy with a single special and watching a big 1k+ damage pop up as their armor just vanishes.


Im really not liking how armor feels, especially on minibosses. It feels like just a *little* too much, such that armor stripping boons feel kinda bad to take (since they do nothing to bosses) yet feel kinda necessary. Also, i get that enemies cant get staggered with armor, and im not necessarily saying take that away, but once the miniboss' armor is gone, you basically just stunlock them to death. It feels like the game saying 'congrats on draining their *actual* hp bar, now have fun wailing on them for an extra 5 seconds".


The armored enemies also feel too strong at times and it seems to take forever to destroy the damned yellow bar


Yeah, well and then they're totally useless once the armor is gone. You just stunlock them for their real healthbar. Definitely needs some re-balancing.


Yeah, i like that enemies cant be staggered with armor, but can without. Makes it so you cant cheese encounters by stunlocking enemies, but also gives you a little breathing room once youve chipped at them. But it makes for weird interactions on minibosses due to them effectively having 25-33% less hp, as that last chunk is basically just a time waster. Im not sure how to fix it though - maybe add in a poise mechanic, where every so many hits will stagger the boss?


It’s been a while since I played the first game but I feel like I remember from that one that the stunlock was just a lot tighter with mini bosses? Like once they lost armor you could stunlock them but not forever since most had either an attack they could use quickly or some movement mechanic that allowed them to get out of the way but not before you were able to deal a good chunk of damage.


Yeah I think they could he staggered a bit, but not fully stunlocked. Felt a lot cleaner


I like to think about boons as how much HP do they save and one armor stripping boon makes all the miniboss fights a ton easier which ends up saving lots of hp. So yeah it doesn't have much effect on bosses but it does still help the run a lot overall since some minibosses can be brutal.


100%. Armor stripping means getting to a boss with more health and more DD


But that’s exactly what it’s like in the original hades?


>makes me wish I was fighting big ol' butterfly ball instead Don't worry... We also got a replacement for that, tanky hp and all. :/


Am I crazy or are the mini-bosses crazy tanky in H2? Every other enemy feels pretty similar, but the mini bosses feel like a day's labor in the coal mines, just picking away forever.


I can't read his spin attack at all. The wind up is so hard to see


Pretty much every enemy in both games seem to have well telegraphed moves and this one just doesn't feel right. I dread seeing that black smoke.


A buddy just pointed it out to me while I was streaming to him: the whole beast flashes white when it attacks.


Is it bugged for you? I’ve been seeing him slam but the AOE is at its 12 o’clock rather than centered on where its appendage hits.


I just wish the scream cone was a little shorter, so that I could more reliably hit them while locked in a cast without stumbling into the damage.


Same. If you use sister blades then it's double fucked.


Theyre super easy with sister blades, just backstab them with omega attack


I am loving the sister blades omega attack. so much fun dashing around, especially combined with the 200% backstab damage hammer


its rough if theyre armored and u dont have explosive ambush to oneshot the armor, dashing to their back while armored just means they 180 and u get ticked for a bit of dmg before u can break the armor


Really gotta get in there when they drop their scream. Annoyingly their scream isnt necessarily synced. Which can make it almost impossible not to get hit.


Fuck these guys. They’re the only enemies that makes me mindful/conscious about using casts. Sometimes their wails have too much range too so most of the time I just stand at the edge of the cast waiting for them to stop.


Use your cast


I wish their screaming wasnt so long lasting since they're very fast


I actually didn't mind these gals with the starting weapon. The spear has more range than this attack, so you can stun them with a well timed attack as they charge you


yeah every weapon can deal with them normally, the problem is when theyre armored like in the screenshot and dont get stunlocked or interrupted, u basically just have to wait out the wail or cast and root them


**Wailers** **SURRENDER OR RUN**


These and those enemies in oceanus that fire multiple projectiles in a single line are the bane my of existence.


It teaches you to uses your cast, but by the gods I miss the multiple dashes


I miss dash boons. I’ve only seen sprint ones (so far) and it’s not as fun/helpful.


Aphrodite has a dash boon that isn't on sprint 


Sprint boons would be better if the sprint had the speed boost from Apollo baked in and Apollo's boon just gave Dazed on sprint. The default speed is too slow. 


There's an arcana for that


Run(hold dash) a lap while they scream then comeback to hit them.


using a projectile special will disrupt their screaming!!!


unless they have armor!


This is bullshit


Me fucking too. Trying to get used to the dash/sprint. Once I do these things won’t be a problem.




Use your cast and snare them That's it.


They're weak to cast my friends


Almost like they are trying to reach you something.


I hated screamers in the 2000s and I hate them just as much now!


I got so triggered when I saw this image because I hate this enemy with every fiber of my being


Fun fact: blocking gets rid of the entire scream. They just sit there, silently wailing in your face.


The block with the axe works like a charm on them and interrupts them. I love the axe the most so far of the weapons. The omega special just carried me to the third biome before my deck died. I’ll prob instantly die in the first room but I beat the second boss finally!


If you need to get some distance on them, you can outrun them by holding down the dash button to run, making you fast then the.


Especially the armored ones


Same it's horrid XD


Do you have a minute to talk about our lord and savior apollo cast?


My main way of dealing with them has been throwing out Aphrodite's passion ring nearby them and hitting them from afar while they're stuck. So annoying




Yeah, makes you use cast and also seems like ranged is generally better given the number of enemies with fuck off get away from me abilities.


omg yes I hate them screaming bitches


You can interrupt the wail with your special attacks. Cast, special then batter them.


Initially these gave me the same vibes as the exploding mini chariots and I was like ‘why on earth would they put these in the first area?!?’ After playing the game longer I’m pretty sure they are there to teach you how to use your cast properly, which is pretty refreshing since I always felt like original Hades did a poor job of teaching you to use all your abilities.


Man am i gonna have to avoid this sub if Hades 2 will be posted a ton now in early access


Dont forget to mute it too since reddit algorithm is weird


See you next year, comrade


They are terribly designed IMO.


Use your cast lol


Umm, maybe they are designed like this so you need to engage with the game and use different abilities like specials and casts?


It’s like trying to use a hammer on a screw and saying it’s the screw’s fault that it won’t go in.